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61. Elliot's Disease Research Library Library of information for those suffering from Elliot's Disease, an undiagnosed parasitic skin disorder affecting humans and their pets that may mimic lice or scabies. http://members4.boardhost.com/Kritters/ | |
62. Head Lice Facts Head lice. Head lice are parasitic insects that live in the hair and scalp of humans. They need human blood to survive. What are head lice? http://www.astdhpphe.org/infect/lice.html | |
63. Fairy Tales > All Natural, Organic Hair Care For Children Distributes natural hair care products designed for children. Offers advice and information on head lice treatment and prevention. http://www.fairytales4hair.com/ | |
64. MICROSCOPY UK - MICSCAPE ARTICLE: Human Lice, Louse lice!! the very thought of them is enough to start off the itching and scratching!! Several resources. More recent updates on lice. http://www.microscopy-uk.net/mag/articles/louse.html | |
65. Lindane Education And Research Network Comprehensive research site of the prevalent common pesticide lindane, its uses including treating lice/scabies, manufacturing, regulatory status. Discussion. References and links to scientific data regarding human health and ecotoxicity. http://www.lindane.org | |
66. Supreme Products - Cattle Duster, Catfish Getter, Precision Ag - Superior, Nebra Dusters and dust for control of flies and lice. http://www.supremeproducts.net/ | |
67. Lice (pediculosis). DermNet NZ lice information for patients. NZ DermNet is an online dermatology resource for patients, GPs and dermatologists. lice. lice are insects http://www.dermnetnz.org/dna.lice/lice.html | |
68. Pubic Lice (pediculosis). DermNet NZ lice information for patients. NZ DermNet is an online dermatology resource for patients, GPs and dermatologists. Home Pubic lice. Pubic http://www.dermnetnz.org/dna.lice/pubiclice.html | |
69. BioSafe's Non Toxic Products For Head Lice And Other Insects School time shampoo, pesticide free cleanser for eliminating headlice and nits. http://www.gml-industries.com | |
70. Head Lice And Nits Information Page - The Little Surgery, Stamford, UK A patient information leaflet Head lice and Nits. This Head lice, More leaflets, Front page. The Little Surgery. Head lice and Nits. This http://web.ukonline.co.uk/ruth.livingstone/little/headlice.htm | |
71. All Natural Herbal Shampoo And Conditioner For People And Pets Allnatural herbal shampoos and conditioners for people, as well as anti-flea and anti-lice products for pets. http://www.lavaggioprima.com/ | |
72. Head Lice Describes types of body and head lice, how to detect, and how to get rid of them. A correct diagnosis WW1030 2002, Head lice. Jeffrey Hahn, University http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/housingandclothing/DK1030.html | |
73. Phthiraptera Taxonomy of human lice, scientific meetings, announcements, list of phthirapterists, collections, and louse resources. http://www.phthiraptera.org/ |
74. Diagnosing Head Lice - DrGreene.com Wondering if your child is a victim of the recent outbreak of lice at his school? Dr. Greene explains how to properly and thoroughly check for lice. http://www.drgreene.com/21_576.html | |
75. Treatment For Poison Ivy, Poision Oak, Head Lice, And Insect Bites: Tec Labs Nontoxic formulas for skin rashes, insect repellants, and head lice. http://www.teclabsinc.com/ | |
76. ANELA - KOZMETIÈKI SALON Iskustvo i struÄnost uz pravilnu kombinaciju vrhunskih preparata njeguju nokte, lice i tijelo umjetni nokti, solarij, Å¡minkanje, depilacija i pedikura. http://anela.hr | |
77. Aquatica Inc. - Wholesale Sport Diving Accessories Manufactures and distributes sport diving accessories including draw string mesh bags, soft weight belts, underwater sonar, and sea lice and jellyfish safe sunblock. http://www.aquaticadistributors.com | |
78. Lice And Scabies This health education site explains all you need to know about lice and scabies, including prevention, selfcare, specific recommendations for effective non http://quickcare.org/skin/lice.html | |
79. Head Lice - Healthy Kids And Pediatrics - Health And Medical Information Produce What are head lice? Head lice are insect parasites that are found on the heads of people. Infection with head lice is called pediculosis. http://www.medicinenet.com/head_lice/article.htm | |
80. Safe4people -Home Page Products for hair care, hair loss and head lice. Also offers organic cleaners. http://www.safe4people.com | |
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