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         Pediculosis:     more books (81)
  1. Treatment of Human Head Lice: Louse, Pediculosis, Oviposition, Organochlorine, Carbamate, Protease, Enzyme
  2. Pediculosis: Lice, Parasite, Phthiraptera, Head Louse, Pediculosis Capitis, Pediculosis Corporis, Pediculosis Pubis
  3. Natalie and the uninvited guest pest by Jill Reynolds, 1989
  4. Head lice incidence rising in African Americans: debunking a myth.(Clinical Rounds): An article from: Skin & Allergy News by Betsy Bates, 2004-02-01
  5. The nit rating scale.(Health Service Applications): An article from: Journal of School Health by Patti Scott, Mary Jo Gilmer, et all 2004-03-01
  6. Head lice treatment: Ovide[R] proves effective. (Products).: An article from: Pediatric Nursing
  7. Nonpesticide agent suffocates head lice safely.(Dermatology): An article from: Internal Medicine News by Sherry Boschert, 2006-05-15
  8. Use infestation location to tailor lice treatment.(Dermatologic Therapy): An article from: Skin & Allergy News by Diana Mahoney, 2005-03-01
  9. Lice infestation: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine</i> by Mai Tran, 2001
  10. Of lice and children: going to the head of class. (includes related article): An article from: FDA Consumer by Theresa A. Young, Judith Levine Wilis, 1989-11-01
  11. Over-the-counter head lice treatment revealed.(Skin Disorders): An article from: Family Practice News by Mary Ellen Schneider, 2006-01-15
  12. School Nurses' Perceptions of and Experiences with Head Lice.: An article from: Journal of School Health by James H. Price, Craig N. Burkhart, et all 1999-04-01
  13. Lice Infestation: An entry from Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 3rd ed.</i> by Rebecca, PhD Frey, 2006
  14. Lice infestation: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy through Adolescence</i> by Rebecca, PhD Frey, Margaret, PhD Alic, 2006

21. Pediculosis - Zona Pediatrica
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Los vulgarmente llamados "piojos de la cabeza" (Pediculus humanus Capitis) son insectos que viven sobre el cuero cabelludo y cabellos del ser humano. Estos parásitos pasan del estado de ninfa o larva a piojo adulto en tres semanas. Su promedio de sobrevida es de treinta días y durante ese tiempo cada hembra es capaz de poner 200 huevos o liendres.
El síntoma más frecuente de esta parasitosis es la picazón de la nuca y detrás de las orejas y es debido a que, cuando el piojo pica, inyecta una toxina en la piel antes de succionar la sangre.
El contagio, se lleva a cabo cuando una persona no infectada establece contacto con una parasitada o con alguno de sus elementos de uso personal como peine, cepillo, vestimenta, almohada, etc.

22. Pediculosis - La Lucha Continúa - Zona Pediatrica
Translate this page pediculosis (la lucha continúa). La pediculosis puede afectar a todos los niños sin importar el nivel socioeconómico familiar.
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NO PEDICULOSIS (la lucha continúa) Tres son las especies de piojos que afectan al ser humano:
  • Pediculus Humanus Capitis. Pediculus Humanus Corporis. Pediculus Humanus Pubis (ladillas).
En este artículo nos referiremos al piojo de la cabeza (Pediculus Humanus Capitis), un real flagelo que acecha diariamente tanto a niños como adultos. Se estima que en algunas áreas urbanas entre el 10 al 20 % de los niños en edad escolar presentan esta parasitosis (ectoparasitosis). Diagnóstico
El diagnóstico de este problema se hace a simple vista ya que tanto los piojos como las ninfas y huevos (liendres) se ven con una adecuada búsqueda o con la ayuda de una lupa o de un microscopio.

PEDICULOSIS o "Piojos en la Cabeza" GENERALIDADES Los vulgarmente llamados "piojos de la cabeza" (Pediculus humanus Capitis) son insectos que viven sobre el cuero cabelludo y cabellos del ser humano. Estos insectos miden en su adultez de 1 a 2 mm. Tienen seis patas que terminan en pequeñas garras ( las utilizan para prenderse firmemente al pelo) tórax, abdomen y poseen una cabeza pequeña con un aparato bucal preparado para la punción ( picadura) y succión ulterior de sangre. Estos parásitos pasan del estado de ninfa o larva a piojo adulto en tres semanas. Su promedio de sobrevida es de treinta días y durante ese tiempo cada hembra es capaz de poner 200 huevos o liendres. SINTOMAS El síntoma más frecuente de esta parasitosis es la picazón de la nuca y detrás de las orejas y es debido a que, cuando el piojo pica, inyecta una toxina en la piel antes de succinar la sangre. TRANSMISION El contagio, se lleva a cabo cuando una persona no infectada establece contacto con una parasitada o con alguno de sus elementos de uso personal como peine, cepillo, vestimenta, almohada, etc.

24. Pediculosis - Chicos Sanos - Publicaciones Para La Comunidad - FUNCEI - FundaciÃ
Translate this page pediculosis Socorro el nene tiene piojos Dr. Hugo Paganini. Conocer al parásito, un paso importante La pediculosis es tan antigua como la humanidad.
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... Varicela Publicaciones para la Comunidad PEDICULOSIS: Socorro el nene tiene piojos Dr. Hugo Paganini Conocer al parásito, un paso importante La pediculosis es tan antigua como la humanidad. En los últimos 25 años asistimos, en todo el mundo, a una epidemia de pediculosis. Lo que antes era patrimonio de las poblaciones con insuficientes hábitos higiénicos, hoy se ha convertido en la preocupación constante de las madres de niños de todos los grupos sociales. El piojo de la cabeza es un parásito pequeño pero visible a simple vista, que mide entre 2,5 y 3,5 mm. Las hembras son más pequeñas que los machos. Se movilizan rápidamente por el cuero cabelludo, y pueden avanzar hasta 23 centímetros por minuto. Se alimentan de sangre humana. Estos parásitos ponen huevos (liendres) de color blanquecino o pardusco, visibles a simple vista como óvulos de 0,8 a 1 mm, que se adhieren al pelo inmediatamente después de ser expulsados por la hembra y, mediante una sustancia pegajosa, se fijan firmemente al cabello.

25. Pediculosis - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Piojos (pediculosis). Preguntas frecuentes (padres). Web AEPap Translate this page Piojos (pediculosis). Preguntas frecuentes sobre la salud de los hijos. ¿Qué son los piojos? ¿Cómo se contagian? ¿Cómo detectarlos?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Pediculosis is an infestation of lice which are parasitic insects on the bodies of humans. The condition is more commonly known as head lice body lice or pubic lice (Phthirus). Head lice Pediculus capitis ) infestation is very common, experienced by 6-12 million people around the world annually, most of them children aged 3-10 and their families. Females get head lice more often than males, and in the United States African-Americans rarely get head lice. The reasons for these two facts are not known. Lice is spread through direct contact with the body, clothing or other personal items of a person already carrying lice. There are three forms of lice: the nit, the nymph and the adult: nits are the eggs of the louse, the nymph is an immature louse and the adult is a fully-grown louse. Full-grown lice are about the size of a sesame seed. The head louse (Pediculus humanus var. capitis) Head lice and body lice ( Pediculus humanus ) are similar in appearance, although the head louse is smaller. Pubic lice ( Pthirus pubis ), on the other hand, are quite distinctive. They have pincer-like claws, making them look like

26. Handbook Of Ocular Disease Management - Pediculosis And Pthiriasis
pediculosis and Pthiriasis. Signs and symptoms pediculosis refers to eyelid infestation by Pediculus humanus corporis (body) or capitus (head).
Pediculosis and Pthiriasis Eyelid infestation by Pediculus humanus. Phthirus pubis, also known as pubic or crab louse, attached to a lid. Signs and symptoms: Pediculosis refers to eyelid infestation by Pediculus human-us corporis (body) or capitus (head). Pthiriasis refers to eyelid infestation by Pthirus pubis (pubic louse, sometimes referred to as crab louse). Eyelid infestation is almost always Pthirus pubis. Pediculus is an organism 2-4 mm long that typically infests the hair of the patient. Infestation of the cilia is rare and only occurs in the worst cases. Pthirus is 2mm long with a broad-shaped, crab-like body. Its thick, clawed legs make it less mobile than the pediculus species and lend it to infesting areas where the adjacent hairs are within its grasp (eyelashes, beard, chest, axillary region, pubic region). Rarely does Pthirus infest the scalp. Both organisms suck the blood of the host, and Pediculus humanus may serve as a vector of diseases such as typhus and trench fever. Ocular signs and symptoms include visible organisms within the scalp, hair, eyelashes or beard; visible blue skin lesions (louse bites), reddish brown deposits (louse feces), secondary blepharitis with preauricular adenopathy, follicular conjunctivitis and, in severe cases, marginal keratitis. The patient often presents with bilateral ocular itching and irritation. Superinfection of bites can lead to preauricular gland swelling.

27. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 10, Ch. 114, Parasitic Skin Infections
pediculosis. pediculosis may involve the head (by Pediculus humanus capitis), the body (P. humanus corporis), or the genital area (Phthirus pubis).

28. Pediculosis
Translate this page pediculosis (piojos). Página principal. Información general T. generales Espec. médicas Espec. pediátricas. Consulte Pediculosis (piojos) Página principal Información general
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Temas quirúrgicos Asociaciones de enfermos y familiares Sociedades Médicas
Congresos Médicos
La pediculosis o infestación de piojos del cuello cabelludo es un problema de salud consistente en la presencia de un insecto, el " pedículus humanis capitis" , en la cabeza. Afecta a un 5- 15% de la población escolar, siendo más frecuente en las niñas que en los niños, por la mayor longitud del cabello y el uso compartido de accesorios para el pelo. El piojo de la cabeza es un insecto pequeño, sin alas, que precisa del hombre para existir. No se concibe su presencia en otro ambiente (aire, suelo...). Se transmite de persona a persona y también a través de peines, gorros y adornos del cabello. Su tamaño oscila entre dos y cuatro milímetros de longitud, y es algo mayor en las hembras que en los machos. Las hembras ponen sus huevos ( liendres ) a seis milímetros del nacimiento del pelo y los sujetan a este con una masilla insoluble en agua. A la temperatura corporal, las larvas salen del huevo en aproximadamente siete días y en quince ya se han convertido en formas adultas sexualmente fértiles. La vida media de un piojo es de treinta días, periodo en el que es capaz de poner más de ciento cincuenta huevos.

29. Dermatlas: Online Dermatology Image Library Dermatology Image,lice, Head,pedicul
Dermatlas Dermatology Images pediculosis capitis,lice,lice,lice,dermatology image, head, head, head images. Match ALL words Match ANY word. Dermatology Images,

30. Dermatlas: Online Dermatology Image Library Dermatology Image,lice, Body,pedicul
Dermatlas Dermatology Images vagabond s skin,pediculosis corporis,lice,lice,dermatology image, body, body images. Match ALL words Match ANY word.

31. Communicable Disease Fact Sheet
pediculosis. Version en español. (head lice, body lice, pubic lice, cooties, crabs). What is pediculosis? pediculosis is an infestation
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Communicable Disease
Pediculosis (Lice)
(head lice, body lice, pubic lice, cooties, crabs)
What is pediculosis?
Pediculosis is an infestation of the hairy parts of the body or clothing with the eggs, larvae or adults of lice. The crawling stages of this insect feed on human blood, which can result in severe itching. Head lice are usually located on the scalp, crab lice in the pubic area and body lice along seams of clothing. Body lice travel to the skin to feed and return back to the clothing.
Who gets pediculosis?
Anyone may become louse infested under suitable conditions of exposure. Pediculosis is easily transmitted from person-to-person during direct contact. Head lice infestations are frequently found in school settings or institutions. Crab lice infestations can be found among sexually active individuals. Body lice infestation can be found in people living in crowded, unsanitary conditions where clothing is infrequently changed or laundered.
How is pediculosis spread?
For both head lice and body lice, transmission can occur during direct contact with an infested individual. Sharing of clothing and combs or brushes may also result in transmission of these insects. While other means are possible, crab lice are most often transmitted through sexual contact.

32. Pediculosis
Translate this page pediculosis. Click here for the English version. (piojos de cabeza, piojos del cuerpo, piojos púbicos). ?Qué es la pediculosis?

33. Infectious Disease Fact Sheet - Pediculosis
Infectious Disease Fact Sheet. pediculosis (head lice, body lice, pubic lice, cooties, crabs). What is pediculosis? What are the symptoms of pediculosis?
Division of Health
Communicable Disease Prevention
Infectious Disease Fact Sheet
PEDICULOSIS (head lice, body lice, pubic lice, cooties, crabs)
What is pediculosis?
Pediculosis (or lice) is an infestation of the hairy parts of the human body or clothing with the eggs, larvae or adult lice. At the crawling stage, they feed on human blood, which may result in severe itching. Head lice are usually located on the scalp; crab lice in the pubic area; and body lice along seams of clothing, where they then travel to the skin to feed. What are the symptoms of pediculosis?
Usually, the first sign of an infestation is itching or scratching in the area of the body where the lice feed. Itching at the back of the head or around the ears should lead to an examination for head louse eggs (nits) on the hair. Itching around the genital area should lead to an examination for pubic lice or their eggs. It is easier to see nits than crawling lice. Intense scratching may result in infection. Nits are oval, whitish, about 1-3 mm in size and attached to the base of the hair shaft. How is pediculosis spread?

34. Pediculosis
Top of PageWhat is pediculosis? Top of PageWho gets pediculosis? Anyone may become louse infested under suitable conditions of exposure.
What is pediculosis?
Pediculosis is an infestation of the hairy parts of the body or clothing with the eggs, larvae or adults of lice. The crawling stages of this insect feed on human blood which can result in severe itching. Head lice are usually located on the scalp, crab lice in the pubic area and body lice along seams of clothing which travel to the skin to feed.
Who gets pediculosis?
Anyone may become louse infested under suitable conditions of exposure. Pediculosis is easily transmitted from person to person during direct contact. Head lice infestations are frequently found in school settings or institutions. Crab lice infestations can be found among sexually active individuals. Body lice infestation can be found in people living in crowded, unsanitary conditions where clothing is infrequently changed or laundered.
How is pediculosis spread?

35. Pediculosis (Head Lice) Fact Sheet
pediculosis (Head Lice). What are head lice? The head louse (Pediculous humanus capitus) is one of three types of lice that infest people.
Pediculosis (Head Lice)
What are head lice?
The head louse ( Pediculous humanus capitus ) is one of three types of lice that infest people. Head lice are tiny insects (about 1/10 to 1/8 of an inch long) that live in human hair and feed on human blood. They multiply rapidly, laying little silvery-colored oval-shaped eggs (called nits) which they glue to the base of the hair, close to the scalp. Can you see head lice?
Although it's hard to see head lice, you can see the nits if you look closely. They are most often found in the hair behind the ears and at the back of the head and neck. Nits should not be confused with dandruff. Dandruff can easily be flicked off the hair; nits cannot because they are firmly attached to individual hairs. Who gets head lice and what are the symptoms?
Anyone can get head lice. They are not a sign of being dirty. Head lice are easily spread from person to person by direct contact, and are often found in school settings. One telltale sign of head lice is a persistent itching of the scalp which is sometimes accompanied by infected scratch marks or what appears to be a rash. How are head lice spread and how long is a person able to spread them?

36. Pediculosis
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37. Pediculosis -
Translate this page pediculosis Descarga e información. Combate la pediculosis con un producto natural. pediculosis 1.0, nuevo. Fecha 16 de Abril del
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Combate la Pediculosis con un producto natural

El temario del libro es el siguiente:
- Ciclo de vida
- Tratamiento Natural y Efectivo que Elimina las Liendres
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38. Pediculosis (Head Lice)
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Pediculosis (Head Lice)
What is pediculosis (head lice)? Pediculosis is an infestation of head lice on the hair of the head. The lice feed on human blood which can cause severe local itching. Who gets pediculosis? Anyone may become infested with head lice, regardless of age, sex, race, or standards of personal hygiene. Head lice are frequently found in schools and day care centers, and are easily spread from person-to-person. How are head lice spread? Head lice are spread through direct head-to-head contact with an infested person or indirect contact with lice-carrying objects such as combs, brushes, hats or scarves. Since nits (louse eggs) must be laid by adult lice, the chances of nits being spread from person-to-person are minimal. Do animals spread head lice?

39. Pediculosis (Body) Lice
Receive HealthLink via email! Subscribe now . pediculosis (Body) Lice. What is pediculosis? pediculosis is an infestation of lice. Who gets pediculosis?
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Pediculosis (Body) Lice
What is pediculosis?
Pediculosis is an infestation of lice. Body lice infestations occur primarily on clothing, especially along the seams of inner surfaces and the adjacent area of the skin. Pubic/crab lice infest hairy parts of the body including the groin, eyebrows, eyelashes and facial hair. Both body lice and pubic/crab lice feed on human blood and can cause severe local itching. Who gets pediculosis? Anyone can become infested with body lice or pubic/crab lice, regardless of age, sex, race, or standards of personal hygiene. Body lice infestation are usually found in people living in crowded, unsanitary conditions where clothing is infrequently changed or laundered. Pubic/crab lice infestations are mainly found among sexually active individuals. How are body lice and pubic/crab lice spread?

40. Pediculosis (Lice) Fact Sheet
Kingston General Hospital Infection Control Service. Fact Sheet on pediculosis (Lice). pediculosis HEAD AND BODY LICE. What is it? Control/lice.htm
Kingston General Hospital
Infection Control Service
Fact Sheet on Pediculosis (Lice)
This fact sheet provides basic general information only and is to be used as a quick guide, not as a complete resource on the subject. If you have any further questions, ask your own physician, local health unit or health care worker.
What is it?
Eggs are laid by the fertilized female on body hairs or fibres of clothing in oval "nits". (Eggs are about the size of a pinhead and resemble dandruff). After 7-10 days, small nymphs emerge from the eggs and must feed on blood within 24 hours. Humans are the only reservoir. Three kinds of lice infest humans: 1) Pediculus humanus corporis (body louse), 2) Pediculus humanus capitalis (head louse) and 3) Phthirus pubis (pubic crab louse).
Body Louse Crab Louse

How is it spread?
Head lice: direct contact or contact with personal items such as brushes, combs, bedding, or clothes such as hats, scarves, sweaters, etc.
Body lice: direct contact or contact with clothing (especially seams) or bedding Pubic lice ("crabs"): close physical contact, usually sexual. Transmission by other means is extremely uncommon because of the rapid death of lice when off the human host.

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