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21. Health Library - support groups. pink disease. Self Help Clearinghouse. pink diseaseSupport Group. International network. Founded 1989 http://myhealth.barnesjewish.org/library/healthguide/selfhelp/topic.asp?hwid=shc |
22. Acrodynia - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention Readers Digest Health Information about a support organizationfor persons with, or parents of children with pink disease. Notes http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/neurological-disorders/peripheral-nervous-system | |
23. Pink Disease Your Registration Details. Ailment Name pink disease. Join this Community gethelp by emailing and chatting to others, and sharing information and experiences, http://www.thirdaid.com/conditions/Pink_Disease.htm | |
24. Entrez PubMed Cutaneous manifestations of acrodynia (pink disease). A diagnosis of acrodynia,or pink disease, was confirmed by elevated levels of mercury in the urine. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Abstra |
25. Pink Disease Fungus - BlueRider.com pink disease fungus listen domain availability, pink disease fungus.Your search results search for pink disease fungus n. 1), fungus http://pink_disease_fungus.bluerider.com/wordsearch/pink_disease_fungus | |
26. International Rubber Research & Development Board The final effect of pink disease is the prolongation of the immaturityperiod owing to severe retardation of growth. DISEASE SPREAD. http://www.irrdb.com/IRRDB/NaturalRubber/Diseases/PinkDiseases.htm | |
27. EPIDEMIC OUTBREAK OF PINK DISEASE IN EUCALYPTUS PLANTATIONS IN HIGH RANGES IN KE EPIDEMIC OUTBREAK OF pink disease IN EUCALYPTUS PLANTATIONS IN HIGH RANGES IN KERALA,INDIA. C. Mohanan 1. Keywords Epidemic, pink disease, eucalypts, India. http://www.fao.org/montes/foda/wforcong/PUBLI/V1/T5E/3-7.HTM | |
28. âäÃÒÊÕªÁ¾Ù (Pink Disease) The summary for this Thai page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://plantpro.doae.go.th/diseasegroup/tang/pink_disease/tang_pink.htm | |
29. âäÃÒÊÕªÁ¾Ù (Pink Disease) The summary for this Thai page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://plantpro.doae.go.th/plantclinic/clinic/plant/rubber/pink.html | |
30. Acrodynia Readers Digest Health Information about a support organization forpersons with, or parents of children with pink disease. Xrefer http://www.thenewhealthfind.com/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/NeurologicalDisorde | |
31. Ez2Find Acrodynia URL http//www.emedicine.com/derm/topic592.htm; pink disease Support Group Site Info - Translate - Open New Window Information, current news, and http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Health/Conditions_and_Diseas |
32. Health Library - pink disease. This information is provided as a resource and does not constitutean endorsement for any group. pink disease Support Group. International network. http://yourhealth.healtheast.org/Library/HealthGuide/SelfHelp/topic.asp?hwid=shc |
33. PINK-DISEASE Open Directory Health Conditions and Diseases Neurological pink disease Support Group - Information, current news, and forums and aboutpink disease (infantile acrodynia), bronchiectasis, and mercury poisoning. http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definition/english/pi/pink-disease.htm | |
34. Compendium Of Tropical Fruit Diseases Propagation of Cultivars; Mango Diseases Caused by Fungi; Alternaria Rot (BlackSpot), Anthracnose, Gray Leaf Spot, Malformation, pink disease, Powdery Mildew http://www.shopapspress.org/41620.html | |
35. Compendium Of Citrus Diseases, Powdery mildew; Scab diseases; Septoria spot; Sooty blotch and flyspeck; Sooty mold;Branch and twig diseases; Felt fungus; Mal secco; pink disease and thread http://www.shopapspress.org/42481.html | |
36. Rubber Board Growers Manufacturers Dealers Statistics Disease . pink disease. More Faqs RRII 105 is highly susceptible topink disease. Why? Why pink disease incidence is more recently? At http://rubberboard.org.in/ManageFaq.asp?FId=129 |
37. Health Library Pills AnonymousDrug Abuse. pink disease. pink disease Support Group-pink disease.Pituitary Disorders. Pituitary Network Association-Pituitary Disorders. |
38. ECMAJ -- Weinstein And Bernstein 168 (2): 201 Until the recognition of their toxicity in the 1940s, calomelbased teething powderscaused a scourge of mercury poisoning called pink disease or acrodynia http://www.cmaj.ca/cgi/content/full/168/2/201 | |
39. News: About The Dangers Of A Little Mercury... Memory is short. There was a time before the 60 s when small children occasionallywere found to have a disease called pink disease, or Acrodynia. http://www.gbg.bonet.se/bwf/eng/news/2001_10/littleMercury.html | |
40. Pineapple Scientific Name, Common Name, Group. Acetobacter aceti, (pink disease), BACTERIA. Enterobacteragglomerans, (pink disease), BACTERIA. Erwinia Primer, BACTERIA. http://www.extento.hawaii.edu/kbase/crop/crops/pineappl.htm | |
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