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21. Locomotor Ataxia Definition Of Locomotor Ataxia. What Is Locomotor Ataxia? Meani www.thefreedictionary.com/Locomotor%20ataxia Dictionary definition of ATAXY The state of disorder that characterises nervous fevers and the nervous condition.locomotor ataxia. See Locomotor. Origin NL. Ataxia, Gr, fr. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/locomotor ataxia | |
22. Archaic Medical Terms LockJaw, Tetanus. locomotor ataxia (Ataxy), Means Syphilis of the spinalcord. The modern term is tabes dorsalis. Long Sickness, Tuberculosis. http://www.paul_smith.doctors.org.uk/l.htm | |
23. REPERTORY By Oscar E. BOERICKE, M.D. - NERVOUS SYSTEM v. DEGENERATION (Softening, sclerosis, etc.) (See locomotor ataxia.) Alum., Alum.sil., Arg. m. locomotor ataxia Agar., Alumen., Alum. chlor., Alum., Am. http://www.homeoint.org/books4/boerirep/nervous2.htm | |
24. SECALE CORNUTUM - HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA - By William BOERICKE Back.Spinal irritation, tingling of lower extremities; can bear only slightestcovering. locomotor ataxia. Formication and numbness. Myelitis. http://www.homeoint.org/books/boericmm/s/sec.htm | |
25. ERB, Wilhelm., The Etiology Of Tabes (locomotor Ataxia). Translated By Dr. R.W. Nigel Phillips. ERB, Wilhelm. The Etiology of Tabes (locomotor ataxia).Translated by Dr. RW Felkin. In Selected Essays and Monographs http://www.polybiblio.com/phillips/43.html | |
26. My Home Page headache, white tongue, bitter taste, greenish vomiting, urine golden yellow Carduusmarianus Liver, chronic affections - Sulphur locomotor ataxia - Arg Nit http://www.angelfire.com/de2/pujara/Repertory4.html | |
27. Online Hell die of locomotor ataxia when hes fortyone and his wife will give a baptizingstand or whatever you call it to the Presbyterian Church We also delivers our http://cosmetics.malls4all.com/ladies_fragrance_bellagio_ladies.asp |
28. Locomotor Ataxia - Dictionary Definition Assessment of Ataxia, Spatial Orient. and Gaze StabilityAdvanced Techniques for Assessment of Postural and locomotor ataxia,Spatial Orientation and Gaze Stability. Cohen HS, Bloomberg http://www.yourdictionary.net/locomotor ataxia.html | |
29. Baylor Neurology Case Of The Month In 1892 Erb described it as progressive locomotor ataxia . Epidemiology. ClinicalFeatures. The disease is sometimes called progressive locomotor ataxia. http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/neurol/challeng/pat1/summary.html | |
30. CDC - The Medical KiplingSyphilis, Tabes Dorsalis, And This story, written around 1893, accurately describes the clinical syndromeof tabes dorsalispopularly known as locomotor ataxia at that time. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol10no6/03-0117.htm |
31. TheDeadballEra.com :: TOO YOUNG TO DIE 47) .PNEUMONIA COMPLICATED BY ASTHMATIC BRONCHITIS 1900 SILVERBILL PHILLIPS (43) .SYPHILITIC locomotor ataxia 1900 HARRY http://www.thedeadballera.com/tooyoung.html | |
32. LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA (Search FastHealth.com) LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA California Historical Society Collections Photography Plate No. 546; locomotor ataxia, walking.; side/rear 12 views ea, image 6 x 173/4in.; FN-30223; Plate No. 550; locomotor ataxia, walking. A Arms down. http://www.fasthealth.com/dictionary/l/locomotor_ataxia.php | |
33. Locomotor Ataxia - Encyclopedia Article About Locomotor Ataxia. Free Access, No Locomotion encyclopedia article about Locomotion. Free access Locomotion. Word Word. In biology Biology is the science of life. It isconcerned with the characteristics http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Locomotor ataxia | |
34. Ataxia Uncertain gait. Neuralgia in locomotor ataxia. Warm drinks. Arsenicum Bromatum,A great antipsoric and anti-syphilitic remedy for locomotor ataxia, http://www.stormloader.com/users/saibabaservs/Ataxia.htm | |
35. Ataxia - Definition Of Ataxia By Webster-Dictionary.org See also locomotor ataxia , an ataxia which occurs when attempting to perform coordinatedmuscular movements. locomotor ataxia. See Locomotor. Related Words. http://www.webster-dictionary.org/definition/ataxia | |
36. Ataxia,hereditary Ataxia,A-T,Essential Tremor,Spastic Paraplegia,ataxia,heredita congenital abnormality (the back part of the brain was formed in an unusual way)* multiple sclerosis * syphilis (locomotor ataxia) * hereditary disorders http://www.icomm.ca/geneinfo/ataxia.htm | |
37. Locomotor Ataxia - BlueRider.com locomotor ataxia listen domain availability, Warning mysql_db_query()supplied line 32 locomotor ataxia. Your search results Warning http://locomotor_ataxia.bluerider.com/wordsearch/locomotor_ataxia | |
38. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results 2. locomotor ataxia Webster s NewWorld Dictionary; January 1, 1988 locomotorataxia tabes dorsalis Copyright 1994, 1991, 1988 Simon Schuster, Inc. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_dictiona |
39. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results 18. locomotor ataxia Webster s NewWorld Dictionary; January 1, 1988 locomotorataxia tabes dorsalis Copyright 1994, 1991, 1988 Simon Schuster, Inc. 19. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
40. Disease Directory : Neurological Disorders : Spinal Cord : Tabes Dorsalis Tabes Dorsalis Google, WWW Medical.WebEnds.com. Tabes Dorsalis. locomotor ataxia;Myelosyphilis; Syphilis, Spinal Cord; Spinal Cord Syphilis; Spinal; http://www.diseasedirectory.net/Neurological_Disorders/Spinal_Cord/Tabes_Dorsali | |
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