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41. Welcome To Our Foundation - Novartis Foundation For Sustainable Development Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD) leprosy control project; multiple drug therapy (mdt), physical, economic social rehabilitation of leprosy patients http://www.foundation.novartis.com/leprosy_turkey.htm | |
42. EMedicine - Neuropathy Of Leprosy : Article By Ramaratnam Sridharan, MD Neuropathy of leprosy leprosy is the most common treatable cause of neuropathyin the world. All patients with leprosy have involvement of nerve tissue. http://www.emedicine.com/neuro/topic266.htm | |
43. Web Service By Society Of Korean Leprogist. Provides necessary information for leprosy research and control, and to promote information exchange among peoples concerned with leprosy medically, administratively, or in other related areas. http://www.leprosy.or.kr/ |
44. Communicable Disease Fact Sheet leprosy. Version en español. (Hansen s disease). What is leprosy?leprosy is a chronic bacterial disease of the skin and nerves in http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/communicable_diseases/en/leprosy.htm | |
45. Blessed Damien Society-An Oganization Working With Lepers In Vietnam Volunteer organization aiming to prevent leprosy and to treat its victims. Details of the organization, its projects and the disease. http://www.damientheleper.org/ | |
46. INDIAN LEPROSY FOUNDATION - INDEX While you celebrate festivals, do remember the poor leprosy patient . Why postponegoodness in life ? Donate your mite today to Indian leprosy Foundation. http://www.indianleprosy.org/ | |
47. Damien Foundation India Trust Provides healthcare to the less privileged with its main focus on leprosy control. Information about its projects, objectives, staff, and campaigns. http://www.damienfoundationindia.org/ |
48. NEW HOPE India Organization working with people who have leprosy. Raises funds for crippled childrens polio surgery and street children rehabilitation. http://www.zyworld.com/newhopeindia/index.html | |
49. Global Project On The History Of Leprosy The Global Project on the History of leprosy is the initiative of the Internationalleprosy Association (utilizing the Nippon Foundation fund through WHO) and http://www.leprosyhistory.org/english/englishhome.htm | |
50. India Charity Organisations, Education System Residential Schools India Charitie Details of an UK charity, providing education for the children of prostitutes and people with leprosy. http://www.orissa.org.uk | |
51. Leprosy Throughout The Ages leprosy Throughout the Ages. by Eleanor E. Storrs. Until the comingof AIDS, leprosy was the most feared of infectious diseases. http://pandoras-box.org/my05002.htm | |
52. Homepage Dedicated to improve public health status of the community through implementing control programmes for leprosy and other allied diseases. http://www.lepraindia.org/ | |
53. LEPROSY IN INDIA leprosy IN INDIA Vol. 51 No. The question of leprosy in Wild Armadillos was thesubject of an editorial by Dharmendra in leprosy IN INDIA in April 1978. http://pandoras-box.org/my09022.htm | |
54. NEW HOPE India Organization working with people who have leprosy. Raises funds for crippled childrens polio surgery. Donors needed for street children rehabilitation. Also accepts other help from volunteers. http://www.zyworld.com/newhopeindia/ | |
55. 301 Moved Permanently that website s Webmaster about this change. Your browser should redirectyou any second now. If not, follow this link leprosy.html. http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~ee0r/leprosy.html | |
56. Leprosy Mission Australia http://www.leprosymission.org.au/ |
57. LEPRA Welcomes Time Team Viewers The leprosy Relief Association outlines the history of the leper hospital at Winchester investigated by Time Team. Request form for booklets History of leprosy, leprosy in Britain and leprosy in the Bible. http://www.lepra.org.uk/timeteam/ | |
58. Dan & Eric Leprosy Week Elliott C. Evans. Oh, no, leprosy Armadillos can get it I hope I do not. jimz. Ulcersbloom with spring. - Kurt Schaefer. Sure glad i don t have leprosy. http://www.ee0r.com/leprosy.html | |
59. LEPRA The British leprosy Relief Association. http://www.lepra.org.uk/home.html |
60. [ Welcome To The Leprosy Mission Website ] Home Enhance a life Donate! http://www.leprosymission.org.uk/ | |
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