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         Osteoporosis:     more books (100)
  1. How to Fight Osteoporosis & Win!: The Miracle of Microscrystalline Hydroxapitite (McHc) (Health Learning Handbook) by Beth M. Ley, 1996-09-01
  2. Osteoporosis, From Pathophysiology To Treatment: Special Topics In Diagnostic Testing by Catherine A. Hammett-Stabler PhD, 2004-05-01
  3. Strength Training for Strong Bones: A Step-By-Step Program to Prevent Osteoporosis and Stay Fit and Active for Life (Harperresource Books) by Susie Dinan, Joan Bassey, 2001-06-19
  4. Osteoporosis: Prevention, Diagnosis and Management, 5th Ed. by Morris Notelovitz, 2008-05-01
  5. The silent thief: osteoporosis and women's health care across the life span.: An article from: Health and Social Work by Shari Munch, Sarah Shapiro, 2006-02-01
  6. The HRT switch in osteoporosis.(hormone replacement therapy)(Editorial): An article from: Internal Medicine News by Kenneth G. Saag, 2003-07-01
  7. Nutritional Factors and Osteoporosis Prevention (Nutrition and Diet Research Progress) by Masayoshi Yamaguchi, 2010-07
  8. What You Must Know About Women's Hormones: Your Guide to Natural Hormone Treatents for PMS, Menopause, Osteoporosis, PCOS, and More by Pamela Wartian, M.D. Smith, 2009-10-30
  9. Osteoporosis (Fast Facts) by Juliet E. Compston, Clifford J. Rosen, 2006-10-31
  10. Osteoporosis: by Waldo Ed. Cohn, 1987-01
  11. A Woman Doctor's Guide to Osteoporosis: Essential Facts and Up-To-The Minute Information on the Prevention, Treatment, and Reversal of Bone Loss (Books for Women By Women) by Yvonne R. Sherrer, Robin K. Levinson, 1995-02
  12. Osteoporosis for Dummies by Carolyn Riester O'Connor, 2010-10-12
  13. Boosting Bone Strength: A Guide to Preventing and Treating Osteoporosis (Special Health Report)
  14. Bone Loading: The New Way to Prevent and Combat the Thinning Bones of Osteoporosis by Ariel Simkin, Judith Ayalon, 1994-07

81. Dr Staub - Orthopaedic Surgery
osteoporosis. osteoporosis or softening of the bones is a major healthproblem affecting over 20 million Americans. CAUSES OF osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis or "softening of the bones" is a major health problem - affecting over 20 million Americans. This condition, which, results in loss of bone density, afflicts half of all women over the age of fifty and one - third of men over the age of seventy - five . The risk of breaking a bone increases and , indeed, people with osteoporosis sustain approximately 1.2 million fractures annually in this country. The cost to the nation in medical bills and lost wages is in the billions. of dollars. An understanding of osteoporosis requires knowledge of body metabolism, calcium regulation, hormones and vitamins , and skeletal structure. This can be very complicated and scientific, but I will try to simplify this as much as possible with easy to understand analogies - at the risk of over - simplication. Calcium and Bone We all know that we get calcium from milk and that calcium goes into the bones to make the skeketon strong. In fact, an orthopedist would probably believe that calcium ,the mineral, exists solely to build bones. An endocrinologist or a cardiologist, on the other hand,would perhaps consider the skeleton to exist only to provide calcium to be used for various important bodily functions. Premature bone initially is made up of soft tissue called collagen. Collagen contains cells that form bone - OSTEOBLASTS. When immature bone is laid down by osteoblasts, calcium and another mineral,phosphate, combine to form a crystal - like substance . These calcium crystals are incorporated into the tissue - eventually forming hard , mature bone. Bone formation begins in utero and continues for nearly two decades. Calcium intake is very important during these years of development. Bone mass increases in childhood and peak bone mass is obtained by one's mid - twenties. Peak bone mass refers to the point when a bone will be at its maximum density. Peak bone mass is directly influenced by adequate intake of dietary calcium. Women who take in inadequate dietary calcium will have a lower peak bone mass and thus, a higher risk of deveolping osteoporosis later in life.

82. White Wine Even Better For You Than Red, Research Finds
Researchers state that certain antiinflammatory and anti-oxidant compounds found especially in white wine may help prevent conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.

83. FeelGood2000
A natural progesterone body cream which benefits many menopausal and premenopausal women with hot flashes, mood swings, pms, depression, osteoporosis and arthritis.

Oprah Endorses Natural Progesterone as a Safe Alternative to Synthetic
Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Available soon in Canada with a prescription
Many doctors and health care practitioners state that
Natural Progesterone:

84. Discovery Health Osteoporosis
osteoporosis is the loss of bone density or thinning of thebones. search,osteoporosis. By Eva Martin, MD. Images (click to view larger image).

85. USPSTF Recommendation: Osteoporosis Screening
Recommendation by the US Preventive Services Task Force regardinguse of screening for osteoporosis. osteoporosis Screening. The US
Osteoporosis Screening
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that women aged 65 and older be screened routinely for osteoporosis. The USPSTF recommends that routine screening begin at age 60 for women at increased risk for osteoporotic fractures There is good evidence that the risk for osteoporosis and fracture increases with age and other factors; bone density measurements accurately predict the risk for fractures in the short-term; treating asymptomatic women with osteoporosis reduces their risk for fracture. The USPSTF concludes that the benefits of screening and treatment are of at least moderate magnitude for women at increased risk by virtue of age or presence of other risk factors There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against routine osteoporosis screening in postmenopausal women who are younger than 60 or in women aged 60-64 who are not at increased risk for osteoporotic fractures Return to U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

86. Osteoporosis
Etiolog­a, m©todos diagn³sticos e introducci³n a los m©todos de tratamiento.

87. Osteoporosis
osteoporosis. December 2001 WHAT IS osteoporosis? osteoporosis is a diseaseof the skeleton in which bones become brittle and prone to fracture.
Osteoporosis December 2001
WHAT IS OSTEOPOROSIS? Osteoporosis is a disease of the skeleton in which bones become brittle and prone to fracture. In other words, the bone loses density. Osteoporosis is diagnosed when bone density has decreased to the point where fractures will happen with mild stress. [ For determining this point, see how is Osteoporosis Diagnosed, below
Until a healthy person is around 40, the process of breaking down and building up bone by cells called osteoclasts and osteoblasts is a nearly perfectly coupled system, with one phase stimulating the other. [For a brief description of this process see Box The Bones, below .] As a person ages, however, or in the presence of certain conditions, this system breaks down and the two processes become out of sync. The reasons why this occurs during aging are not clear. Some individuals have a very high turnover rate of bone; some have a very gradual turnover, but the breakdown of bone eventually overtakes the build-up.
THE BONES The Function of Bones The skeleton has a dual function:
  • It provides structural support for muscles and organs.

88. Arthritis & Pain Associates Of P.G. County - Greenbelt & Clinton, Maryland
List service which include providing care for adult and pediatric patients with arthritis, osteoporosis, and other rheumatologic conditions. Includes patient education and contact detail. Located in Maryland.
Medical Staff


Patient Info
Patient Education

Arthritis and Pain Associates
of P.G. County Arthritis and Pain Associates of P.G. County provides compassionate care for adult and pediatric patients with arthritis, osteoporosis, and other rheumatologic conditions. We believe in taking care of the patient as a whole person and including them as an educated decision maker in their care. We are welcoming new patients in our Greenbelt and Clinton, Maryland, locations
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Arthritis and Pain Associates of P.G. County
7347 Hanover Parkway
Greenbelt, MD 20770 Tel: 301.345.5600 Fax: 301.345.7715 view map 9131 Piscataway Rd., Suite 310 Clinton, MD 20735 Tel: 301.345.5600 Fax: 301.345.7715 view map Legal Notice Website errors? Contact the webmaster Please provide the website address in your subject line. (Messages sent to this address will not reach the practice.), Inc

89. Q & A On Osteoporosis
osteoporosis. What is osteoporosis? osteoporosis is a preventable and treatabledisease. Are women more affected by osteoporosis than men?
CONTENTS Osteoporosis What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis, which means "porous bones," is a condition of excessive skeletal fragility resulting in weakened bones that are susceptable to fracture. A combination of genetic, dietary, hormonal, age-related, and lifestyle factors all contribute to this condition. Osteoporosis is a preventable and treatable disease. Are women more affected by osteoporosis than men? Overall, approximately 8 million American women have osteoporosis. Women are four times more likely than men to develop osteoporosis because of the loss of estrogen at menopause (estrogen blocks or slows down bone loss). Over half of all women over the age of 65 have osteoporosis. Even though osteoporosis is often thought of as a disease that only affects older people, it can strike at any age. Osteoporosis leads to 1.5 million fractures, or breaks, per year, mostly in the hip, spine and wrist, and costs $14 billion annually. One in two women over the age of 50 will suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture. How would I know if I might have osteoporosis?

90. Home Page - - The First Name In Women's Health, Home Page - DrDonn
Womens health physician, Donnica Moore, MD, discusses common issues such as menopause, PMS, PMDD, infertility, fertility, postpartum depression, osteoporosis, sexuality, and weight loss.
We subscribe to the HONcode principles. Verify here
What is CRP?
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a measurable substance in the blood. Increased levels of this protein indicate acute inflammation. Research studies have shown that high levels of CRP indicate an increased risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke. This is now believed to be an even stronger risk factor than having elevated cholesterol levels. Click here for complete article.
Dustin Hoffman Advocates Stem Cell Research
Dustin Hoffman's roles in Kramer vs. Kramer Tootsie and Rain Man , challenged our perceptions of what it is to be a parent, a man and a brother. Now Hoffman is using that same sense of humanity to appeal to California voters to support stem cell research. "My wife Lisa and I became involved with this issue for several reasons," says the two-time Academy Award winner. "Among them is the fact that our daughter's best friend was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was 11 years old. Another reason is stem cell research offers the best hope for a cure and should be pursued." Hoffman recently joined in helping the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation's first-ever fundraiser to support stem cell research. Hoffman was joined by a who's who list of Hollywood celebrities. For the complete article, click here
Want help choosing a new gynecologist?

91. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 5, Ch. 57, Osteoporosis
Chapter 57. osteoporosis. Topics. General. click here for navigation help. General. Trabecularbone loss predominates in typical postmenopausal osteoporosis.

92. WALK TALL! An Exercise Program For The Prevention & Treatment Of Osteoporosis
Exercise program for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
HOME CATALOG ORDER LINKS ... CONTACT US Osteoporosis exercises can prevent dowagers hump, relieve back pain, make you taller. WALK TALL!
By Sara Meeks, PT, GCS Walk Tall
is a simple, comprehensive exercise program for postural correction, bone strengthening, and balance. The results are amazing! As you progress through the program
- you will develop stronger bones and muscles
- you will develop better balance
- your back will become stronger
- your body alignment will improve you will actually become taller!
- risk of injury will be reduced
- back and neck pain will be relieved Emphasis is placed on strengthening the back extensors, the deep layer of muscles of the back that hold the body up against the force of gravity. (Sample exercises below.)
Spinal flexion the movement in many popular exercises such as sit-ups is avoided; such exercises compress the spine and can lead to compression fractures in those whose spine has been weakened from bone loss.

93. SCOI Presents Osteoporosis
About SCOI, There has been much recognition of osteoporosis as a women shealth problem, but five million American men are also affected.
There has been much recognition of osteoporosis as a women's health problem, but five million American men are also affected. Even teenagers are not immune, particularly girls. Osteoporosis causes the bones to weaken and fracture under the slightest stress. If detected early, it can be prevented and treated before significant bone loss occurs. Bone tissue can be affected by age, heredity, unhealthy habits, diet, sex hormones, physical inactivity and certain medications. Osteoporosis can be a complication of any chronic disease involving the lungs, liver, kidneys, GI tract, hormones, and rheumatoid arthritis. Bone loss can occur as a result of long term use of steroids, thyroid hormone, some anti-convulsant drugs and chemo-therapies. Low levels of sex hormones are the major cause of osteoporosis. Men with low testosterone levels can be treated with replacement therapy. Detecting Osteoporosis with Bone Mineral Density Testing Women who complete menopause or suffer loss of menstrual periods should investigate the possibility of bone loss with a BMD test. The BMD test is quick, painless, similar to x-ray, and can predict fracture risk.

94. Statins And Osteoporosis

95. BBC NEWS | Health | Medical Notes | Osteoporosis
osteoporosis a gradual weakening of the bones - affects one in threewomen and one in 12 men, and is on the increase among the young.
You are in: Health: Medical notes News Front Page World ... Programmes SERVICES Daily E-mail News Ticker Mobile/PDAs Text Only ... Help EDITIONS Change to World Tuesday, 24 August, 1999, 13:23 GMT 14:23 UK Osteoporosis
Large holes inside bones cause them to become weak
Osteoporosis affects one in three women and one in 12 men, is responsible for 200,000 breaks per year in the UK and 40 deaths a day. It is often known as a silent illness, because many people do not know they have it until it is too late. Although it is thought of as a disease of old age, latest research suggests its roots lie in adolescence. What is it? Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones that can lead to breaks which are difficult to heal - hence its alternative name, brittle bone disease. Bones are made up of a thick outer shell with a honeycomb mesh inside. Osteoporosis occurs when the gaps in this honeycomb become bigger making the bone fragile and brittle causing them to break easily. The wrists, hips and spine are particularly at risk. What causes it?

96. - Osteoporosis Drug Found Equally Effective For Men - August 31, 2000
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Osteoporosis drug found equally effective for men
From staff and wire reports BOSTON (CNN) A drug widely used to treat osteoporosis in women appears to be equally effective in men who have the disease, according to a study. "We perceive it as a women's disease and have totally ignored the fact that a lot of men are affected," said lead study author Dr. Eric Orwoll of the Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland.

97. Collected Resources : Osteoporosis
osteoporosis. Editorials Treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis A CranneyBMJ 2003;327355356 , doi10.1136/bmj.327.7411.355 Full text PDF.

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Citations 1-10 of 29 total displayed. Most recent content (27 Sep 2003):
News roundup
Parathyroid hormone alone is as effective as combination in treating osteoporosis
Scott Gottlieb
BMJ 2003;327:700 , doi:10.1136/bmj.327.7417.700-a [Abridged text] [Abridged PDF] [Full text]
Past content (since May 1998):
Treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis
A Cranney
BMJ 2003;327:355-356 , doi:10.1136/bmj.327.7411.355 [Full text] [PDF]
Clinical review
Preventing fractures in elderly people

BMJ 2003;327:89-95 , doi:10.1136/bmj.327.7406.89 [Full text] [PDF]
Primary care
Quantitative ultrasound and risk factor enquiry as predictors of postmenopausal osteoporosis: comparative study in primary care
Jean Hodson and Jen Marsh
BMJ 2003;326:1250-1251 , doi:10.1136/bmj.326.7401.1250 [Full text] [PDF]
High Court strikes down Merck's patent on alendronate
Owen Dyer BMJ 2003;326:243 , doi:10.1136/bmj.326.7383.243/c [Full text] [PDF]
News extra Drug advertisers face scrutiny after potentially breaking FDA rules
Deborah Josefson BMJ 2002;325:1262 , doi:10.1136/bmj.325.7375.1262/a

98. CNN - Osteoporosis And Men - June 18, 1999
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Osteoporosis and men
June 18, 1999 Web posted at: 9:19 AM EDT (1319 GMT) By Marvin Ross (WebMD) It is a condition normally associated with postmenopausal women but osteoporosis, or brittle bones, is also seen in men. According to Dr. P. Peris of the University of Barcelona, "Osteoporosis in men has received much less attention; however, it is increasingly recognized as a problem in clinical medicine." In a 1995 study published in the British Journal of Rheumatology, Peris pointed out that 30 percent of all hip fractures occur in men and that vertebral fractures are much more common in men than previously thought. The female-to-male ratio is only 2-to-1. According to Dr. Allan Gold, an endocrinologist and senior physician at the Montreal General Hospital, a recent Canadian survey found that 20 percent of men have serious bone loss in their vertebrae, and by age 70 the figure is as high as 30 percent. Gold said that "men in their 80s have a fracture rate that is equal to women's."

99. Osteoporosis
How common is osteoporosis? What is osteoporosis? osteoporosis (pronouncedahstee-o-por-o-sis) is a disease where bone breaks down over time. of arthritis/osteoporosis/default.asp?s=1

100. Welcome To
Features product information, support program, osteoporosis resources, risk factors, and FAQs.
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