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1. NLN: Home Page The National lymphedema Network (NLN) is an internationally recognized nonprofit organization founded in 1988 by Saskia RJ Thiadens, RN to provide education http://www.lymphnet.org/ | |
2. Lymphedema What is lymphedema? lymphedema can be defined as an accumulation of excessive proteins, edema either primary or secondary lymphedema. Primary lymphedema is usually due to either http://www.warmsprings.org/ws/FS/oly.html | |
3. Lymphedema Assocation Of Quebec A support group for people with lymphedema, a chronic swelling condition due to accumulations of lymphatic fluid, and encourages education and research into the disorder. http://www.infolympho.icomm.ca/ | |
4. Home A nonprofit corporation whose mission is to help identify, support and promote research into the causes, treatments, and potential cures for lymphedema and other angiodysplasia disorders. http://www.lymphaticresearch.org/ | |
5. Circle Of Hope Lymphedema Foundation, Inc. Provides Resources, Information And S Circle of Hope lymphedema Foundation, Inc. See Our Advertisers. COHLF Jewelry. About Circle of Hope. Jeanne Tassis, Founder. What is lymphedema? http://www.lymphedemacircleofhope.org/ | |
6. EMedicine - Lymphedema : Article By Don R Revis, Jr, MD lymphedema lymphedema is a notoriously debilitating progressive condition with no known cure. The unfortunate patient faces a lifelong struggle of medical, and sometimes surgical, treatment Primary lymphedema has been further subdivided into 3 forms, including congenital lymphedema, lymphedema praecox, and lymphedema tarda, depending on http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic2722.htm | |
7. Lymphedema Links lymphedema Information on all aspects of lymphedema affecting upper and lower body includes info on how to use a computer, treatment and resources for the condition known as lymphedema Bosom http://www.cancerlinks.com/lymphedema.html | |
8. Lymphedema lymphedema. National lymphedema Network. 2211 Post St., Suite 404. San Francisco, CA 94115. Phone (800) 5413259 or (415) 921-2911. Contact Saskia Thiadens, RN. Fax (415) 921-4284. To locate a genetic counselor or geneticist in your area http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/lymphede.html | |
9. PinkRibbon.com Lymphedema lymphedema. Have you noticed women with an oversized arm? Or perhaps you have noticed someone wearing what looks like an Ace bandage from their hand to their shoulder. That person is most likely http://www.pinkribbon.com/lymph.htm | |
10. Kessler Lerner Lymphedema Services & Products Kessler Lerner lymphedema Services offers a stateof-the-art, interdisciplinary approach for the treatment of lymphedema. ABOUT lymphedema. http://www.kessler-rehab.com/new/LernerServices.asp | |
11. Lymphedema Bandages Plus Rehab Products Draper s Fitness provides lymphedema bandages and supplies plus rehab and exercise products to both clinics and individuals. for. lymphedema Sports Medicine. http://home.earthlink.net/~drapersfitns/ | |
12. Trinity Lymphedema Centers - Lymphatic, Swelling, Oxygen, Vessels, Bacteria Trinity lymphedema Treatment Centers focus on reducing the pain and impairment associated with lymphedema. Through physiotherapy. http://www.trinitylc.com/ | |
13. "The Lymphedema Center, One Of The Largest Treatment Centers For Lymphedema In T Center based in Brookfields, Wisconsin. http://www.execpc.com/~hrrs | |
14. NLN: Lymphedema: A Brief Overview The National lymphedema Network (NLN) is an internationally recognized nonprofit organization founded in 1988 by Saskia R.J. Thiadens, R.N. to provide education and guidance to lymphedema What http://www.lymphnet.org/whatis.html | |
15. 18 STEPS TO PREVENTING LYMPHEDEMA - Circle Of Hope Lymphedema Foundation The National lymphedema Network s 18 Steps to Prevention for both upper and lower limbs has been widely disseminated in an attempt to inform those at risk and http://www.lymphedemacircleofhope.org/prevention.htm | |
16. West Virginia Lymphedema Network The West Virginia lymphedema Network is a volunteer support group in West Virginia. The mission is educate and increase awareness of lymphedema treatment, discuss medical research, and insurance issues. http://www.wvlymph.org | |
17. Peninsula Medical, Inc. - "The ReidSleeve People" Effective treatment for lymphedema with the ReidSleeve Precise TapeMeasure Information lymphedema Data. F.A.Q./Forum lymphedema is a condition that afflicts more than 250 000 people in the United States http://www.lymphedema.com/ | |
18. Canadian Lymphedema Foundation Home Charitable organization raising money for research and education into conditions affecting the lymphatic system. http://www.lymphedema.ca/ | |
19. Lymphedema Zone lymphedema Zone Information on lymphedema certification and supplies online. lymphedema Certificationlymphedema Courseslymphedema Managementlymphedema Supplieslymphedema Therapylymphedema Traininglymphedema Treatmentslymphedema http://www.lymphedemazone.com/ | |
20. American Lymphedema Institute American lymphedema Institute. TwentyFour Ways to Protect Yourself. Please system. Copyright, 1997 by American lymphedema Institute. http://alumni.imsa.edu/~bug/alih.html | |
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