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61. Scope Of Neurology maintained one of the most detailed sets of case books for the period, showingthat in 1871, typical diagnoses included locomotor ataxia, hemiplegia, chorea http://www.aneuroa.org/html/c19html/011-scope.htm | |
62. Cerebral Palsey, Who Makes The Rules, Anyway! locomotor ataxia involves a lack of balance, or equilibrium. Patients Ataxiahas many causes. locomotor ataxia may be due to syphilis. Many http://groups.msn.com/CerebralPalseywhomakestherulesanyway/cpthefacts.msnw | |
63. Classics In The History Of Psychology -- Broca (1861b English) It might be possible, however, that it is otherwise, and that aphemia is the resultof a locomotor ataxia limited to the part of the central nervous apparatus http://psychclassics.asu.edu/Broca/aphemie-e.htm | |
64. List Of Species Used For Ataxia(Locomotor) ScienceDaily Browse Topics Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/L Body Disease@ (12); Lice@ (22); Lipoid Nephrosis@ (4); Lissencephaly@(5); Liver Disorders@ (161); locomotor ataxia@ (1); Lowe Syndrome http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/duke/ethno-actlist.pl?Ataxia(Locomotor) |
65. Kuruvinda.com -- Reality Bites may cause degeneration of the cells of the gray matter of the spinal cord, whichindicates a relationship to tabes dorsalis or locomotor ataxia, which has been http://www.kuruvinda.com/health_celibacy-6.shtml | |
66. TGhe Village Voice Book Review Or paralysis, softening of the brain, locomotor ataxia, and insanity when causedby nervous exhaustion? Or simply those everyday exhausting effects of life http://www.moxie.info/articles/vvoice.htm | |
67. Art Of Massage - Chapter 14: Rules Relating To Massage 40. In chorea and locomotor ataxia, in fact, in most cases in whichmassage is valuable, - gymnastics should, be added. In locomotor http://www.meridianinstitute.com/eamt/files/kellogg/ch14.html | |
68. Littlejohn - Osteopathic Technique (3) In dealing with muscles it is necessary to exercise certain groups as in paralysis,locomotor ataxia, here we have This is the test for locomotor ataxia. http://www.meridianinstitute.com/eamt/files/little/little4.html | |
69. Definition Of Locomotor From Dictionary.net locomotor ataxia, or Progressive locomotor ataxy (Med.), a disease of the spinalcord characterized by peculiar disturbances of gait, and difficulty in co o http://www.dictionary.net/locomotor | |
70. Ancestors Of Claud Earl Stevens 37 , 38 He died on 22 Feb 1917 at Carbon Hill, Hocking Co., OH, at age 78Died of locomotor ataxia at the home of his daughter Mrs. Clara Green. http://www.stamhill.com/homepage/Stevens/steve001.htm | |
71. Displaying Medical Dictionary Terms Starting With Letter LO facets locked knee locken Lockwood s ligament Lockwood, Charles LOCM loco loco citatolocobase locomotive locomotor locomotor ataxia locomotorial locomotorium http://www.books.md/L/LO.php | |
72. ORPHANET - Rare Diseases - Orphan Drugs In the juvenile form (type 2), onset is between ages 2 and 6 with locomotor ataxia,behavioural disorders, and progressive loss of intellectual capacities http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?Lng=GB&Expert=845 |
73. MedicalMnemonics.com Browse Results degeneration Orthopedic pain (Charcot joints) Reflexes decreased (deep tendon) Shootingpain ArgyllRobertson pupils locomotor ataxia Impaired proprioception http://www.medicalmnemonics.com/cgi-bin/return_browse.cfm?&discipline=Pathology& |
74. PharmGKB: Tabes Dorsalis Alternate Names Ataxia, Locomotor; Ataxias, Locomotor; locomotor ataxia; LocomotorAtaxias; Meningomyelitides, Syphilitic; Meningomyelitis, Syphilitic http://www.pharmgkb.org/do/serve?objId=PA445801&objCls=Disease |
75. ARTFL Project Webster Dictionary, 1913 (b) The state of disorder that characterizes nervous fevers and thenervous condition. locomotor ataxia . See Locomotor. Return to Form http://machaut.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/WEBSTER.sh?WORD=Ataxia |
76. Penn State Faculty Research Expertise Database (FRED) Related Terms, locomotor ataxia, Myelosyphilis. Syphilis Tabes Spinalis,Tabetic Neurosyphilis. Ataxia, Locomotor, Ataxias, Locomotor. Locomotor http://fred.hmc.psu.edu/ds/retrieve/fred/meshdescriptor/D013606 |
77. Learn About Cancer 1 = Slight incoordination dysdiadokinesis. 2 = Intention tremor dysmetria, slurredspeech. 3 = locomotor ataxia. 4 = Cerebellar necrosis. Neurocortical 0 = None. http://www.cancersourcern.com/LearnAboutCancer/core/external.cfm?table=01_C_tbOR |
78. Ingenta: Article Summary -- Epidural Administration Of Tiletaminezolazepam In Ho treatment II. Moderate analgesia and locomotor ataxia were observedwith both the treatments. Conclusions and clinical relevance. The http://www.ingenta.com/isis/searching/ExpandTOC/ingenta?issue=pubinfobike://bsc/ |
79. Guardian Unlimited Books | By Genre | The Art Of Suffering Its chief manifestations in his case were locomotor ataxia progressivelyclumsy and uncoordinated movement - and paralysis. In http://books.guardian.co.uk/departments/classics/story/0,6000,713461,00.html | |
80. Bootlegbooks: Websters Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1913, Page 96 (b) The state of disorder that characterizes nervous fevers and the nervouscondition. locomotor ataxia . See Locomotor. Ataxic ( A*tax ic ) a. Cf. http://www.bootlegbooks.com/Reference/Webster/data/96.html | |
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