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         Platelet Disorders:     more books (54)
  1. Bleeding disorders are behind approximately half of menorrhagia in adolescent girls. (Platelet Function Test).: An article from: Family Practice News by Mitchel L. Zoler, 2003-07-01
  2. Antiplatelet Therapy in Atherothrombosis: Supplement Issue: Cerebrovascular Diseases 2006
  3. Antiplatelet Therapy: Twenty Years Experience : Proceedings of a European Conference Florence, 26-28 March 1987 (Current Clinical Practice) by G.G. Neri Serneri, G.V.R. Born, 1987
  4. Platelet kinetics in normal subjects and in haematological disorders: With special reference to thrombocytopenia and to the role of the spleen (Scandinavian journal of haematology) by Martti Kotilainen, 1969
  5. Investigations in haemorrhagic disorders with prolonged bleeding time but normal number of platelets with special reference to platelet adhesiveness (Acta medica Scandinavica. Supplementum) by Stig Cronberg, 1968
  6. Blood cell aggregation in thrombotic processes: Cause and cure by Haim I Bicher, 1968
  7. Überlebenszeit und Abbau menschlicher Thrombozyten (Acta medica Scandinavica) by W Bleifeld, 1969
  8. Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy through Adolescence</i> by L. Culvert, Rebecca, PhD Frey, 2006
  9. Terazosin cuts antidepressant-induced sweating.(Clinical Rounds): An article from: OB GYN News by Sherry Boschert, 2008-09-01
  10. Interactions of Blood and the Pulmonary Circulations (American Heart Association Monograph Series)
  11. USMLE Road Map Pathology (LANGE USMLE Road Maps) by George Wettach, Thomas Palmrose, et all 2009-06-12

61. Acquired Platelet Function Defect-
platelet disorders can include inappropriate number of platelets (too many ortoo few), or normal number but inappropriate functioning of the platelets.

62. Disorders Of The Platelet And Vessel Wall
I. platelet disorders. megakaryocyte? fragmentation ?. marrow space? ?. 4. Functional platelet disorders. disorder.htm
Disorders of the platelet and vessel wall ¿Ü»óÈÄ¿¡ »ý±â´Â âÇ÷Àº pressure and packing°ú °°Àº ´Ü¼øÇÑ ¹æ¹ý ¶Ç´Â glucocorticoid, desmopressin(DDAVP), plasma fractions, or platelet concentrates¿Í °°Àº systemic therapy¿¡ ¹ÝÀÀÇÑ´Ù. °¡Àå ÈçÇÑ platelet/vessel wall disorders¿¡´Â i) ´Ù¾çÇÑ ÇüÅÂÀÇ thrombocytopenia ii) von Willebrand's disease(vWD) iii) drug-induced platelet dysfunctionÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù. I. Platelet disorders Ç÷¼ÒÆÇÀº megakaryocyte·ÎºÎÅÍ fragmentationµÇ¾î »ý±ä´Ù. marrow space¸¦ ºüÁ®³ª¿ÂÈÄ 1/3Àº spleen¿¡¼­ sequestrationµÇ°í 2/3´Â 7-10ÀÏÁ¤µµ ¼øȯÇÑ´Ù. Á¤»óÀûÀ¸·Î ÀϺθ¸ÀÌ hemostasis°úÁ¤¿¡¼ÒºñµÇ°í ´ëºÎºÐÀÇ Ç÷¼ÒÆÇÀº ³ëÈ­µÇ¾î Ž½Ä¼¼Æ÷¿¡ ÀÇÇØ Á¦°ÅµÉ ¶§±îÁö ¼øȯÇÑ´Ù. Á¤»ó Ç÷¼ÒÆÇ ¼ö´Â 150,000 - 450,000/ulÀÌ´Ù. Ç÷¼ÒÆÇ ¼öÀÇ °¨¼Ò´Â megakaryocyte ¼ö¿Í Å©±â ¹× ploidy(¿°»ö¼ ¹è¼ö¼º)¸¦ ÀÚ±ØÇÏ¿© ´õ ¸¹Àº Ç÷¼ÒÆÇÀ» Ç÷¾×À¸·Î ¹æâÇÑ´Ù. ÀÌ·¯ÇÑ °úÁ¤Àº thrombopoietin(TPO)ÀÌ megakaryocyte receptorÀÎ proto-oncogene c-mpl¿¡ °áÇÕ ÇÔÀ¸·Î½á Á¶ÀýµÈ´Ù. TPO(c-mpl ligand)´Â low level·Î °è¼Ó ºÐºñµÇ¾î circulating platelets¿¡

63. Hemophilia Galaxy | A Detailed Guide To Bleeding Disorders
about the most common inherited bleeding disorder (hint it s not hemophilia), anddiscover the difference between factor deficiencies and platelet disorders.
Home Encyclopedia Contact Us About Blood ... Who Gets Hemophilia? Rare Bleeding Disorders Hemophilia: Past, Present, Future Bibliography caregivers about hemophilia ... rare bleeding disorders A Detailed Guide to Bleeding Disorders A Detailed Guide to Bleeding Disorders Below is a detailed look at some of the many bleeding disorders affecting people worldwide. You'll learn about the most common inherited bleeding disorder (hint: it's not hemophilia), and discover the difference between factor deficiencies and platelet disorders. For a brief overview, see A Quick Comparison of Selected Bleeding Disorders In general, bleeding disorders can be divided into two major categories: Factor deficiencies. Clotting factors are specialized proteins circulating in the blood. These factors work together in a chain reaction to form clots. If even one of these factors is missing or deficient, clotting is impaired. Hemophilia is perhaps the best-known factor deficiency. Specifically, a deficiency of Factor VIII results in hemophilia A, while a deficiency of Factor IX leads to hemophilia B. There are many other factor deficiencies, however, as you can see from the summaries below. To learn more, click

64. ReadnDiscover - Health/Conditions And Diseases/Blood Disorders/Platelet Disorder
Related Links. National Institutes of Health The NIH is the world largestmedical research centers which is part of the US Department and Diseases/Blood Disorders/Plat
Register/Sign In Publish Your Article Message Boards View Your Favs ... Get Email Hosting Related Links National Institutes of Health
The NIH is the world largest medical research centers which is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The American Council on Science and Health
ACSH is one of the worlds largest institutions that study and discuss issues related to food, nutrition, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, lifestyle, the environment and health. The Health Resources and Services Administration
HRSA provides you with the ability to research and learn about your community health, based on studies done through out our communities. Healthy Kids
How to keep your kid healthy but in away he could have fun and want to be healthy. General Health
This web-site is a site where you write to them about a certain topic on health and they will tell you the solution. American Heart Association
Fighting Heart Disease and Stroke. [advanced]

65. From The Grand Rounds Archive At Baylor
Bleeding time is prolonged in thrombocytopenia, qualitative platelet disorders, vonWillebrand s Disease, fibrinolytic states, afibrinogenemia, vasculitis, and
Grand Rounds Archives
The information contained within the Grand Rounds Archive is intended for use by doctors and other health care professionals. These documents were prepared by resident physicians for presentation and discussion at a conference held at The Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. No guarantees are made with respect to accuracy or timeliness of this material. This material should not be used as a basis for treatment decisions, and is not a substitute for professional consultation and/or peer-reviewed medical literature. BLEEDING DISORDERS IN PEDIATRIC OTOLARYNGOLOGY
November 3, 1994
Warren E. Morgan, M.D. Bleeding disorders may complicate many routine otolaryngology procedures. This may result from technical errors, but bleeding associated with defects in the coagulation system may be difficult to control. All otolaryngologists should be aware of common bleeding disorders and their treatment. Normal coagulation may be divided into three phases: vascular response, platelet activation, and the coagulation cascade. The initial vascular response of vasoconstriction occurs immediately after the injury. Platelet adherence occurs in response to collagen exposure by endothelial damage. Further platelet adhesion is mediated through specific platelet receptors and mediators creating an unstable hemostatic plug. Coincident with the platelet activation, the coagulation cascade is initiated by the release of tissue thromboplastin and contact-activating factors. The coagulation cascade forms a fibrin matrix that reinforces the platelet plug.

66. Disorders Of Haemostasis And Coagulation
Sepsis; Trauma; Vasculitis. Platelets. Congenital platelet disorders; Thrombocytopenia;Myeloproliferative disorders; Drugs (eg aspirin). Coagulation system.
Up Assessment of fitness Preoperative investigations Tests of respiratory, cardiac and renal disease ... HIV infection and AIDS [ Disorders of haemostasis and coagulation ]
Disorders of coagulation and haemostasis
Classification of bleeding disorders
  • Bleeding disorders can arise from disorders of the:
    • Vessel wall Platelets Coagulation system
    Vessel wall
    • Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Drugs (e.g. steroids) Sepsis Trauma Vasculitis
    • Congenital platelet disorders Thrombocytopenia Myeloproliferative disorders Drugs (e.g. aspirin)
    Coagulation system
    • Haemophilia A, B Von Willebrand disease Factor IX, XIII deficiency Liver disease Anticoagulants Disseminated intravascular coagulation
    Coagulation tests
    Prothrombin time (PT)
    • Tests extrinsic and common pathways Thromboplastin and calcium are added to patient plasma PT is expressed as ration (International Normalised Ratio = INR) Prolonged in:
      • Warfarin treatment Liver disease Vitamin K deficiency Disseminated intravascular coagulation
      Activated partial thromboplastin time (APPT, KCCT)
      • Tests intrinsic and common pathways Kaolin added to patient plasma Prolonged in:
        • Heparin treatment Haemophilia and factor deficiencies Liver disease Disseminated intravascular coagulation Massive transfusion Lupus anticoagulant
        Thrombin time (TT)
        • Tests common pathway Thrombin added to patient plasma Converts fibrinogen into fibrin Prolonged in:
          • Heparin treatment Disseminated intravascular coagulation Dysfibrinogenaemia
          Bleeding time (BT)
          • Measures capillary bleeding Prolonged in:
            • Platelet disorders

67. The Rockefeller University Hospital - Clinical Studies And Protocols
Inherited Blood platelet disorders (BCO 0417),

68. Blood Disorders: Platelet
Blood Disorders Platelet. Information and support for those with immune thrombocytopenicpurpura and other low platelet disorders. Thrombocytopenia Overview.
Blood Disorders: Platelet
Home Health Conditions and Diseases Blood Disorders : Platelet google_ad_client = 'pub-3272565765518472';google_ad_width = 336;google_ad_height = 280;google_ad_format = '336x280_as';google_color_border = 'FFFFFF';google_color_bg = 'FFFFFF';google_ad_channel ='7485447737';google_alternate_color = 'FFFFFF';google_color_link = '0000FF';google_color_url = '008000';google_color_text = '000000';
Standard Listings
Acquired Bleeding Disorders
An article by Thomas G. DeLoughery, Associate Professor of Medicine. Platelet transfusion therapy and dysfunctional platelets are discussed.
Adult Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
A guide for patients. A description of this disease followed by an in depth look.
Essential Thrombocythemia
Information on diagnosis, treatment, and management of rare bone marrow disease affecting platelets
Glanzmann Thrombasthenia
Supporting those affected by GT and reseachers. Message board, contacts and related information on the condition.
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
ITP: A look at what these words actually mean, what he causes are, who gets it, diagnosis, how it affects children and adults and pregnant women.
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
A look at the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. Where to look for more information.

69. Health Encyclopedia
Alternate Names. Acquired qualitative platelet disorders; Acquired disorders ofplatelet function. Definition. Any platelet disorder affects blood clotting.
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Injury ... Test
Acquired platelet function defect
Blood clot formation
Blood clots
Symptoms ... Prevention
Alternate Names
Acquired qualitative platelet disorders; Acquired disorders of platelet function
Acquired platelet function defects are non-hereditary diseases or associated conditions that cause the platelets (the blood cells essential for coagulation) to not function properly.
Causes and Risk
Platelets are blood cells that are essential for blood clotting. Platelet disorders can include inappropriate number of platelets (too many or too few), or normal number but inappropriate functioning of the platelets. Any platelet disorder affects blood clotting. Disorders of platelet function can be caused by congenital diseases or acquired conditions. Acquired platelet function disorders are disorders of inappropriate platelet function, and that develop as a result of another disease or condition (acquired). In many cases, the platelet count may be normal or even elevated, but evidence of a bleeding disorder will be present.

70. Platelet Disorders
platelet disorders Type Course Objective To give an idea about theproblems related wÝth the bleeding dÝsorders. Learning Goals

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Alternative names Acquired qualitative platelet disorders; Acquired disorders ofplatelet function. Definition Any platelet disorder affects blood clotting.
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ajc store Gifts Photos/pages Browser tip  Make  your homepage: ajc guides Schools Visitors Illustrated Health Encyclopedia Important notice Ency. home Disease A Acquired platelet function defect Overview Symptoms Treatment Prevention Alternative names: Acquired qualitative platelet disorders; Acquired disorders of platelet function Definition: Non-hereditary diseases or associated conditions that cause the platelets (the blood cells essential for coagulation) to not function properly. Causes and Risks Platelets are blood cells that are essential for blood clotting. Platelet disorders can include inappropriate number of platelets (too many or too few), or normal number but inappropriate functioning of the platelets. Any platelet disorder affects blood clotting. Disorders of platelet function can be caused by congenital diseases or acquired conditions. Acquired platelet function disorders are disorders of inappropriate platelet function, and that develop as a result of another disease or condition (acquired). In many cases, the

72. Search Health Information
Acquired qualitative platelet disorders; Acquired disorders of platelet function.Causes And Risk. Any platelet disorder affects blood clotting.

73. Entrez PubMed
humans known to be associated with increased uPA. MeSH Terms Bloodplatelet disorders/enzymology*; Blood platelet disorders/genetics;

74. Entrez PubMed
A variety of qualitative platelet disorder. Adenosine Triphosphate/analysis;Blood platelet disorders/diagnosis*; Blood platelet disorders/therapy;

75. Platelet From Linkspider UK Health Directory
Disorders Differentiation of platelet versus coagulation defects, presentation,bleeding caused by qualitative platelet disorders and many more topics.
Match » -All words -Any word -Exact text Search » The Web Jobs / Vacancy Images / Photos FTP / Downloads United Kingdom United States of America Argentina Austria Australia Bangladesh Belgium Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Czechoslovakia Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt Estonia Finland France Germany Ghana Greece Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kenya Kuwait Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malaysia Malta Mexico Moldavia Monaco Morocco Mozambique Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria North Korea Norway Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Tunisia Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uruguay Venezuela Yemen Yugoslavia Zambia Zimbabwe Ranking » On (no duplicate) Off (allow duplicate) Add my Site Toolbar Affiliates
Directory Topic Platelet assoicated to Health
Directory Tree: Top Health Conditions and Diseases Blood Disorders : Platelet (

76. Inherited Giant Platelet Disorders
Julkaisu. Reference. Jantunen E. Inherited giant platelet disorders.Eur J Haematol 199453191196. Julkaisutiedot. Julkaisutyyppi
Jantunen E. Inherited giant platelet disorders. Eur J Haematol
Julkaisutyyppi: Katsausartikkeli tiet.lehdessä.
Publication data
Publication type: Review article, minireview.
Kuopion yliopisto
University of Kuopio
  • Department of Internal Medicine
Julkaisutietokanta Publications Data Base

77. Profile Of Inherited Disorders Of Platelet Function In South India.
Hereditary Diseases; Blood platelet disorders/GE; Blood platelet disorders/CN;Thrombasthenia; Blood Platelets/PA; BernardSoulier Syndrome; Consanguinity
Extracted from IndMED KhanduriU; Chandy M; Sudarsanam A; Pulomood R Department of Haematology, College of Medicine, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Profile of inherited disorders of platelet function in South India. Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. 1996 Sep; 14(3): 51-5 ABSTRACT: A review of three hundred and sixty cases of inherited bleeding disorders over a five year period showed that the second commonest group after Haemophilia A was due to congenital platelet function disorders. Thirty-eight cases were Glanzmann's thrombasthenia, nine of cases were due to Bernard Soulier Syndrome and fourteen cases were grouped under the term Thrombopathia. These included one case each of the Gray Platelet Syndrome, the Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome and isolated collagen receptor defect, four cases of the Montreal Platelet Syndrome and seven cases of a platelet release defect. Clinical presentation, Consanguinity data and the laboratory diagnosis are discussed. KEYWORDS: Hereditary Diseases; Blood Platelet Disorders/GE; Blood Platelet Disorders/CN; Thrombasthenia; Blood Platelets/PA; Bernard-Soulier Syndrome; Consanguinity; India; Hemophilia; Platelet Aggregation; Analysis of Variance; Blood Platelet Disorders/BL; Human; Male; Female

78. Penn State Faculty Research Expertise Database (FRED)
, Disorders caused by abnormalities in plateletcount or function. Platelet Disorder, Blood, platelet disorders, Blood....... Blood platelet disorders.

79. Platelet
016.html Differentiation of platelet versus coagulation defects, presentation,bleeding caused by qualitative platelet disorders and many more topics.
Platelet Directory: Guide to Platelet sites on the internet. Search Engines: Google Yahoo MSN FindWhat ... City Guides
Health Conditions and Diseases Blood Disorders Platelet Websites Acquired Bleeding Disorders
An article by Thomas G. DeLoughery, Associate Professor of Medicine. Platelet transfusion therapy and dysfunctional platelets are discussed.
Thrombocytopenia - Overview looks at this disorder and its causes, incidence and risk factors.
Thrombocytopenia During Pregnancy
An in depth look at gestational thrombocytopenia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, HELLP syndrome, toxemia of pregnancy, TTP and HUS, systemic lupus erythematosus and APA syndrome.
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
What it is, symptoms of ITP, diagnosis, acute and chronic forms and treatment.
Adult Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura

80. Health Conditions And Diseases Blood Disorders Platelet
Platelet Disorder Support Association Information and support for thosewith immune thrombocytopenic purpura and other low platelet disorders.
Sponsored Links What are you looking for? the entire directory only in Blood_Disorders/Platelet Popular Categories Popular Searches Recent Categories Recent Searches ... Blood Disorders : Platelet Top Web Sites: Acquired Bleeding Disorders - An article by Thomas G. DeLoughery, Associate Professor of Medicine. Platelet transfusion therapy and dysfunctional platelets are discussed.
Adult Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
- A guide for patients. A description of this disease followed by an in depth look.
Essential Thrombocythemia
- Information on diagnosis, treatment, and management of rare bone marrow disease affecting platelets
Glanzmann Thrombasthenia
- Supporting those affected by GT and reseachers. Message board, contacts and related information on the condition.
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
- ITP: A look at what these words actually mean, what he causes are, who gets it, diagnosis, how it affects children and adults and pregnant women.
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
- A look at the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. Where to look for more information.
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
- What it is, symptoms of ITP, diagnosis, acute and chronic forms and treatment.

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