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         Hypothyroid:     more books (41)
  1. The Hypothyroid Sourcebook (Sourcebooks) by M. Sara Rosenthal, 2002-03-19
  2. The Rants and Raves of a Hypothyroid Patient by James Lowrance, 2010-10-15
  3. HealthScouter Hypothyroidism: Symptoms of Hypothyroidism and Hypothyroid Treatment
  4. Recent Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypothyroid Conditions: Theme 1: International Congress Proceedings (International congress series)
  5. The Rants and Raves of a Hypothyroid Patient: Wishes, Concerns and Lessons-Learned (Volume 1) by James M. Lowrance, 2010-10-21
  6. Hypothyroid: Webster's Timeline History, 1951 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2010-05-17
  7. Eighty-Seven Thyroid Disease Questions Answered!: Self-Educate through Hypothyroid and Hyperthyroid Q & A! (Volume 1) by James M. Lowrance, 2010-08-25
  8. Congenital hypothyroid syndrome: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, 2nd ed.</i> by Kevin, MD Hwang, 2005
  9. Thyroid test every 18 months okay in hypothyroid patients.(Clinical Rounds): An article from: Family Practice News by Miriam E. Tucker, 2004-11-15
  10. Titrating up may not be needed for hypothyroid.(Metabolic Disorders)(levothyroxine dosage): An article from: Family Practice News by Bruce Dixon, 2005-09-15
  11. Less frequent hypothyroid screening deemed OK.(Endocrinology): An article from: Internal Medicine News by Miriam E. Tucker, 2005-02-15
  12. Monthly check urged for hypothyroid infants.(METABOLIC DISORDERS): An article from: Family Practice News by Miriam E. Tucker, 2010-01-01
  13. Monitoring hypothyroid infants monthly advised.(NEWS): An article from: Pediatric News by Miriam E. Tucker, 2010-01-01
  14. [T.sub.3] Plus [T.sub.4] 'Unproven' for Hypothyroid Patients.: An article from: Family Practice News by Sherry Boschert, 1999-05-01

81. Hypothyroid Tips
hypothyroid TIPS. Also have a blood test if you notice the reemergence of hypothyroidsymptoms or if you notice the emergence of hyperthyroid symptoms.
CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION AT THYROID AUSTRALIA HOME We have worked over the last few years on developing a broad base of Australian focused information on the various thyroid conditions. A number of readers have suggested that we should go back to the basics and restate some of the simple things. Here they are:
  • The standard treatment for hypothyroidism is thyroid hormone replacement therapy with thyroxine (T4).
  • Reaching a stable dose will take time. Most people will take 6 to 12 months. Some can take even longer.
  • Thyroid hormone levels adjust slowly. It is therefore necessary to hold a specific dose for some weeks to allow the body to adjust and reach stability. This period is generally 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Adjusting the dose more frequently than this and having frequent thyroid function tests does not speed the process of reaching a stable dose. It makes the process more difficult to manage and it will generally take longer.
  • Have a Thyroid Function Test at the end of the period and assess progress.
  • In consultation with your doctor, adjust the dose as indicated by the blood tests. Hold this dose for 4 to 6 weeks and then repeat the process.

82. Jumpy On Meds, Or Hypothyroid, Or Both?
Jumpy on meds; or hypothyroid; or both? Q I horrible. Also, duringthis time, my mother reminded me that she was hypothyroid. When
Jumpy on meds, or Hypothyroid, or Both?
Home Bipolar Disorder News WebSite News Diagnosis ... Contact Us Jumpy on meds; or hypothyroid; or both? Q: I was first diagnosed as clinically depressed. Then, I was sent to a Psychiatrist, who believed that there was a possibility of bipolar. She started me on meds, which included Wellbutrin and Depakote. Then she added Topomax for weightloss. (It hasn't worked.) Recently, she doubled my dose of Topomax, and since then, I have such tremors and jitters, that my handwriting is horrible. Also, during this time, my mother reminded me that she was hypothyroid. When I did the research on it, I found that depression and mood swings can be a result of that. When talking with my family doctor, she is convinced that I am only depressed. With tsh results that are very borderline, and Psych meds that make me jumpy, how do you know which came first, the chicken or the egg? I would like to know if these meds, when used on someone who truely needs them, make them as jumpy as they make me? Thank you Donna Dear Donna
Having a "borderline" TSH result and mood symptoms on the edge of bipolar disorder is very common. I really don't know which is the chicken and the egg even on that pair I see them together frequently. My current guess is that whatever causes the mood problem causes the thyroid abnormality. There is a group at UCLA under Dr. Peter Whybrow that is looking at thyroid very closely in bipolar disorder; you might nose around and see if you can get some insight from somebody there about whether thyroid abnormalities precede or follow bipolar-like symptoms.

83. Hypothyroid And Treatment  Of Bipolar Disorder
Q hypothyroid and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder. I have hypothyroidismas a result of Graves Disease. My thyroid was radiated. Am
Hypothyroid and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
Home Bipolar Disorder News WebSite News Diagnosis ... Contact Us
Q: Hypothyroid and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder I have hypothyroidism as a result of Graves Disease. My thyroid was radiated. Am I limited to certain types and kinds of medicines because of this? If so, does this mean my medicine will never stabilize? Joan Dear Joan
So far we don't recognize any ways in which you would need to be treated differently than anyone else with bipolar disorder. You will probably need thyroid replacement, if not already on it; and there is some controversy about T4 or T4/T3 replacement you may have heard about. I say "so far" because I think we're going to learn that the thyroid system is tied pretty directly into the mood system where bipolar disorder lives. I have one patient that tried all sorts of mood stabilizers without much sustained benefit, even many combinations, who for the moment is very solidly stabilized by the T3/T4 combination but that's just one patient. So in the long run if you're having trouble getting good symptom control, you might need to try different thyroid replacement approaches. But for now, if your thyroid routine tests (TSH, T4) are ok, you can proceed with routine treatment of your bipolar disorder, as far as I know. If your endocrine specialist knows otherwise, trust that more than me, as I claim no particular expertise in that area.

84. Aggression & Thyroid
A complete thyroid panel, which had not been performed earlier, was suggestedand the animal was found to be significantly hypothyroid.
Kita, a 14-month old female was turned over to ARSA when her owner "moved in to an apartment." Kita was purchased from Petland Pet Store in Northridge, California. She was born at Waconda Kennels in Glen Elder, Kansas and came with a five-generation pedigree marked by a gold seal. Kita may have been born and bred in Kansas, but her pedigree proved that in her third generation, she was from some of the best known breeders in the country. How their dogs ended up as the foundation stock for puppy mills is not the topic of this article. Kita was lucky for two reasons: (1) She was now in the hands of ARSA who cared deeply about each and every Akita, and (2) I had just received an article from Dr. Jean Dodds discussing "Behavioral Problems Associated with Thyroid Disease." When Kita first arrived at the ARSA Kennel, she appeared to have a lovely coat and certainly did not exhibit any symptoms one usually associates with thyroid disease. Within a few short weeks, however, she began constantly pacing the perimeters of her kennel and rapidly lost weight. She was friendly and very affectionate with all people and spent the days fence-playing with the other dogs. We attributed her restlessness to being kenneled and had her spayed in hopes of finding her a home. Kita was with us about two months when we realized her pacing had elevated to an abnormal level. Within days of our awareness of this abnormal behavior, Kita began constantly fence-fighting every dog at the kennel during her exercise time. One day, she turned that aggression toward one of the kennel girls, baring her teeth and charging. She landed a light nip on the hand of the thoroughly surprised employee. Of course, I was immediately notified of this dangerous and abnormal behavior. I had just finished reading Dr. Dodds' new article and decided to take Kita in for a complete blood panel, along with a copy of the article. Dr. Dodds described "sudden onset" behavioral changes as one of the likely cases of dogs suffering from a physical cause rather than a genetic behavioral problem.

85. - Hypothyroid? Will You Benefit From T3 (Cytomel)?
Home The News Page hypothyroid? Will You Benefit From T3 (Cytomel)?hypothyroid? Will You Benefit From T3 (Cytomel)? by Gary

The News Page Hypothyroid? Will You Benefit From T3 (Cytomel)?
Hypothyroid? Will You Benefit From T3 (Cytomel)? by Gary Pepper , M.D., Director, Over 20 years ago endocrinologists had experience with hormone compound pills containing both T4 and T3. Those physicians who had the opportunity to use these compounds know that patients frequently seem to do better with them than with the more traditional T4 (Synthroid, L-thyroxine, Levoxyl etc.). For various reasons most companies stopped producing combination thyroid hormone pills two decades ago. Why does combination therapy with T4 and T3 appear to provide more benefits than either hormone alone? The reason was clarified in an article published in The New England Journal of Medicine summarized in this news report; NEW YORK, Feb 10 (Reuters Health) Patients with hypothyroidism show greater improvements in mood and brain function if they receive treatment with two types of thyroid hormones instead of one, according to a report in the February 11th issue of The New England Journal of Medicine. Hypothyroidism, where the gland has ceased to function or has been removed, is usually treated with daily doses of thyroxine hormone. But the researchers found that substituting another thyroid hormone, triiodothyronine, for some of the thyroxine dose led to improvements in mood and in neuropsychological functioning.

86. CDP Testimony - Letter From A Woman With Hypothyroid And Depression
Letter from a woman with hypothyroid and depression. Dear Friend,. I have a thyroiddisease called Hashimoto s Disease. It is degenerative hypothyroid condition.
Christian Depression Pages A compassionate source of information for Christians with depression and those caring for them.
Letter from a woman with hypothyroid and depression
Dear Friend, I have struggled with depression for years, off and on. I always blamed it on my thyroid disease. You see, the symptoms are very similar. I have a thyroid disease called Hashimoto's Disease. It is degenerative hypothyroid condition. Hypothyroid requires consistent and constant thyroid hormone replacement therapy. One pill a day. For the rest of my life. Sounds easy enough, doesn't it? The kicker is that sometimes my thyroid starts to fail. I get depressed, I lose energy, I gain weight. Sound familiar? About four years ago I found myself in an abusive relationship. I shattered a glassed picture frame, and found myself sitting on the floor, holding a piece of glass, and wondering whether anyone would even care if I cut myself. I knew the one person I wanted to care would not. A friend talked me down from the crisis, and I realized that I had never felt suicidal. Not in all the worst downs of dealing with my thyroid disease. Several of my friends struggled with depression, and quite frankly, I was starting to act a lot like them. I became frightened. Depression was a scary thought. I waited until morning, then called my physician. She got me in to see her immediately. When I told her how I had been feeling, she did two things. She took a blood sample, so that she could verify my thyroid hormone level, and she wrote out a prescription for Zoloft. She even gave me samples, so I would be able to start immediately.

87. Newborn :: News: Malaysian Congenital Hypothyroid Screening Using
Now Featuring WEEKLY NEWS updates! Check back every week for the latest news in NewbornScreening. News Malaysian Congenital hypothyroid Screening Using Cord.

88. WebMD Health
Topic Eating and Weight Disorders Kelly Brownell, PhD DiscussionHashimoto/hypothyroid and OVER WEIGHT by KelleeK. Hashimoto

89. WebMD Health
Discussion Hashimoto/hypothyroid and OVER WEIGHT by KelleeK. Hashimoto/hypothyroidand OVER WEIGHT by KelleeK, on 5/13/2004 32546 PM NEW! In Sept.

90. Thyroid Disorders Hypothyroid Hyperthyroid, Obesity, Overweight, Morbid, Weight
Obesity, Overweight, Morbid, Weight Loss Resources thyroid disordershypothyroid hyperthyroid. Nursing Healthcare Directories
Obesity, Overweight, Morbid, Weight Loss Resources
Thyroid Disorders Hypothyroid Hyperthyroid Home Page ThemeIndex Thyroid Disorders Hypothyroid Hyperthyroid The Shortcut URL To This Section Is Each link on our website is Nurse-Reviewed and Approved. To add your site to our index, please click here Add Your Website/URL Do you have a question or concern? Please Contact us
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91. Hypothyroidism
who were deficient in both selenium and iodine was shown to induce a dramatic fallof the already impaired thyroid function in clinically hypothyroid subjects.
Hypothyroidism Also indexed as: Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Thyroiditis (Autoimmune) Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland fails to function adequately, resulting in reduced levels of thyroid hormone in the body. Cretinism is a type of hypothyroidism that occurs at birth and results in stunted physical growth and mental development. Severe hypothyroidism is called myxedema. lithium and phenylbutazone, may also induce hypothyroidism. Extreme iodine deficiency, which is rare in the United States, is another possible cause. Failure of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus to stimulate the thyroid gland properly can cause a condition known as secondary hypothyroidism. Some people with goiter (an enlargement of the thyroid gland) also have hypothyroidism. Goiter can be caused by an iodine deficiency, by eating foods that contain goitrogens (goiter-causing substances), or by other disorders that interfere with thyroid hormone production. In many cases the cause of goiter cannot be determined. While natural therapies may help to some extent, thyroid hormone replacement is necessary for most people with hypothyroidism.
Checklist for Hypothyroidism Rating Nutritional Supplements Herbs Iodine Selenium (if deficient)
Thyroid extract

Vitamin A

Vitamin B3
Bladderwrack Reliable and relatively consistent scientific data showing a substantial health benefit.

92. SDC Talk!
Just some info on a situation we encountered. We have an 8 year old superleader who is hypothyroid has been on thyroxin (T4) since 2 yrs old.

93. BoHF: Bladderwrack And Hypothyroid. Paul Bergner, Jun 1995, Herblist
Bladderwrack and hypothyroid. Paul Bergner, Jun 1995, herblist. I have just readthat this herb can be beneficial for someone with a hypothyroid problem.

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Bladderwrack and hypothyroid.
Paul Bergner, Jun 1995, herblist Date: Tue, 20 Jun 1995 13:45:30 -0700
Subject: Re: Bladderwrack
Paul Iannone wrote:
Paul Bergner
Herb FAQs Articles Classic texts ... Plant names

94. Hypothyroid Assessment Test
T O O L S. A N D. Q U I Z Z E S. Take Our hypothyroid Assessment Test. Answer yes or no to these hypothyroid (underactive thyroid) warning signs.
Z E S Take Our Hypothyroid Assessment Test. Answer "yes" or "no" to these hypothyroid (underactive thyroid) warning signs. Go to: Introduction Hyperthyroidism (overactive) Check "yes" for all the symptoms that apply: 1) Do you often feel fatigued? Yes No 2) Are you frequently constipated? Yes No 3) Do you have an abnormal sensitivity to cold temperatures? Yes No 4) Have you experienced unexplained weight gain? Yes No 5) Do you have dry skin and hair? Yes No 6) Do you have a slowed heart rate? Yes No 7) Have you had unusually heavy menstrual cycles? Yes No 8) Are you depressed? Yes No The University Hospital

95. Endocrine Disorders, Disorders Of The Thyroid, Hypothyroid
More hypothyroid Categories » Submit Your Site to the hypothyroid category.Sponsored hypothyroid Sites. Submit Your Site to the hypothyroid category.
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96. Pets With Diabetes: Hypothyroidism And Diabetes
Many dogs are both hypothyroid and diabetic. Special considerations are takenfor treating a diabetic hypothyroid dog. hypothyroidism and Diabetes.
Hypothyroidism and Diabetes What is it? Signs Diagnosis Treatment ... References What is Hypothyroidism?
Hypothyroidism is the most common endocrine disorder in dogs. Dogs diagnosed with hypothyroidism are usually between 4 and 10 years old. Since both hypothyroidism and diabetes is common in older dogs, it is not unusual to have both a diabetic and hypothyroid dog. Hypothyroidism is rare in cats and is usually the result of a thyroidectomy performed to treat hyperthyroidism . The information presented here is for dogs.
Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland, a small double-lobed gland in the neck, produces abnormally low levels of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland produces two hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodithyronine (T3).
Hypothyroidism is most commonly due to destruction of the thyroid gland either from an immune-mediated process where lymphocytes of the immune system cause inflammation of the thyroid (lymphocytic thyroiditis), or atrophy.
Less commonly, hypothyroidism can be due to cancer of the thyroid gland. It can also be due to dysfunction of the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland secretes thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) which in turn causes the thyroid to produce thyroid hormone. Other illnesses, glucocorticoids, and malnutrition can also cause decreased TSH levels, which would lead to hypothyroidism.

97. Hypothyroid
WVU Department of Pediatrics. Grand Rounds Fact Sheet. Senior ClinicianRounds. September 22, 1999. Norman D. Ferrari III, MD. Professor
WVU Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds Fact Sheet Senior Clinician Rounds September 22, 1999 Norman D. Ferrari III, MD Professor and Vice Chair for Education Associate Dean for Student Services and Academic Progress Case presented of adolescent with severe learning difficulties, who turned out to have acquired hypothryoidism. Here are some facts from discussion. 1. TSH is first detectable by 14 weeks gestation. TSH does not cross the placenta. TSI (Thyroid Stimulating Antibodies) do cross the placenta. 2. Most T4 and T3 circulate bound to TBG, albumin, and prealbumin. Only 1% is unbound. Low levels of these carrier proteins will give a low reading for total serum levels, while free hormone is normal. 3. Hypothryoidism can present with: growth retardation, decreased physical activity, poor tissue perfusion, constipation, poor muscle tone, hoarseness, anemia, intellectual impairment, galactorrhea, menometrorrhagia, cold intolerance, goiter, bradycaria, delayed reflexes. 4. Primary causes of Hypothyroidism: a. newborns: aplasia, hypoplasia, or abnormal migration of gland; impaired production of T4

98. Hypothyroid Medication
should be bipolar medication vs. hypothyroid Patient medical question anddoctor answer from The Mental Health Forum at Med Help. hypothyroid.
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Medication - Side Effects Please note: The information on our site is for everyone to read. Please use it as often as you like. However, Ask Dr Mike is available only to subscribers of our Vetinfo Digest. Please do not ... ... adverse reaction to a medication occurs it is best ... (old heartworm treatment. medication ), chemotherapy agents such as cisplatin, ... reaction to the medication . I do think individual ... Heartworm and Flea Control Medication Please note: The information on our site is for everyone to read.Please use it as often as you like. However, Ask Dr Mike is available only to subscribers of our Vetinfo Digest. Please do not send ... ... were being given. the

99. Thyroid Hormone, The World Health Network - Anti-Aging And Longevity
AntiAging Hormone Therapy Thyroid Hormone Combination HormoneTherapy Does Not Benefit hypothyroid. Combination Hormone Therapy,4482.html
Anti-Aging Newsletter! Join A4M! The best that modern science and nature have to offer... Home About A4M Membership Anti-Aging Library ... Thyroid Hormone > Combination Hormone Therapy Does Not Benefit Hypothyroid Combination Hormone Therapy Does Not Benefit Hypothyroid
[Editor: The preceding article was not written by A4M/WHN] Related Links: Human Growth Hormone Testosterone DHEA Melatonin ... [TOP] Thyroid Hormone About Thyroid Hormone Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy - Tricks of the Trad Combination Hormone Therapy Does Not Benefit Hypothyroid Home About A4M Membership Library ... Developed by PluroTech ®, is a private commercial website dedicated to providing health information and products to both the general public and health professional. The information provided on this site is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician. WHN is the official web-site of The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine ® is a volunteer, registered 501(c) 3 non-profit non-commercial medical society of physicians and scientists who believe Aging Is Not Inevitable. A4M Content © 1993-2004 A4M ®. Many articles are licensed to WHN and have independent ®,©.

100. Hypothyroid Guidelines - The Compounder Pharmacy - Aurora, IL - 630-859-0333
hypothyroid Guidelines. Major Revision of hypothyroid Diagnosis Guidelines.Although thyroid disease is easy to diagnose and treat
Hypothyroid Guidelines Major Revision of Hypothyroid Diagnosis Guidelines Although thyroid disease is easy to diagnose and treat, half of the cases in America remain undiagnosed. Minor thyroid abnormalities may go unnoticed, but data suggests that many people with low-level thyroid problems could improve with treatment. In an effort to improve diagnosis of thyroid disease, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) has released new guidelines that narrow the range for acceptable thyroid function. Doctors typically base diagnosis of thyroid disease on the “normal” range for the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test. While the previous normal range was between 0.5 and 5.0, the new guidelines narrow the range for acceptable thyroid function to between 0.3 and 3.04. Under the new guidelines, as many as 27 million people may have abnormal thyroid functionmore than double the number of people thought to have abnormal thyroid function under the old guidelines. These estimates would make thyroid disease more common in North America than diabetes. Women are at an increased risk for thyroid disease, as they are five to eight times more likely than men to be diagnosed. The elderly are also at an increased riskby the age of 60 years, as many as 17 percent of women and nine percent of men have an underactive thyroid. Thyroid disease is also linked to other autoimmune diseases, including certain types of diabetes, arthritis and anemia.

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