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         Menieres Disease:     more books (78)
  1. Medifocus Guidebook on: Meniere's Disease by Inc., 2010-04-11
  2. Meniere's Disease : What you need to know by P. J. Haybach, 1998-08-27
  3. Meniere's Disease, An Issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics (The Clinics: Surgery) by Jeffrey Harris MD, Quyen T. Nguyen MD, 2010-09-09
  4. Meniere's Disease: Evidence and Outcomes by Michael Ruckenstein, 2010-04-15
  5. Meniere's Disease Update 1999: by Sterkers, 1999-01
  6. Meniere Man. Let's Get Better. A Memoir of Meniere's Disease by Meniere Man, 2010-05-13
  7. Meniere's Disease: A Comprehensive Appraisal (Wiley Medical Publication)
  8. Diseases of the Ear and Mastoid Process: Diseases of External Ear, Diseases of Inner Ear, Diseases of Middle Ear and Mastoid, Ménière's Disease
  9. Talons of Death by Sam Champie, 2006-05-30
  10. Meniere's Disease - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References by ICON Health Publications, 2004-01-23
  11. MENIERE'S DISEASE THE REAL STORY. by John and Terry Sheppard (compiled and edited by),. Myall, 1992
  12. Treatment Options for Meniere's Disease: Endolymphatic Sac Surgery: Do It or Don't Do It and Why? by Malcolm D. Graham, 1998-06-01
  13. Meniere's Disease - Perspectives in the 90's by R. Filipo, M. Barbara, 1994-10-13
  14. Meniere's Disease

diagnosis and treatment of Meniere's disease disease. However, for the most part the underlying cause of menieres disease is unknown difficult diagnostically to separate from menieres disease). Chocolate is also a migraine
Ménière's Disease
Timothy C. Hain, MD, Please see our . A newer version of this page can be found here We are proud to note that this page was listed as the 4th best web site on Meniere's disease on the web in an academic article on web sites for Meniere's disease by Sen and Papesch (2003) Return to Index Search this site . Page last modified: January 6, 2004
  • What is Meniere's Disease?
  • What Causes Meniere's Disease?
  • What Damage is Done by Meniere's Disease?
  • How Common is Meniere's Disease?
  • Is There a Cure?
  • How Does the Doctor Know I Have Meniere's Disease?
  • Medications for Meniere's Disease
  • How to Manage an Attack
  • How to Reduce the Symptoms
  • Surgery and Destructive Treatments of Meniere's Disease
  • How Might Meniere's Disease Affect my Life?
  • Hydrops Diet
  • How Does Diet Affect Dizziness?
  • Dietary Goals
  • Drug Considerations
  • Where can I Get Additional Help in Modifying My Diet?
  • Other Resources
  • References
Fig 1. Normal inner ear.
What is Meniere's disease ?
In 1861, the French physician Prosper Ménière described a condition which now bears his name. Ménière's disease is a disorder of the inner ear which causes episodes of vertigo, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear, and fluctuating hearing loss. In figure 1, the area of the ear affected is the entire labyrinth, which includes both the semicircular canals and the cochlea. A typical attack of Ménière's disease is preceded by fullness in one ear. Hearing fluctuation or changes in tinnitus may also precede an attack. A Ménière's episode generally involves severe vertigo (spinning), imbalance, nausea and vomiting. The average attack lasts two to four hours. Following a severe attack, most people find that they are exhausted and must sleep for several hours. There is a large amount of variability in the duration of symptoms. Some people experience brief "shocks", and others have constant unsteadiness. An unusual sensitivity to visual stimuli is common. (Lacour, 1997)

2. Menieres Disease
St Vincent´s Hospital Sydney. ( A Teaching Hospital of the University of NSW) Department of Otolaryngology/ Head and Neck Surgery. MENIERE'S DISEASE. What is Meniere's Disease? The cause of Meniere's Disease remains unknown but is number of factors. Meniere's Disease is associated with endolymphatic stages of Meniere's Disease, symptoms consist of clusters
St Vincent´s Hospital Sydney
(A Teaching Hospital of the University of NSW) Department of Otolaryngology/ Head and Neck Surgery MENIERE'S DISEASE
What is Meniere's Disease? In 1861, Dr Prosper Meniere, head of the Institute of Deaf Mutes in Paris, described a series of patients with episodic vertigo, tinnitus (noises in the ear) and fluctuating hearing loss. This set of symptoms is now known as Meniere's Disease. The cause of Meniere's Disease The cause of Meniere's Disease remains unknown but is likely to be connected with a number of factors. Meniere's Disease is associated with endolymphatic hydrops or an over-accumulation of fluids in the inner ear. Congenital or hereditary ear abnormalities, infections or trauma to the ear may be predisposing factors. The role of the immune system is being extensively investigated by the research unit at St Vincent's Hospital. Symptoms In the early stages of Meniere's Disease, symptoms consist of clusters of acute attacks of rotatory dizziness or vertigo. The sensation of dizziness may last for a number of hours with associated nausea, vomiting and sometimes diarrhoea. The attack may occur without any obvious warning, or may be associated with increased ringing in the ear (tinnitus), fullness or hearing distortion. The hearing tends to worsen during attacks and to return to normal after the acute dizziness ceases. As the disease progresses, the hearing fluctuates less but worsens progressively with continued tinnitus and fullness. Some patients have long periods without vertigo attacks.

3. MRLEXY Dot Co Dot Uk 2002
Home page describing the disease and living with it. Links to other personal pages.
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4. Meniere's Page Frequently Asked Questions
How is the diagnosis of Meniere s disease made? Is Meniere s disease hereditory? Question I have been recently diagnosed as having menieres disease.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Patients are invited to submit questions by E-Mail which are answered periodically on this page. Please be aware that updates to this page are made relatively infrequently.
Questions submitted by visitors to this site:
How is the diagnosis of Meniere's disease made?
Is Meniere's disease hereditory?

Are tiredness, stiffness in my neck, headaches and memory loss part of the disease?

Is Meniere's disease infectious?
Have you ever heard of any correlation between barometric pressure and the onset of vertigo attacks? I have noticed that during days where the air is "heavy" I tend to have more symptoms.

Question : I am interested in knowing (in layman's terms) how the diagnosis is made for Meniere's Disease. Answer : The diagnosis of Meniere's disease usually involves excluding other possible sources of the vertigo. The guidelines for diagnosis recommended by the American Academy of Otolaryngology are posted on Patty Haybach's web page at : Question : Is Meniere's disease hereditory? Answer : There are a few studies that have looked at this, and the answer is that in most cases hereditory factors do

5. Epidemiology Of Menieres Disease
Epidemiology of menieres disease. Timothy C. Hain, MD, Please see our disclaimer. Laryngoscope 109748753, 1999; Morrison AW. Anticipation in menieres disease.
Epidemiology of Menieres Disease Timothy C. Hain, MD, Please see our . Last updated: 3/24/00 Return to Index There is considerable disagreement in the world literature about the incidence (new cases/year) and prevalence (all cases in population) of Menieres disease. To summarize, it appears that that Menieres disease has a prevalance of about 200 cases/100,000 persons in the United States, or in other words, about 0.2 % of the population, but that prevalence may vary internationally, possibly being lower by as much as a factor of 10 in some populations. The prevalence increases with age, rather linearly. For England, Cawthorne and Hewlett (1954) reported 157 cases/100,000 cases based on the records of 8 general practices in England during the year ending March 1952. It is unclear in their report whether those figures reflect incidence or prevalence. If prevalence, this figure would be quite similar to a figure reported for the US by Wadislowvsky and associates, later). While others have suggested a prevalence rate as high as 1% (e.g. Morrison, 1995; Harrison and Naftalin, 1968), there seems to be little good evidence for this asertion. In Japan there have been several large epidemiological studies. In these studies they defined Menieres as the combination of repeated attacks of vertigo, fluctuating cochlear symptoms with vertigo, and exclusion of other diseases (Watanabe et al, 1995). They reported average age of onset of 41-42 years of age, with a peak incidence at age 30-39. The prevalence was 16-17 per 100,000. This figure appears low. A more recent study of Shojaku and Watanabe (1997) found a prevalence of between 21.4 and 36.6, which may still be a low estimate.

6. Meniere
What are the symptoms? menieres disease is characterized by severe attacks of This type of menieres disease. is called cochlear hydrops
I have had Meniere's Disease all my life. I also
have chronic ear infections, again all my life.
I've had a lot of ear operations over the years and had a
top South Australian ENR (Ear Nose and Throat) specialist
who performed these operations with the latest technique.
Unfortunately, I could hear ok for awhile after the op
but the hearing went away after a few weeks only to return
to the ringing of the ears and ear infections.
It feels terrible when you have a dizzy spell. You can't
move very well at all and you feel the floor come up at you.
I also feel nauseus at the time. I have to stop what I am doing and wait for it to pass. What I hate the most is the ringing in my ears. Sometimes it is high pitched others it is like a rushing noise. During childhood I used to put my hands over my ears if there was a certain noise like a whistle blowing or an alarm bell, or a siren blaring and other noises. I need to get my ears cleaned out every 6 months and with my current infection I have made an appointment with my specialist. Below tells us what this disease is.

7. Meniere's Disease
I am not a doctor. I am a person who suffers from menieres disease. My This type of menieres disease is called cochlear hydrops. Dizziness
Meniere's Disease
Last updated: 1995 Oct 16 by Omer Zak.
Table of contents
  • What is Meniere's Disease?
  • What are the symptoms?
  • What type of treatment is available? A longer meniere FAQ is available at URL
    What is Meniere's Disease?
    This is not intended to replace your doctors point of view. This is solely for information only. I have tried to keep the information as accurate and up to date as much as possible. If you have any medical questions refer those to your Ear Specialist. I am not a doctor. I am a person who suffers from Menieres disease. My goal is to gather information and seek out others with the same problem. I am trying to learn and deal with this debilitating problem and would like to get response from others who suffer from this disease. Menieres is classified as a inner ear disorder that causes repeated attacks of dizziness and the discomfort of fullness from the affected ear. This is due to increase pressure of the inner ear fluids. Fluids in the inner ear chambers are constantly being produced and absorbed by the circulatory system. If there are any disturbance in the delicate relationship, this results is over production or under absorption of the fluids. This leads to increase fluid pressure (which may be felt) that usually produces dizziness which can be associated with fluctuating hearing loss and ringing in the ear. It is rare for someone to be affected in both ears at the same time.

8. ClubSpin
Offers support for those with Vestibular Disorders like menieres disease, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, Hydrops, Perilymph Fistula and others that cause vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and loss of balance.
var nEditorialCatId = 96; MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: document.write(''); Groups Groups Home My Groups Language ... Help ClubSpin What's New Join Now Home Page New Member Info ... Tools WELCOME A fun place for those living with Vestibular Disorders like Menieres Disease, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), Hydrops, Perilymph Fistula and others that cause vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, loss of balance and a whole host of other symptoms. We have a serious discussion board where we try to answer your questions and provide support. You'll will find us chattering and joking about a little of everything on the general message board. We have found laughter to be a wonderful medicine. We like to share jokes or inspirational writings too, so we have a message board for that also. We hope you find this club helpful, informative and at the same time fun. We're glad you've found us. Please join right in. Please see our Club Guidelines for information on posting to the message boards. The New Member Info page also has some helpful items for new members.

9. Menieres Disease Treatments Information Links And Definitions - Menieres Foundat
Learn about menieres disease and current treatments to alleviate symptoms. May also help with other inner ear disorders, dizziness, and vertigo menieres disease. The purpose of this site is to inform people with menieres disease about available treatments and possible

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Meniere's Disease Foundation
Treatments and Information What's New Free Meniere's ID Card
Print on business card paper or regular paper (fold in half and cut). I was diagnosed with Meniere's, now what (article) Visit our "Other Treatments" page to learn more about the newest Meniere's treatments Successful Meniere's Treatment from "John of Ohio." Visit "John's Treatment" page for more information. Over 2 million Americans have Meniere's. 1.4 million Americans have Epilepsy 1/2 million Americans have Parkinson's So, why do so few people know so little about Meniere's, but most people know or at least have heard of Epilepsy and Parkinson's? AWARENESS Menieres Disease The purpose of this site is to inform people with Menieres Disease about available treatments and possible help to alleviate the symptoms of Meniere's. The site is also designed for convenience. The described treatments may have links to online stores so that you may research and purchase the supplements directly, no spending hours searching for products and no driving. This saves you time and money and you help support this site for Meniere's treatment and awareness. As always, you should check with your doctor before starting any supplements or medications. This site is for informational purposes only.

10. Menieres Disease Simply Explained
Have you been diagnosed with Meniere s Disease? What is Meniere s Disease? Meniere s disease is the name of a disorder or condition of the inner ear.'s_disease.htm
Stay Informed With Our FREE Health Information Newsletter David's Story Some Success Stories Meniere's Disease ... Meniere's Articles Welcome David's Story Why We Are Different FREE Health Newsletter Meniere's Disease What is Meniere's? Vertigo Dizziness Nausea ... What Helped? What Finally Worked What We Tried Meniere's System Information Success Stories Meniere's Disease and Disability Claims Meniere's Disability Claim Information Basic Meniere's Information Links Meniere's Sites Chat Rooms Health Reports Meniere's Articles Who We Are Contact Us Site Suggestions
What is Meniere's Disease?
Meniere's disease is the name of a disorder or condition of the inner ear. No one knows its cause. Although we don't have a specific cause for Meniere's, we do recognize that the major symptoms are very debilitating. These are vertigo tinnitus , and hearing loss
Therefore, they are the focus of most of our research and treatments.

11. Hardin MD : Meniere's Disease
From the University of Iowa, the *best* lists of Internet sources in menieres disease. Meniere s Disease. healthfinder® menieres disease US Government.
Meniere's Disease
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12. Encyclopaedia Topic : Menieres Disease, Section : Introduction
NHS Direct Online Health Encyclopaedia. menieres disease. Search. Help. Sections for this topic

13. Meniere's - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention
Club Spin Offers support for those with Vestibular Disorders like menieres disease, Benign Paroxysmal Meniere s Disease By Mark J. Levenson MD.,-nose-and-throat/meniere's.html

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Related Topics: Communication Disorders/Hearing Ear, Nose and Throat/Tinnitus Ear, Nose and Throat/Vestibular Disorders Open Directory: Home/Cooking/Special Diets/Low Salt Medical Definition: University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Medical Dictionary: "Meniere's disease" Health Portals: Information Sheets : Meniere's Disease Health News: Search millions of published articles for news on Meniere's Modern Medicine Aging The Ardell Wellness Report HealthFacts Medical Post Medical Update Men's Health and the National Women's Health Report Note: Subscription required to access the full text of articles. Web Directory: Approaching Meniere's Disease Positively Provides research, information and support. David's story, data about the disorder and what helped, what was tried, links, reports, articles, a chat room and contact information.

MENIERE S DISEASE. Ménière s disease first described in 1861 by the French physician Prosper Ménière, is characterized by multiple disease.html
Normal Hearing
Medical Management ...
Surgical Treatments
Normal Hearing
The ear is divided into three parts: external ear, middle ear, and inner ear. Sound travels along the external ear canal, causing the eardrum to vibrate. Three small bones of the middle ear (malleus, incus, and stapes) conduct this vibration from the ear drum to the cochlea of the inner ear, causing waves of fluid in the cochlea to stimulate its delicate hearing cells (hair cells). Movement of the hair cells generates an electrical current in the auditory nerve, which in turn transmits signals to the brain. Through various interconnections these signals are recognized as sound.


  • Auditory: pure tones and speech discrimination
  • Electronystagmography: balance canal function as seen through eye movements
  • General health evaluation
  • Auditory brainstem response(ABR) and Otoacoustic emission tests
  • Balance testing
  • Antibody measurement
  • Glucose (sugar) metabolism
  • Blood: systemic infection
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the inner ear and hearing nerve
Medical Management
1. No smoking. Patients must abstain from tobacco totally. Nicotine is toxic to the inner ear and continued use may render all treatments listed below ineffective.

15. Meniere's Disease
some major adjustments to my life, all due to one disease that seems as determined to keep me down as I am to keep myself up, it s called menieres disease.
MENIERE'S DISEASE Recently I've had to make some major adjustments to my life, all due to one disease that seems as determined to keep me down as I am to keep myself up, it's called Menieres Disease. I remember as a child I loved having someone pick me up by my arms and twirl me around and around, then let go of me. I'd stumble around like I was drunk and think it was so funny. Today that spinning effect is anything but funny, especially when the effect is increased by five times or better. I used to get so excited when the phone or doorbell would ring, now I can barely hear it above the constant rings that pain my ears. I used to love playing with water balloons, rolling them back and forth from hand to hand just to fill the fullness of them. Now I'm tired of that same fullness, which rest consistently behind my left ear. I've never been a drinker, as a matter of fact I protest it at any opportunity, but lately I'm always afraid someone seeing me walk with a stagger may think I've changed my beliefs and picked up the horrible habit. Yeah, for me, life is surely changed, but with God's help this is only one more stumbling block on my path to self- growth, I shall pass this paths obstacle, as I have all those before me. But in the meantime I've included these links to my page in an effort to provide information to anyone else who may have an interest in the disease. Feel free to browse these links and just in case you don't find these personal enough and would like to talk to someone who has the disease, feel free to email me.

16. What Is The Meniere's Disease?
What is the Meniere s disease? Three of those invisible illnesses are menieres disease, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
What is the Meniere's disease?
Invisible illnesses such as Meniere's Disease have common symptoms and are commonly misunderstood by those not affected by them.
Many chronic illnesses have deformities or other symptoms that are easily observed by others. Other chronic illnesses have few, if any, outward signs. Three of those invisible illnesses are Menieres Disease, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. These three separate and distinct diseases share many of the same symptoms. They are all often misdiagnosed and are little understood by those who are not personally affected. Their diagnosis is more a process of elimination rather than one or two definitive tests. The symptoms in common include dizziness, fatigue, depression, cognitive disturbances, interrupted sleep patterns, headaches or other forms of pain. bodyOffer(18149) Prosper Meneire of France called it Episodic Cochleo-Vestibulopathy when he first diagnosed Menieres Disease in 1861. It is thought that many famous historical persons have suffered from this disease including Martin Luther, Alan Shepherd, and Vincent Van Gogh, who sliced off his own ear in an attempt to end the maddening tinnitus that is a major symptom. A common alternative name is Endolymphatic Hydrops. Menieres Disease most frequently affects men and women equally and is often diagnosed between the ages of 30 to 50, although there have been documented cases where the patient was as young as 10. Menieres Disease can affect one ear (unilateral) or both (bilateral).

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18. Menieres Disease
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19. Menieres Disease - My Experiences
A first hand look at Meniere s disease. The personal story of one person who beat this inner ear disorder. My Experience With Meniere s Disease.
My Experience With
Meniere's Disease
written by Jim Zimmerlin
Meniere's Disease An Overview
Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that can cause severe dizziness, vomiting, ringing in the ears, and can disable you for the better part of a day or more. It is a non-fatal, non-curable condition. Non-curable? Well, think of it like having an allergy to something... nothing they can do will make you no longer allergic to whatever it is you're allergic to... but once you understand the fact that you do have this allergic condition, you can find ways to avoid triggering it.
My personal battle with Meniere's
My experience with Meniere's disease began during the first half of 1995... I had a total of about a dozen severe attacks over six months or so. During an attack I would get extremely dizzy within a matter of 5 or 10 minutes. Sometimes I would begin vomiting. During an attack I was too dizzy to walk or do anything except lie down. The most effective strategy to feel better seemed to be lying down very still, taking Meclizine and a good nap. After about an hour or two I could feel it start to work... but I usually still felt pretty lousy, or as Meniere's sufferers often say "out of sorts", for about a day after an attack. At first I had no idea what was causing my attacks nor did I really understand the nature of the problem at all. After several visits to the emergency room and a referral to a good ear/nose/throat specialist, I came to learn that it was Meniere's disease. My doctor was able to explain it a little, but I was able to learn quite a bit more about Meniere's from looking it up on the Internet.

20. Menieres Disease : What You Need To Know
menieres disease What you need to know. List price $24.95 Our price $24.95. Book menieres disease What you need to know Customer Reviews
Menieres Disease : What you need to know
Menieres Disease : What you need to know

by Authors: P. J. Haybach , Jerry Underwood
Released: 27 August, 1998
ISBN: 0963261118
Sales Rank:
List price:
Our price: Book > Menieres Disease : What you need to know > Customer Reviews: Average Customer Rating:
Menieres Disease : What you need to know > Customer Review #1: Excellent Scope of Information

Once diagnosed with Menieres, I began the search for information. Much is out there, but nothing was as informative as this book. The author gives you everything you could possibly want or need to know. It is very helpful in validating the more minor Menieres symptoms your physician may not have explained to you as being due to this disease. It will also give you options that range from traditional to holistic treatments. Should you reach the surgical level, this book diagrams and explains the options, risks, and outcomes to result in an informed decision. I was on the fast-track to surgery, but after reading the book, I found the drug betahistine mentioned. I discussed this with my specialist, and he consented in giving it a try. While this drug therepy dosent work for everyone, it gave me my life back. Might I have found this therapy in another book? Maybe...but I didnt.

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