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21. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Oral Cancer Cancer mouth; mouth cancer; Head and neck cancer; Squamous cell cancer - mouth Oral cancer involves abnormal, malignant tissue growth in the mouth. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001035.htm | |
22. National Spot: Mouth Cancer National Institutes of Health. A pitch for tobacco Maybe you ve seen those ads, asking if that spot on your tongue is mouth cancer. http://whyfiles.org/152baseball/5.html | |
23. HealingWell.com Library - News And Articles Conditions Cancer Mouth. News Diet and mouth cancer Have a chicken sandwich without the bread. Smokeless Tobacco Can Cause Cancer http://healingwellhemonco.subportal.com/health/Diseases_and_Conditions/Cancer/Mo | |
24. HealingWell.com Library - News And Articles HealthPortal Diseases and Conditions Cancer Mouth Diet and mouth cancer. Diet and mouth cancer. Have a chicken sandwich without http://healingwellhemonco.subportal.com/health/Diseases_and_Conditions/Cancer/Mo | |
25. CTCA: Mouth Cancer Symptoms To learn about mouth cancer symptoms and the treatments available to you, please visit our site. mouth cancer Symptoms. mouth cancer Symptoms to be Aware of. http://www.cancercenter.com/mouth-cancer-symptoms.htm | |
26. CTCA: Mouth Cancer Treatment At Cancer Treatment Centers of America, we use many tools to help you fight mouth cancer on all fronts. mouth cancer CTCA Information. http://www.cancercenter.com/mouth-cancer.htm | |
27. Mouth Cancer - How To Reduce Your Risk mouth cancer can develop in any part of the mouth, including the tongue, the gums, the skin lining the mouth or the lips.It is more common in men than in women http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/help/default.asp?page=4182 |
28. What Are The Symptoms Of Mouth Cancer? The commonest symptoms of mouth cancer areA sore in the mouth that does not healWhite patches anywhere in your mouth (leukoplakia)Red patches anywhere in your http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/help/default.asp?page=5062 |
29. News In Science - Oral Sex Linked To Mouth Cancer - 26/02/2004 Oral sex has been linked to a tiny risk of mouth cancer an international team of scientists say. Oral sex linked to mouth cancer. http://www.abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s1053862.htm | |
30. Treatment Information For Mouth Cancer mouth cancer. The mouth is an more info This is just an excerpt of CancerAnswers s report on mouth cancer. Much more, including latest http://www.looksmart.com/cgi-bin/go/t=LSSitelist:1-18-6-US;g=strak;ref=1/http:// | |
31. British Dental Association mouth cancer poses growing threat to the UK. In a bid to halt the rise of mouth cancer in the UK, people are being urged not to ignore the warning signs. http://www.bda-dentistry.org.uk/advice/news.cfm?ContentID=1024 |
32. British Dental Association mouth cancer poses growing threat to the UK. Poorer parents favour fillings. Diary note Watch your mouth mouth cancer Awareness Week 9-15 November 2003. http://www.bda-dentistry.org.uk/advice/news.cfm?ContentID=871 |
33. Macmillan Cancer Directory - Mouth Cancer 2004 (4th edition). mouth cancer. 456, mouth cancer. How to reduce your risk and detect it early (October 2002). This illustrated, colour http://www.hfht.org/macmillan/26_mouth_cancer.htm | |
34. Oral Cancer, Mouth Cancer, Dental Cancer Because cancer treatment may make the mouth sensitive and more easily infected, doctors often advise patients to have any needed dental work done before http://www.medicalconsumerguide.com/dental/oral_cancer.html | |
35. Mouth Cancer Articles, Support Groups, And Resources mouth cancer articles, support groups, and resources for patients from Med Help International (www.medhelp.org). Health mouth cancer. Q A http://www.medhelp.org/HealthTopics/Mouth_Cancer.html | |
36. HealthCentral - General Encyclopedia - Oral Cancer Alternative names cancer of the mouth; mouth cancer Definition A disorder involving abnormal, malignant tissue growth in the mouth. http://www.healthcentral.com/mhc/top/001035.cfm | |
37. Mouth Cancer Main Page. mouth cancer. Disease of the mouth kills half of those diagnosed. A soy derivative oral rinse may prevent cells from turning cancerous. http://www.iconocast.com/H/Health3_News05_04/Health9D.htm | |
38. Oral Sex Shown To Be Linked To Mouth Cancer United We Stand. Main Page. Oral sex shown to be linked to mouth cancer. Last Updated 200402-25 140017 -0400 (Reuters Health). LONDON http://www.iconocast.com/H/Health2_News25_04/Health9B.htm | |
39. Oral Sex Link To Mouth Cancer Oral sex link to mouth cancer. Posted Thu 26/02/2004. By Deborah Condon. A new study has found that oral sex can lead to oral cancer http://www.irishhealth.com/?level=4&id=5663 |
40. Cancer Research UK: Cancer Awareness Leaflets skin cancer leaflet. mouth cancer how to reduce your risk and detect it early mouth cancer leaflet. Prostate cancer spot the symptoms and know the facts http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/aboutus/publications/cancerawarenessleaflets/ | |
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