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         Menieres Disease:     more books (78)
  1. Meniere's Disease by J.B. Nadol, 1989-08-12
  2. A Self-Help Memoir and Workbook For Meniere's Disease (Meniere Man) by J. Wallace, 2010-07-15
  3. Meniere's and Its Management by Tom Wilmot, 1984-05
  4. Meniere's Disease: Recent Research Supported by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor And Welfare (ORL)
  5. Ménière's Disease Medical Guide by Qontro Medical Guides, 2008-07-09
  6. Meniere Man: Let's Get Better by Meniere Man, 2010-07-05
  7. 21st Century Ultimate Medical Guide to Meniere's Disease - Authoritative Clinical Information for Physicians and Patients (Two CD-ROM Set) by PM Medical Health News, 2009-05-23
  8. Meniere's Disease: An Information Book for People with Meniere's Disease by V. K. Barton, 1991-08
  9. Controversial Aspects of Meniere's Disease
  10. Meniere's Disease by Henry L. Williams, 1952
  11. The Official Patient's Sourcebook On Meniere's Disease: Directory For The Internet Age by Icon Health Publications, 2004-03-31
  12. Diseases of Inner Ear: Ménière's Disease, Otosclerosis, Pathologic Nystagmus, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, Labyrinthitis
  13. HLA-B27-associated bilateral Meniere disease.(ORIGINAL ARTICLE)(human leukocyte antigen)(Case study)(Clinical report): An article from: Ear, Nose and Throat Journal by Shamila G. Rawal, Kunal H. Thakkar, et all 2010-03-01
  14. MENIERE'S DISEASE: MECHANISM AND MANAGEMENT by M. Spencer and Lionel Naftalin Harrison, 1968

21. Special Needs Family Fun - Menieres Disease
menieres disease. Other important menieres disease files Meniere s Disease Advocacy Foundation http// Meniere s Disease Advocacy Foundation
Family files
Menieres Disease
Other important Menieres Disease files:
Menieres -
You are not alone. Find out yourself and browse our forums for warm support, and better yet, participate! Our "Living Room" is always open to you, 24 hours a day. ... Meniere's Disease Advocacy Foundation -
Meniere's Disease Advocacy Foundation ... Meniere's Disease CA -
This website was created from two perspectives: from the Meniere's sufferer's point of view and then the family's. You will find some basic Meniere's information. ... Menieres Flight -
For Balance, For Hearing, For a Meaningful Life! ... Menieres Foundation - The purpose of this site is to inform people with Meniere's Disease about available treatments and possible help to alleviate the symptoms of Meniere's... Meniere's Info -

22. Royal Association For Deaf People - Menieres Disease
For more information and advice on coping with Ménière s Disease, contact 01483 740597 Textphone 01483 771207 Fax 01483 755441 Email info@menieres-uk.demon
Ménière's Disease Ménière's Disease is believed to occur when the pressure of the endolymphatic fluid in the cochlear increases. The increased pressure destroys the sensory hair cells causing deafness, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and a sensation of fullness in the ears. If the pressure in the endolymphatic fluid gets very high, the membrane enclosing it may fail, allowing the fluid to escape into the other compartments of the cochlear. Chemical changes then take place as the fluids from the different compartments mix - causing the sensation of vertigo. Ménière's Disease gets its name from the French physician Prosper Ménière who first described it in 1861. Nobody knows what causes Ménière's Disease and although it is possible to treat the symptoms, at present there is no cure.
Ménière's Disease causes attacks of vertigo which if severe can make the sufferer feel extremely unwell and unable to carry on with normal life. The attacks, which may consist of dizziness, nausea, vomiting and sweating can last for hours or even days. The period between attacks can vary between a few days and several years. Pressure
Sufferers may have a feeling of "fullness" in the ear which is similar to the sensation experienced by aircraft passengers, when the air pressure in their ears fails to equalise. The feeling of "fullness" in the ear can often warn sufferers that they are going to have an attack.

23. Pilot's Web The Aviators' Journal - Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome
Pilots and menieres disease The Silent Illness By Gary Bowers menieres disease is a condition not well known, yet devastating to thousands of people
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Pilots and "Menieres Disease" - The Silent Illness By Gary Bowers

Menieres Disease is a condition not well known, yet devastating to thousands of people nationwide, including aviators. The disease is named after the French physician Prosper Meniere who, in 1861, linked a particular kind of hearing loss to a lesion of the inner ear. The definition of Menieres Disease is "idiopathic syndrome of endolymphatic hydrops." This means that Menieres Disease has no known cause (is idiopathic), is characterized by a group of signs and symptoms, and is thought to be associated with endolymphatic hydrops, an abnormal enlargement of the innermost of the two fluid-filled spaces of the inner ear. Unfortunately this enlargement cannot be seen or measured with absolute certainty during the llifetime of a human being. The symptoms include aural pressure (a feeling of occasional to constant pressure in one or both ears), tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hearing loss, and vertigo. What does this mean to a pilot? GROUNDED! It ended Alan Shepard's career as an astronaut. A person who suffers from Menieres Disease can experience some or all of the above symptoms. Some people have vertigo attacks that are so bad that they are completely disabled by the disease. The National Institutes of Health estimates that about 545,000 in the U.S. had Menieres as of 1998 and that 38,250 people are diagnosed each year. There are no known causes or cures and only limited treatment options available.

24. WebMD Health
A couple possibilities mentioned have included Meniere s Disease or BPPV. Some of the symptoms of menieres disease can be managed quite well with medication.

25. Menieres Disease - Read Only
Past Post regarding the diagnosis, treatments and the symptoms of menieres disease. My Husband has Meniere s Disease and and bad back ..
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Past Post regarding the diagnosis, treatments and the symptoms of Menieres Disease.
The Dizzy Lounge Message Boards
> Menieres Disease - Read Only
Join Live Chat! Login Register Your Free Account (Required) Search Help ... Need help logging in? I would just like to remind everyone that while this site is intended to reach out to others and offer support, comfort and advice, it is in no way intended to take the place of a doctor's professional opinion or treatment..
8 visitors in the last 15 minutes: 2 Members - 6 Guests - Anonymous dizzyfighter Rick
Page Topic Replies Last Comment Started By Meniere's Treatments- Must Read if your Looking for answers 4/6/04 12:37 pm
by: Rick Rick basketball player 3/4/04 1:22 pm
by: vince76101 N Mery miniett box for sale 2/3/04 12:15 am
by: JND1993 danniboi Question for Rockthief about Menieres 12/1/03 1:35 am
by: Rockthief DizzyJaneM For those with Meniere's 12/2/03 4:53 pm
by: sharon3736 sharon Famous Menierians 11/17/03 8:13 pm
by: JND1993 DizzyJaneM Meniett info for the new guy 8/1/03 2:05 pm by: IceColdCat varuum Menieres treatment 8/1/03 12:28 am by: Theresa Infection and Meniere's are back 7/7/03 8:30 pm by: PamKRN93 It's official - I have Bilateral Meniere's 7/4/03 11:07 am by: Rockthief flying with Meniere's 6/17/03 8:36 pm by: Subs30 My Husband has Meniere's Disease and and bad back.....?

26. * Treatment Of Meniere's Disease
of Meniere s Disease MD/Dr. Wilden offers efficient treatment of Meniere s Disease treatment of menieres disease by individual low level laser treatment.

Dr. med. Lutz Wilden
The practice Doctor Consultation at NO COST Therapy quality characteristics ... Touristic-Infos
Treatment of Meniere's Disease
Treatment of Meniere's Disease by Low Level Laser Therapy

Treatment of Vertigo: Data of measuring

Self diagnosis and a

method to help yourself
Patients' Survey on Low-Level-Laser-Therapy (LLLT) of tinnitus and Meniere's Disease treatment

Meniere's Disease - Sideeffects
Meniere's Disease: Are there negative sideeffects of Low Level Lasertherapy?
More than 30 years of experimental and clinical research shows, that Low Level Lasertherapy is free of sideeffects. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has ruled Low Level Lasertherapy as a therapy causing no harm to the patients.
Treatment of Meniere's Disease: On the effectiveness of LLLL* in the inner ear
* Low-Level-Laser-Light Examined by pre- and posttherapeutical audiometry courses of air and bone conductions over frequencies of 0.125 - 12 kc Lutz Wilden* und Dirk Ellerbrock Specialists in Treatment of Meniere's Disease
Treatment of Meniere's Disease: Basic data of the study
* at the beginning of the treatment Meniere's Disease
Treatment of Meniere's Disease: Method
The energy was transmitted by 3 laser diodes with a wave length of 830 nm and 3 diodes with a wave length of 635 nm; it was administered via meatus and mastoid.

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28. MENIERES.ORG -- Coping Support Site For Meniere's Disease. You Are Not Alone!
Information and support for those who have Meniere s disease (Morbus Meniere) and those who love them.


As we say, you're not alone. Find out yourself and browse our forums for warm support, and better yet, participate! Our "Living Room" is always open to you, 24 hours a day. LIVE CHAT ROOM
Check in from time to time to chat live with other Meniere's Disease folk, especially when you need to share your thoughts with us or just need a cyber-hug... We do have a scheduled chat every Wednesday at 8pm. COPING MAILING LIST
For those of you who prefer email, we have a mailing list support group that's close knit like a family. Get all the support you need via email! Join right on in. MENIERES JOURNALS
We're providing our members with free online journals to chronicle their experiences with Meniere's Disease on a regular basis. It's an insightful way into the daily lives of those having to deal with it. FELLOW "MENIERIAN" PAGES
View our fellow "Menierian's" homepages on - they often share their own trials and tribulations as well as tips, suggestions, and more... Don't have a homepage of your own? Get one here! POETRY FROM OUR HEARTS
Quite a few of us are able to express ourselves through the written word what we're going through and experiencing. Sometimes it's the only way to really give you an idea of what we go through.

29. Waldo Jaquith: Ménière's Disease
Waldo Jaquith's personal weblog. Ménière's disease. One day in late November '97, just before Thanksgiving, I woke up feeling a bit dizzy. " Maybe " I thought to myself, "I'm just tired." me a casual diagnosis Ménière's disease. He suggested that flag, a surrendering of my body to Ménière's disease
Waldo Jaquith
Waldo Jaquith's personal weblog.
One day in late November '97, just before Thanksgiving, I woke up feeling a bit dizzy. "Maybe," I thought to myself, "I'm just tired." I stumbled down the hall to the bathroom, bouncing off of walls a few times, to take a shower. When shampooing my hair, eyes closed and head tilted back, I became disoriented and nearly fell. By the end of the day it had gotten considerably worse. I was unable to turn my head without feeling funny. As a graphic designer, I spend much of the day looking at my computer screen. When I looked beyond my computer and out the window I would get an odd spinning sensation. By 5:00 PM that day, upon leaving my office, I was unable to walk down the street without one hand on the shop windows. This was not the first time that this had happened to me. Two years earlier, while working at The Java Hut, a Charlottesville coffeeshop, I'd experienced something quite similar. It lasted for a week. I took a motion-sickness drug, as perscribed over the phone by my doctor, which took away the nausea. I was unable to work while the symptoms persisted, though they ebbed and finally disappeared within a few days. Now, a couple of years later, I was curious why this had reoccurred. Once again, I called my doctor. He asked if I'd had any colds recently, or if I was on any medication. It was a negative on each count. He named a few potential problems, none of which meant anything to me. His suggestion was to try taking Meclizine, an over-the-counter motion-sickness pill. It wouldn't take away the dizziness, but it would keep me from feeling ill as a result of it. That sounded good to me. I bought some that very night at CVS.

30. Approaching Meniere's Disease Positively
Provides research, information and support. David's story, data about the disorder and what helped, what was tried, links, reports, articles, a chat room and contact information.
Stay Informed With Our FREE Health Information Newsletter David's Story Some Success Stories Meniere's Disease ... Meniere's Articles Welcome David's Story Why We Are Different FREE Health Newsletter Meniere's Disease What is Meniere's? Vertigo Dizziness Nausea ... What Helped? What Finally Worked What We Tried Meniere's System Information Success Stories Meniere's Disease and Disability Claims Meniere's Disability Claim Information Basic Meniere's Information Links Meniere's Sites Chat Rooms Health Reports Meniere's Articles Who We Are Contact Us Site Suggestions My husband has Meniere's disease and he says, "some days, life just wasn't worth living!" May 2000 If you have this condition, or if you know anyone who has this horrible condition, I bet they also feel like that. David still has Meniere's, but he no longer has the symptoms that made his life so unbearable at times.

31. Meniere's Disease
Department of Otolaryngology HealthRelated Library. Meniere's disease. Function of the Ear. The ear is divided into three parts; the external ear, middle ear and inner ear. What is Meniere's disease? Meniere's disease is a problem with the fluid balance regulating system in htm ( Department of Otolaryngology Library
Department of Otolaryngology Health-Related Library
Meniere's Disease
Function of the Ear
The ear is divided into three parts; the external ear, middle ear and inner ear. Each part performs an important function in hearing and/or maintenance of balance.
What is Meniere's Disease?
Meniere's disease is a problem with the fluid balance regulating system in the inner ear. The exact cause of the disease remains unknown. It is defined as the symptom complex of; episodic vertigo (vertigo being the sensation of spinning or whirling), tinnitus (hissing, ringing or roaring usually in one ear), fluctuating hearing loss (usually in the ear with tinnitus) and aural pressure (feeling of fullness or pressure in the involved ear). All these symptoms form a pattern which makes up "Classical Meniere's Disease". This pattern is usually a sensation of pressure build up in one ear with increasing tinnitus and a drop in hearing. Then the vertigo comes, often quite suddenly, and may last for hours or days. The severe vertigo subsides and balance may takes weeks to return to normal. Once the vertigo attack is over, hearing often improves.
What problem in the inner ear causes all this trouble?

32. Ménières Syndrome
idiopathic, in which case it is called "Ménières disease", or secondary to various processes that lead of migraine in patients with Ménières disease so that treatment may have
Ménières syndrome
Ménières syndrome is due to endolymphatic hydrops (glaucoma of the ear!) and is characterized by a tetrad
  • pressure, discomfort, fullness in the ear
  • fluctuating hearing loss
  • fluctuating tinnitus
  • episodic vertigo. The syndrome may be idiopathic, in which case it is called "Ménières disease", or secondary to various processes that lead to interference with the normal resorption of endolymph, e.g. neurosyphilis (and possibly Lyme disease), following viral infections (sometimes years later), after trauma, with congenital anomalies, etc. Transient ischemic attacks microvascular compression syndromes , thyroid disease, autoimmune processes (es pecially sarcoid, periarteritis, giant cell arteritis, Susac's and Cogan's syndromes) otosclerosis, perilymphatic fistula , multiple sclerosis, diamox responsive recurrent vertigo and ataxia, vestibular epilepsy and < a href="../disorders/migraine.html"> vestibular migraine are also in the list of differential diagnoses. There is a particularly high incidence of migraine in patients with Ménières disease so that treatment may have to be directed at both entities. In most instances, full blown attacks of Ménières are probably caused by an increase in endolymphatic pressure that leads to a break in the membrane separating perilymph (extracellular, potassium poor) and endolymph (intracellular, potassium rich) . The p otassium rich endolymph then bathes the vestibular nerve leading to a depolarization block and a transient loss of function, creating an acute vestibular imbalance, until the membrane is repaired and normal K Na relationships are restored. A physical distention leading to a mechanical disturbance of the utricle or saccule may also produce symptoms, for example, causing the
  • 33. Ménière's Society - Helping People With Vertigo, Tinnitus And Deafness
    Provides information on understanding, treating and living with M©ni¨re's disease. Includes download of Dr. Lucy Yardley's book 'Vertigo and Dizziness'.
    @import "ms.css";
    This is the text-only version of the Web site. Click the 'bigger text' and 'smaller text' links below for the standard site. Skip to content Useful links
    Vertigo, tinnitus and deafness
    Join the Society and receive a comprehensive information pack, our quarterly magazine, SPIN and a contact list. You can contact us by mail, telephone, fax, minicom or email. To join, please use the membership application form
    About the Society
    Snub Communications Home Top

    34. Menieres.Org Mailing List Page
    Information and support for those who have Meniere s disease (Morbus Meniere) and those who love them. Nice Mailing List for Coping with Meniere s disease.
    MENIERES.ORG Mailing List Page
    Meniere's Disease
    Information and Support
    You are not alone. Information and support for those who have Meniere's Disease (Morbus Meniere) and those who love them. Meniere's Disease is an equal opportunity disease. You are not alone. This site is maintained as a non-profit public service to provide information and support regarding Meniere's Disease. The site maintainers have no medical credentials and there is no medical advice at this site medical advice should be obtained only from a licensed physician. None of the information or links at this site is warranted for accuracy, reliability, timeliness, completeness, or anything else; read and click at this site (and the rest of the Web) at your own risk and with a healthy dose of skepticism and always consult your physician "Nice" Mailing List for Coping with Meniere's Disease
    Another freebie from Ray Hines and Dreamstates Technologies, Inc. , hosts of MENIERES.ORG a mailing list devoted exclusively to strategies for coping with Meniere's Disease, called the Coping-List Group (or CLG). Anyone who needs or has or is interested in coping strategies is invited to subscribe. This mailing list is semi-moderated, meaning that while not every message will be screened, the moderator will intervene if the subject matter becomes off topic or unproductive. Flames and insults are not permitted on this "nice" mailing list. You are welcome to "lurk" (subscribe and read messages from the group without sending messages to the group) or participate, as you prefer. To subscribe, send email to

    35. Ménière's Society - Helping People With Vertigo, Tinnitus And Deafness
    Founded to support people with M©ni¨re's disease and those who care for them. Information about the organisation, with advice on managing the symptoms of vertigo, tinnitus and deafness.
    @import "ms.css";
    This is the text-only version of the Web site. Click the 'bigger text' and 'smaller text' links below for the standard site. Skip to content Useful links
    Vertigo, tinnitus and deafness
    Join the Society and receive a comprehensive information pack, our quarterly magazine, SPIN and a contact list. You can contact us by mail, telephone, fax, minicom or email. To join, please use the membership application form
    About the Society
    Snub Communications Home Top

    36. Being Diverted
    Ménières disease is a disorder of the hearing and balancing mechanisms in the inner ear. These mechanisms are contained in a structure known as the labyrinth. Ménières disease can occur at any age, but is most commonly this? Symptoms of Ménières disease
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    37. Web Site Has Moved
    The story of one man's six month struggle with this disease. Information and tips.
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    38. Meniere's Disease
    Ménière’s disease. This Web page is an abbreviated form of VEDA’s new explanatory document about Ménière’s disease. What is Ménière’s disease?
    printing out this order form , and mailing/faxing it to VEDA with shipping/payment instructions.
    endolymphatic hydrops
    , produces a recurring set of symptoms as a result of abnormally large amounts of a fluid called endolymph collecting in the inner ear. Causes Progression of symptoms
    Oncoming attacks During an attack The periods between attacks Is there a cure?
    on Treatment Existing treatments fall into two categories. Some treatments aim at reducing the severity of an attack while it is occurring; some treatments attempt to reduce the severity and number of attacks in the long term. Experts feel these medical treatments provide some degree of improvement in 60-80% of the treated people. The most conservative long-term treatment reduced-sodium diet Medications can help during an attack to reduce the vertigo, nausea/vomiting or both. Vestibular rehabilitation therapy can help with the imbalance that can plague people between attacks. Its goal is to help retrain the ability of the body and brain to process balance information. Another recently introduced, conservative treatment approach employs a device

    39. Website Disabled
    My personal story of how Meniere's disease has affected me, how long it took for a diagnoses and how I cope with it. Links to other sites with information on this disease.
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    40. Meniere's Disease
    Meniere s disease. What is Meniere s disease? Meniere s disease (MD) is a benign condition of the inner ear, resulting from increased
    Meniere's Disease What is Meniere's disease? Meniere's disease (MD) is a benign condition of the inner ear, resulting from increased pressure within scala media, an inner ear compartment that is filled with the fluid, endolymph. By definition, it is idiopathic - it has no known cause - and there is no identifiable pattern of inheritance. MD episodically may affect hearing, balance, or both. This means that there usually are periods of time when patient's are relatively free of symptoms. At other times, often unpredictably, the symptoms occur as described below. MD usually involves only one ear. However, 30% of patients eventually experience symptoms in both ears. If both ears are involved early in the course of MD, there may be a specific physical cause outside of the ears that needs to be identified. MD often is characterized by classic, large, definitive spells that frequently are severe in the affected ear, last 20 minutes to several hours, and may be result in nausea and vomiting. If MD affects hearing, the cochlea is involved, and patient's may experience hearing loss, tinnitus (see our link on

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