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         Kidney Disease:     more books (101)
  1. Primer on Kidney Diseases (Greenberg, Primer on Kidney) by Arthur Greenberg MD, 2009-02-19
  2. The Vegetarian Diet for Kidney Disease: Preserving Kidney Function With Plant-based Eating by Joan Brookhyser Hogan, 2009-12-21
  3. Coping with Kidney Disease: A 12-Step Treatment Program to Help You Avoid Dialysis by Mackenzie Walser, Betsy Thorpe, 2004-04-12
  4. The Vegetarian Diet For Kidney Disease Treatment: Preserving Kidney Function With Plant Based Eating by Joan Brookhyser CSR, 2004-10-27
  5. Pathophysiology of Kidney Disease and Hypertension by A. Vishnu Moorthy MD, Bryan Neil Becker MD, et all 2008-08-20
  6. 100 Q&A About Kidney Disease and Hypertension (100 Questions & Answers about . . .) by Raymond R. Townsend, 2008-10-14
  7. What You Must Know about Kidney Disease: A Practical Guide to Using Conventional and Complementary Treatments by Rich Snyder, 2010-11
  8. Nutrition in Kidney Disease (Nutrition and Health)
  9. Medifocus Guidebook on: Polycystic Kidney Disease by Inc., 2010-07-21
  10. Kidney Failure: the Facts by J. Stewart Cameron, 1996-01-15
  11. ABC of Kidney Disease (ABC Series)
  12. Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Tract (Diseases of the Kidney (Schrier))
  13. Kidney Health Gourmet Diet Guide and Kidney Friendly Recipes for People Not on Dialysis by Nina Kolbe RD CSR LD, 2010
  14. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Hypertension Essentials 2011 by George L. Bakris, Andrew Bomback, 2010-07-15

1. Kidney Disease In Dogs
kidney diseases in dogs, juvenile, familial, and chronic; symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and management, genetics and research. List of breeds which have genetic renal diseases. users click here
Kidney Disease in Dogs
George 20 April 1988-
27 January 1990
Juvenile renal disease and other familial and congenital renal diseases are seen in more than thirty breeds of dogs. Twenty two of these breeds have a renal dysplasia which is similar to that seen in Standard Poodles. I have put an (RD) for renal dysplasia after their breed names. Even in breeds with the same type of JRD, such as renal dysplasia, the modes of inheritance can be different. Ages at onset of symptoms can vary from a few weeks (Cairn terriers) to 5 - 11 years (German Shepherds, Welsh Corgis, Beagles). Modes of inheritance can vary from X linked dominant (Samoyed) to autosomal recessive (Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Shih-Tzu), autosomal dominant (Bull Terrier), to unknown familial (most of the others). The following breeds are some of those in which familial and other renal diseases are seen:
  • Airedale Terriers (RD)
  • Alaskan Malamutes (RD)
  • Basenjis (Fanconi-like syndrome)
  • Bedlington Terriers (RD)
  • Boxers (RD)
  • Bulldogs (RD)
  • Bull Terriers (glomerulopathy)
  • Cairn Terriers (polycystic kidneys)
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (RD)*
  • Chinese Shar-Pei (amyloidosis)
  • Chow Chows (RD)
  • Cocker Spaniels (glomerulopathy and RD)
  • Collies (glomerulopathy)
  • Doberman Pinschers (unilateral agenesis and glomerulopathy)
  • Flat-coated Retriever (RD)*
  • Golden Retrievers (RD)
  • Great Danes (RD)
  • Great Pyrenees (RD)
  • Irish Wolfhounds (RD)
  • Keeshonds (RD)
  • King Charles Spaniels (RD)
  • Lhasa Apso (RD)
  • Miniature Poodles (polycystic kidneys)
  • Miniature Schnauzers (RD and Fanconi-like syndrome)

2. Hardin MD : Kidney Diseases
From the University of Iowa, the *best* lists of Internet sources in nephrology, urology, and kidney diseases. kidney disease. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health Last updated Thursday, Mar 11, 2004 kidney disease, kidneys 70420
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3. National Institute Of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
Statistics Weight loss control Easyto-read versions Spanish-language versions National Education Programs Diabetes (NDEP) kidney disease (NKDEP).


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4. The PKD Foundation
The PKD Foundation is the only organization, worldwide, devoted to improving clinical treatment and discovering a cure for Polycystic kidney disease (PKD).

5. Canine Kidney Disease
Canine kidney disease. Canine kidney disease. The kidney (fig. normal kidney, ultrasound kidney)are organs which maintain the balance of certain chemicals in your dogs blood while filtering out the
Canine Kidney Disease
Canine Kidney Disease The kidney (fig. normal kidney ultrasound kidney Let us picture the kidneys filtering mechanism. There are tens of thousands of microscopic funnel shaped tubes called nephrons. These tiny structures are responsible for filtering and reabsorbing the fluids that balance the body. These nephrons are susceptible to damage due to many causes such as poisons, aging, infection, trauma, cancer, auto-immune diseases, and genetic predisposition. If any of these occur the entire nephron stops functioning. Fortunately, due to both the reserve capacity of the kidney and the ability of the nephrons to grow larger, the kidney can still function. If damage to nephrons occurs gradually and the surviving nephrons have enough time to hypertrophy, a kidney can continue to function with as few as 25 percent of its original nephrons. When the number of functioning nephrons drops below 25 percent or when damage occurs too suddenly for the remaining nephrons to compensate, kidney failure occurs. There are two types of kidney failure. Acute kidney failure is a sudden loss of function that is sometimes but not always reversible. Chronic kidney failure is an irreversible loss of function that occurs gradually over months or years. Initial test results can be remarkably similar for both forms of kidney failure. The diagnostic challenge is to determine whether the dog has acute or chronic kidney failure. Making the distinction between chronic and acute failure is crucial because the prognosis and duration of treatment for the two types of kidney disease are different (although some treatment procedures may be similar). At our practices, we recommend yearly base line lab testing starting at age 3. This protocol allows us to help determine if we are dealing with acute or chronic disease.

6. Kidney Disease
kidney disease. Introduction. Normal Kidney Anatomy. Normal Kidney Physiology. Abnormal Kidney Physiology. Classification. Cause. Symptoms. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prognosis. Introduction Cats that
Kidney Disease Introduction Normal Kidney Anatomy Normal Kidney Physiology Abnormal Kidney Physiology ... Prognosis Introduction One of the more common conditions encountered in pets, especially as they age, is kidney (renal) disease. This disease is particularly prevalent in older cats, and is called chronic renal failure (CRF). Click here if you would like to proceed right to the treatment of CRF. Cats that have kidney disease commonly have other problems that need careful attention if the kidney problem is to be treated successfully. Some of these other common problems are hyperthyroidism , heart disease, dental disease sugar diabetes (diabetes mellitus ), and high blood pressure (hypertension ) leading to blindness. This page describing kidney disease is very thorough. We have a summary page on kidney disease if that better suits your needs. Several medical terms are used when describing kidney disease: azotemia - excess nitrogenous waste products in the bloodstream hypophosphatemia - low blood phosphorous hypokalemia - low blood potassium level hyperphosphatemia - high blood phosphorous hyperkalemia - high blood potassium level polydypsia - excess drinking anemia - low red blood cells polyuria - excess urinating BUN - blood urea nitrogen PU/PD - polyuria and polydypsia GFR - glomerular filtration rate CRF -chronic renal failure hypertension - high blood pressure ARF - acute renal failure

7. National Kidney Foundation - Making Lives Better
preventing kidney and urinary tract diseases, improving the health and wellbeing of individuals and families affected by these diseases and increasing the availability of organs for K/DOQI. kidney disease. Kidney Stones. Message Boards and Chats Transplant Recipients. Transplantation. Urinary Tract Disease. Click on a topic for more information
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8. The Polycystic Kidney Disease Information Page
This page is about Polycystic kidney disease. It has links to other sites, a chat room and a message board. The Polycystic kidney disease Information Page.
The Polycystic Kidney Disease Information Page
Health News Reuter's Medical Articles Re: Kidneys
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Old PKD Poll Results

You are not alone!
Polycystic Kidney Disease affects 600,000 people in the U.S. alone, and 12.5 million world wide. There are more people with PKD than cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, hemophilia, Downs syndrome and sickle cell anemia combined. There are a lot of us out there!
My father died of PKD in 1981 when very little information was available about this disease, even to the doctors. The nephrologist ( kidney doctor) thought he got it from his grandfather who had had medical problems and it had skipped a generation that I've since found out isn't possible. He was also never told that limiting his protein would help reduce the symptoms of uremia ( blood poisoning from kidney failure) which I think would have made his life much more comfortable.
This is a big part of why I've put up this web page. I want people with PKD to be able to look up research about this disease, talk to each other, ask each other questions and be there to encourage one another.
If you have PKD, please contact the

9. Polycystic Kidney Disease
Defines three types of polycystic kidney disease and describes its genetic origins, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as ongoing research.
Email To A Friend Home : Polycystic Kidney Disease
Polycystic Kidney Disease
On this page: Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys. The cysts are filled with fluid. PKD cysts can slowly replace much of the mass of the kidneys, reducing kidney function and leading to kidney failure. The kidneys are two organs, each about the size of a fist, located in the upper part of a person's abdomen, toward the back. The kidneys filter wastes from the blood to form urine. They also regulate amounts of certain vital substances in the body. When PKD causes kidneys to failwhich usually happens only after many yearsthe patient requires dialysis or kidney transplantation. About one-half of people with the major type of PKD progress to kidney failure, i.e., end-stage renal disease (ESRD). PKD can cause cysts in the liver and problems in other organs, such as the heart and blood vessels in the brain. These complications help doctors distinguish PKD from the usually harmless "simple" cysts that often form in the kidneys in later years of life. In the United States, about 500,000 people have PKD, and it is the fourth leading cause of kidney failure. Medical professionals describe two major inherited forms of PKD and a noninherited form:

10. National Kidney And Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse
Digestive Diseases. Kidney and Urologic Diseases. Contact Us to patient organizations, Government agencies, related databases, and the National kidney disease Education Program
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Digestive Diseases Kidney and Urologic Diseases ... NIDDK Health Information
The NKUDIC Clearinghouse is a service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases National Institutes of Health
National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse
3 Information Way
Bethesda, MD 20892-3580
Phone: 1-800-891-5390 or (301) 654-4415
Fax: (301) 907-8906

11. - Worldwide Kidney Disease Community
Welcome to the Worldwide kidney disease Community! Join us in our mission to build and maintain a unique online resource, which

12. Atlas Of Kidney Diseases/Table Of Contents
CHAPTER 9 CYSTIC DISEASE OF THE KIDNEY Yves Pirson and Dominique Chauveau. CHAPTER 10 kidney disease AND HYPERTENSION IN PREGNANCY Phyllis August.
On-line edition brought to you by ISN Informatics Commission and NKF cyberNephrology Series Editor
Robert W. Schrier
Professor and Chairman
Department of Medicine
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Denver, Colorado
Table of Contents
Edited by Tomas Berl and Joseph V. Bonventre
Sumit Kumar and Tomas Berl CHAPTER 2
David H. Ellison CHAPTER 3

13. National Kidney And Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse
Kidney and Urologic Diseases. Links to patient organizations, Government agencies, related databases, and the National kidney disease Education Program.
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Digestive Diseases Kidney and Urologic Diseases ... NIDDK Health Information
The NKUDIC Clearinghouse is a service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases National Institutes of Health
National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse
3 Information Way
Bethesda, MD 20892-3580
Phone: 1-800-891-5390 or (301) 654-4415
Fax: (301) 907-8906

14. Baxter U.S. - Kidney Disease
Baxter Worldwide United States. Professional Education. Sustainability. Contact Us. Alpha1Antitrypsin (AAT) Deficiency. Cancer. Hemophilia. Immune Disorders. kidney disease. kidney disease. Home
Conditions Therapies Products Services ... Baxter Worldwide > United States Professional Education Sustainability Contact Us < Back To Conditions ... Kidney Disease
Kidney Disease
Home Conditions It is estimated that more than 1.2 million people worldwide suffer from end-stage renal disease (ESRD), a number that is growing at a rate of approximately six-to-seven percent annually. Additionally, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) predicts that the number of kidney failure patients in the U.S. will double in the next ten years. This growth is influenced in part by diseases associated with the aging population such as diabetes and high blood pressure, two leading causes of ESRD. Current treatment options for ESRD include peritoneal dialysis (PD), hemodialysis (HD) and kidney transplantation. Worldwide, more than one million people suffering from chronic kidney failure are treated with some form of dialysis. However, approximately three million people with kidney failure currently go undiagnosed or untreated, particularly in developing countries. Baxter is committed to helping kidney disease patients across the globe receive the best treatment options available to them. Chronic Kidney Failure Chronic kidney failure occurs when the kidneys are slowly damaged - this damage is over the long term and is not reversible. Most people with chronic kidney failure will require treatment to replace the function of their own kidneys.

15. The PKD Foundation
Polycystic kidney disease is the most common genetic, life threatening disease affecting more than 600,000 Americans and an estimated 12.5 million people
combined Polycystic means multiple cysts. In affect, PKD denotes multiple cysts on each kidney. These cysts grow and multiply over time, also causing the mass of the kidney to increase. Ultimately, the diseased kidney shuts down causing end-stage renal disease for which dialysis and transplantation are the only forms of treatment. PKD comes in two forms. Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) is the most common, affecting 1-in-400 to 1-in-500 adults. Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD) is far less common, affecting 1-in-10,000 at a far younger age, including newborns, infants and children. In this section of our Web site, you'll find a series of articles, books, audio tapes and online resources covering the basics of PKD.
Attend the PKD Conference

June 18 - 20, 2004 Make a Donation
to help fund PKD research Become a Member
of the PKD Foundation Request an Information Packet
on Polycystic Kidney Disease Action Alert
Help increase federal funding of PKD research Steps closer to the cure!
The 2003 Walk for PKD raised more than $490,000 for research.

16. Kidney Problems - Kidney Transplant
lot and urinating a lot are signs of kidney. disease, though. Diabetes is the other strong possibility but casually that she had. chronic kidney disease. I asked what that meant
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Kidney Failure and Disease
Kidney failure with no symptoms

Kidney Failure

Renal Amyloidosis

Kidney problems and dry vs wet cat food
... Kidney dialysis and transplantation also see Renal failure also see Urinary also see CRF Treatment also see Liver Disease also see Hepatic Lipidosis also see this excellent site on feline renal failure -
Kidney Failure with no symptoms Question: Hi Doc: I brought my 18-20 year old cat, Romeo (male, neutered) in for a check up last week and we ran a blood profile because of his age. His BUN was 103

17. Medical College Of Wisconsin Healthlink Topics: Kidneys
Millions are Unaware They Have kidney disease. More than 20 million Americans have moderate kidney disease. High Blood Pressure and kidney disease.
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Mercury Exposure More Likely from Fish than Fillings
Silver dental fillings do contain very small amounts of inorganic mercury, which is not easily absorbed by the human body. Clinical studies have found these fillings to be safe; removing them actually increases your risk of exposure.
Whole Body Scans: Not for Everyone
Dr. Kristine Spinelli agrees that whole-body scans can detect abnormalities; but, she says, "it turns out that most of these abnormalities, when looked at closely, do not have an effect on the person's health and well-being."
Millions are Unaware They Have Kidney Disease
More than 20 million Americans have moderate kidney disease. Another 20 million are at risk. “If these patients are not diagnosed and treated,” says Dr. Walter Piering, “they will ultimately develop kidney failure.”
ACE Inhibitors Still Best For Type 1 Diabetics
The best evidence for preventing and delaying diabetic renal disease in Type 1 diabetics is still with the use of ACE inhibitors.

18. MedlinePlus: Kidney Diseases
Latest News; New Drug Helps Treat kidney disease (04/30/2004, United Press International); When Your Child Has a Chronic kidney disease (Nemours Foundation).
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The NKF A to Z GuideThe NKF A to Z Guide Your Comprehensive Guide to kidney disease and Related Conditions. If you are able to read this text you do

20. KDOQI CKD Guidelines
K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic kidney disease Evaluation, Classification, and Stratification. Figures Tables Acronyms
NKF K/DOQI GUIDELINES Executive Summaries of 2000 Updates Anemia Hemodialysis Peritoneal Dialysis ... History of DOQI K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic Kidney Disease: Evaluation, Classification, and Stratification Figures

Acronyms and abbreviations

K/DOQI advisory board members
... Foreword Part 1. Executive Summary Part 2. Background Part 3. Chronic kidney disease as a public health problem Part 4. Definition and classification of stages of chronic kidney disease
Part 5. Evaluation of laboratory measurements for clinical assessment of kidney disease
Part 6. Association of level of GFR with complications in adults

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