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         Mrkh:     more detail
  1. No More Teams!: Mastering the Dynamics of Creative Collaboration by Michael Schrage, 1995-04-01

81. WOMENS-HEALTH Messages For July, 2000: Re: MRKH Banner Ad (468x60). Re mrkh. At Sun, 9 Jul 2000, Melissa wrote I havemrkh. I am looking for a specialist in the Greenville South Carolina area.
-VISIT OUR OTHER FORUMS- Breast Health Forum Mujer (en español) PCOS Forum PCOS Diet Forums PCOS Medication Forum Vrouw en Gezondheid (nederland) Women's Health Forum Young Women's Health Forum s earch this forum:
From: William F. von Almen, II, MD, FACOG
Mon, 10 Jul 2000 09:18:35 -0500 (CDT)
At Sun, 9 Jul 2000, Melissa wrote:
Melissa I do not, but know that Charlotte is not far away and they are affiliated with UNC. Perhaps they could help. Good Luck William F. von Almen, II, MD, FACOG Editorial Advisor-Pregnancy and Birth Private Practice New Orleans, La. *Please understand I can not respond to private emails. *These comments are for educational purposes only. They are not meant to take the place of an examination by a qualified health care provider. They are not intended to be the start of a physician-patient relationship.

82. Entrez PubMed
OBJECTIVE To describe the clinical and laboratory features of MayerRokitansky-Kuster-Hausersyndrome (mrkh) and to provide evidence for its etiology.

83. Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome
This is part of Mayer Rokitanksy Kuster Hauser Syndrome(mrkh) which includesa short or nonexistent vagina, no cervix, and a partial or absent uterus.
Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome
Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome is a gynecological disorder which means reproductive malformations.
We've heard of heart malformations and limb deformities but genital malformations? This is part of Mayer Rokitanksy Kuster Hauser Syndrome(MRKH) which includes a short or nonexistent vagina, no cervix, and a partial or absent uterus. The causes are unknown. bodyOffer(31731) Most women find about this when they are teenagers. Some girls may find out at a young age when they have surgeries for some other problems such as hernias. Yet the majority find out when their periods won't come. They despair because sisters got their periods at earlier ages. They think they're "late bloomers". A visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist will be futile when the doctors are unable to do pelvic exams on them because of their short or nonexistent vaginas. Instead doctors use laparoscopic surgery where they insert a light through the navel or they use ultrasound to make a diagnosis. This way, the doctors are able to ascertain the condition of the reproductive organs. Doctors should find normal ovaries and fallopian tubes. However, they should find no uterus or an incomplete one. An incomplete one is usually removed because it may cause cramps. Once the doctors find these problems, the question changes from why haven't I gotten a period to how can a doctor "cure" it? A doctor can't cure the 'no periods' part because the women don't have uteruses.

84. SUNETs Webbkatalog:
Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome Välkommen till min sidaom mrkh, ett syndrom som finns hos ca 1 av 5 000 kvinnor. mrkh
Hälso- och sjukvård Råd och information /Sjukdomar och tillstånd
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    Allt om illamående - En informativ webbplats med syftet att hjälpa dig som lider av illamående i samband med graviditet, migrän, rörelsesjuka (åksjuka, sjösjuka, flygsjuka) eller kemoterapi eller postoperatorisk illamående. Anorexi/bulimi-information - En informationstjänst om anorexia och bulimia nervosa. Information om symtom, diagnostik, komplikationer och behandling samt om var man kan söka hjälp. Anorexiapunkten - Vi behandlar allt som handlar om ätstörningar. Attention Uppsala - Resurs- och föräldraförening för barn och tonåringar med neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder i Uppsala med omnejd , samt ung vuxen och vuxna med neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder i Uppsala län. Är anslutna till Riksförbundet Attention. Centrum för miljörelaterad ohälsa och stress - CEOS - är ett forsknings- och utvecklingscentrum med fokus på den "nya" tidens samhällsproblem. Crohn's Sjukdom - En sida för Crohn's patienter. Information om sjukdomen och dess behandlingsmöjligheter. Tips och råd från andra Crohn's patienter. Crohn's patienters berättelser, länkar till andra Crohn's- och medicin relaterade sidor och en massa annat. Dansk Stödgrupp för Guillain-Barré Syndrome - Allt om Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), patientsagor, ordbok över medicinska termer, chat, läsarekommentarer, stödnätverk, länkar till övriga informationskällor mm.

85. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent
ObjectiveTo report a case of laparoscopic resection of bilateral rudimentary hornsin a patient with a variant of MayerRokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (mrkh) syndrome
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86. FABLIST Archives -- January 2002 (#5)
The condition in which a vagina is missing is known as mrkh or vaginal agenesis,and is a type of intersex condition occuring in approximately one in 5000

87. Gent Family Genealogy Forum
Re Jent/Ghent, Wm., Noah, Paris, Peter, KY Dr. D. MacTavish 7/11/00mrkh (Rokitanky) in Gents, searching - Sena 6/02/00 Re
DisplayAdBanner("Top,Right,Bottom!Top", 468, 60 , "boards/") Chat Daily Search My GenForum Community Standards ... Terms of Service Jump to Forum Home Surnames : Gent Family Genealogy Forum This forum serves all obvious variations Gent Family Genealogy Forum Search this forum:
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88. Bodies Like Ours - Caitlin's Story
I got dressed and we left. I was in shock. I had been diagnosed with Mayer RokintaskyKuster Hauser Syndrome (mrkh), sometimes referred to as vaginal agenesis. story.html
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Caitlin's Story Okay, first I want to say that this is very, very personal for me When I was 15 and I still had not gotten my period (although I had been fully developed for some time), a friend talked me into going to her doctor. After an attempted pap smear, the doctor said she thought I had an imperforate hymena common condition where the hymen can not be broken under the usual circumstances and it also prevents blood from coming through the vaginal opening. She sent me to a gynecologist. The gynecologist very coldly examined me and told me that I did indeed have this condition. She brought my mother in and I was scheduled for a routine, in and out surgery where they would make a small incision in the hymen while I was under anesthesia. I was not that freaked out because it sounded so routine and I was assured that many other girls needed the same surgery. The morning of the surgery I had been diagnosed with Mayer Rokintasky Kuster Hauser Syndrome There are several ways to make a vagina

89. Mayer Rokitansky Küster Syndroom
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Obstetrie Gynaecologie, Vol 112, Februari1999 DIAGNOSE INCOMPLEET .? ERVARINGEN VAN VROUWEN MET
Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum,
Ald. Gynaecologie Polikliniek Psychosomatische Gynaecologie en Seksuologie
'... na die eerste bijeenkomst voelde ik me opgelucht: de anderen zien er zo normaal uit, zijn normale vrouwen ... ik ben niet meer alleen....'
De vrouwen hebben een normaal vrouwelijk karyotype: 46 XX. Hun secundaire geslachtskenmerken zijn normaal vrouwelijk en hun ovaria functioneren normaal. Bij lichamelijk onderzoek eindigt het vestibulum vaginae blind. De vagina-aanleg is wisselend van diepte. In Nederland zouden ongeveer vier vrouwen per jaar geboren worden met dit syndroom op grond van de in de literaruur gemelde frequenties van voorkomen. De diagnose wordt meestal tijdens de puberteit van de vrouw gesteld, na onderzoek vanwege een primaire amenorroe. Anamnese, algemeen lichamelijk en gynaecologisch onderzoek leidt tot de diagnose. Een laparoscopie is meestal niet noodzakelijk. Een MRI kan worden verricht om de afwezigheid van de uterus te bevestigen.
Immers een vrouw wordt door haarzelf en haar omgeving als 'normaal' beschouwd wanneer zij menstrueert, gemeenschap kan hebben en een kind kan dragen. De aanwezigheid van een functionerende baarmoeder en het aangelegd zijn van een vagina is hiervoor een eerste vereiste. Het MRK-syndroom kan ertoe leiden dat de vrouw zich anders dan anderen, 'incompleet' voelt.

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