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61. British Medical Journal: Persistent Vegetative State - Website Of The Week You are Here Articles British Medical Journal Feb 10, 2001 Article. Persistentvegetative state.(Website of the Week) British Medical Journal, Feb 10 http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0999/7282_322/71316606/p1/article.jhtml | |
62. Coma Coma is also to be distinguished from the persistent vegetative state whichmay follow it. External Links. persistent vegetative state. External link. http://www.fact-index.com/c/co/coma.html | |
63. The Persistent Vegatative State: A Fate Worse Than Death You are either in a coma or what is known as a persistent vegetative state. Sheentered the unfortunate condition of a persistent vegetative state. http://www.near-death.com/experiences/suicide10.html | |
64. Dr. Frank's What's-it: A Persistent Vegetative State June 21, 2003. a persistent vegetative state. Noted by Steven RubioGary Huckabay, A s fan and Baseball Prospectus raconteur, on http://www.doktorfrank.com/archives/002567.html | |
65. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent ORIGINAL ARTICLE. Bedside monitoring of nutritional metabolism in the persistentvegetative state. enteral nutrition. persistent vegetative state. Affiliations. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1046/j.1440-6047.2000.00142.x/full | |
66. Gutowski: CPR For Patients In A Persistent Vegetative State? [CMAJ - July 14, 19 CPR for patients in a persistent vegetative state? CMAJ 1998;15919See response from C. Weijer Two of the major issues addressed http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/cdn_medical_association/cmaj/vol-159/is | |
67. Definition Of Persistent Vegetative State - WordReference.com Dictionary persicaria persiennes persiflage persimmon Persis persist persistence persistentpersistent cruelty persistent vegetative state persnickety person Person http://www.wordreference.com/english/definition.asp?en=persistent vegetative sta |
68. Patients Who Are In A Persistent Vegetative State, Even For Years, Must Be Given group March 20 at the end of a four day meeting on the ethical decisions surroundinglifesustaining treatments for patients in a persistent vegetative state. http://www.dnu.org/news/newspaper/april04/trends.html | |
69. Post-coma Unresponsiveness (Persistent Vegetative State): A Clinical Framework F Postcoma unresponsiveness (Vegetative State) A clinical frameworkfor diagnosis. Synopsis of an NHMRC publication. This document http://www.health.gov.au/nhmrc/publications/synopses/hpr23syn.htm | |
70. University Of Virginia Experts Database SPECIAL University experts on affirmative action. Ethics Ethics Philosophy persistent vegetative state http://uva.category4.com/uvaexperts/?root_id=1053 |
71. Alles Zu Apallisches Syndrom,Behandlungsabbruch,Behandlungspflicht,Centre Of Med Translate this page Apallisches Syndrom,Behandlungsabbruch,Ethik,persistent vegetative state,Sterbehilfe,Wachkoma,Großbritannien,Kasuistik.Wachkoma Dem Tod zuvorkommen? http://www.klinikheute.de/html/bereiche/apallisches-liste.htm | |
72. Title Details - Cambridge University Press This unique account by an unrivalled expert in the field, who himself collaboratedin coining the term persistent vegetative state, surveys the medical http://titles.cambridge.org/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521441587 |
73. Bard Lindeman -- In Your Prime Be Outrageous Home Page Home. Bard at Barnes and Noble! Bard at Amazon!Outrageous Associations. IN YOUR PRIME. persistent vegetative state. http://beoutrageous.com/IYP/Persistent Vegetative State.htm | |
74. Extenza - Detecting Residual Cognitive Function In Persistent Vegetative State Detecting Residual Cognitive Function in persistent vegetative state.Author(s) Adrian M. Owen 1 David K. Menon 2 Ingrid S. Johnsrude http://www.extenza-eps.com/extenza/loadHTML?objectIDValue=16184&type=abstract |
75. Bulletin Of Medical Ethics - Sample Copy - 2nd Review Article Review. persistent vegetative state. The Official Solicitor for Englandand Wales issued in July the following revised practice note http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Bulletin_of_Medical_Ethics/review2.htm | |
76. Alex Keegan - Persistent Vegetative State Drawing by Judith Wolfe. ALEX KEEGAN / persistent vegetative state. This ishis hill. He prays. persistent vegetative state I m so sorry, Mary. . http://www.book.co.nz/keegie.htm | |
77. Schiavo Case Reveals Need To Protect Disabled BY Bob and Mary Schindler, Dr. Jay Wolfson relates that the Schindlers have latelymaintained that Theresa is not in a persistent vegetative state, and/or that http://www.terrisfight.org/schiavo_case_reveals_need_to_pro.htm | |
78. Coma Medical Wisdom Health Advice And Information What is Coma, including persistent vegetative state? Is there any treatment? Whatis the prognosis? What is Coma, including persistent vegetative state? http://medicalwisdom.com/health/disorders/coma_doc.htm | |
79. Vegetative Coma and persistent vegetative state A coma is a deep state of unconsciousness. Whatis Coma, including persistent vegetative state? Is there any treatment http://www.thebigletterlist.net/word/v-Vegetative.html | |
80. Zenit News Agency - The World Seen From Rome Member of the National Bioethics Committee of Italy Premise The aim of my paperis to outline the condition of the persistent vegetative state beginning with http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=52535 |
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