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101. Lymph Notes--an Online Community About Lymphedema Information, resource directory, and online support group for people with lymphedema and their families, friends, and therapists. http://www.lymphnotes.com/ | |
102. Lymphedema lymphedema, Book, Home Page. Epidemiology Incidence Primary lymphedema occurs 1 in 10,000. Types Primary lymphedema http://www.fpnotebook.com/SUR4.htm | |
103. Compression Management Services Inc. Compression Management Services offers help for lymphedema and edema management by providing specific products and therapists who treat patients with swelling and to patients directly to help them manage and maintain their edema. http://www.compressionmanagement.com | |
104. Adult Health Advisor 2003.2: Lymphedema Index. lymphedema. What is lymphedema? Call your health care provider if any of these signs appear. How can I help prevent and control lymphedema? http://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/aha/aha_lymphede_crs.htm | |
105. LymphaCare: Lymphedema Product & Reimbursement Resource - Lymphedema Treatment - lymphedema resource and provider. They help in insurance approval and reimbursement for lymphedema products. http://www.lymphedemapumps.com/ | |
106. InteliHealth: Lymphedema listed and crossreferenced in an AZ format. lymphedema. Health A to Z, Reviewed by the Faculty of Harvard Medical School lymphedema http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/9339/23829.html | |
107. Thtransportation Find volunteers helping others find help with lymphedema. http://thtransportation.homestead.com/ | |
108. Prostate Surgery Followed By Lymphedema the catheter was removed.Within the next two months the swelling spread down the inner thighs and walking became uncomfortable, I knew that I had lymphedema. http://www.cancerlynx.com/prostatelymphedema.html | |
109. Helpful Tips For Lymphedema Helpful Tips for lymphedema Alexandra Andrews, WM, Beverley Burns, LAc, OMD, Sarah Holmes, CH, Marilyn Miller, CMT, LT, Betty Segal, CMT, Joanne Thompson. http://www.cancerlynx.com/lymphedema.html | |
110. National Cancer Institute - Lymphedema Adapted from the summary on lymphedema by the National Cancer Institute, lymphedema is an abnormal collection of too much tissue protein, fluid (edema), chronic inflammation, and thickening and scarring of connective tissue. http://www.cancer.gov/cancerinfo/pdq/supportivecare/lymphedema | |
111. 2001.05.03:Medicare To Expedite Coverage For Lymphedema Pumps MEDICARE TO EXPEDITE COVERAGE FOR lymphedema PUMPS. Although lymphedema is not lifethreatening, it can significantly impact the quality of life for sufferers. http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2001pres/20010503a.html | |
112. The Lymphedema Clinic THE lymphedema CLINIC All patients with lymphedema, particularly women who have undergone axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer, are evaluated by a http://www.uams.edu/medcenter/special/Lymph.asp | |
113. Here's To Your Health: Lymphedema lymphedema. These segments explore lymphedema. lymphedema is the swelling in the limbs that occurs because of a buildup of lymph fluid. http://www.uams.edu/htyh/2003/03-13/lymphedema.htm | |
114. Firelands Lymphedema Centre lymphedema Program. If this blockage persists, lymphedema the chronic swelling of arms, legs or other parts of the body results. http://www.firelands.com/lymphedema.html | |
115. People Living With Cancer - Managing Side Effects - Fluid In The Arms Or Legs (L Effects Article. Fluid in the Arms or Legs (lymphedema). Primary lymphedema is a rare, natural disorder of the lymph system. This section http://www.plwc.org/plwc/MainConstructor/1,1744,_12-001011-00_15-001000-00_17-00 | |
116. Lymphedema / Family Village Library lymphedema. Where to Go to Chat with Others. lymphedema This group is for lymphedema patients, their families, doctors, PTS., friends, etc. http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/lib_lymphedema.html | |
117. Aetna: Lymphedema Treatments Clinical Policy Bulletins. Number 0069 Subject lymphedema Treatments. Important Note This lymphedema Pumps Aetna considers lymphedema http://www.aetna.com/cpb/data/CPBA0069.html | |
118. Lymphedema http://www.labca.com/Lymphedema/lymphedema.html |
119. Lymphedema --- HealthandAge lymphedema. lymphedema. January 23, 2002 (Reviewed September 11, 2003). Question. Answer. It sounds as if you might have a form of lymphedema. http://www.healthandage.com/Home/gm=6!gid7=64 | |
120. Lymphedema --- HealthandAge lymphedema. lymphedema. January 23, 2002 (Reviewed September 11, 2003). Question. Answer. It sounds as if you might have a form of lymphedema. http://www.healthandage.com/Home/gid7=64 | |
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