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81. Office Of Public Affairs At Yale - News Release Embargoed For Release 4 pm EST July 10, 2001. pathological gambling Should beViewed as Chronic Medical Condition, Say Yale Researchers. New Haven, Conn. http://www.yale.edu/opa/newsr/01-07-10-01.all.html | |
82. Mood Disorders Society Of Canada SUBSTANCE ABUSE, MOOD DISORDERS pathological gambling. The positivelink between mood disorders and substance abuse is well accepted. http://www.mooddisorderscanada.ca/findinghelp/gambling/report/substance.htm | |
83. Please Help Us To Serve You Better Center tackles pathological gambling Indian gaming column Let the Games Begin Posted July 16, 2002 200pm EST by Tom Wanamaker / Staff Reporter / Indian http://indiancountry.com/?1026824786 |
84. Wiley::Understanding And Treating The Pathological Gambler his coauthors begin by looking at gambling through the ages and then present anoverview of treatments that have been used for pathological gambling over the http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470843780.html | |
85. LastWager: Problem Gambling Treatment,New York Gambling Recovery,Compulsive Gamb A family gambling treatment center dedicated to pathological and Problem gamblers and their family members to achieve abstinence and healthy behaviors. http://www.lastwager.com/ | |
86. CNN - Study Finds More Than 5 Million Pathological Or Problem Gamblers- March 18 CNN http://www.cnn.com/US/9903/18/gambling.02/index.html | |
87. Gambling Treatment Program Treatment program for pathological gamblers in the United States. http://www.cleveland.med.va.gov/gambling/index.htm | |
88. Health, Mental Health, Disorders, Impulse Control, Pathological Gambling: Suppor board for compulsive gamblers. Escape from gambling Australia-basedsupport group for compulsive gamblers from all over the world. http://www.combose.com/Health/Mental_Health/Disorders/Impulse_Control/Pathologic | |
89. AllRefer Health - Compulsive Gambling (Addictive Gambling, Gambling - Compulsive Compulsive gambling (Addictive gambling, gambling Compulsive, Pathologicalgambling) information center covers causes, prevention, symptoms, diagnosis http://health.allrefer.com/health/compulsive-gambling-info.html | |
90. Spark - Nalmefene Effective In The Treatment Of Pathological Gambling Biotie Therapies Nalmefene effective in the treatment of pathologicalgambling Published 02.06.2003, magazine number. BioTie has http://www.turkusciencepark.com/TSP/spark_eng.nsf/($Search)/FB288204D976C6ABC225 | |
91. BBC NEWS | Programmes | High Stakes | High Stakes: Problem Gambling In 1980, the American Psychiatric Association first recognised pathologicalgambling as an impulse control disorder. Since then, the http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/high_stakes/1138226.stm | |
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