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81. CNN.com - Guardian: Schiavo Improvement Unlikely - Dec. 3, 2003 for the Florida woman at the center of a rightto-die controversy said in hiscourt-ordered report that she is in a persistent vegetative state with no http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/12/02/schiavo.report/ | |
82. Dorlands Medical Dictionary persistent vegetative state, a condition of profound nonresponsiveness in the wakefulstate caused by brain damage at whatever level and characterized by a http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszS |
83. Persistent Vegetative State Article on persistent vegetative state from WorldHistory.com, licensedfrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. persistent vegetative state. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/p/persistent-vegetative-state.htm | |
84. Coma - Vegetative State. In other cases, the person descends into a vegetative state. If this lastslonger than a month or so, it is known as a persistent vegetative state. http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Coma_vegetative_s |
85. Meetings: Clinical Neurosciences Section Back to top. June 2004. Thursday 3 June persistent vegetative state, HughlingsJackson lecture AGM North Hall. 9.00 am. Registration Coffee. http://www.rsm.ac.uk/academ/smtcn.htm | |
86. PillSupplier.com - Conditions And Diseases/Neurological Disorders/Brain Diseases Category persistent vegetative state. Conditions and Diseases/Neurological Disorders/BrainDiseases/Chronic Damage/persistent vegetative state. Links http://www.pillsupplier.com/dir/441/ | |
87. Neuropathol Of Tony Bland Return to February 1995 CMQ. Neuropathological findings in cases of PersistentVegetative State. References Tudor M. persistent vegetative state. http://www.catholicdoctors.org.uk/CMQ/Feb_1995/neuropath_tony_bland.htm | |
88. Catholic Health East: Ethics Topics Medical Aspects of the persistent vegetative state Second of two parts. MedicalAspects of the persistent vegetative state Part one of two. http://www.che.org/ethics/topics.php?id=191 |
89. Thieme: Detailseite: The Post-Traumatic Vegetative State Zu diesem Werk. Practical text encompassing over 20 years of work withpatients in a persistent vegetative state; This title bridges http://www.thieme.de/detailseiten/313130071x.html | |
90. Vegetative State - Christian Medical & Dental Associations - Christian Doctors P A person is said to be in a persistent vegetative state when repeated careful clinicalexaminations confirm that the condition has continued for some length of http://www.cmdahome.org/index.cgi?BISKIT=4028178933&CONTEXT=art&art=366 |
91. Thieme Medical Publishers : Product Pages: Dolce, The Post-Traumatic Vegetative have compiled into a practical text their experiences encompassing over 20 yearsof work in the rehabilitation of patients in a persistent vegetative state. http://www.thieme.com/SID1993866624319/productsubpages/pubid1479838620.html | |
92. Should Cases Of Permanent Vegetative State Still Go To Court? However, in 1996 the Court of Session declared that not every case of persistentvegetative state in Scotland need come to court, but later the Lord Advocate http://www.studentbmj.com/back_issues/1199/editorials/397.html | |
93. Vegetative State? Not Fiona! Englishwoman Fiona Smith is supposed to be dead. Well, maybe just in a persistentvegetative state. But she is alive and well today. So what happened? http://www.righttoliferoch.org/nvegsmith.htm | |
94. End-of-Life Options: Tube Feeding It can mean, for example, that before a person can be considered to be in a persistentvegetative state (PVS), that determination must be certified by two http://www.dickinson.edu/endoflife/Glossary.html | |
95. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation For Patients In A Persistent Vegetative State: Fut Éditorial Cardiopulmonary resuscitation for patients in a persistent vegetativestate Futile or acceptable? Charles Weijer, MD, PhD CMAJ 1998;1584913 http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/cdn_medical_association/cmaj/vol-158/is | |
96. Brain Injury And Early Childhood Education Resources: IAHP The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential is a nonprofit educational organization that serves braininjured children and well children. The Institutes introduces parents to the field http://www.iahp.org/institutes_report/coma | |
97. VicHealth Is The Peak Body For Health Promotion In Victoria, Australia: VicHealt VicHealth is an organisation committed to promoting the health of allVictorians. Expression of Interest Board of Governance One http://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au/proceed/jones.htm | |
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