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101. Lyme Disease What is lyme disease? lyme disease is caused by the bite of a tick that is infected with a germ. A How common is lyme disease? The http://www.arthritis.ca/types of arthritis/lyme disease/default.asp?s=1 |
102. Sharing Our Stories A lyme disease web site with a message board along with several other topics of interest. Information to pass on and contributions are welcome. http://communities.msn.com/Sharingourstories | |
103. Lyme Disease lyme disease. If your question is not answered here, please contact one of our information specialists. More Information About lyme disease. http://www.arthritis.org/conditions/DiseaseCenter/lyme_disease.asp | |
104. WebRing: Hub Informational resources and homepages of people with lyme disease. http://h.webring.com/hub?ring=lymering&id=47&hub |
105. CNN.com - CDC Lyme Disease At Record High - May 7, 2004 lyme disease has climbed to its highest level on record in the United States, in part because of the building of more and more homes in the woods, the http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/05/07/lyme.disease.reut/ |
106. Lyme Disease Feature vaccination information, treatment, message boards, symptoms, risk quiz, and basic information on lyme disease. http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/dc/caz/infc/lyme/ldindex.html | |
107. Lyme Disease Servers lyme disease. lyme disease Servers. lyme disease Pages. Marina Cinco Borrelia Laboratory. lyme disease MS Overlap in diagnosis. MS Spirochaetes? http://www.pasteur.fr/recherche/borrelia/ServersLyme.html | |
108. BrainTalk Communities - Neurology Support Groups BrainTalk Communities discussion group presented by the Department of Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital. http://neuro-mancer.mgh.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&f |
109. NJDHSS, Communicable Disease Service: Measles What you should know about lyme disease. What is lyme disease? lyme disease is a a rash. Who gets lyme disease? Anyone who http://www.state.nj.us/health/cd/f_lyme.htm | |
110. CBS News | CDC 'Ticked' At Lyme Disease Rise | May 7, 2004 09:51:44 CDC Ticked At lyme disease Rise FORT COLLINS, Colo., May 7, 2004. lyme disease bacteria are transmitted to humans by ticks that are carried by deer. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/05/07/health/main616102.shtml | |
111. Lyme Disease lyme disease. What is lyme disease? lyme disease is a bacterial disease transmitted by infected ticks. It was first recognized in http://www.idph.state.il.us/public/hb/hblyme.htm | |
112. Lyme Disease And Emerging Illness Forum A forum for questions, concerns, or support related to Lyme and other tickborne diseases. Weekly chats and newsletter sign up. http://forums.about.com/n/main.asp?webtag=ab-lymedisease&nav=start |
113. Lyme Disease Department of Medical Entomology, lyme disease. lyme disease IN AUSTRALIA. History Australia. The first Australian cases of a syndrome http://medent.usyd.edu.au/fact/lyme disease.htm | |
114. Quick Registration A discussion forum on lyme disease and other tickborne diseases. http://login.prospero.com/dir-login/index.asp?webtag=lymediseasetalk |
115. United States Police Canine Association, Lyme Disease lyme disease. lyme disease has been recognized in Europe for almost 100 years but was not described in humans in the United States until 1975. http://www.uspcak9.com/medical/lymedisease.shtml | |
116. LymeNet Flash - Powered By Infopop Participate in discussions about lyme disease in specialized groups entitled Medical Questions, Seeking a Doctor, General Support, Activism, and others. Registration, FAQs and search from this site. http://flash.lymenet.org/scripts/Ultimate.cgi | |
117. [sci.med.diseases.lyme] Lyme Disease Newsgroup FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the USENET lyme disease newsgroup. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/medicine/lyme-disease/ld-faq/ | |
118. NJDHSS, Communicable Diseases, Lyme Disease Rates By NJ County Division of Communicable Diseases The Infectious Zoonotic Disease Program. lyme disease Rate by County in New Jersey. http://www.state.nj.us/health/cd/lymrates.htm | |
119. CDC Lyme Disease Home Page - CDC Division Of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases (D The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Division of VectorBorne Infectious Diseases (DVBID) presents pages on lyme disease including Introduction, The Bacterium, Natural History, Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Prevention and Control, Vaccine Recommendations, Questions and Answers, and Scientific Literature. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/lyme/index.htm | |
120. Lyme Disease CONCERN ABOUT lyme disease by Lee Weston. Since this time, lyme disease has spread throughout the US, and is the most common tick borne disease. http://www.barkbytes.com/medical/med0056.htm | |
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