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81. RxList Diseases Diseases Dental/Oral mouth cancer. Surgery May Not Help Some Oral Cancers New biopsy test could change how doctors treat tumors of tongue, mouth. http://www.healthscout.com/subchannel/419/1056/1128/main.html | |
82. The Body's Bulletin Boards: Mouth Cancer Anonymous. Unregistered. mouth cancer 04/06/04 0911 PM, Entire thread. Subject, Posted by, Posted on. mouth cancer, Anonymous, 04/06/04 0911 PM. http://www.thebody.com/cgi-bin/bbs/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Board=living&Number=945 |
83. Gay Anals - Asian Anal Trailer, Women Anal Sex, Extreme Anal Stretching men mature. Enter gay anals site now! © 2000 All right reserved pictures of oral mouth cancer due to tobacco use gay anals? Yes! http://oral-thrush.mature-paradise.net/pictures_of_oral_mouth_cancer_due_to_toba | |
84. KARACHI :Betel Nut Chewing Causes Mouth Cancer -DAWN - Local; 10 September, 2001 KARACHI Betel nut chewing causes mouth cancer. This has caused an alarming increase in mouth cancer patients specially in young generation. http://www.dawn.com/2001/09/10/local6.htm | |
85. :) Smile-on - Articles smileon.com. Print Article Caring for mouth cancer Patients Oral cancers have a significant impact on our patients both mentally and physically. http://www.smile-on.com/articles/print_article.php?article_id=471 |
86. Mouth Cancer About 5% of all cancers occur in the mouth. Unlike some cancers, mouth cancer can be successfully treated if caught early. Warning signs of mouth cancer. http://www.dentalsupport.co.uk/DS/mouth_cancer.htm |
87. Dentistry.com - The Official Dental Resource - Find A Dentist mouth cancer, Yes. mouth cancer causes literally thousands of deaths each year and, what s more, the number of people who get cancer in the mouth is increasing. http://www.dentistry.com/corner8_mouth.asp | |
88. Mouth Cancer Resources mouth cancer and other things related to mouth cancer can be found here. Along with mouth cancer this page also focuses on and mouth cancer. http://www.answers-about-fifths-disease.com/mouth-cancer.html | |
89. Oral Sex Linked To Mouth Cancer! - EgyptSearch Forums Smoking, drinking, eating certain foods and chewing tobacco all cause mouth cancer more often than oral sex does, according to studies. http://www.egyptsearch.com/forums/Forum2/HTML/002931.html | |
90. [Intl-tobacco] Tobacco On Trial: India: Mouth Cancer Epidemic On The Way (fwd) Intltobacco Tobacco on Trial India mouth cancer epidemic on the way (fwd). Robert mouth cancer has a ten-year incubation period. Children http://lists.essential.org/pipermail/intl-tobacco/2000q3/000243.html | |
91. LookSmart - Article Search For " Mouth Cancer Care And Treatment" The most important causes of mouth cancer are smoking, betel use, alcohol consumption, a diet lacking fresh fruit and vegetables, infectious microorganisms, http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/PI/search.jhtml?isp=FA&cat=health&key=+Mouth |
92. USATODAY.com - Gene Therapy Mouthwash May Fight Mouth Cancer Gene therapy mouthwash may fight mouth cancer SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A genetherapy mouthwash shows promise of warding off oral cancer by destroying ominous http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2001-05-15-mouthwash-cancer.htm | |
93. PR - Mouth Cancer 101103 - Valerie Davey - Labour MP For Bristol West Watch Your Mouth . Bristol West MP, Valerie Davey, has backed a campaign to highlight the increasing threat posed by mouth cancer. http://www.valeriedavey.labour.co.uk/ViewPage.cfm?Page=7663 |
94. CPAA: Head And Neck Cancer: Mouth Cancer, Head & Neck Cancer Information India CPAA Head and Neck Cancer mouth cancer, Head Neck Cancer Information in India. Oral Sex Shown to Be Linked to mouth cancer(ET-25/02/2004). http://www.cpaaindia.org/infocentre/clipping_hn.htm | |
95. Head And Neck Cancer - Oncologychannel Information and resources on tumors including the larynx, pharynx, mouth and nose. http://www.oncologychannel.com/headneck/ | |
96. Is Tobacco Safe? Information from the Academy of General Dentistry on effects of spit tobacco; mouth sores; double dippers; addiction; and kicking the habit. http://www.agd.org/consumer/topics/tobacco/main.html | |
97. Buying Healthy Sheep At Saleyards Methods are given for examining sheep for footrot, foot abscess, lice, scabby mouth, fleece rot, lumpy wool, pink eye, cancer and cheesy gland. http://www.agric.wa.gov.au/agency/Pubns/farmnote/1995/f04195.htm |
98. A R T S : C O U N T Y : F A I R : 1 3 A studentrun non-profit event benefiting AIDS Vancouver and the Canadian cancer Society. Featured acts are Big Sugar, Wide mouth Mason, Choclair, Limblifter, and Templar. Site includes current lineup, history, an image gallery, and contact information. http://www.artscountyfair.com/ |
99. Tobacco Facts And Cancer, Smoking, Larynx Cancer And Quitting The facts on tobacco products and cancer of the larynx, lung, and mouth, emphysema, epidemology, and how to quit; information and graphic pictures from a Kentucky physician. http://www.tobacco-facts.info | |
100. Oral Cavity Cancer (lip And Oral Cavity Cancer): Treatment - Patient Information The chance of recovery (prognosis) depends on where the cancer is in the lip or mouth, whether the cancer is just in the lip or mouth or has spread to other http://my.webmd.com/hw/oral_cancers/ncicdr0000062724-description.asp?z=2946_0000 |
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