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         Opitz Syndrome:     more books (17)
  1. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine by George M. Gould, Walter L. Pyle, 2010-09-20
  2. Anomalies And Curiosities Of Medicine- George M. Gould, A.M., M.D. by A.M., M.D. George M. Gould, 2010-02-17
  3. X-Linked Mental Retardation 3

21. Entrez PubMed
Click here to read The SmithLemli-opitz syndrome. The Smith-Lemli-opitz syndrome(SLOS) is one of the archetypical multiple congenital malformation syndromes.
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J Med Genet. 2000 May;37(5):321-35. Related Articles, Links
The Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. Kelley RI, Hennekam RC. The Johns Hopkins University, Kennedy Krieger Institute, 707 North Broadway, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, USA. The Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is one of the archetypical multiple congenital malformation syndromes. The recent discovery of the biochemical cause of SLOS and the subsequent redefinition of SLOS as an inborn error of cholesterol metabolism have led to important new treatment possibilities for affected patients. Moreover, the recent recognition of the important role of cholesterol in vertebrate embryogenesis, especially with regard to the hedgehog embryonic signalling pathway and its effects on the expression of homeobox genes, has provided an explanation for the abnormal morphogenesis in the syndrome. The well known role of cholesterol in the formation of steroid hormones has also provided a possible explanation for the abnormal behavioural characteristics of SLOS.

22. Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome
Smith Lemli opitz syndrome Important It is possible that the main title ofthe report Smith Lemli opitz syndrome is not the name you expected.
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Health Topics Symptoms ... For a Complete Report Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome Important It is possible that the main title of the report Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. Synonyms
  • RSH Syndrome Smith-Opitz-Inborn Syndrome
Disorder Subdivisions
  • None
General Discussion Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome is a hereditary developmental disorder. It is characterized by nostrils that tilt forward (anteverted nares), drooping eyelids, webbing between the second and third toes, male genital abnormalities, mental retardation, and small stature. Resources Smith Lemli-Opitz/RSH Advocacy and Exchange 2650 Valley Forge Drive Boothwyn, PA 19061

23. Opitz Syndrome
opitz syndrome Opitz G/BBB Family Network Support, encouragement, education, and sharingof successes and ideas for families affected by OpitzG/BBB syndrome.
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You are in Medical Library Choose a Topic Our Content Sources Ask A Question Clinical Trials Health Guide A-Z Health Topics Symptoms Medical Tests Medications ... Opitz G/BBB Family Network Opitz Syndrome Opitz G/BBB Family Network International. Founded 1994. Support, encouragement, education, and sharing of successes and ideas for families affected by Opitz-G/BBB syndrome. Maintains database of members, literature, information, e-group, phone support, and newsletter. Referrals to other families. Family conferences. WRITE: Opitz Family Network P.O. Box 515 Grand Lake, CO 80447 CALL: 970-627-3466 FAX: 970-627-3476 (eve/weekends) E-MAIL: WEBSITE: VERIFIED: 2/19/2003 The above information is based upon information available through the "verified" date at the end of each listing. Since American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse's resources are limited; it is not possible to keep every entry in American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse database completely current and accurate. Please check with the organizations listed for the most current information. For additional information and assistance about self-help groups, please contact the American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse in Cedar Knolls, New Jersey, by email at:

24. Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome
SmithLemli-opitz syndrome is a hereditary developmental disorder. NationalOrganization for Rare Disorders, Inc. Smith Lemli opitz syndrome.
document.write(''); var hwPrint=1; var hwDocHWID="nord292"; var hwDocTitle="Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome"; var hwRank="1"; var hwSectionHWID="nord292"; var hwSectionTitle=""; var hwSource="cn6.0"; var hwProdCfgSerNo="wsh_html_031_s"; var hwDocType="NORD";
National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc.
Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome
It is possible that the main title of the report is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report.
  • RSH Syndrome Smith-Opitz-Inborn Syndrome
Disorder Subdivisions
  • None
Related Disorders List
Information on the following diseases can be found in the Related Disorders section of this report:
  • None
General Discussion
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome is a hereditary developmental disorder. It is characterized by nostrils that tilt forward (anteverted nares), drooping eyelids, webbing between the second and third toes, male genital abnormalities, mental retardation, and small stature.
Onset of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome occurs before birth. Symptoms of the disorder include:

25. Opitz Syndrome
Founded 1994. Support, encouragement, education, and sharing of successesand ideas for families affected by OpitzG/BBB syndrome. opitz syndrome.
document.write(''); var hwPrint=1; var hwDocHWID="shc29opi"; var hwDocTitle="Opitz Syndrome"; var hwRank="1"; var hwSectionHWID="shc29opi"; var hwSectionTitle=""; var hwSource="cn6.0"; var hwProdCfgSerNo="wsh_html_031_s"; var hwDocType="SHC";
Self Help Clearinghouse
Opitz Syndrome
Opitz G/BBB Family Network
International. Founded 1994.
Support, encouragement, education, and sharing of successes and ideas for families affected by Opitz-G/BBB syndrome. Maintains database of members, literature, information, e-group, phone support, and newsletter. Referrals to other families. Family conferences.
Opitz Family Network
P.O. Box 515
Grand Lake, CO 80447
CALL: 970-627-3466
FAX: 970-627-3476 (eve/weekends)
VERIFIED: 2/19/2003 The above information is based upon information available through the "verified" date at the end of each listing. Since American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse's resources are limited; it is not possible to keep every entry in the American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse database completely current and accurate. Please check with the organizations listed for the most current information. For additional information and assistance about self-help groups, please contact the American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse in Cedar Knolls, New Jersey, by email at:

Features Listed For SMITHLEMLI-opitz syndrome TYPE I. McKusick 270400.Abnormal liver (including function); Absent or hypoplastic

Features Listed For SMITHLEMLI-opitz syndrome TYPE II (SEVERE LETHALFORM). McKusick 268670. 46, XY with Mullerian structures; Absent

28. Special Child: Disorder Zone Archives - Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome
SmithLemli-opitz syndrome. Chase Woodward. Abigail was born on February 22, 1999and within days was diagnosed with Smith-Lemli-opitz syndrome, or SLOS.
Disorder Zone
Archives Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome
Chase Woodward
Abigail Roberts Introduction Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is a metabolic disorder characterized by psychomotor and growth retardation, cleft palate, polydactyly, syndactyly, and a distinctive craniofacial appearance. SLOS is an inherited autosomal recessive disorder, which means that those with SLOS have inherited the defective gene from both parents. Couples who have one affected child have a 25% risk of having a child with SLOS in each pregnancy. For those individuals who already have a child with SLOS, prenatal testing is available for subsequent pregnancies. It is now estimated that SLOS occurs in 1 out of every 10,000 to 20,000 live births. This rate may be underestimated, however, because the recognition of SLOS in mildly affected patients, where only a few abnormalities are found, can be difficult. In addition, some individuals may have separate malformations that disrupt the diagnostically important facial characteristics. It does appear, however, that there is a higher frequency of SLOS in individuals of northern European ancestry and a lower frequency in people of Asian or African background. Features and Characteristics The following characteristics have been seen in more than 50% of patients:
  • Microcephaly Blepharoptosis (drooping of the upper eyelids) Cleft palate Postnatal growth retardation Syndactyly of toes (webbing between toes) Mental retardation Hypospadias (developmental anomaly involving the urethra)

29. Genetic Disorders, Opitz Syndrome
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  • Emergency Medicine - An extensive article about Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, a multiple congenital anomalies/mental retardation syndrome caused by a defect in cholesterol synthesis.
  • NORD: Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome - Offers a brief description, the synonyms and further resources.

31. Disease Directory : Genetic Disorders : Opitz Syndrome
Diseases Genetic Disorders opitz syndrome. Clinical Trial Study ofSmithLemli-opitz syndrome - Study of Smith-Lemli-opitz syndrome.
Wednesday, June 02, 2004 Genetic Disorders
Aarskog Syndrome

Aase Syndrome

Ablepharon-Macrostomia Syndrome
... Genetic Disorders : Opitz Syndrome

32. Disease Directory : Genetic Disorders : Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome
Diseases Genetic Disorders Smith Lemli opitz syndrome. Behavioral phenotype ofRSH/SmithLemli-opitz syndrome. Print this page. Smith-Lemli-opitz syndrome.
Wednesday, June 02, 2004 Genetic Disorders
Aarskog Syndrome

Aase Syndrome

Ablepharon-Macrostomia Syndrome
... Genetic Disorders : Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome

33. Opitz G,Opitz, Syndrome, Lucas, Lucas Towstego, Towstego, G Syndrome, Bbb Syndro
Synonyms It is possible that opitz syndrome may not be the name that you expected. OpitzSyndrome is a genetic disorder that may be evident at birth.
Opitz G/BBB Family Connection
(Canada) 43 Swallow Street, Kitimat, British Columbia V8C 1K6 Phone: 250-632-7026 Fax:250-639-9062 E-Mail NORD Description of Opitz G/BBB Syndrome

It is possible that Opitz Syndrome may not be the name that you expected. Your physician may have given you another name for this disease. Please check the synonyms listed below to find other names for this specific disorder. BBBG Syndrome
Hypertelorism with Esophageal Abnormalities and Hypospadias
Hypertelorism-Hypospadias Syndrome
Hypospadias-Dysphagia Syndrome
Opitz BBB Syndrome
Opitz BBB/G Compound Syndrome
Opitz BBBG Syndrome
Opitz G Syndrome Opitz Hypertelorism-Hypospadias Syndrome Opitz Oculogenitolaryngeal Syndrome Opitz-Frias Syndrome Telecanthus-Hypospadias Syndrome Disorder Subdivisions: G Syndrome BBB Syndrome (Opitz) Abstract (General Discussion) The information contained in the Rare Disease Database (RDB) is provided for educational purposes only. It should not be used for diagnostic or treatment purposes. If you order the full text version of this report from NORD, you can contact the agencies listed in the Resources section for more detailed information and avenues to support. In addition, your personal physician may be able to provide details specific to your case. Opitz Syndrome was originally categorized as two distinct disorders: i.e., Opitz G and Opitz BBB Syndromes. Yet many investigators have since determined that the disorders represent the same clinical entity with different modes of genetic transmission. The form of the disorder previously designated as Opitz BBB Syndrome is transmitted as an X-linked trait. This X-linked disorder appears to be caused by changes (mutations) of a gene, known as MID1 (for "midline-1"), that is located on the short arm (p) of chromosome X (Xp22). The form originally classified as Opitz G Syndrome is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. It is thought to result from deletions of genetic material from the long arm (q) of chromosome 22 (22q11.2).

34. - Prenatal Ultrasound Findings Of Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome-Sandra
200003-15-17 Smith-Lemli-opitz syndrome © Silva Smith-Lemli-Opitzsyndrome. 0.005 mg/ml. Smith-Lemli-opitz syndrome. 18 + 3 mg/ml.

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Entry GO GeneClinics: Medical Genetics Knowledge Base Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome Authors: TL Kurtzman; C Cunniff GO Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man SMITH-LEMLI-OPITZ SYNDROME, TYPE I (#270400) GO Opitz-G/BBB Family Network GO ... Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome Network (SLOS)
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36. OPITZ SYNDROME: Contact A Family - For Families With Disabled Children: Informat
printer friendly, opitz syndrome, opitz syndrome; G syndrome; HypertelorismHypospadiassyndrome; Opitz-Frias syndrome; Opitz G/BBB syndrome.
printer friendly OPITZ SYNDROME home more about us in your area conditions information ... how you can help search this site Did you find this page
yes no Opitz syndrome; G syndrome; Hypertelorism-Hypospadias syndrome; Opitz-Frias syndrome; Opitz G/BBB syndrome Genetic knowledge has advanced since Professor John Opitz and his colleagues reported the condition in the 1970s. Professor Opitz is an eminent North American geneticist who did not favour the old system of naming syndromes after the doctor who first reports the condition. He named several conditions by representing the initials of the surnames of the first presenting families. However, a huge increase in the number of newly reported syndromes was one reason this system fell out of favour. The so-called type I and type II Opitz G/BBB syndromes appear the same but they may arise from different faults in one gene, or even from faults in quite different genes. This phenomenon is termed genetic heterogeneity and it is important for families because it complicates genetic risk prediction and makes gene testing more difficult. Probably, the autosomal dominant variety of Opitz G/BBB is commonest and in some families the gene fault or mutation is located on chromosome 22. In a few cases only, a chromosome 22q11-13 deletion has been diagnosed by a special (FISH) chromosome test.

37. SMITH-LEMLI-OPITZ SYNDROME: Contact A Family - For Families With Disabled Childr
printer friendly, SMITHLEMLI-opitz syndrome, Smith-Lemli-opitz syndrome (SLOS)is a multiple congenital abnormality syndrome first described in 1964.
printer friendly SMITH-LEMLI-OPITZ SYNDROME home more about us in your area conditions information ... how you can help search this site Did you find this page
yes no Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is a multiple congenital abnormality syndrome first described in 1964. Thirty years later, SLOS became the first such syndrome be identified as an 'inborn error of metabolism', in this case due to deficiency of the enzyme called 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase. This enzyme normally drives the conversion of the chemical called 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholesterol. Therefore, deficiency of the enzyme leads to increased 7-dehydrocholesterol level and simultaneously restricts the body's ability to produce cholesterol. Although increased cholesterol in the blood leads to heart disease in adult life, cholesterol is also an essential chemical that governs normal development of the fetus during pregnancy and permits optimal growth and brain development after birth. Congenital abnormalities that are present in children with SLOS include microcephaly cleft palate , abnormalities of the fingers and toes (polydactyly and syndactyly) and abnormalities in development of the heart kidneys liver , and lungs . Not all these organs are affected in each case. Underdevelopment of external genitalia occurs in males. Some infants are very severely affected and, in the past, the most severe form of the condition was called SLOS type II. Miscarriage, stillbirth or death in the first weeks of life may occur in such severe cases. In surviving infants, slow growth and poor weight gain is the rule and feeding via a gastrostomy may be required.

38. Smith-Lemli-Opitz, Syndrome : Sites Et Documents Francophones
Translate this page Smith-Lemli-Opitz, syndrome. Arborescence(s) du thesaurus MeSH contenant lemot-clé Smith-Lemli-Opitz, syndrome Smith-Lemli-opitz syndrome
Smith-Lemli-Opitz, syndrome Menu général CISMeF Synonyme(s) CISMeF 7-déhydrocholestérol réductase, déficit en.
Synonyme(s) MeSH RSH, syndrome ; Syndrome RSH ; Syndrome Smith-Lemli-Optiz
Arborescence(s) Smith-Lemli-Opitz, syndrome Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
maladies et malformations congénitales, héréditaires et néonatales
métabolisme et nutrition, maladies Position du mot-clé dans l' (les) arborescence(s) : Vous pouvez consulter Ou consulter ci-dessous une sélection des principales ressources :
Qualificatifs : patient
  • Smith-Lemli-Opitz, syndrome de - Synonyme(s) : 7-déhydrocholestérol réductase, déficit en
    [Par Dr Wolf C.
    Site éditeur Orphanet base de données sur les maladies rares et les médicaments orphelins. Direction Générale de la Santé / INSERM ; informations sur la pathologie, signes de la maladie, types de consultation adaptées, laboratoires de diagnostic, projets de recherche en cours, associations de patients ; pays : France ; langue : français ; format : html ; accès : gratuit ; non parrainé ; daté de : 2002 ; visité le : 22/08/2003].
    mots clés : déhydrocholestérols déficit maladies rares signes et symptômes ... Smith-Lemli-Opitz, syndrome

39. "Opitz Syndrome" "Opitz GBBB Syndrome" G/BBB
The Opitz G/BBB Syndrome Conference. Website developed by Jan Wharton, motherof a child with opitz syndrome and president Opitz G/BBB Family Network.
opitz syndrome "Opitz Syndrome" Opitz GBBB syndrome" Optiz syndrome" "Opitz G syndrome" "Opitz Frias Syndrome" opitz g syndrome opitz syndreom opitz g/bbb syndrome bbb syndrome opitz gbbb syndreom g syndrome opitz gbbb syndreome opitz syndrome opitz syndrome Opitz Syndrome Opitz G/BB This site developed by Jan Wharton B Topics Opitz G/BBB Syndrome Research Opitz G/BBB Family Network Conferences ... Other "Opitz" syndromes Logo was designed for our network specifically and is used under license of Karen G. Frandsen. P.O. Box 515, Grand Lake, CO 80447 USA This is NOT the website of Dr. Opitz, who discovered the syndrome This Page is available in and Italiano Free Online Translator para mas informacion What is the Opitz G/BBB Family Network? We are a parent-run support network for all individuals and families of children who have Opitz-G/BBB syndrome. The Opitz G/BBB Family Network was established in June of 1994 with the cooperation of Dr. John M. Opitz. We now have contact with 272 families from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, England, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxemburg, Mexico, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Wales, and the United States. We are listed with many international, national, state and local agencies.

40. Conditions And Diseases - Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome Top Links
Smith Lemli opitz syndrome Web Site Links. Smith Lemli opitz syndrome Advocacy and exchange. Includes a detailed description, diagnosis
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Related Healthcare Subjects Disabilities Environmental Health Fitness Health Insurance ... Men's Health
Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome Web Site Links Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome Advocacy and exchange. Includes a detailed description, diagnosis, the natural history, biochemistry, genetics, treatment and contact details.
NORD - Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome
Offers a brief description, the synonyms and further resources.
Emergency Medicine
An extensive article about Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, a multiple congenital anomalies/mental retardation syndrome caused by a defect in cholesterol synthesis.
Other Useful Health Web Links National Institutes of Health (NIH) US Government department in charge of medical research.
AHRQ: Clinical Information
Clinical information on evidence-based practice, clinical guidelines, medical effectiveness, pharmaceutical therapy, new technology, screening and preventive services, outcomes research, and the National Guideline Clearinghouse.
The UK Health Technology Assessment Programme
Site contains details of program's many projects and publications; an NHS national research and development initiative.
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)

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