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         Mood Disorders:     more books (100)
  1. Brain Protection in Schizophrenia, Mood and Cognitive Disorders
  2. Thoughts & Feelings: Taking Control of Your Moods and Your Life (Workbook Workbook) by Matthew McKay, Martha Davis, et all 2007-08
  3. Mood Disorders: A Practical Guide (Practical Guides in Psychiatry) by S. Nassir Ghaemi, 2007-11-08
  4. Mood Swings Understand Your Emotional Highs And Lows by Paul Meier M.D., Stephen Arterburn, et all 2001-01-09
  5. The Origin of Everyday Moods: Managing Energy, Tension, and Stress by Robert E. Thayer, 1997-11-27
  6. The Natural Medicine Guide to Bipolar Disorder (The Healthy Mind Guides) by Stephanie Marohn, 2003-03-01
  7. Mastering Bipolar Disorder: An Insider's Guide to Managing Mood Swings and Finding Balance
  8. Postpartum Mood And Anxiety Disorders: A Guide by Cheryl Tatano Beck, Jeanne Watson Driscoll, 2005-09-07
  9. Postpartum Mood Disorders (Clinical Practice) by Laura J. Miller, 1999-02-15
  10. Borderline Personality Disorder: A Patient's Guide to Taking Control by Arthur Freeman, Gina M. Fusco, 2003-11-01
  11. Mood Genes: Hunting for Origins of Mania and Depression (Oxford Paperbacks) by Samuel H. Barondes, 1999-11-04
  12. Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think by Dennis Greenberger, Christine Padesky, 1995-03-15
  13. Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Women
  14. New Hope for People with Borderline Personality Disorder: Your Friendly, Authoritative Guide to the Latest in Traditional and Complementary Solutions by Neil R. Bockian, Nora Elizabeth Villagran, et all 2002-06-15

21. Online Support Group For Anxiety, Mood Disorders, And Substance Abuse
Information and online support for people suffering from Anxiety Disorders, Substance Abuse, and mood disorders (Bipolar, Depression). I
Find the Light
Online Support Group
focusing on Mood Disorders, Anxiety, and Substance Abuse
In This Site
Will you keep a journal privately online? Let me know...
Welcome to the Find the Light Online Support Group for Mood Disorders, Anxiety, and Substance Abuse!
My main objective of this site is to provide private online support to those that are suffering from these disorders. Online support can be very therapeutic for those that don't want to go out or are afraid to go out. This site provides INVALUABLE support for those looking for Online Support. If you are suffering from these disorders welcome to my site! With a wealth of information and a facilitated, supportive chat room unlike any other on the web, I am quite sure you will find comfort, solace, and the very important support that you want and need. Please visit the MESSAGE FORUM ! Watch for new journaling feature (totally private for your eyes only)!
Why Online Support?

22. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 15, Ch. 189, Mood Disorders
Psychiatric Disorders hyperlink to list of chapters in current section. Chapter 189. mood disorders. Topics. (For mood disorders in children, see Ch. 274.).

23. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 15, Ch. 189, Mood Disorders
Section 15. Psychiatric Disorders hyperlink to list of chapters in current section. Chapter 189. mood disorders. Topics. General. Depression. Dysthymic Disorder.

24. The Center For Postpartum Health Welcomes You
Addresses the pregnancy and birth needs of women and their families, before and after delivery, particularly as it pertains to the development of depression and other mood disorders.
about you
about us
The Center for Postpartum Health Welcomes You
Although the birth of a baby usually brings exhilaration and feelings of new beginnings, it can be a time of crisis. There is enormous change for the new mother and her family. It is not unusual for new motherhood to bring sadness, anxiety and despair during the early weeks after birth. For two out of 10 women, these feelings may develop into post-partum depression.
AT THE CENTER FOR POSTPARTUM HEALTH, we address the physical, mental, and emotional needs of pregnant and postpartum women and their families. We help facilitate the transition from pregnancy to parenthood.
ASSESSMENT and PREVENTION are key. The earlier the treatment and intervention, the less risk of onset or relapse of postnatal difficulties.
Would you know if you were suffering from postpartum depression?
1. Have you given birth within the last year?
2. Is there a history of depression in your family?
3. Are you crying throughout the day, feeling overwhelmed, anxious and unable to cope?
4. Are you unable to sleep despite extreme fatigue and/or losing weight without intentional dieting?

25. OBAD's Bipolar Disorder, Depression And Anxiety Gateway
OBAD support for individuals with a mood disorder such as Bipolar, Depression or Schizoaffective Disorder.
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26. Mental Health: A Report Of The Surgeon General - Chapter 4
Etiology of mood disorders. The etiology of depression, the mood disorder most frequently studied, is far from ideally understood. Treatment of mood disorders.
Chapter 4
Adults and Mental Health
Chapter Overview
  • Mental Health in Adulthood
  • Stressful Life Events ... References
    Etiology of Mood Disorders
    Biologic Factors in Depression
    the biological abnormalities
    interrelate, how they correlate with behavioral and emotional patterns that seem to distinguish one subcategory of major depression from another, and how they respond to diverse forms of therapy. In the search for biological changes with depression, it must be understood that a biological abnormality reliably associated with depression may not actually be a causal factor. For example, a biologic alteration could be a consequence of sleep deprivation or weight loss. Any biological abnormality found in conjunction with any mental disorder may be a cause, a correlate, or a consequence, as discussed in Chapter 2. What drives research is the determination to find which of the biological abnormalities in depression are true causes, especially ones that might be detectable and treatable before the onset of clinical symptoms. Monoamine Hypothesis
    For many years the prevailing hypothesis was that depression was caused by an absolute or relative deficiency of monoamine Despite the problems with the hypothesis that monoamine depletion is the primary cause of depression, monoamine impairment is certainly one of the manifestations, or correlates, of depression. Therefore, the monoamine hypothesis remains important for treatment purposes. Many currently available pharmacotherapies that relieve depression or cause mania, or both, enhance monoamine activity. One of the foremost classes of drugs for depression, SSRIs, for example, boost the level of serotonin in the brain.

27. PsychoConsult
Information resource in clinical psychiatry. Covering areas such as organic mental disorders, schizophrenia, mood disorders, and neurosis.

28. Mental Health: A Report Of The Surgeon General - Chapter 4
mood disorders. In They have potentially severe consequences for morbidity and mortality. This section covers four mood disorders. As
Chapter 4
Adults and Mental Health
Chapter Overview
  • Mental Health in Adulthood
  • Stressful Life Events ... References
    Mood Disorders
    In 1 year, about 7 percent of Americans suffer from mood disorders, a cluster of mental disorders best recognized by depression or mania (Table 4-1). Mood disorders are outside the bounds of normal fluctuations from sadness to elation. They have potentially severe consequences for morbidity and mortality. This section covers four mood disorders. As the predominant mood disorder, major depressive disorder (also known as unipolar major depression), garners the greatest attention. It is twice more common in women than in men, a gender difference that is discussed later in this section. The other mood disorders covered below are bipolar disorder, dysthymia, and cyclothymia. Depression also has a deleterious impact on the economy, both in diminished productivity and in use of health care resources (Greenberg et al., 1993). In the workplace, depression is a leading cause of absenteeism and diminished productivity. Although only a minority seek professional help to relieve a mood disorder, depressed people are significantly more likely than others to visit a physician for some other reason. Depression-related visits to physicians thus account for a large portion of health care expenditures. Seeking another or a less stigmatized explanation for their difficulties, some depressed patients undergo extensive and expensive diagnostic procedures and then get treated for various other complaints while the mood disorder goes undiagnosed and untreated (Wells et al., 1989).

29. North Country Counseling And Retreat
Counseling, psychotherapy, workshops, and retreats for addictions, trauma, ADD/ADHD, relationships, mood disorders, stress management and spirituality. Employing cognitivebehavioral, EMDR, and mind-body approaches, including the new power or energy therapies.
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30. The Mood Disorders Support Group Of Guelph
A public discussion forum devoted to the mood disorders Manic Depression (Bipolar Disorder) and Depression (Unipolar Disorder).
The Mood Disorders Support Group of Guelph What's Here Top Of Page Information presented by this website is for general knowledge only. We do not provide medical advice or treatment for any specific medical condition. Our mission is to educate patients, families, professionals and the public about the nature of depressive and manic-depressive illnesses as treatable medical diseases; to foster self-help for patients and their families; to eliminate discrimination and stigma; to improve access to care; and to advocate for research toward the elimination of these illnesses. an overview of our services Announcements Top Of Page If you are considering suicide

31. Mood Disorders, National Mental Health Information Center
This fact sheet is intended only as a starting point for gaining an understanding about two of the most common mood disorders depression and bipolar disorder
var url = location.href; // url you wish to have bookmarked var who = document.title; // caption to appear with bookmark This Site Mental Health at HHS All Mental Health
Online Publications

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National Library of Medicine

National Academies Press
current or new account
Mood Disorders
How much of the population is affected by mood disorders? What causes mood disorders / mental illness? Are mood disorders treatable? What are some common mood disorders? More information about bipolar disorder: description; symptoms; formal diagnosis;
More information about depression: description; symptoms; formal diagnosis;
treatment ...
For more information and referrals How much of the population is affected by mood disorders? Each year, almost 44 million Americans experience a mental disorder. In fact, mental illnesses are among the most common conditions affecting health today. What causes mood disorders / mental illness? Researchers believe most serious mental illnesses are caused by complex imbalances in the brain's chemical activity. They also believe environmental factors can play a part in triggering, or cushioning against, the onset of mental illness. Are mood disorders treatable?

32. Depression Dialogues -- Login
Activities on depression and associated mood disorders for physicians and psychiatrists. Web casts, peer research surveys, teleconference programs, and self study briefs.
Depression Dialogues is a mutli-media program designed to improve management of patients with depression through a variety of educational programs.
Depression Dialogues continuing medical education programming is delivered via:
Interactive Case Based Programs
Peer Research surveys
Web Casts
On-demand video, audio and slide lectures
Teleconference Programs
Self Study Briefs
Saturday Seminars
Registration information for current and future offerings may be obtained by phone at 866-572-6033 or on this website All program offerings are accredited for CME contact hours. See specific program information for additional details. MediMax Communications, Inc. Depression Dialogues is a registered trademark of MediMax Communications, Inc Powered by Dymaxium Inc.

mood disorders. There are several types of mood disorders major depression, bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression), dysthymia, and cyclothymia.
Mood Disorders General Information Participating in Clinical Trials GENERAL INFORMATION To view the complete Bipolar Disorder Brochure , please click here (You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher in order to view the document correctly. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader, please visit Adobe for a free copy of the software). While we all experience occasional highs and lows, mood disorders, also known as affective disorders, are characterized by their extremes in both intensity and duration. Even at their most intense, however, symptoms of affective disorders are often misinterpreted as merely mood swings. Worse, affective disorders are sometimes considered personality flaws rather than real medical conditions. The truth is that mood disorders are treatable medical illnesses caused by a complex interaction of genetic, biochemical and environmental factors. There are several types of mood disorders: major depression bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression)

34. The Online PPD Support Group
For women diagnosed with postpartum mood disorders. Includes advice and a mailing list.
Welcome to the Online PPD Support Group Being a mother is one of the hardest jobs anyone can do, and having a mood disorder can make a hard job feel impossible. Many women experience some form of postpartum mood disorders. Having a mental illness is not a measure of your worth, social status, race or religion. Getting treatment is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and bravery. Mental health in many societies is still often surrounded by misinformation and stigma.
Just as a diabetic has a problem with how her pancreas functions, so does a person with a mental disorder have a problem with how her brain functions. Hormones, genetics and brain chemistry all play a huge role in the onset of mood disorders. Environmental factors and personal experiences also impact an individual's mental health. Some people with mental health issues are able to function by monitoring their lifestyles alone (eating healthfully, staying hydrated, getting adequate rest and exercise, etc.), while others may require medication and talk therapy in addition to some modifications in how they live. This is similar to our diabetic example above in that some diabetics can manage their illness by altering their lifestyles alone while others require insulin injections in addition to changes in their day to day lives.
If you feel that you may be suffering from a postpartum mood disorder, please contact your doctor. Many women find it frightening to seek treatment, or feel a sense of shame at needing help. Remember that the brain is an organ in the body, just like any other part of your body. Understand that there is no more shame in seeking treatment for a brain disorder than there is when seeking treatment for any other ailment.

35. Index
Treatment expertise in body confidence, mood disorders, and eating disorders. Continuing education courses available.
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36. Complete Health Care And Medical Information From India
Covers various mental health care problems and conditions like dementia, mood disorders, anorexia nervosa, neurotic disorders, psychosomatic behavior, schizophrenia, and mental retardation.
Home Doctor's Den 2B Docs Children ... Speech Therapy Mental Health HIV / AIDS Infectious Disease Nutrition Cosmetology ... Ask Medivision We subscribe to the HONcode principles
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Health On the Net Foundation
Site Updated on Thursday 03 June, 2004 Mental Health Do you think that you are unwell? Do you think that you have lost your earlier energy and bounce? Do you think that you worry a lot? Well... your problem is exactly that - you 'think' too much. In this section we will be dealing with a host of mental problems that any one of us could be suffering from or get afflicted with. Learn to cope better with the stressful times in your life; get acquainted with the means to counter anxiety,depression and delusions.Know more about Schizophrenia and other Neurotic disorders, and all other mental problems that could plague an otherwise normal human being.Also get know-how on the finer points of Psychotherapy. As they say, it's all in the mind.... Mental Health Anorexia Nervosa Deleriun Dementia Electro Convulsive Therapy ... Home
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37. Tourette Syndrome Plus - Conditions - Mood Disorders Table Of Contents
Learn about symptoms of depression and Bipolar Disorder and other mood disorders. mood disorders INTRODUCTION. mood disorders POINTS OF INTEREST.
Site Search Conditions Education Site Map ... Advocacy MOOD DISORDERS
Variability in emotions and mood are part of life. But is there ever a time when a person is "too sad" for "too long" or when their apparent "good" mood seems out of proportion to their life and unrealistic? How is a parent or family member to know when variability in mood is not just "normal" and may represent a condition that needs to be addressed or treated in a child or family member? TABLE OF CONTENTS Depression PDF File
NIMH, 2000
Overview of depression, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, and resources Stories of Depression: Does This Sound Like You? PDF File
NIMH, 2002

38. Mental Health Branch - What Is? Series - What Is Bipolar Mood Disorder?
What is Bipolar mood disorder? This brochure provides some facts about bipolar mood disorders. Download here. pdf filebipolar.pdf. size 416kb.
What is Bipolar mood disorder? This brochure provides some facts about bipolar mood disorders. Download here pdf file: bipolar.pdf size: Install Adobe Acrobat here: About the What is? series Six mental health brochures have been produced as part of an overall program to promote awareness of mental health issues and to reduce the misunderstandings associated with mental illnesses in our community. The brochures provide clear, easy to understand information on mental illnesses in general , and particular illnesses such as bipolar mood disorder depression anxiety disorders , and eating disorders . They are available free of charge from the Department of Health and Aged Care. Order publications by fax, phone or mail Please note: The mental health information brochures are also provided as Adobe Acrobat pdf files. You will need to install the Adobe Acrobat reader on your computer to view these files. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is available free of charge from Adobe's website. Health Home Mental Health Home Previous Page
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39. Department Of Psychiatry
Site describes adult psychiatric service programs that address disorders including mood disorders, sexual health, Alzheimer's Disease, and anxiety disorders.
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Department of Psychiatry
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Indianapolis, IN 46202
PH: 317-274-2375 FX: 317-274-1248
Child Psychiatry

702 Barnhill Drive, ROC 4300
Riley Hospital for Children
Indianapolis, IN 46202 Phone: 317-274-8162 Adult Psychiatry 550 N. University Blvd, UH 3124 Indiana University Hospital, AOC Indianapolis, IN 46202 Phone: 317-274-7422 Search IU: IU School of Medicine Ruth Lilly Medical Library Clarian Health URL: Last Modified: Thursday, April 15, 2004 15:34:12 Comments: Psychiatry Webmaster , Indiana University Board of Trustees. Privacy Statement

40. Mood Disorder Questionnaire (home). mood disorders Questionnaire. This is a new system developed by a team of leading bipolar researchers*.

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