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  1. The Hereditary Factor in Pellagra and A Study of the Heredity of Pellagra in Spartanburg County, South Carolina by Charles B. and Elizabeth B. Muncey M.D. DAVENPORT, 1916-01-01
  2. Transactions of the National Association for the Study of Pellagra
  3. Transactions of the National Association for the Study of Pellagra
  4. Pellagra [I-] III. First[-third] report by New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital. Robert M. Thompson Pellagra Commission, 1914-01-01
  5. Transactions of National Conference on Pellagra by South Carolina State Board of Health, 2009-12-30
  7. Bibliografia Della Pellagra (1887) (Italian Edition) by Filippo Salveraglio, 2010-09-10
  8. Report of the Pellagra Commission of the State of Illinois
  9. Die Hauterscheinungen der Pellagra. by Ludwig Merk, 1913
  10. Pellagra, an American Problem by George M. MD Niles, 1912
  11. Bibliografia Della Pellagra (1887) (Italian Edition) by Filippo Salveraglio, 2010-03-19
  12. The experimental production of pellagra in human subjets by means of diet by Joseph Goldberger, 1920
  13. Pellagra: An entry from Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 3rd ed.</i> by Rosalyn, MD Carson-DeWitt, 2006
  14. "An Epidemic of Acute Pellagra": An entry from Gale's <i>American Decades: Primary Sources</i>

61. Dictionary Of Difficult Words - Pellagra
DIFFICULT WORDS. pellagra. n. nervous and digestive disease due to deficiency of nicotinic acid in diet. pellagragenic, a. causing pellagra.
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n. nervous and digestive disease due to deficiency of nicotinic acid in diet. pellagragenic a. causing pellagra. pellagrin n. person suffering from pellagra. pellagrous a.
Helicon Publishing LTD 2000.

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62. Pellagraphobia Is The Fear Of Pellagra
pell·ag·gra·pho·bi·a n. 1. The fear of pellagra, a disease marked by dermatitis, gastrointestinal disorders, and central nervous symptoms and
Pellagra Books Films DVD Music ...
The Second Brain: The Scientific Basis of Gut Instinct and a new Understanding of Nervous Disorders of the Stomach and Intestines

by Michael Gershon pell·ag·gra·pho·bi·a n.
1. The fear of pellagra, a disease marked by dermatitis, gastrointestinal disorders, and central nervous symptoms and associated with a diet deficient in niacin and protein. Center for Disease Control The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recognized as the lead federal agency for protecting the health and safety of people - at home and abroad, providing credible information to enhance health decisions, and promoting health through strong partnerships. CDC serves as the national focus for developing and applying disease prevention and control, environmental health, and health promotion and education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States. ( More Texts Web Books ... Search is in association with the

63. Pellagra :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
pellagra. Online Encyclopedia pellagra is a disease of malnutrition caused by dietary lack of niacin and protein. Symptoms include
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Pellagra is a disease of malnutrition caused by dietary lack of niacin and protein Symptoms include skin eruptons, digestive and nervous system disturbances, and may eventually cause mental deterioration. It is one of several diseases of malnutrition common in Africa This content from wikipedia is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License Power Supplies Hardware Information Law Advice

64. Pellagra
Kathryn Sue Vilter helped cure pellagra Kathryn Sue Vilter helped cure pellagra Kathryn Sue Vilter held a doctorate in biochemistry and did work on curing pellagra during the Great Depression.
DESCRIPTION: Clinical deficiency syndrome. Characteristics - dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, inflammation of mucus membranes. Skin lesions appear in area exposed to light and/or trauma. Mental symptoms include depression, irritability, anxiety, confusion, disorientation, delusions and hallucinations. Usual course - progressive. Endemic areas - Southern USA.
  • nicotinic acid deficiency
  • tryptophan deficiency
  • folic acid deficiency
  • carcinoma
  • isoniazid
  • niacin deficiency disease
265.2 pellagra Author(s): Mark R. Dambro, MD

65. Mais - Ernährung Und Kolonialismus In Lateinamerika: Pellagra: "Die Rache Des M
Erst 1937 wurde erkannt, dass pellagra eine Mangelerkrankung ist, die sich bei fortdauernden, exklusiven Maiskonsum einstellt.
Mais - Ernährung und Kolonialismus in Lateinamerika a.o. Univ. Prof. Martina Kaller-Dietrich
Institut für Geschichte der Universität Wien
Pellagra: "Die Rache des Mais" Die im 18. Jahrhundert identifizierte Mangelerkrankung führte nachweislich seit dem späten 17. Jahrhundert bei der armen Bevölkerung Südeuropas zu Hautausschlägen, Debilität und Tod. Erst 1937 wurde erkannt, dass Pellagra eine Mangelerkrankung ist, die sich bei fortdauernden, exklusiven Maiskonsum einstellt. Pellagra und Mais Mangelerkrankung bei Bevölkerung Südeuropas Wissenschaftliche Erklärungen für Pellagra im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert Pellagra in Amerika unbekannt ... Pellagra und Verarbeitung von Mais Letzte Aktualisierung dieser Seite:

66. Consequences Of Eugenics The Contested Etiology Of Pellagra -- Niacin The Cure
pellagra is the name given to a more severe deficiency of niacin and was first described when corn was introduced as a major dietary component in the early
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Consequences of Eugenics The Contested Etiology of Pellagra Niacin The Cure
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Early stages of a niacin deficiency include symptoms like muscle weakness, anorexia, indigestion, and skin eruptions. Pellagra is the name given to a more severe deficiency of niacin and was first described when corn was introduced as a major dietary component in the early 1700's. This was common in the southern US in the early 1900's. In 1937 at the University of Wisconsin, Elvehjem first demonstrated that nicotinic acid cures pellagra. This usually results from diets lacking enough protein or not enough niacin. Symptoms of a niacin deficiency initiate with weakness, indigestion, and lack of appetite. As the deficiency worsens symptoms progress to the 3 D's: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia. Pellagra can also eventually lead to death if not treated. ( source
  • described in 1753 by a Spanish physician as mal de la rosa "a kind of leprosy," caused by humid air, foul wind, and faulty diet.

67. International Notes Outbreak Of Pellagra Among Mozambican Refugees - Malawi, 199
International Notes Outbreak of pellagra Among Mozambican Refugees Malawi, 1990. 8). 6. Roe DA. A plague of corn the social history of pellagra.
International Notes Outbreak of Pellagra Among Mozambican Refugees - Malawi, 1990
Micronutrient deficiency disorders, including pellagra, have emerged as major problems in refugee populations that depend on international relief assistance for food supplies (1,2). This report summarizes an investigation of pellagra that occurred among Mozambican refugees in Malawi during 1990. Since 1987, approximately 900,000 Mozambicans have fled armed conflict in their homeland to seek refuge in neighboring Malawi. Approximately half are housed in refugee camps; the remainder live in villages integrated with the local Malawian population. Overall refugee relief assistance is coordinated by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Health care is provided by Malawian Ministry of Health personnel assisted by private voluntary organizations. During July-October 1989, 1169 cases of pellagra were detected among Mozambican refugees settled in 11 sites (including both camps and integrated villages) in southern Malawi (1). From February 1 through October 30, 1990, 17,878 cases were reported among 285,942 refugees (attack rate (AR)=6.3%) (Figure 1). During the 1989 outbreak, Medecins Sans Frontieres, Paris (MSF), the private voluntary organization that provided health care in the 11 sites, established a passive surveillance system in which persons with pellagra who presented to health facilities were recorded separately. (Previously, pellagra cases were reported as unspecified "nutritional disorders" according to the national disease surveillance system.) In July 1990, active case detection was instituted, and detailed information was collected on each patient (including age, sex, address, nationality, date of arrival in Malawi, duration of illness, and clinical signs).

68. Niasiini Ja Pellagra
Arno Forsius. Niasiini ja pellagra. pellagra on johtuen. pellagra ei ollut kuitenkaan pelkästään ihon sairaus. Tulehdusoireita
Arno Forsius Niasiini ja pellagra Pellagra on ollut aikaisemmin yleinen, ensisijaisesti iho-oireina ilmennyt sairaus, jota esiintyi vuosittain sadoilla tuhansilla ihmisillä ympäri maailmaa. Taudin syystä kiisteltiin vielä 1940-luvulla, vaikka silloin oli jo olemassa varmaa näyttöä siitä, että kyseessä oli vitamiinin puutteesta johtunut sairaus. Seuraava kertomus osoittaa, miten vaikeaa puutostautien syiden selvittäminen on aikaisemmin ollut. Pellagra ei ollut kuitenkaan pelkästään ihon sairaus. Tulehdusoireita esiintyi myös suun limakalvolla ja kielessä, minkä vuoksi kieli on punoittava ja voimakkaasti kirvelevä. Lisäksi suoliston ärtyminen aiheuttaa yleensä ripulia. Myös hermokudos vahingoittuu, jolloin ääreishermostossa esiintyy erilaisia vaurioita, ja aivojen toiminta häiriintyy aiheuttaen unettomuutta, masennusta ja tylsistymistä. Pellagraa onkin usein sanottu oireittensa vuoksi kolmen D:n taudiksi: dermatitis (ihottuma), diarrhoea (ripuli) ja dementia (tylsistyminen). Ennen tehokkaan hoidon keksimistä potilaat ovat tarvinneet vaikeissa tapauksissa sairaalahoitoa ja kuolleisuus on saattanut kohota suureksi. Laitoshoito oli tarpeen varsinkin niillä potilailla, joilla oli keskushermoston oireita. Espanjan kuninkaan Carlos (Kaarle) V:n lääkäri Gaspar Casal (1679–1759) havaitsi jo vuonna 1735 Asturian Oviedossa rahvaan keskuudessa yleistä tautia, jolla oli nimenä "mal de la rosa" (ruusutauti). Casal julkaisi kuvauksensa taudista vasta vuonna 1762, mutta sitä ennen ranskalainen lääkäri François Thièry (s. 1719) oli ehtinyt selostaa sitä vuonna 1755 eräässä ranskalaisessa sanomalehdessä Casalsin käsikirjoituksen perusteella. Casal piti taudin syynä heikkolaatuista maissia, jota oli alettu viljellä Espanjassa vuodesta 1530 alkaen. Kasvi oli tuotu Espanjaan Amerikasta, kun Kolumbus (1451–1506) oli löytänyt vuonna 1492 meritien sinne, ja tauti tunnettiinkin usein "Kolumbuksen tautina".

69. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent
Review. pellagra Dermatitis, dementia, and diarrhea. pellagra defines systemic disease as resulting from a marked cellular deficiency of niacin.
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70. Nutrition And Metabolism Disorders, Vitamins And Minerals, Pellagra
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71. PELLAGRA FEAR: Fast Highly Effective Pellagra Fear Program At The Phobia Clinic.
Overcome pellagra Fear in just 24 hours. pellagra Fear? The Phobia Clinic s 24hour Pellagrophobia and Fear of pellagra program offers guaranteed relief.

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Overcome Fear of pellagra in just 24 hours. Fear of pellagra? The Phobia Clinic s 24hour Pellagrophobia and Fear of pellagra program offers guaranteed relief.

73. Genesis Health System - Detailed Disease Info - Pellagra
pellagra. Definition. BOOKS. Beal, M. Flint, and Joseph B. Martin. pellagra. In Harrison s Principles of Internal Medicine, edited by Anthony S. Fauci, et al.
Facility Information DeWitt Comm Hosp Genesis Medical Ctr Illini Hospital Genesis Health Grp VNA
Pellagra is a disorder brought on by a deficiency of the nutrient called niacin or nicotinic acid, one of the B-complex vitamins
Nicotinic acid plays a crucial role in the cellular process called "respiration." Respiration is the process by which nutrients (specifically sugar, or glucose) and oxygen are taken in, chemical reactions take place, energy is produced and stored, and carbon monoxide and wastes are given off. This process is absolutely central to basic cell functioning, and thus the functioning of the body as a whole. Niacin is a B vitamin which is found in such foods as yeast, liver, meat, fish, whole-grain cereals and breads, and legumes. Niacin can also be produced within the body from the essential amino acid called tryptophan. Dietary requirements for niacin depend on the age, gender, size, and activity level of the individual. Niacin requirements range from 5 mg in infants up to 20 mg in certain adults.
Pellagra can be either primary or secondary. Primary pellagra results when the diet is extremely deficient in niacin-rich foods. A classic example occurs in geographic locations where Indian corn (maize) is the dietary staple. Maize does contain niacin, but in a form which cannot be absorbed from the intestine (except when it has been treated with alkali, as happens in the preparation of tortillas). People who rely on maize as their major food source often suffer from pellagra. Pellagra can also occur when a hospitalized patient, unable to eat for a very prolonged period of time, is given fluids devoid of vitamins through a needle in the vein (intravenous or IV fluids).

74. Similarity Of Polio To Pellagra, Beriberi, And Other Deficiency Diseases--Eleano
SIMILARITY OF POLIO TO pellagra, BERIBERI AND OTHER DEFICIENCY DISEASES Eleanor McBean. Ralf R. Scobey, MD, president of the Poliomyelitis Research Institute.
Eleanor McBean Ralf R. Scobey, M.D.,
president of the Poliomyelitis Research Institute. Inc. Syracuse, New York (in the Archives of Pediatrics, Sept. 1950) lists 170 diseases of polio-like symptoms and effects but with different names such as: epidemic cholera, cholera morbus, spinal meningitis, spinal apoplexy, inhibitory palsy, intermittent fever, famine fever, worm fever, bilious remittent fever, ergotism, etc. There are also such common nutritional deficiency diseases as beriberi, scurvy, Asiatic plague, pellagra, prison edema, acidosis etc. No drugs, medicines or medical treatments have ever been able to cure any of these diseases and no germs have been isolated as the cause. But they all respond to fasting, cleansing, proper diet and improved circulation. The similarity of these diseases to polio is too obvious to go unnoticed. They are, in reality, all one disease with varying stages of intensity and different names. It is ridiculous to assume that polio is caused by a virus and the rest of them are caused by nutritional deficiency. Dr. Scobey senses this fact when he states: "Inasmuch as nerve cells react in much the same way to various poisons, further research will probably show that in these cases polio micro-organisms are not always present, but intoxication (poisoning) may be produced through faulty metabolism or by the absorption of poisons from without."

75. Pellagra
pellagra. Definition pellagra is a disease that occurs when a person does not get enough niacin (one of the B complex vitamins) or
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Definition: Pellagra is a disease that occurs when a person does not get enough niacin (one of the B complex vitamins) or tryptophan (an amino acid) in their diet. It can also occur if the body fails to absorb these nutrients. The disease is common in certain parts of the world (in people consuming large quantities of corn). It is characterized by scaly skin sores, diarrhea, inflamed mucous membranes, and mental confusion and delusions. It may develop after gastrointestinal diseases or alcoholism.
Alternative Names: Vitamin deficiency - niacin; Deficiency - niacin
Review Date: 4/26/2003
Reviewed By: David Webner, M.D., Department of Family Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.
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76. A Pellagra Epidemic In Kuito, Angola
A pellagra epidemic in Kuito, Angola. By Sophie At the end of July 1999 the first cases of pellagra were diagnosed in Kuito. This marked
A Pellagra epidemic in Kuito, Angola
By Sophie Baquet and Michelle van Herp
Sophie Baquet is the headquarter nutritionist in MSF Belgium and Michel van Herp, Headquarters epidemiologist in MSF Belgium. This article is based on field visits to Kuito between August 1999 and March 2000 and from field reports. There is also a contribution from Jeremy Shoham based on a recent review of pellagra in emergencies carried out on behalf of WHO.
Angola has been at war for more than 20 years. A second peace process, initiated at the end of 1994 lasted until 1998 when conflict resumed. Since late 98, more than one hundred thousand people living in Bie province (in the central high plateau of Angola) have fled conflict and sought asylum around Kuito town (the provincial capital of Bie). The population of Kuito town and surrounding area has been estimated at 155,000, with about 110,000 Internally displaced people (IDPs) currently sheltered in various sites around the town. Kuito is effectively now an enclave due to the high level of military activity in the area and is known to be one of the heaviest mined cities in the world.
With little potential for food production by the local population and the numerous displaced people living in Kuito, most of this population are completely dependent on WFP (World Food Programme) rations. Small agricultural fields and seeds have been allocated to the displaced population but harvests are generally poor and insufficient. The purchasing power of the resident population has rapidly decreased due to inflation and the activities of most traders had been reduced due to the war.

77. How The Vitamins For Preventing Scurvy, Beriberi, And Pellagra Were Discovered.
But the battle against pellagra would unlock that door. In Italian pellagra means rough skin. But this malady brings much more.
How Vitamins were Discovered
H O H NO The Dreaded "Scurvy Infection".
The sailor's legs were so swollen that the man could not walk. His captain, hoping to stop the spread of the dreaded "scurvy infection," put the man ashore on a desolate Atlantic island. The poor wretch was bound to die, the captain felt, but perhaps the rest of the crew could thus be saved. The story of the sailor who "ate grass, like a beast and lived" was of great interest to a Scottish surgeon Dr. James Lind. Having been with the British fleet, he was aware of the thousands of seamen who died yearly with scurvy. Lind's question was, Did the grass contain something that the man's normal diet did not? Was there a connection between scurvy and diet? Deciding to experiment, Lind became responsible for an important chapter in the story of "how they found your vitamins." Not that Dr. Lind was looking for a vitamin. The word was unheard of before 1911. The discovery of most vitamins was really accidental in that the researchers were attacking specific diseases, not studying foods or nutrition. Further, this story has no one hero, but involves the efforts of men from many countries. These pioneers frequently did not benefit from one another's discoveries, as they lacked the benefits of modern communications. Yet, sometimes, despite the scorn of contemporary doctors and scientists, the efforts of these men constitute a story of courage, perseverance and eventual success.

78. Definition Of Pellagra - BrainyDictionary
definition of pellagra, pellagra (n.) An erythematous affection of the skin, with severe constitutional and nervous symptoms, endemic in Northern Italy.
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definition of pellagra
(n.) An erythematous affection of the skin, with severe constitutional and nervous symptoms, endemic in Northern Italy.
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pellagra definition of pellagrin definition of pellagrous definition of pellet definition of pelleted ... definition of pellibranchiata More Fun With Words Definition of Polariscopic (a.) Of or pertaining to the polariscope; obtained by the use of a polariscope; as, polariscopic observations. Definition of Canceleer (n.) The turn of a hawk upon the wing to recover herself, when she misses her aim in the stoop. Definition of Stylaster (n.) Any one of numerous species of delicate, usually pink, calcareous hydroid corals of the genus Stylaster. It isn't that they can't see the solution. It's that they can't see the problem. - Gilbert K. Chesterton

79. Pellagra Definition Meaning Information Explanation
pellagra. definition, meaning -. pellagra is a disease of malnutrition caused by dietary lack of niacin and protein.
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Pellagra is a disease of malnutrition caused by dietary lack of niacin and protein . A defficiency in Lysine can result in a defficieny in niacin (which is a B Vitamin) and can result in pellagra. Symptoms of pellagra are red skin lesions, diarrhoea, dermatitis , weakness, mental confusion, and eventually dementia . This disease can be common for persons who obtain most of their Calorie s from maize , as maize lacks lysine, and any lysine it contains is chemically bound. Therefore this disease can be common amongst people who live in rural South America where during winter they live off maize. Usually the syptoms show during spring, and disappear over summer, to return the spring, after another long winter. It is also one of several diseases of malnutrition common in Africa Books about 'Pellagra' at: or Note: This article from Wikipedia is made available under the terms of the GNU FDL
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CYSTINE CONTENT OF FINGER NAILS IN pellagra *. BY SHELDON A. PAYNE AND WILLIAM A. PERLZWEIG. 4.61. 5.92. 5.40. pellagra group I Severe with dermatitis. 14. 5.03. 8.55.
CYSTINE CONTENT OF FINGER NAILS IN PELLAGRA BY SHELDON A. PAYNE AND WILLIAM A. PERLZWEIG (From the Department of Biochemistry, Duke University School of Medicine and Hospital, Durham) (Received for publication May 29, 1933) An abnormality in sulfur metabolism in pellagra was first demonstrated by Camurri (1) and Myers and Fine (2). Indicanuria (3, 4), a decreased excretion of thiocyanate (5), and an increase in the excretion of absolute amounts of ethereal sulphates in the urine (2) of pellagrins have been observed. A reduction of sulfur in brain and spinal cord of five individuals succumbing with pellagra was reported by Koch and Voegtlin (6). The total amount and per cent cystine of rat hair decreases when these animals are fed diets deficient in vitamin G (7, 8). METHODS Total nitrogen of finger nails was determined by the Koch-McMeekin method (18) on the above hydrolysate. Cystine content of normal finger nails Only a few values for the cystine or sulfur content of normal human finger nails are available. The early work of Mulder (21), in 1847, showed human nail to contain 2.8 per cent sulfur corresponding to 10.5 per cent cystine. Buchtala (13), in 1907, pooled the finger nails from 16 cadavers and by a method which determined sulfur by sublimation, estimated cystine content to be 5.15 per cent. Langecker (22), in 1921. reported values for sulfur in finger nails from six patients with various diseases. His values range from 2.59 to 3.12 per cent corresponding to estimated cystine values of 9.7 to 11.7 per cent. Sullivan and Hess (23), in 1932, reported cystine content of the finger nails of normal individuals to vary from 11 to 13 per cent. Since the early methods involved the isolation of cystine from a hydrolysate and determination of precipitated sulfate, one would expect higher values in a colorimetric method such as Sullivan's.

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