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         Meige Syndrome:     more detail

1. NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc.
General Discussion. meige syndrome is a rare neurological movement disorder (dyskinesia) characterized by spasms of the The exact cause of meige syndrome is not known Syndrom

2. Hemifacial Spasm (Meige's Syndrome)
An article about meige syndrome, the different forms, treatments and surgical approach.
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Hemifacial Spasm (Meige's Syndrome)
Hemifacial spasms are characterized by chronic twitching or spasms of one side of the face. It affects muscles activated by the facial nerve. Hemifacial spasm can result from stimulation by a blood vessel lying too close to the nerve or may follow Bell's palsy (an inflammation of the facial nerve resulting in temporary facial weakness) due to incorrect regeneration of the facial nerve.
In more severe cases, the spasms may cause the mouth to become clamped shut. This can make speaking, eating, and swallowing difficult.
Meige's Syndrome is a similar disorder affecting the long facial muscles and neck muscles in addition to the muscles around the eyes.
Are There Different Forms of Blepharospasm?
Yes, blepharospasms are classified by their severity and the extent of the face that is affected. The basic classifications of blepharospasms are as follows:

What is the Treatment for Hemifacial Spasms?

3. HONselect - Meige Syndrome
List of rare diseasesEnglish Français - Deutsch - Español - Português. Language MeSH term Accepted terms English meige syndrome - Blepharospasm-Oromandibular Dystonia - Brueghel Syndrome - Idiopathic Orofacial Dyskinesia - Oromandibular Dystonia Syndrome, Idiopathic. Français MEIGE, SYNDROME. Deutsch Meige-Syndrom
List of rare diseases: English Deutsch
MeSH term:
Accepted terms:
English: Meige Syndrome - Blepharospasm-Oromandibular Dystonia
- Brueghel Syndrome
- Idiopathic Orofacial Dyskinesia
- Blepharospasm-Oromandibular Dyskinesia
- Blepharospasm-Oromandibular Dystonia Syndrome
- Blepharospasm-Oromandibular Dystonia Syndrome, Idiopathic
Français: MEIGE, SYNDROME Deutsch: Meige-Syndrom - Blepharospasmus-oromandibuläre Dystonie - Brueghel-Syndrom - Idiopathische orofaziale Dyskinesie Español: SINDROME DE MEIGE - BLEFAROSPASMO OROMANDIBULAR - SINDROME DE BRUECHEL - DISCINESIA OROFACIAL IDIOPATICA Português: SINDROME DE MEIGE - BLEFAROSPASMO OROMANDIBULAR - SINDROME DE BRUECHEL - DISCINESIA OROFACIAL IDIOPATICA HONselect ressources Definition: Yes Articles: Yes Images: No News: No Conferences: No Clinical trials: No Web sites: English Yes Français Yes Deutsch No Español Yes Português No Home About us Site map Feedback ... HONewsletter Last modified: Wed Apr 28 2004

4. Meige Syndrome
meige syndrome. This article submitted by Suzye on 2/28/99. Email Address I would like any information anyone has about blepharospasms and oromandibular spasms, meige syndrome? I seem to be experiencing both.
Meige Syndrome
This article submitted by Suzye on 2/28/99.
Email Address:
I would like any information anyone has about blepharospasms and oromandibular spasms, Meige syndrome? I seem to be experiencing both. I've had Botox injections for the blepharospasms but now I am noticing more and more strange things occurring: holding my breath, breathing through my mouth, accidentally biting the inside of my lip and mouth while eating or even talking, "screwing up" (spasms) of my nose and lower facial muscles, clenching my teeth and jaws, having to talk myself through writing out a check or even this article. Can't read a newspaper or fine print very much. It goes on and on.
I had a face lift and upper bleph in July 1997. What a fantastic change in my appearance - I work for the plastic surgeon - love him like a brother. But, I'm now wondering if the surgery didn't trigger some underlying condition that I may have had and no one knew. Has anyone else experienced anything like this after facial cosmetic surgery - is it a possible side effect?
Any and all responses will be appreciated. I'm really getting depressed about this now. Thank you!

5. Welcome To High Speed Internet
Explanations of these three disorders, as to what they are and the symptoms.
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6. BEBRF Blepharospasm Pages - Dystonia, Blepharospasm, Meige Syndrome, Publication
Meige s Syndrome. Hemifacial Spasm. Blepharospasm can occur with dystonia affectingthe mouth and/or jaw (oromandibular dystonia, meige syndrome).
BEBRF Blepharospasm Pages
Last update May 12, 2004
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What is Blepharospasm?
Blepharo means "eyelid". Spasm means "uncontrolled muscle contraction". The term blepharospasm ['blef-a-ro-spaz-m] can be applied to any abnormal blinking or eyelid tic or twitch resulting from any cause, ranging from dry eyes to Tourette's syndrome to tardive dyskinesia. The blepharospasm referred to here is officially called benign essential blepharospasm (BEB) to distinguish it from the less serious secondary blinking disorders. "Benign" indicates the condition is not life threatening, and "essential" is a medical term meaning "of unknown cause". It is both a cranial and a focal dystonia. Cranial refers to the head and focal indicates confinement to one part. The word dystonia describes abnormal involuntary sustained muscle contractions and spasms. Patients with blepharospasm have normal eyes. The visual disturbance is due solely to the forced closure of the eyelids.

7. Meige Syndrome - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention
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Related Topics: Rare Disorders Medical Definition: University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Medical Dictionary: "meige syndrome" Health News: Search millions of published articles for news on Meige Syndrome Modern Medicine Aging The Ardell Wellness Report HealthFacts Medical Post Medical Update Men's Health and the National Women's Health Report Note: Subscription required to access the full text of articles. Web Directory: Blepharospasm, Meige Syndrome and Hemifacial Spasm Explanations of these three disorders, as to what they are and the symptoms. NORD: Meige Syndrome Offers synonyms, a general discussion and further resources. Ohio State University Medical Center Meige's Syndrome is a form of dystonia in which there is blinking and chin thrusting. The condition and its treatment are described by George W. Paulson, M.D.

Hemifacial Spasm (Meige's Syndrome) Hemifacial Spasm (Meige's Syndrome) Hemifacial spasms are characterized Syndrome&select=and

9. Meige Syndrome
meige syndrome is a rare neurological movement disorder (dyskinesia) characterizedby spasms of the muscles of the eyelids and associated loss of tone in these
document.write(''); var hwPrint=1; var hwDocHWID="nord235"; var hwDocTitle="Meige Syndrome"; var hwRank="1"; var hwSectionHWID="nord235"; var hwSectionTitle=""; var hwSource="cn6.0"; var hwProdCfgSerNo="wsh_html_031_s"; var hwDocType="NORD";
National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc.
Meige Syndrome
It is possible that the main title of the report is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report.
  • Brueghel Syndrome Idiopathic Blepharospasm-Oromandibular Dystonia Syndrome Segmental Cranial Dystonia
Disorder Subdivisions
  • None
Related Disorders List
Information on the following diseases can be found in the Related Disorders section of this report:
  • Brueghel Syndrome Benign Essential Blepharospasm Tardive Dyskinesia Torsion Dystonia Tourette Syndrome Spasmodic Torticollis
General Discussion
Meige Syndrome is a rare neurological movement disorder (dyskinesia) characterized by spasms of the muscles of the eyelids and associated loss of tone in these eyelid muscles. Symptoms may include excessive blinking (blepharospasm) or involuntary eyelid closure. On occasion, the muscles of the face may also be involved. The exact cause of Meige Syndrome is not known. This disorder generally affects people during late middle age.
The symptoms of Meige Syndrome typically begin during late middle age and may include gradual functional impairment of the muscles of the eyelids (dyskinesia orbiculares oculi). Muscle spasms may cause excessive involuntary blinking (blepharospasm) or episodes of involuntary eyelid closure. In some people with Meige Syndrome, the muscles of the face are also affected, resulting in facial grimacing and uncontrollable squeezing movements of the facial muscles (facial dystonia). Other symptoms may include jaw grinding movements, repeated forceful opening of the jaw, and retraction of the lips into the mouth. Eyelid and facial muscle tone may gradually decline.

10. Central Nervous System Diseases
Degeneration (CBGD) (not on MeSH) Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome - Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome Machado-Joseph Disease - meige syndrome - meige syndrome - Meningitis - Meningitis
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Diseases and Disorders Links pertaining to Central Nervous System Diseases Alert! Patients and laypersons looking for guidance among the target sources of this collection of links are strongly advised to review the information retrieved with their professional health care provider. Start Page Contents: Adrenoleukodystrophy Alzheimer Disease Arachnoiditis Brain Abscess ... Zellweger Syndrome
Central Nervous System Diseases Nerve Cells [Lodish et al.] - Molecular Cell Biol., Chap 21, via NLM (US) Pathol. Images of the Central Nervous System - Univ of Utah (US) The Human Brain [JD MacArthur] The Global Brainstem '97 , the Cerebellum '97 , the Thalamus '97 , the Spinal Cord '97 - Univ. of Wisconsin (US) Mental Disorders Links
Brain Diseases Brain Functions and Map - Centre for Neuro Skills The Whole Brain Atlas - Atlas Project/Harvard Medical School et al. (US) Dissections of the Real Brain [Williams et al] - Univ of Iowa (US) Anatomy of the Brain - AANS
Leukodystrophy (not on MeSH) Leukodystrophy - NINDS The United Leukodystophy Foundation , including

11. Blepharospasm, Benign Essential
Database.) meige syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that is characterized byrapid eye blinking and spasms of the muscles around the eye (blepharospasm).
document.write(''); var hwPrint=1; var hwDocHWID="nord17"; var hwDocTitle="Blepharospasm, Benign Essential"; var hwRank="1"; var hwSectionHWID="nord17"; var hwSectionTitle=""; var hwSource="cn6.0"; var hwProdCfgSerNo="wsh_html_031_s"; var hwDocType="NORD";
National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc.
Blepharospasm, Benign Essential
It is possible that the main title of the report is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report.
  • BEB Blepharospasm Secondary Blepharospasm
Disorder Subdivisions
  • None
Related Disorders List
Information on the following diseases can be found in the Related Disorders section of this report:
  • Meige Syndrome Tardive Dyskinesia Wilson's Disease Tourette Syndrome Tetany Tetanus
General Discussion
Benign Essential Blepharospasm is a rare disorder in which the muscles of the eyelids (orbiculares oculi) do not function properly. There are intermittent and involuntary contractions or spasms of the muscles around the eyes. Although the eyes themselves are unaffected, the patient may eventually become functionally blind because of an inability to open the eyelids. Benign Essential Blepharospasm is a form of dystonia, which is a group of neuromuscular disorders characterized by muscle spasms.
Benign Essential Blepharospasm is characterized in the early stages by an unusually frequent or forceful blinking of the eyes, as well as occasional short episodes of involuntary eye closure. Over a period of years, these episodes increase in frequency and duration. Ultimately, the eyes may be closed 75 percent of the time.

12. Search: -
Results for meige syndrome from metasearch. Find better search results from the Web, Yellow Pages and White Pages quickly and easily! NLM definition of MeigeSyndrome A syndrome characterized by orofacial DYSTONIA books about MeigeSyndrome. Find information about MeigeSyndrome, Buy MeigeSyndrome books videos or

13. HON - List Of Rare Diseases
Marek Disease, Marfan Syndrome. Meckel s Diverticulum, meige syndrome. MelkerssonRosenthalSyndrome, Meniere s Disease. Mikulicz Disease, Miller Fisher Syndrome.
List of rare diseases: English Deutsch Acrocephalosyndactylia
... HONewsletter Last modified: Wed Apr 28 2004

14. Meige's Syndrome I (
Meige s syndrome I Associated disease. Some authors still combine theseinto a single syndrome, the NonneMilroy-meige syndrome.


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Meige's syndrome I Associated persons:
Henri Meige

William Forsyth Milroy
Max Nonne Description: There is some confusion among authors about what is what with Meige’s syndrome, Milroy’s syndrome, Nonne’s syndrome and Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome. According to one author, hereditary lymphoedema type II is the Meige syndrome; hereditary lymphoedema I is the Nonne-Milroy syndrome, also commonly referred to as Milroy disease. Some authors still combine these into a single syndrome, the Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome. It has been entered as such here, under Max Nonne, German neurologist, 1861-1959. Ole Daniel Enersen

15. Meige Syndrome
meige syndrome Important It is possible that the main title of thereport meige syndrome is not the name you expected. Please check
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You are in Medical Library Choose a Topic Our Content Sources Ask A Question Clinical Trials Health Guide A-Z Health Topics Symptoms Medical Tests Medications ... For a Complete Report Meige Syndrome Important It is possible that the main title of the report Meige Syndrome is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. Synonyms
  • Brueghel Syndrome Idiopathic Blepharospasm-Oromandibular Dystonia Syndrome Segmental Cranial Dystonia
Disorder Subdivisions
  • None
General Discussion Meige Syndrome is a rare neurological movement disorder (dyskinesia) characterized by spasms of the muscles of the eyelids and associated loss of tone in these eyelid muscles. Symptoms may include excessive blinking (blepharospasm) or involuntary eyelid closure. On occasion, the muscles of the face may also be involved. The exact cause of Meige Syndrome is not known. This disorder generally affects people during late middle age. Resources Benign Essential Blepharospasm Research Foundation, Inc.

16. Entrez PubMed
Abstract, Treatment of perioral dystonia with botulinum toxin in 4 cases of Meige ssyndrome. No abstract, Meige s syndrome Ryoikibetsu Shokogun Shirizu.

17. Entrez PubMed
Observations on NonneMilroy-meige syndrome Article in GermanOSTERLAND G. PMID 14482593 PubMed - OLDMEDLINE for Pre1966

18. Hereditary Lymphedema ,Hereditary Lymphedema Type I,Congenital Hereditary Lymphe
Hereditary Lymphedema ,Hereditary Lymphedema Type I,Congenital Hereditary Lymphedema,MilroyDisease,NonneMilroy-meige syndrome,Hereditary Lymphedema Type II
Hereditary Lymphedema ,Hereditary Lymphedema Type I,Congenital Hereditary Lymphedema,Milroy Disease,Nonne-Milroy-Meige Syndrome,Hereditary Lymphedema Type II,Meige's Lymphedema,Familial Lymphedema Praecox,Hereditary Lymphedema Tarda
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Genetic Information and Patient Services, Inc. (GAPS)
DISORDERS GLOSSARY Lymphadema, Hereditary
also known as:
Disorder Subdivisions
Hereditary Lymphedema, Type I
Congenital Hereditary Lymphedema
Milroy Disease
Nonne-Milroy-Meige Syndrome Hereditary Lymphedema, Type II Meige's Lymphedema Familial Lymphedema Praecox Hereditary Lymphedema Tarda (as defined by the National Organization for Rare Disorders
Hereditary Lymphedema is an inherited disorder of the lymphatic system that is characterized by abnormal swelling of certain parts of the body. The lymphatic system is a circulatory network of vessels, ducts, and nodes that filter and distribute certain fluid (lymph) and blood cells throughout the body. Lymphatic fluid collects in the soft tissues in and under the skin (subcutaneous) due to the obstruction, malformation, or underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of various lymphatic vessels.

NONNEMILROY-meige syndrome. Synonym NONNE-MILROY-meige syndrome. Synonym by domainnonne (medicine). Top. Modern Translation NONNE-MILROY-meige syndrome.
Philip M. Parker, INSEAD.
Synonym by domain: nonne (medicine). Top
Language Translations for "NONNE-MILROY-MEIGE SYNDROME"; alternative meanings/domain in parentheses.
Milroy's syndrom (Nonne-Milroy-Meige disease). ( various references
ziekte van Meige (Nonne-Milroy-Meige disease), trophoedema (Nonne-Milroy-Meige disease), elephantiasis nostras (Nonne-Milroy-Meige disease). ( various references
trophoed¨me cong©nital (Nonne-Milroy-Meige disease), syndrome de Nonne-Milroy-Meige (Nonne-Milroy-Meige disease). ( various references
Nonne-Milroy-Meige-Syndrom (Nonne-Milroy-Meige disease), Trophoneurose (Nonne-Milroy-Meige disease, progressive facial hemiatrophy, Romberg disease), pseudooedematoese hypoderme (Nonne-Milroy-Meige disease), Hypertrophie (hypertrophy), Heredotroph¶dem (Nonne-Milroy-Meige disease), heredit¤r-famili¤res Troph¶dem (Nonne-Milroy-Meige disease), heredit¤res oder lymphatisches –dem (Nonne-Milroy-Meige disease)

Danish. Milroy s syndrom (NonneMilroy-meige syndrome). (various references).Dutch. Spanish. síndrome de Nonne-Milroy-Meige (Nonne-Milroy-meige syndrome).
Philip M. Parker, INSEAD.
Synonym by domain: nonne (medicine). Top
Language Translations for "NONNE-MILROY-MEIGE DISEASE"; alternative meanings/domain in parentheses.
Milroy's syndrom (Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome). ( various references
ziekte van Meige (Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome), trophoedema (Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome), elephantiasis nostras (Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome). ( various references
trophoed¨me cong©nital (Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome), syndrome de Nonne-Milroy-Meige (Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome). ( various references
Nonne-Milroy-Meige-Syndrom (Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome), Trophoneurose (Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome, progressive facial hemiatrophy, Romberg disease), pseudooedematoese hypoderme (Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome), Hypertrophie (hypertrophy), Heredotroph¶dem (Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome), heredit¤r-famili¤res Troph¶dem (Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome), heredit¤res oder lymphatisches –dem (Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome)

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