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81. Polycystic Kidney Disease - Nephrologychannel Cystic kidney disease describes several conditions in which fluidfilled cysts form in the kidneys. PKD, which causes kidney cysts http://www.nephrologychannel.com/polycystic/ | |
82. Kidney Disease, And Diabetes Facts And Information - Complications kidney disease facts and information, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments for kidney disease, and the link between kidney disease and diabetes. kidney disease. http://www.diabetes.org/type-2-diabetes/kidney-disease.jsp |
83. VoyForums: Polycystic Kidney Disease Message Board Provides a forum for exchanges between individuals who suffer from polycystic kidney disease. http://www.voy.com/122978/ | |
84. Kidney Disease And Diabetes - About Diabetic Kidney Disease Diabetes is the number one cause of chronic kidney failure in the US Learn more about the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diabetic kidney disease here. http://diabetes.about.com/cs/kidneydisease/ | |
85. Kidneywise - Support For Patients With Kidney Disease A community site for patients with kidney disease or kidney failure. Answers basics kidney function questions and covers kidney treatment and care. http://www.kidneywise.com/ | |
86. NKDEP Home The National kidney disease Education Program (NKDEP) is an initiative of the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and http://www.nkdep.nih.gov/ | |
87. KFOC - Polycystic Kidney Disease Polycystic kidney disease. Polycystic cysts . Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a disease which causes cysts to form in the kidneys. http://www.kidney.ca/english/publications/brochures/polycystic/polycystic.htm | |
88. KFOC - Dieabetes Kidney Disease Diabetes kidney disease. Diabetes is it. There are usually no specific symptoms of kidney disease until the damage is severe. However http://www.kidney.ca/english/publications/brochures/diabetes/diabetes.htm | |
89. EdREN - Website Of The Renal Unit, Royal Infirmary Of Edinburgh Providing information on kidney diseases and on dialysis and transplantation, for patients and medical staff; inhospital renal protocols; education and history resources; and information about kidney research in Edinburgh, UK. http://www.edren.org | |
90. Polycystic Kidney Disease Polycystic kidney disease. Australian Kidney Foundation; National Kidney Research Fund, United Kingdom; Other kidney disease organizations; http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/polycyst.html | |
91. HomeVet© Natural Pet Care Jeff Feinman, VMD, holistic health care practitoner for dogs and cats in Connecticut. Information about homeopathy, nutritional therapy, acupuncture, herbs, kidney disease, heart disease, urinary tract disease, dental disease, obesity and arthritis. http://www.homevet.com | |
92. Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Describes symptoms, organs affected, treatment and diagnosis. http://familydoctor.org/142.xml | |
93. National Kidney Foundation, Singapore A nonprofit organisation for Singaporeans who suffer from kidney failure. Provides medical care and patient support for kidney patients, and increases public awareness and understanding of kidney disease. http://www.nkfs.org/ |
94. Important Facts About Kidney Disease http://www.akfinc.org/KidneyFacts/KidneyFacts.htm | |
95. Polycystic Kidney Disease National Center for Biotechnology Information a division of the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health gives a description of this disease. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?call=bv.View..ShowSection&rid=gnd. |
96. Kidney Disease In Dalmatians kidney disease is any destructive process within the kidney. The urine, however, holds the key to revealing lowgrade, chronic kidney disease. http://www.thedca.org/kd-working.html | |
97. Pakistan Kidney Patients Association Information on membership, its low cost or free medical assistance to kidney patients and promoting awareness of kidney diseases in public. http://www.kidneypatients.org/ |
98. Kidney Disease kidney disease, being one of the most serious complications of diabetes. kidney disease Prevention. kidney disease Stages and Reversal. http://www.diabetesnet.com/diabetes_complications/diabetes_kidney_information.ph | |
99. Kidney Disease kidney disease is the most devastating complication of diabetes. This kidney disease Stages and Reversal. kidney disease Prevention. From http://www.diabetesnet.com/kidney.html | |
100. Health Screening Registry: Health Screening & Cancer Prevention Disease prevention site aimed at preventing advanced malignancies(breast cancer, colorectal cancer and cervical cancer), complications of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia (heart disease, kidney disease and stroke) and immunizable infectious disease (pneumococcal pneumonia, influenza and tetanus). http://www.healthscreeningregistry.com | |
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