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         Osteoporosis:     more books (100)
  1. Fighting Osteoporosis by Xandria Williams, 2002-06
  2. Osteoporosis in Clinical Practice: A Practical Guide for Diagnosis and Treatment
  3. Super Calcium Counter: The Essential Guide to Preventing Osteoporosis and Building Strong Bones (Volume 0) by McIlwain, 1999-03-01
  4. The Phyto Factor: A Revolutionary Way to Boost Overall Health - Reducing the Risk of Cancer, Heart Disease and Osteoporosis - And to Control the Menopause Naturally by Maryon Stewart, 2000-05-04
  5. 150 Most-Asked Questions About Osteoporosis: What Women Really Want to Know by Ruth S. Jacobowitz, 1996-07
  6. Living With Osteoporosis (Overcoming Common Problems Series) by Joan Gomez, 2001-01
  7. Osteoporosis: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
  8. The Osteoporosis Primer
  9. Bone Health And Osteoporosis: A Report Of The Surgeon General by United States Public Health Service, Surgeon General of the United States, 2004-12-31
  10. American College of Physicians Home Medical Guide: Osteoporosis by Elizabeth Wilkinson, Macgregor, et all 2000-03-01
  11. Aging & Osteoporosis in Native Americans from Pecos Pueblo, New Mexico: Behavioral & Biomechanical Effects (Evolution of North American Indians Series) by Christopher Ruff, 1991-06-01
  12. Tumor Bone Diseases and Osteoporosis in Cancer Patients: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Therapy
  13. Osteoporosis
  14. Arthritis, Back Pain and Osteoporosis, Coronary Heart Disease, Depression and Anxiety, Diabetes, Digestive Disorders (Johns Hopkins White Papers Vol 1) by Simeon Margolis, 2004-02

101. Calcium & Osteoporosis - Ask The Dietitian
Got questions about Calcium to prevent osteoporosis? Ask Joanne Larsen, RegisteredDietitian and nutrition counselor. Ask the Dietitian, Calcium osteoporosis.

I had been on Phen/Fen about a year- just working out to try to get my weight down . I am in excellent heath except for a mysterious leg ache that occurs only at night. I think it could be some kind of vitamin deficiency- can you suggest something? Please reply.
In case you haven't heard, Phen / Fen has been found to cause heart valve problems requiring surgery or in some cases death when undiagnosed. These drugs were withdrawn by the FDA in September 1997 after the Mayo Clinic and a doctor in Fargo ND identified the heart valve problems of people on these drugs. I would highly recommend you ask your doctor about this immediately and whether you should be taking these drugs. If you get muscle cramps in your legs (calves especially) at night, your blood may be low in calcium. If you are not eating calcium rich foods on your weight loss diet , I would highly recommend you start eating dairy foods (3 - 4 cups of skim milk per day or 3 - 4 ounces of low fat cheese) or taking calcium supplements - 1,000 mg for adult men and menstruating women (19 to 50 years of age) or 1,200 mg for menopausal women (51+ years of age) per day.
I'm wondering whether my kids are getting enough calcium. How much do they need and about how much

102. Malka Orthopaedics:Osteoporosis Treatment
osteoporosis and bone remodeling. comments to X Clickon this key icon to return to the main index page. What is osteoporosis?
and bone remodeling

comments to Click on this key icon to return to the main index page. Please read
by Jeffrey S. Malka, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.O.S.
Bones are alive!
    Bone is a living tissue and as such has the ability to change. In fact it constantly changes in response to a large number of varied influences. Some of these are mechanical. Others are hormonal influences. Still others are genetic, etc. Let's take an example. When an arm or leg is put in a cast, the bones are "at rest" and protected from mechanical stresses. The normal bones in that cast are therefore in a protected environment where they are not being asked to do much. They do not need as much "strength" as they needed before being in the cast. Those normal bones therefore remodel to become weaker (less bone mass). When the cast is removed, those "normal" bones are weaker than normal and are more likely to break than before they went into the cast. Once out of the cast, because of the additional stress placed on that bone, the bone reverses what it did previously and builds more strength and soon is back to it normal strength. In fact bone is in a constant state of change, but, needs

103. Osteolinks
Programa sobre la osteoporosis y los des³rdenes de los hueso. Requiere solicitar una clave de acceso.

104. Osteoporosis
osteoporosis is where the amount of bone tissue in the body is below what isnormal for a person, taking into account their sex and age. osteoporosis. Home News and features News Newsletter Features Encyclopaedia Diseases Examinations Medicines Premium services SMS services StayQuit thediet Health centres Allergy and asthma Children's health Depression Eczema ... All health centres Discussion and support Discussion forums Support groups Services Ask the doctor Find a hospital Search Medline Test yourself Information About NetDoctor Commercial opportunities Osteoporosis Dr Dan Rutherford , GP
Osteoporosis affects one in three women over 50. Osteoporosis is where the amount of bone tissue in the body is below what is normal for a person, taking into account their sex and age.
Understanding bone structure
Bone has a complex structure that achieves the maximum amount of strength for the least amount of weight.
It can increase its thickness in areas subjected to repeated heavy loads, repair itself when broken and is the site of manufacture of most of the components of blood (the bone marrow).
If you take a typical bone such as the femur (upper leg bone) and cut it across, you will see there is an outer shell of very hard bone. In the middle space it has a honeycomb structure, through which is mingled the bone marrow.
Bone is made up mostly of collagen fibres, upon which are laid down crystals made from calcium and phosphate that give bone its ability to withstand compression and bending forces.

105. Arthritis Treatment Center - Home
Clinic in Springfield, Massachusetts also offers one page, patient-oriented briefs on the conditions they treat including arthritis, bursitis, fibromyalgia and osteoporosis.
Specialized Care Of: Arthritis



Newsletters: Arthritis


Specialists in bones, muscles, and joints
Arthritis affects nearly 43 million Americans. Yet because of misperceptions about the disease, many people never seek appropriate medical care. They believe they are too young to be affected or they may believe that arthritis is "just something you have to learn to live with." While it is true there is no cure for arthritis (just as there is no cure for diabetes or hypertension), there are effective treatments available and measures that can be taken to protect muscles, bones and joints. This is truer today than ever before. 3377 Main Street Springfield, MA 01107-1113 Telephone: (413) 734-5661
Web Site by
Arthritis Treatment Center All Rights Reserved

106. Osteoporosis: Risk And Prevention
Discussion about risk factors and prevention of osteoporosis. Findout how to osteoporosis Risk and Prevention. I am your Guide,
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Women's Health Non-GYN Health Issues Osteoporosis ... Books for Women zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); Birth Control Cancer Cardiovascular Diseases Menopause ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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107. Tuotromedico: Menopausia Y Osteoporosis
Translate this page Varios factores influyen en la osteoporosis a esta edad, además del déficit deestrógenos el fumar, la delgadez MENOPAUSIA Y osteoporosis. DESCRIPCIÓN.
  • Columna con Osteoporosis Columna Normal
  • delgada
  • sedentaria
  • fumadora
En contra de dar hormonas es el caso de una mujer :
  • con obesidad
  • con problemas de trombosis
Asegúrese de conocer las limitaciones de este servicio antes de utilizarlo Información mantenida por Pulsomed y patrocinado por Sanitas
Última actualización: Enero 2004

108. - Women's Health Center
Experts address menopause, gynecological conditions, osteoporosis, and other physical and emotional health issues unique to women.

109. Researching Natural Bone Health - Osteoporosis Eduction Project
OEP researches nutritional and lifestyle approaches to preventing,halting and managing osteoporosis and reducing fracture risk.
steoporosis Education Project is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to exploration of the full of the human potential for optimum bone health. Our mission is to further research on, and awareness about, the nutritional and lifestyle factors influencing bone health development, maintenance and regeneration. The Osteoporosis Education Project (OEP) was founded by, and is directed by, Susan E. Brown, Ph.D., CCN, medical anthropologist and NYS certified nutritionist.
The Osteoporosis Education Project is a division of
Leading Edge Research, Inc. A 501(c)
605 Franklin Park Drive, East Syracuse, NY 13057-1610

Rethinking Osteoporosis Are You At Risk? ... OEP Store

110. Raloxifene: A Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator - September 15, 1999 - Ameri
Discusses the drug and its use in the treatment of osteoporosis.

Advanced Search
Raloxifene: A Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator
Duke/Southern Regional Area Health Education Center, Fayetteville, North Carolina
Campbell University School of Pharmacy, Buies Creek, North Carolina
University of North Carolina School of Pharmacy, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
A patient information handout on raloxifene and osteoporosis, written by the authors of this article, is provided on page 1139. E strogen replacement is considered the first-line approach for the prevention and treatment of multiple conditions affecting women's health. It has been widely recommended for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, reduction of the risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease, improvement of lipid profiles, amelioration of the signs and symptoms of menopause and possible protection against the development of Alzheimer's disease. See editorial
on page 1092.

111. Got Osteoporosis?
percent less bone density at menopause than nonsmokers. To learn moreabout dairy foods and osteoporosis, please visit these sites
"The dairy folks, ever since the 1920s, have been enormously successful in cultivating an environment within virtually all segments of our society—from research and education to public relations and politics—to have us believing that cow's milk and its products are manna from heaven. ... Make no mistake about it; the dairy industry has been virtually in total control of any and all public health information that ever rises to the level of public scrutiny."
Dr. T. Colin Campbell Why dairy products won't help
you maintain healthy bones Building strong bones and keeping them that
way is easier than you may have thought. The dairy pushers pay dietitians, doctors, and researchers to endorse dairy products, spending more than $300 million annually, just at the national level, to retain a market for their products. The dairy industry provides free teaching materials to schools and pays sports stars, celebrities, and politicians to push an agenda based on profit, not public health. Dr. Walter Willett, veteran nutrition researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health, says that calcium consumption via dairy-product intake "has become like a religious crusade," overshadowing true preventive measures such as physical exercise. To hear the dairy industry tell it, if you consume three glasses of milk daily, your bones will be stronger and you will be able to rest assured that osteoporosis is not in your future. Not so. After examining all the available nutritional studies and evidence, Dr. John McDougall concludes: "The primary cause of osteoporosis is the highprotein diet most Americans consume today. As one leading researcher in this area said, 'eating a high-protein diet is like pouring acid rain on your bones.'" Remarkably enough, both clinical and population studies show that milk-drinkers tend to have more bone breaks than people who consume milk infrequently or not at all. For the dairy industry to lull unsuspecting women and children into complacency by telling them to be sure to drink more milk so that their bones will be strong may make good business sense, but it does the consumer a grave disservice.

112. Valerius Medical - 562-436-5450
A California medical practice specializing in arthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatism, and research.
TO OUR PATIENTS AND FRIENDS: We wanted to let you be the first in knowing about the changes that have occurred and will be occurring in the near future. First of all, the name of the practice has changed from Nathaniel Neal, MD to
Valerius Medical Group and Research Center of Greater Long Beach, Inc..
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113. Osteoporosis Drugs,drugs For Osteoporosis, Paget's Disease,fosamax Drugs for osteoporosis; Drugs for Pagets Disease; Database of Actonel,Fosamax, Evista, etc. osteoporosis and Paget s Disease Drug Database.
CoreyNahman .com
Drugs for Osteoporosis; Drugs for Pagets Disease; Database of: Actonel, Fosamax, Evista, etc.

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Osteoporosis and Paget's Disease Drug Database
Osteoporosis is a common condition in the United States. In simple terms, osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones whereby they become brittle and easily fractured.
Osteoporosis mostly affects post-menopausal Caucasian women although all women can be affected. Osteoporosis is less common in men than in women.
There are conflicting theories about what causes osteoporosis. It is known that the chronic administration of certain drugs, such as corticosteroids like prednisone, may increase a person's risk of developing osteoporosis.
If you are a woman taking prednisone or any steroid medication (including inhaled steroids for asthma or COPD) it is important that you get extra calcium in your diet. Most experts agree that a woman of child-bearing age should ingest 1,000 mg - 1,500 mg of calcium per day to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. If you already have osteoporosis it is unlikely that ingesting lots of calcium will reverse the disease.
Paget's disease is similar to osteoporosis in that it is characterized by a weakening of the bones. Paget's disease is a metabolic condition that causes bone cells to become weaker and have more blood vessels than normal bone. In Paget's disease the bone's structure is irregular which makes it prone to fracture even after a minor injury.

114. Women Health - Resources For Women Health
Including breast disease, menopause and osteoporosis.
Home Menopause Menopause Resources Endometriosis ... Premenstrual Syndrome Resources Powered by

115. Diagnosis: Osteoporosis
A recent diagnosis of osteoporosis prompted Virginia Ramage Smith to do some seriousinvestigation of this disease, its cause, prevention and treatment, plus
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116. Miacalcin Online, Description, Chemistry, Ingredients - Calcitonin (salmon) - Rx
with links to full prescrbing information for this polypeptide hormone indicated for the treatment of symptomatic Paget's disease of bone, for the treatment of hypercalcemia, and for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.......
Calcitonin (salmon) HEALTH LIBRARY
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safe for diabetics?
Calcitonin is a polypeptide hormone secreted by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland in mammals and by the ultimobranchial gland of birds and fish. Calcitonin (salmon) is a synthetic polypeptide of 32 amino acids in the same linear sequence that is found in calcitonin of salmon origin.

117. Osteoporosis: Online Reference For Health Concerns
osteoporosis description, detection, recomendations andtreatment information. osteoporosis Updated 06/10/2003.
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118. Osteoporosis
Translate this page osteoporosis. osteoporosis No es sólo una preocupación de ancianos. El 80%de los 25 millones de víctimas de la osteoporosis de EE.UU. son mujeres.
Osteoporosis: No es sólo una preocupación de ancianos
de David Fitz-Patrick, M.D., Endocrinología
La importancia del calcio recibe atención masificada ahora que la generación del baby-boom llega a la menopausia. Pero la lucha contra la osteoporosis comienza mucho antes de la mediana edad, y es una lucha que vale la pena. El deterioro óseo de la osteoporosis afecta la mitad de las mujeres estadounidenses mayores de 45 años, y al 90% delas mujeres mayores de 90 años. El 80% de los 25 millones de víctimas de la osteoporosis de EE.UU. son mujeres. La osteoporosis aumenta gravemente el riesgo de romperse huesos o sufrir fracturas de compresión espinal que causan dolor de espalda, pérdida de estatura y jorobas. La osteoporosis es la causa de unas 250.000 fracturas de caderas en los EE.UU. cada año, de las cuales un 20% provocan la muestre a través de sus complicaciones, y un 25% de los supervivientes requerirán la asistencia de enfermeros de allí en adelante. Muchas mujeres son inconscientes de que el estado de sus huesos en edades avanzadas está afectado por la ingestión de calcio de su vida hasta el momento. Nuestros huesos, que desprenden y renuevan el calcio a lo largo de la vida, acumulan densidad durante la infancia y la adolescencia. Después, durante el principio de la edad adulta el calcio es depositado y liberado en cantidades iguales. Cuando una mujer llega a los 35 años, comienza a liberarse más calcio del que se acumula, un proceso que se acelera con el declive de la producción de estrógenos en la menopausia.

119. HJD | Department Of Rheumatology
The Department of Rheumatology at the Hospital for Joint Diseases is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of all patients with diseases of the joints such as Arthritis; bone diseases such as osteoporosis; soft tissue diseases such as Tendonitis; and autoimmune diseases such Lupus and Scleroderma.
The Department of Rheumatology at the Hospital for Joint Diseases is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of all patients with diseases of the joints such as Arthritis ; bone diseases such as Osteoporosis ; soft tissue diseases such as Tendonitis ; and autoimmune diseases such Lupus and Scleroderma This is accomplished through a balance of education, research, and clinical care of patients with various rheumatic disorders.

120. Women's Natural Health Care
This free educational site promotes the holistic approach for women's health care menopause, breast cancer, PMS, osteoporosis, and other female issues.
Women's Holistic Health Herbal, Homeopathic, and nutritional Programs for Women's Health
Homeopathy and Herbal Programs for Women's Health -Traditional Chinese Medicine,
Naturopathic Medicine, and Nutritional Medicine for Women's Health
Welcome to... Natural Health for Women (aka: -A free educational web site on the internet since 1996
This site is being continuously updated so check in often to see what's new -Last update 4/16/2004
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  • TREATING MENOPAUSE NATURALLY : Making Menopause A More Comfortable Transition Estrogen's Deadly Truth: a story of deception, betrayal, hidden agendas, propaganda and misinformation. "I saw these patients who were on estrogen and they were getting swollen breasts and fibrosistic breast disease, they were getting fat around their middle, their hips, their abdomen, losing libido and getting depressed." Dr. John Lee

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