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1. Hypothermia Information about hypothermia, what it is, how it affects you and its treatment. By the Search and Rescue Society of British Columbia. http://www.sarbc.org/hypo.html | |
2. The MacScouter -- Scouting Resources Online hypothermia information compiled from various sources and authors by Chuck Bramlet. http://www.macscouter.com/KeepWarm | |
3. Hypothermia Prevention, Recognition And Treatment hypothermia Prevention, Recognition and Treatment. hypothermia Prevention, Recognition and Treatment. Articles, Protocols and Research on Lifesaving skills. http://www.hypothermia.org/ | |
4. OA Guide To Hypothermia & Cold Weather Injuries OA Guide to hypothermia Cold Weather INjuries. Learn settings. Outdoor Action Guide to hypothermia And Cold Weather Injuries. by Rick Curtis. http://www.princeton.edu/~oa/safety/hypocold.shtml | |
5. MedlinePlus: Hypothermia hypothermia Outdoor Action Guide to hypothermia and Cold Weather Injuries The primary NIH organization for research on hypothermia is the National Institute on Aging http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/hypothermia.html | |
6. A Hypothermia Treatment Technology Web-Site hypothermia treatment should start in the field by rewarming victims with equipment supplying warm humidified air or oxygen and warm IVfluids to minimize core-temperature afterdrop. http://www.hypothermia-ca.com/ | |
7. Hypothermia Click here to join our mailing list! http://www.threebrain.com/songs/hypo.html | |
8. EMedicine - Hypothermia : Article By Wyatt Decker, MD hypothermia The number of ED encounters with hypothermia is growing, as ever-growing numbers of people take to the wilds in search of adventure. hypothermia is no less a problem in urban http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic279.htm | |
9. Hypothermia of any emergency, call a doctor! hypothermia. hypothermia is subnormal temperature within the central body water before being overcome by hypothermia. Others have not been able to http://www.walrus.com/~belov/hypothermia.html | |
10. TOBY Information about a major trial of body cooling in newborn infants. The aim of the trial is to determine whether mild body cooling reduces brain injury following asphyxia. http://www.azzopardi.freeserve.co.uk/TOBY/ | |
11. Hypothermia Presentation outline. Gives warning signs, first aid and prevention for hypothermia. http://www.opsafesite.com/ToolBoxTalks/Hypothermia.htm | |
12. Hypothermia.html Management of hypothermia. You may have noticed that it s getting colder outside. It would therefore seem appropriate to review the management of hypothermia. http://www.theberries.ns.ca/Archives/Hypothermia.html | |
13. WARNING SIGNS OF HYPOTHERMIA Image illustrating hypothermia symptoms. http://www.islandnet.com/sarbc/resqair/warnhypo.html | |
14. Georgia Farm Bureau Safety: Hypothermia When you hear about hypothermia, you usually envision someone stranded in a terrible winter storm. However, hypothermia can occur when it's wet, windy and up to 50 or 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This condition is most common in cold weather, but infants and the elderly can develop hypothermia at temperatures greater than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. http://www.gfb.org/safety/winter.htm | |
15. HYPOTHERMIA - TREATMENT IN THE FIELD/HOSPITAL Image illustrating body temperature vs symptoms and body temperature vs treatment. http://www.islandnet.com/sarbc/resqair/thermom.html | |
16. Cold Weather Precautions Preventing Hypothermia Tips for preventing hypothermia. http://www.sema.state.mo.us/hyptho.htm | |
17. HYPOTHERMIA hypothermia protocol by CharlottesvileAlbemarle (Virginia) Rescue Squad. http://warhammer.mcc.virginia.edu/cars/hypothrm.html | |
18. Hypothermia Prevention, What To Do To Survive In Water. hypothermia Prevention, adopt a heat conserving strategy, HELP position or huddle. hypothermia Prevention, Recognition and Treatment. hypothermia In Water. http://www.hypothermia.org/inwater.htm | |
19. BBC NEWS | Health | Medical Notes | Hypothermia hypothermia is one of the most deadly coldinduced conditions. Wednesday, 10 February, 1999, 1545 GMT hypothermia. Cold weather leads to a big rise in deaths. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/medical_notes/276284.stm | |
20. Hyperthermia/Hypothermia Because of spinal cord injury, the temperature of the body has an increased tendency to fluctuate according to the temperature of the environment. http://calder.med.miami.edu/pointis/hype.html | |
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