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Pickwickian Syndrome: more detail | ||||||
61. Pickwickian Syndrome - A Medical Reference Article pickwickian syndrome. A Medical Medical Center. A resource with informationon over 10,000 medical topics including pickwickian syndrome. http://www.mcadd.net/dwp/005567.htm | |
62. American Thoracic Society - Critical Care (CC) This raises the possibility of either sleep apnea or that a form of idiopathicalveolar hypoventilation such as the pickwickian syndrome (3,4) is present. http://www.thoracic.org/assemblies/cc/answers/ccgen0999.asp | |
63. Snoring & Sleep Apnea later in the 19th century of other hypersomnolent, obese patients with loud snoring,which came to be called the pickwickian syndrome in reference to Dickens http://www.talkaboutsleep.com/sleepdisorders/Snoring_apnea_abstract36.htm | |
64. Abstract Viewer Endemic pickwickian syndrome Professor James (Rex) Ferris Email Address rferris@adhb.govt.nzObesity is a major health problem in New Zealand, particularly http://www.anzfss2004.org.nz/cgi-bin/ViewAbstracts.cgi?paperid=364 |
65. Did You Know - About Pickwickian Syndrome? Find out about pickwickian syndrome here. Patients with pickwickian syndromeare often severely compromised in their activities of daily living. http://nursing.about.com/library/1999/bldyk042402.htm | |
66. ICSD: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. ICSD 780.530, ICD-10 G47.3, (Sleep Apnea).E66.2, (pickwickian syndrome). DSM-IV 780.59, (Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder). http://www.uni-marburg.de/sleep/enn/database/asdadefs/def1a8.htm | |
67. Chest -- Abstracts: Rapoport Et Al. 89 (5): 627 ARTICLES. Hypercapnia in the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. A reevaluation ofthe pickwickian syndrome . DM Rapoport, SM Garay, H Epstein and RM Goldring. http://www.chestjournal.org/cgi/content/abstract/89/5/627 | |
68. Chest -- Abstracts: Gold Et Al. 103 (5): 1325 response, higher waking PaCO2, and lower total lung capacity in the sleep apneapatients resemble the pattern observed in patients with pickwickian syndrome. http://www.chestjournal.org/cgi/content/abstract/103/5/1325 | |
69. EMedicine - Apnea, Sleep : Article Excerpt By: Ralph Downey III, PhD The term pickwickian syndrome originated with the obese character Joe inCharles Dickens novel The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. http://www.emedicine.com/med/byname/apnea-sleep.htm | |
70. EMedicine - Respiratory Acidosis : Article Excerpt By: Jackie A Hayes, MD, FCCP Chronic respiratory acidosis also may be secondary to obesity hypoventilation syndrome(ie, pickwickian syndrome), neuromuscular disorders such as amyotrophic http://www.emedicine.com/med/byname/respiratory-acidosis.htm | |
71. Sleep Apnea,Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea,Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Upper Air Sleep Apnea,Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea,Obstructive Sleep Apnea (UpperAirway Apnea),pickwickian syndrome,Central Sleep Apnea,Mixed Sleep Apnea. http://www.icomm.ca/geneinfo/slpapn.htm | |
72. Syndrome D'apnée Du Sommeil De L'adulte Translate this page A pickwickian syndrome. Am J Med 1956, 21, 811-818. Jung R., Kuhlo W. Neurophysiologicalstudie of abdominal night sleep and the pickwickian syndrome. http://sommeil.univ-lyon1.fr/articles/onen/apnee/sommaire.html | |
73. Obesity And Respiratory Disorders A reevaluation of the pickwickian syndrome . Chest. Reversal of the Pickwickiansyndrome by longterm use of nocturnal nasal-airway pressure. N Engl J Med. http://www.umdnj.edu/rspthweb/bibs/obesity.htm | |
74. Goodhealth N You In the 1800s, it was known as pickwickian syndrome (today this termwould be reserved for obese people with cor pulmonale). This http://www.goodhealthnyou.com/hot/sleep1.php3?id=1451 |
75. FRISC > Faculty Profiles > Roger H. Unger, M.D. M Shimabukuro RH Unger J Clin Invest 1997 Oct;100(7);17504. Score0.4. pickwickian syndrome S Oba The pickwickian syndrome. http://invention.swmed.edu/frisc/faculty/unger/profile.shtml | |
76. Photo Quiz - July 1, 2003 - American Family Physician A. Morbid obesity. B. pickwickian syndrome. C. PraderWilli syndrome. D.Angelman syndrome. Discussion. The answer is C Prader-Willi syndrome. http://www.aafp.org/afp/20030701/photo.html | |
77. BRATISLAVA MEDICAL JOURNAL 2/97 several disorders gradually developing from simple and loud snoring through upperairway resistance syndrome and sleep apnoea up to the pickwickian syndrome. http://www.elis.sk/bll/97/bll297.htm | |
78. Health Search Engine - Pickwickian Syndrome Category All Sub Categories in pickwickian syndrome No Sub category found.All Sites in pickwickian syndrome . Breathing Disorders http://www.cheap-hotels-amsterdam.com/Weight_Loss_Health/Pickwickian_Syndrome_He | |
79. SearchBug Directory: Health: Conditions_and_Diseases: Nutrition_and_Metabolism_D Diseases Genetic Disorders PraderWilli Syndrome (10) Health Conditions andDiseases Sleep Disorders Sleep Apnea pickwickian syndrome (3) Health http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Nutrition | |
80. PICKWICKIAN SYNDROME DaytonDailyNews Dayton, Ohio, news and information Alternative names pickwickian syndrome. Definition Obesity hypoventilationsyndrome (OHS) is a condition related to obstructive http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definition/english/Pi/Pickwickian Synd | |
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