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21. Wuup.de - /Health/Conditions_and_Diseases Knee Supports and Braces Knee braces designed to stabilize the patellafor chondromalacia and patellofemoral disorders. » Patellofemoral http://wuup.de/index.php/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Musculoskeletal_Disorder |
22. Chondromalacia patellofemoral disorders. Previews by Thumbshots Patellofemoral Syndrome Information about this disorder, written by a patient. http://www.oobdoo.com/directory/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/MusculoskeletalDiso | |
23. Chondromalacia : Meddie Health Search (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. Knee Supports and Braces Knee braces designedto stabilize the patella for chondromalacia and patellofemoral disorders. http://www.meddie.com/Conditions_and_Diseases/Musculoskeletal_Disorders/Chondrom | |
24. Postgraduate Medicine: Identifying Structural Hip And Knee Problems present. patellofemoral disorders are most common in young women whohave loose ligaments, valgus knees, and femoral anteversion. Peak http://www.postgradmed.com/issues/1999/12_99/skinner.htm | |
25. PillSupplier.com - Conditions And Diseases/Musculoskeletal Disorders/Chondromala and patellofemoral disorders. Patellofemoral Syndrome rate it reviewit Information about this disorder, written by a patient. http://www.pillsupplier.com/dir/1120/ | |
26. About Seniors Bookshop, Books For All! patellofemoral disorders. By R. Biedert, John Wiley and Sons Ltd Publisher JohnWiley and Sons Ltd ISBN 0470850116 Format Hardback In Store Price $343.95 http://aboutseniors.seekbooks.com.au/PopCat.asp?storeurl=aboutseniors&PageNo=154 |
27. The Physician And Sportsmedicine: Managing Overuse Injuries: A Systematic Approa studies (5,6) of running injuries have demonstrated that the majority of presentingproblems are related to overuse, with patellofemoral disorders being the http://www.physsportsmed.com/issues/1997/05may/oconnor.htm | |
28. Physical Exam Of The Knee Gradual menisceal tear, collateral ligament injury, patellofemoral disorder. Painwith sitting (theater sign) patellofemoral disorder. http://clinical.uthscsa.edu/handouts/ortho/knee_exam.htm | |
29. The Medword List - Medical Transcription Directory - The Medword List - Conditio Knee Supports and Braces Knee braces designed to stabilize the patellafor chondromalacia and patellofemoral disorders. http//www http://www.medwordlist.com/Conditions_and_Diseases/Musculoskeletal_Disorders/Cho | |
30. SearchBug Directory: Health: Conditions_and_Diseases: P 327) Paresthesia (2) Parkinson s Disease (86) ParryRombergs Syndrome (4) Passive-AggressivePersonality Disorder (5) patellofemoral disorder (7) Pathologic http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/P/ | |
31. Anterior Thigh/knee Pain Case Query My feeling is that this patient may have a low grade inflammation of the left kneejoint as a result of a patellofemoral disorder, with subsequent swelling. http://www.noigroup.com/noiboard/messages/93.html | |
32. Re: Anterior Thigh/knee Pain Case Query My feeling is that this patient may have a low grade inflammation of the left kneejoint as a result of a patellofemoral disorder, with subsequent swelling. http://www.noigroup.com/noiboard/messages/102.html | |
33. Dr. Ed's Sports Medicine Center : Knee Injuries Anatomy and function; Mechanism of injury; History; Diagnosis; Treatment options;Surgical considerations; Gender differences. 7. patellofemoral disorders. http://www.sportsmed.info/sportsmed/knee.html | |
34. Dr Abdulhalim Badr The Role of the Tibial Tubercle in patellofemoral disorders F. AlanBarber, MD, FACS Medscape report on ISAKOS Conference 1999 (knee); http://groups.msn.com/DrAbdulhalimBadr/orthopaedictopics.msnw | |
35. SLCentral Directory - Health - Conditions And Diseases - P Aggressive Personality Disorder@ (5); patellofemoral disorder@ (7); PathologicNystagmus@ (6); Pathological Gambling@ (74); PCC Deficiency@ (4 http://www.slcentral.com/directory/index.php/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/P/ | |
36. Yes Medical Information On Ailments, Personal And Family Health Matters - Yes Me Disorder (5); patellofemoral disorder (7); Pathologic Nystagmus (6);Pathological Gambling (74); PCC Deficiency (4); Pectus Excavatum http://www.yes-medical.com/dir/pg/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/P/ | |
37. Tech-Wise Publications Aug 99- Childhood Patella Malalignment/Instability patellofemoral disorders are one of the most common knee pathology encounteredin orthopedic and sports medicine. Recurrent dislocation http://www.ahfmr.ab.ca/hta/hta-publications/techwise/aug99/8.shtml | |
38. Chondromalacia - General Health Information for chondromalacia. Knee braces designed to stabilize the patella forchondromalacia and patellofemoral disorders. http//www.kneesupport http://www.allhealthlinks.com/dir/831/1/11.php | |
39. Arthritis Research Campaign | The Assessment & Management Of Knee Problems For instance my knee gives way, and it locks more often reflectsa patellofemoral disorder than a cruciate or meniscal problem. http://www.arc.org.uk/about_arth/med_reports/series3/pp/6340/6340.htm | |
40. Knee Pain In A Young Football Player (a Case Study) Other possibilities include, discoid miniscus, patellofemoral disorder in a dislocation,medial patellar retinaculum symptoms, plica syndrome, and iliotibial http://whs.wsd.wednet.edu/Faculty/Blair/sportsmed/Gurnard | |
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