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81. July 1996 - SMJ: Hansen's Disease An informative article about leprosy from the Southern Medical Journal. http://www.sma.org/smj/96jul1.htm | |
82. The Leprosy Mission Canada The leprosy Mission Canada. Check out our online catalogue! Dr. Paul Brand,world renowned leprosy surgeon, passed away on July 8, 2003. http://www.tlmcanada.org/ | |
83. AMMA: Kalaupapa National Historical Park A park on the island of Molokai in Hawaii, it serves as an ongoing reminder of the islands' struggle with Hansen's Disease (leprosy). http://members.aol.com/azmemph/kalalink.htm | |
84. Leprosy Web Site : Home Page leprosy Home Preface Introduction The Plan leprosy Prevalence Timing GIS Intercountry Meeting Press Releases . http://w3.whosea.org/leprosy/ | |
85. The Leprosy Mission - Scotland The leprosy Mission (TLM) is an international Christian medical charity workingin 28 countries and currently caring for some 220,000 leprosy sufferers, of http://www.biggar-net.co.uk/tlmscotland/ | |
86. American Leprosy Foundation A nonprofit research center for leprosy and other biomedical research located in Cebu City, The Philippines. Administrative offices are located in Rockville, MD USA. http://www.erols.com/lwm-alf/index.html |
87. Welcome To Our Foundation - Novartis Foundation For Sustainable Development WHO, the Nippon Foundation, Novartis and ILEP cooperate on a global alliance to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem from every country by the year 2005. http://www.foundation.novartis.com/leprosy/global_alliance/index.htm | |
88. American Leprosy Foundation The American leprosy Foundation (ALF) / Leonard Wood Memorial (LWM) is a nonprofitresearch center for leprosy and other biomedical research located in Cebu http://www.erols.com/lwm-alf/ |
89. Health Protection Agency This site uses Adobe Acrobat Download Adobe Acrobat Download here.leprosy. leprosy eyes. leprosy can affect all ages and both sexes. http://www.hpa.org.uk/infections/topics_az/leprosy/menu.htm | |
90. Leprosy NGO India,Leprosy Treatment Clinic India An NGO offering leprosy treatment from india and a unique clinic forleprosy in india offering free treatment for poor people. At http://www.leprosyindia.org/ | |
91. Damien House Damien House Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing dignity to the lives of those affected with Hansen's Disease (leprosy). http://www.damienhouse.org | |
92. About Leprosy IDEA is an international organization largely made up of individualsaffected by leprosy. ABOUT leprosy (also called HANSEN S DISEASE ). http://www.idealeprosydignity.org/aboutlep/aboutlep1.htm | |
93. Ivory Tower Crime Detailed information about leprosy and armadillos. http://pandoras-box.org/ | |
94. Leprosy leprosy. NAME OF DISEASE leprosy. Hansen s Disease. ETIOLOGICAL AGENTMycobacterium DIAGNOSIS Indeterminate leprosy. The earliest clinically http://www.kcom.edu/faculty/chamberlain/Website/lectures/tritzid/LEPROSY.htm | |
95. Hansen's Disease - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Ananova Britain s earliest leprosy victim may have been foundA child who died 3500 years ago may be Britain s earliest known victim ofleprosy. Ananova Britain s earliest leprosy victim may have been found. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leprosy | |
96. Leprosy leprosy. Definition leprosy is an infectious disease that has beenknown since biblical times. It is characterized by disfiguring http://www.healthscout.com/ency/article/001347.htm | |
97. Tipsofallsorts/leprosy This section requires Javascript. leprosy leprosy, one of the oldest diseasesknown to mankind, comes froms the Greek word lepros which means scaly. . http://www.tipsofallsorts.com/leprosy.html | |
98. Infolep Welcome to the home page of INFOLEP, the leprosy information servicesof the Netherlands leprosy Relief (NLR). Located in Amsterdam http://infolep.antenna.nl/ | |
99. Infolep: More About Leprosy How big is the leprosy problem. At this moment, leprosy is still oneof the major health problems in many developing countries. At http://infolep.antenna.nl/leprosy/howbig.html | |
100. The Leprosy Mission http://www.leprosymission.org.nz/ |
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