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41. RootsWeb: MEDICAL-GENEALOGY-L Re: [MEDI-GENE] Locomotor Ataxis Caused By Wound writes Locomotor ataxis tabes dorsalis (locomotor ataxia) a form of neurosyphilisoccurring 520 years after the original sexually transmitted infection. http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/MEDICAL-GENEALOGY/2001-11/1005700259 | |
42. NINDS Tabes Dorsalis Information Page Content for this page. NINDS Tabes Dorsalis Information Page. Synonym(s) Progressivelocomotor ataxia, Syphilitic Spinal Sclerosis. Reviewed 0730-2003 http://accessible.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/tabes_dorsalis.htm | |
43. Locomotor Ataxia LOCOMOTOR Meaning and Definition of the Word Search Dictionary LOCOMOTOR Dictionary Entry and Meaning. Pronunciation`lowku mowtur. Matching Terms locomotor ataxia. WordNet Dictionary. http://vdict.com/i/7/locomotor ataxia.html | |
44. 798.6560 Subchronic Delayed Neuro-toxicity Of Organophosphorus Substances. days. The animals are observed at least daily for behavioral abnormalities,locomotor ataxia and paralysis. Histopathological examination http://www.complianceregs.com/40CFR/P798_033.HTM | |
45. Ataxia, Locomotor : On Medical Dictionary Online Ataxia, Locomotor defined on the Free Online Medical Dictionary. Medical Linkto the Medical Dictionary Online. Ataxia, Locomotor. Parenchymatous http://www.online-medical-dictionary.org/?q=Ataxia, Locomotor |
46. Lo : On Medical Dictionary Online Locomotion Disorders, Neurologic Locomotion, Cell Locomotions Locomotions, CellLocomotor Activities Locomotor Activity locomotor ataxia locomotor ataxias http://www.online-medical-dictionary.org/?q=~Lo |
47. Tabes Dorsalis locomotor ataxia; Myelosyphilis; Syphilis, Spinal Cord; Spinal Cord Syphilis;Spinal Meningovascular Syphilis; Syphilitic Meningomyelitis; Tabes Spinalis http://medical.webends.com/kw/Tabes Dorsalis | |
48. Rosicrucian Fellowship Online Magazine Archives sclerosis. LEO Heart disease, angina pectoris, locomotor ataxia, hyperaemia,spinal disease, spinal meningitis, fevers. VIRGO Peritonitis http://www.rosicrucian.com/zineen/magen324.htm | |
49. Zodiac Powers Leo afflictions include heart disease, angina pectoris, locomotor ataxia,hyperaemia, spinal disease, spinal meningitis and fevers. http://www.aromatherapyproducts.info/New_Zodiac_Powers.htm | |
50. CHAPTER VIII for the following conditions a relatively higher degree of incidence among officersthan enlisted men Encephalitis, locomotor ataxia, apoplexy, neurasthenia http://history.amedd.army.mil/booksdocs/wwi/Neuropsychiatry/section1chapter8.htm | |
51. CHAPTER IX I. locomotor ataxia. However, anything that will use up nerve energy andbreak down the nervous system is liable to develop locomotor ataxia. http://www.soilandhealth.org/02/0201hyglibcat/020117tildenpt2/020117.ch9.html | |
52. Volume 2 January - December 1879 The eyesymptoms in locomotor ataxia. T . Grainger Stewart. Pages181 - 190. Part of the OUP Brain WWW service. General Information. http://www3.oup.co.uk/jnls/supplements/braini/hdb/Volume_02/Issue_02/020181.sgm. | |
53. Volume 11 January - December 1889 locomotor ataxia of at least five years duration, c. H . Handford. Pages498 502. Part of the OUP Brain WWW service. General Information. http://www3.oup.co.uk/jnls/supplements/braini/hdb/Volume_11/Issue_04/110498.sgm. | |
54. George Meredith (1828-1909) -- A Brief Biography Towards the end of the 1870s he began to develop symptoms of the locomotor ataxiawhich eventually crippled him, but he managed to conceal these from most of http://www.victorianweb.org/authors/meredith/biograph.html | |
55. Tabes Dorsalis - Definition Of Tabes Dorsalis By Webster Dictionary Definition of Tabes dorsalis. locomotor ataxia; sometimes called simply tabes.See also Tabes. Related Words. locomotor ataxia, neurosyphilis Advertisement. http://www.webster-dictionary.net/definition/Tabes dorsalis | |
56. Glossary-p19. SYN ataxia, locomotor. when eyes are closed, and a staggering widebasegait are characteristic; hence the name locomotor ataxia. http://www.kneelsit.com/glossary19.html | |
57. Indications From Professorss Eberhards Book indicated Leucorrhea indicated Lichen Planus indicated Leukemia neutral LichenRubra indicated Lithemia (Gout) indicated locomotor ataxia neutral Low Blood http://www.papimi.gr/table01.htm | |
58. Neurovestibular Adaptation Integrated Research Team -- Core Research Projects Advanced Techniques for Assessment of Postural and locomotor ataxia, Spatial Orientation,and Gaze Stability. Principal Investigator Conrad Wall, III, Ph.D. http://mvl.mit.edu/Neurovestibular/Pages/project3.html | |
59. Neurovestibular Adaptation Integrated Research Team -- Core Research Projects Advanced Techniques for Assessment of Postural and locomotor ataxia,Spatial Orientation, and Gaze Stability. C. Wall III et al. http://mvl.mit.edu/Neurovestibular/Pages/research.html | |
60. Problems And Troubles And Aligned Homoeopathic Remedies - L Lectophobia Leprosy Leucocythaemia Leucoderma Leucoderma (chronic) Lithiasis Liverspots locomotor ataxia Lumbago Lungs http://oaks.nvg.org/ril.html | |
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