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141. Lymphoma Genomics At The Bedside - Cancer: Health And Medical Information About OncoLink The Web s First Cancer Resource Types of Cancer. Types of Cancer lymphomas. lymphomas. AIDSrelated lymphoma. CutaneousT-Cell lymphoma/Mucosis Fungoides. Hodgkin s Disease. Non-Hodgkin s Disease. http://c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?r150129573 |
142. Case 11--Mantle Cell Lymphoma Mantle Cell lymphoma (Previous terms centrocytic lymphoma, lymphocyticlymphoma of intermediate differentiation, mantle zone lymphoma 13). http://pathhsw5m54.ucsf.edu/case11/mcl.html | |
143. Ivanhoe's Medical Breakthroughs - Lymphoma Vaccine lymphoma Vaccine. That s the unfortunate thing about nonHodgkin s lymphoma B-cells,is that the patient just has to wait and see what happens, Steeves says. http://www.ivanhoe.com/channels/p_channelstory.cfm?storyid=8370 |
144. Allthingspossible.org Provides a record of a new mother's struggle with a rare form of this disease including links to related cancer resources. http://allthingspossible.org | |
145. Lymphoma (follicular Non-Hodgkin's) - Rituximab (no. 37) Up. Down. lymphoma (follicular nonHodgkin s) - rituximab (no. 37). 2002/018 NICErecommends the selective use of rituximab for follicular non-Hodgkins lymphoma, http://www.nice.org.uk/cat.asp?c=29983 |
146. Children's Leukemia Foundation Of Michigan Statewide organization which provides information, financial assistance, and emotional support to families of adults and children affected by leukemia, lymphoma, and other related blood disorders. http://www.leukemiamichigan.org/ |
147. SF AIDS Fdn: BETA 1/98 -- AIDS-Relatated Lymphoma 98 Bulletin of Experimental Treatments for AIDS covers AIDSrelated lymphoma, atype of cancer in which the cells of the lymphoid tissue multiply unchecked. http://www.sfaf.org/treatment/beta/b35/b35lymp.html | |
148. EMedicine: B-Cell Lymphoma - Type B Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma : Article By Ajeet Gajr Oncologist's report includes an indepth review of this condition. http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic1358.htm | |
149. Lymphoma Program lymphoma Program. The University of Nebraska Medical Center is worldrenowned for the diagnosis, therapy, and research of lymphoma. http://www.unmc.edu/lymphoma/ | |
150. Caltri: Bath Cancer Research - Drug Sensitivity Testing For Cancer, Leukaemia An Offers drug cytotoxicity screening, ex vivo drug sensitivity studies for leukaemias and lymphoma, to consultants, as an international service from a charitably funded research group at the Royal United Hospital. http://caltri.org/ | |
151. Lymphoma Protocol Comparison Treatment of lymphoma in Dogs A Comparison of Three Chemotherapy Protocols. MatusRE. Chemotherapy of lymphoma and leukemia. In Kirk RW, Bonagura JD, eds. http://www.vin.com/oncology/html/default_lymphoma_protocol_comparison.html | |
152. Information On Non Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer. Articles And Videos About Non Hodgk Primarily oriented to treatment using radioimmunotherapy. Sponsored by the IDEC Pharmaceuticals firm. http://www.lymphomainnovations.com | |
153. Joseph D Helmuth Memorial Golf Classic Benefits the Helmuth Educational Fund and the lymphoma Foundation. Includes image gallery with information on sponsors, registration and outing details. http://helmuthfund.com/index.html |
154. Pharmaceutical Research And Manufacturers Of America New Medicines in Development. lymphoma. Complete a new search Drug Name (Proprietaryname/Generic name). ASI BCL ASI BCL / none. lymphoma. INSMED Richmond, VA. http://www.phrma.org/newmedicines/newmedsdb/drugs.cfm?indicationcode=Lymphoma|17 |
155. Follicular Lymphoma Survival, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer Treatment Information about this rare condition including treatment and care strategies from a survivor. http://www.lymphomasurvival.com/ | |
156. Stop Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Learn what you can do to help stop nonhodgkin s lymphoma. Also, a lymphomalinks. Click here to break out of frames. Non-Hodgkin s lymphoma. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/6727/stopNHL/ | |
157. Laboratories Microflow Litron Labs Home A genetic toxicology testing laboratory performing Ames, lymphoma, CHO assays, and flow cytometric micronucleus tests, marketed as MicroFlow. http://www.litronlabs.com/ |
158. AEGiS-NMAIN: Lymphoma (NHL) A nontechnical fact sheet on lymphoma, an opportunistic infectionrelated to HIV disease. WHAT IS lymphoma? lymphoma refers to http://www.aegis.com/pubs/nmap/509-lymphoma.html | |
159. University Of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center - Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Overview of the disease, symptoms and treatment plus information on clinical trials, support groups and CHOP. http://www.cancer.med.umich.edu/learn/nonhodg.htm | |
160. Hematopathology Table Of Contents Now incorporating the WHO lymphoma classification. If You Have lymphomaThis site may be able to provide you with useful information. http://pleiad.umdnj.edu/hemepath/default.html | |
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