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         Ocular Migraine:     more detail
  1. Ask Dr. Etingin.(Q&A)(dental fillings of mercury)(ocular migraine): An article from: Women's Health Advisor by Gale Reference Team, 2007-03-01
  2. What Triggers Migraines and What You Can Do About It!
  3. The Many Treatment Options for Migraines Examined by, 2010-03-23

1. - Eye Conditions & Disorders - Ocular Migraine
, ocular migraine, The picture above* shows the progression of a characteristic ocular migraine. ocular migraine is a variant of migraine that is not uncommon.
Ocular Migraine The picture above* shows the progression of a characteristic ocular migraine
Ocular Migraine is a variant of migraine that is not uncommon. It is believed to be caused by the same mechanism as classical migraine; vascular spasm. Instead of the spasm affecting the surface of the brain, these episodes affect the ocular blood supply or the blood supply to the vision center in the brain. Typically, these episodes begin with a visual disturbance that begins in the peripheral vision. It often consists of a semi-circular, jagged, shimmering light, which enlarges and becomes more central. This disturbance usually obscures the vision within the jagged area. The light is often described a pale pastel in color. Return to Flashing Lights Return Home
* Illustration reprinted from SURVEY OF OPHTHALMOLOGY, Vol 33, No 4,1989, Hupp et al, with permission from Elsevier Science

2. National Headache Foundation: Ocular Migraine
OCULAR (OPHTHALMIC) MIGRAINE. ocular migraine is a term which may have different meanings to physicians refer to ocular migraine as retinal migraine where there occurs repeated

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Ocular migraine is a term which may have different meanings to different physicians. Many times, migraineurs will have just the visual warning signs or aura of their migraine attack without the headache. This occurs more frequently as one gets older and can be a frightening phenomenon. This is also referred to as acephalgic migraine, or migraine aura without headache. Some physicians refer to ocular migraine as retinal migraine, where there are repeated attacks of one-sided blind spots or blindness lasting less than an hour and associated with a headache. It is important to rule out eye disease or a disorder of the blood vessels leading to the eye as possible causes.

3. Ocular (visual) Migraine: Symptoms (such As Headache), Cause & Treatment Alterna
Research based nutrition and lifestyle protocols for ocular ocula migraine, visual migraine, eye pain, migraine, eye headache migrane. Contact Us. Sitemap. ocular migraine (Visual Migraine)

4. Ocular Migraine??
ocular migraine This article submitted by Amy on 11/4/96. Author's Email I have been getting migraines for as long as I can remember, but recently I had one of the worst ever, and I think it may
Ocular Migraine
This article submitted by Amy on 11/4/96.
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I have been getting migraines for as long as I can remember, but recently I had one of the worst ever, and I think it may have been an ocular migraine. I was at work and my one eye started to get very blurry. I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before so I thought it was just out of tiredness. As the morning went on, I could see less and less out of my eye and eventually I couldn't see anything but light in my eye, no figures, just light. I passed out for a couple of minutes and when I came to, everything was odd-looking to me. I was taken to the emergency room and they did a few tests but sent me home and told me to take my meds (I am taking Midrin for my migraines). Now, right before I get migraines, my one eye gets blurry, but it hasn't been as severe as the first time. Is there anything I can do about it? The midrin doesn't stop the eyesight problem.
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5. Ocular Migraine
How to get relief from ocular migraine headaches. The causes? Tired eyes, computer eye strain Natural Healing Resource Site. ocular migraine.
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Ocular Migraine
The cause of the migraine is thought to begin with arteries in the brain which spasm, precipitated by stress, hormonal fluctuations, certain medications, foods containing tyramine or phenylalanine (e.g., cheese, chocolate), fatigue, and alcohol.
The result is reduction in blood flow in that artery, followed by blood vessel dilation over-filling of those vessels, causing the severe throbbing or "pounding" headache. Computer Vision Syndrome
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6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Part 3/5
Contains information about ocular migraine. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Part 3/5
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From: (Grant Sayer) Newsgroups: ... (Eye Radiation and Environmental Research Laboratory) URL: (EyeCare Connection homepage with information on cataracts) URL: (Lens and Cataract Researcher Internet Directory) URL: (The Virtual Medical Centre) URL: (SUNY at Buffalo Ophthalmology Dept - Case presentation on ocular pathology and uveitis) 5.9 Ocular Migraines: - Internet Resources: Migraine Headaches gopher:// Headaches AAN migraine information [ The following information was contributed by D.Nelson M.D (

7. EarthLink-Health Library
L M N O P R S T U V W Y. ocular migraine. From Our Sponsors The exact cause of a migraine is unknown, although evidence suggests involvement
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8. Headache - Migraine, Ocular Migraine
Headaches and ocular migraines are sometimes related to eye strain. Read about other common causes of head aches.
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Selected by the sciLINKS program, a service of National Science Teachers Association.
Overview Headaches may occur for any number of reasons including: sinus conditions, hypertension, allergies, tumors, hormonal changes, and most frequently, stress. They are not usually associated with problems related to the eyes. Migraine headaches Migraine, a type of headache that is often hereditary, usually first surfaces between the ages of 15 and 30. They are most common among women and are thought to be related to stress and some foods. Migraine headaches may cause visual symptoms such as light flashes , temporary blind spots, and blurred vision. Migraines are thought to be caused by the dilation and constriction of arteries in the head. These headaches can be extremely painful. The pain is often limited to one side of the head, and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In many cases, migraines are believed to be brought on by stress. This "Friday night" headache often follows the stress relief of a frenetic week during which the blood vessels in the head relax and constrict. Certain foods and additives such as chocolate, alcohol, dairy, and MSG are also attributed to migraines. However, for many, the cause is variable and extremely difficult to pinpoint.

9. Headache - Migraine, Ocular Migraine
Headaches and ocular migraines are sometimes related to eye strain. Read about other common causes of head aches. Migraine headaches. Migraine, a type of headache that is often hereditary, usually first surfaces Migraine headaches may cause visual symptoms such as light flashes, temporary blind
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Selected by the sciLINKS program, a service of National Science Teachers Association.
Overview Headaches may occur for any number of reasons including: sinus conditions, hypertension, allergies, tumors, hormonal changes, and most frequently, stress. They are not usually associated with problems related to the eyes. Migraine headaches Migraine, a type of headache that is often hereditary, usually first surfaces between the ages of 15 and 30. They are most common among women and are thought to be related to stress and some foods. Migraine headaches may cause visual symptoms such as light flashes , temporary blind spots, and blurred vision. Migraines are thought to be caused by the dilation and constriction of arteries in the head. These headaches can be extremely painful. The pain is often limited to one side of the head, and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In many cases, migraines are believed to be brought on by stress. This "Friday night" headache often follows the stress relief of a frenetic week during which the blood vessels in the head relax and constrict. Certain foods and additives such as chocolate, alcohol, dairy, and MSG are also attributed to migraines. However, for many, the cause is variable and extremely difficult to pinpoint.

10. W-migraine .htm
A variant of classic migraine termed ocular migraine has a visual aura without any headache . Many people are unaware that ocular migraine is very common .
Do You Think You Are Seeing Things? Visual Flashes, Floaters, and Migraine Auras Most of us occasionally note small gray or black blurred strings , cobwebs , or dust specks drifting across our vision .These are vitreous floaters ; although annoying , occasional floaters are generally of little significance. The vitreous jelly is the transparent , sticky , jelly-like substance that takes up much of the volume of the eyeball . It is more than 99 % water , but is kept in a gel state because of the presence of hyaluronic acid and collagen fibrils .The vitreous acts as a structural cushion which maintains the shape of the eyeball , but which is also optically clear , allowing light to pass through the inside of the eye to the retina . As we age, the gel partially liquefies , and the vitreous collagen fibrils form condensed aggregates which cast shadows on the retina . These floaters move around in the liquid vitreous with natural eyeball movement. While collagen fibrils give rise to whip-like floaters , small speck-like floaters represent individual red blood cells or epithelial cell debris in the vitreous . With further liquefaction and shrinkage of the vitreous , increasing numbers of floaters may suddenly develop . The collapse of the vitreous is a natural aging process called a '

11. Ocular Migraine
ocular migraine. This article submitted by Adam Carter on 12/19/96. Author's Email I am a 25 year old white male who recently sought the medical advice of an opthalmologist due to a visual disturbance. The doctor diagnosed me with an ocular migraine. I do not usually have any other neurologic signs associated
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This article submitted by Adam Carter on 12/19/96.
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12. Retinal Migraines - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention
of ocular migraine with example images. ? Eyes...... eLibrary. Web Directory ? Eye Conditions Disorders ocular migraine

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Related Topics: Neurological Disorders/Headaches/Migraine/Ophthalmoplegic Medical Definition: University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Medical Dictionary: "retinal" Message Boards: Google Groups: Health News: Search millions of published articles for news on Retinal Migraines Modern Medicine Aging The Ardell Wellness Report HealthFacts Medical Post Medical Update Men's Health and the National Women's Health Report Note: Subscription required to access the full text of articles. Web Directory: Description of ocular migraine with example images. Eyes and more Short article on ophthalmic migraine. Grand Rapids Ophthalmology Offers a definition of ocular migraines, its symptoms treatments and complications.

13. Eyes-and-more, The International Eyecare Portal Network, Ophthalmic Migraine
While the word migraine conjures up thoughts of excruciating headaches (and rightfully so), an ophthalmic or ocular migraine is often unaccompanied by any pain. It is, however, a variety of to 20
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Ophthalmic Migraine
While the word “migraine” conjures up thoughts of excruciating headaches (and rightfully so), an ophthalmic or ocular migraine is often unaccompanied by any pain. It is, however, a variety of migraine. Its hallmark is a set of unique visual disturbances. First you might notice a shimmering around the periphery of your vision. This flickering progresses inward, often with jagged edges. The aura continues to shut in, closing off or blurring your side vision. Interestingly enough, you can see the aura even with your eyes closed. Eventually the disturbance begins to open back up until it is gone. Most episodes last 10 to 20 minutes, with full visual recovery. An ocular migraine may occur in one eye or both.
It has been suggested that ocular migraine may be triggered by stress, certain foods, flashing lights, and hormonal changes. The visual display is not caused by anything in the eye per se, but rather by disturbances in the vasculature of the brain (as are migraine headaches). No treatment is generally given unless the patient begins to experience headaches during or after the aura.
Jan Ledford, COMT

14. National Headache Foundation: Consumer Topics
Obesity and Migraine Occipital Headache ocular migraine Ophthalmic Migraine Ophthalmoplegic Migraine Oxygen Therapy Paroxysmal Hemicrania PET Scan Post

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15. The Magical Mystery Of Migraines
The oneeye migraine In a related condition called ocular migraine, which is even less common than migraine with aura, individuals experience the same visual

16. Migrainepage Discussion Forum - "Ocular Migraine"
Migrainepage Discussion Forum. HomeConferencesMigraine Discussion( Protected) Original message. cyn. Jun10-00, 0948 PM (CMT) " ocular migraine" I recall several posts regarding ocular migraine but
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cyn Jun-10-00, 09:48 PM (CMT) "Ocular migraine" I recall several posts regarding ocular migraine but I did a search and can't find them. My cousin has ocular migraines - no head pain, but loss of sight in one eye or both for a few minutes to an hour. She's had them since a car accident when she was 8 (she's 21 now) but recently they've gotten more frequent and it's the first time it happened in both eyes. Anyone have any experience with this? Do they use the same meds as with regular migraine? Any success with beta blockers? Top
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Meric Jun-13-00, (3)
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Dorrit Jun-13-00, (4)
RE: Ocular migraine
Candles Jun-13-00, (6)

17. Imigraine.Net  B. Todd Troost, M.D.
ruled out. Additional terms include ocular migraine, anterior visual pathway migraine, and ophthalmic migraine. This condition
The IHS code is 1.4 for retinal migraine. (Table 5) A short description from the Headache Classification Committee is the following: repeated attacks of monocular scotoma or blindness lasting less than one hour and associated with headache. Other ocular or structural vascular disorder must be ruled out. Additional terms include: ocular migraine, anterior visual pathway migraine, and ophthalmic migraine. This condition may be broadly defined as a transient or permanent monocular visual disturbance accompanying a migraine attack or occurring in an individual with a strong history of migrainous episodes. One term applicable to all such attacks would be "ocular migraine;" however, to include optic nerve dysfunction as well, a more general phrase, ie, "anterior visual pathway migraine," may be preferable. This last phrase would include reported defects, such as ischemic papillitis, retinal hemorrhage, vitreous hemorrhage, central serous retinopathy, pigmentary changes of the retina, and optic nerve atrophy. Retinal migraine occurs more frequently than ophthalmoplegic ‘migraine.’ We estimate the frequency of strictly monocular visual phenomena occurring in conjunction with migraine to be one of 200 migraine sufferers. Frequently, however, homonymous visual field phenomena in migraineurs is incorrectly attributed to a single eye. For example, a patient with transient right homonymous hemianopia might think that the right eye is affected, because normally the right temporal hemifield is 30-40 degrees larger than the left nasal hemifield.

18. Ocular Migraine
ocular migraine,

19. Ocular Migraine
. In opthalmoplegic migraine, lateralized pain (often around the eye) is accompanied by nausea, vomiting...... Back. ocular migraine

20. Ocular Migraine Solutions - Nutrition
ocular migraine Solutions nutrition is a personally written site at BellaOnline. Moss Greene is BellaOnline s Nutrition Host. ocular migraine Solutions.
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is BellaOnline's Nutrition Host Ocular Migraine Solutions An ocular migraine is a visual disturbance in one eye. It may cause partial vision loss, a distortion of objects or the appearance of dramatic visual effects, such as flashing lights, zigzag patterns and floaters (images of tiny specks floating across the eye). Any disturbing light show is temporary, usually only lasting about 15 to 20 minutes, but it's sometimes followed by a mild headache.
Ocular migraines are less common than classic migraine headaches , which are intense, throbbing headaches that may last for hours or even days. Migraines may or may not include auras. An aura also lasts about 15 to 20 minutes and causes similar visual disturbances as an ocular migraine, but often includes more severe symptoms such as motion sickness, dizziness, numbness and confusion.
No one really knows what causes migraines, but they seem to be related to a high stress lifestyle, a low tolerance for stress, hormonal changes, an imbalance in hormonal levels or a hypersensitivity to noise, pollution and odors. Reactions to caffeine, alcohol, chocolate and certain medications can also trigger migraines, as well as missing meals, dieting and high or low blood sugar.
The natural solution and treatment for ocular migraines is basically the same as the recommendation for a classic migraine headache. It includes adopting a low stress lifestyle, eliminating trigger foods and eating a good healthy

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