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1. The Migraine Action Association Homepage Charity for migraine research and patient support. Some information available. Unfortunately, you http://www.migraine.org.uk/ | |
2. Migraine Awareness Group MAGNUM migraine disease and migraine headache information including treatment; news;migraine myths; advice on medications; migraine as a disability; and other http://www.migraines.org/ | |
3. Migraine Headaches - Neurologychannel migraine headaches can be a throbbing or pulsating headache that is often unilateral (one sided) and associated with nausea; vomiting; sensitivity to light, sound, and smells; sleep disruption; http://www.neurologychannel.com/migraine | |
4. The Migraine Trust - Welcome Page The migraine Trust offers support and information for sufferers of migraineand headache. It funds Welcome to The migraine Trust. The migraine http://www.migrainetrust.org/ | |
5. The Migraine Relief Center is a prescription medicine for the acute treatment of migraine attacks, with or without aura, in adults I am currently using IMITREX. Understanding migraine Talking to Your Doctor http://www.migrainehelp.com/ | |
6. Migraine Headache Basic migraine headache information from the McKinley Health Center at the University of Illinois. http://www.uiuc.edu/departments/mckinley/health-info/dis-cond/headache/migr-hea. | |
7. MedlinePlus: Migraine Other health topics A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ List of All Topics. migraine. Search MEDLINE for recent research articles on . migraine Neurological Disorders and Stroke) http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/migraine.html | |
8. Headache And Migraine Information Written by independent healthcare experts; includes a locality directory for nearest practices. http://www.headache.com.au |
9. Migraine Designs Free linkware blog templates for Diaryland, Diaryx, Movable Type, and blogger http://design.hiptobeasquare.com | |
10. Patient Resources Migraine Lymphomas. Melanoma. Menopause. migraine. Multiple Sclerosis. Mycoses. Nephrology Other American Academy of Neurology (AAN) migraine Brochure. American Council for Headache Education http://www.pslgroup.com/MIGRAINE.HTM |
11. Migraine - Headache Resource Center - HealingWell.com Comprehensive site with medical news, information and articles, links, message boards, books, and more on headaches and migraines. http://www.healingwell.com/migraines/ | |
12. Ronda's Migraine Page home. journal. discussion. resources. support. medicine. poetry/art. articles.chat. search. Anguish by Sean McHone. Important Disclaimer. Awards, Recognition,Etc. http://www.migrainepage.com/ | |
13. NHG-Patiëntenbrief: Hoofdpijn: Migraine Pati«ntenbrief van het Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap. http://nhg.artsennet.nl/upload/104/patbrieven/n2c.htm | |
14. Medinfo: Migraine Medinfo s patient information on migraine, a form of headache which is severe andusually one sided, frequently associated with nausea and vomiting. migraine. http://www.medinfo.co.uk/conditions/migraine.html | |
15. Patient Resources : Migraine The latest medical news and information for patients or friends/parents of patients diagnosed with http://www.docguide.com/news/content.nsf/PatientResAllCateg/Migraine?OpenDocumen |
16. Welkom Op De Migrainepagina Over allerlei soorten hoofdpijn. http://people.zeelandnet.nl/vdwindt/migraine.htm | |
17. Migraine Disease Treatment & Management migraine is a biological disease that affects more than 30 million Americans. migraineis a neurological, and oftentimes hereditary, disease. http://www.migraines.org/treatment/ | |
18. The Migraine Action Association Homepage WHAT IS migraine ? migraine is the most common neurological conditionin the developed world. migraine is more than just a headache. http://www.migraine.org.uk/whatis.htm | |
19. Migraine Health Center - DrDonnica.com - The First Name In Women's Health, Migra Includes articles, myths, FAQs, press releases and links to other resources. http://www.drdonnica.com/display.asp?article=67 |
20. You No Longer Have To Suffer The Pain Of Migraine. Migraine Pain Relief In Just Nasal drops or spray containing a topical anesthetic. Includes research information and a message board. http://www.migrainefree.com/ | |
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