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1. Digital Urology JournalHypospadias A look at this disorder which occurs in about 1 out of 350 male births and what can be done about it. http://www.duj.com/hypospadias.html |
2. What Is Hypospadias What is a hypospadias? hypospadias is a birth defect found in boys in which the urinary tract opening is not located properly at http://www.uro.com/hypospad.htm | |
3. Hypospadias & Epispadias Association The hypospadias and Epispadias Association (HEA) is founded for the education and support of males with these conditions. This Association http://www.hypospadias.net/ | |
4. PedsUroLogic - Hypospadias hypospadias. ( Penile Urethral Anomalies in the Male Child) by. Richard M. Parker, M.D. If your child has hypospadias he has a common genital defect in his penis which can be corrected with surgery. his penis which can be corrected with surgery. In hypospadias, the urethral opening for urination is mislocated on the http://www.pedsurologic.com/Parker/Pamphlets/Hypospadias/Hypospadias.html | |
5. Hypospadias hypospadias. What Every Parent Should Know. TERRY W. HENSLE, M.D. STEVEN Y. TENNENBAUM, M.D. ELIZABETH A. REILEY, M.D. Babies Childrens Hospital. ColumbiaPresbyterian Medical Center. New York, NY http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/urology/pediatric/hypospadias.html | |
6. Hypospadias hypospadias. What is hypospadias? The official website about hypospadias and Epispadias. hypospadias Epispadias Association Web Site. http://www.hypospadias.org/ | |
7. Untitled Document Aims of the site What are hypospadias? The Treatments Probs with surgery. Other Problems updated 2004 Glossary. Links Updated FAQs NEW. http://www.hypospadiashelp.fsnet.co.uk/Hypospadias contents.html | |
8. Hypospadias hypospadias. What Is hypospadias? hypospadias is a common congenital anomaly(birth defect) of the penis. The urethral opening (meatus) is at or just below the junction where the glans joins the shaft http://www.pedsurology.com/hypospad.htm | |
9. Hypospadias hypospadias. What is hypospadias? hypospadias is a birth defect found in boys in which the urinary tract opening is not at the tip of the penis. Bending of the penis on erection may be associated and http://www.pedisurg.com/PtEduc/Hypospadias.htm | |
10. Cryptorchidism And Hypospadias In Sons Of Gardeners And Farmers A study of the occurrence of cryptorchidism and hypospadias, pointing to the use of gardening chemicals as a potential cause. http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/docs/1998/106p793-796slothweidner/abstract.html | |
11. The-penis.com: Hypospadias Why it happens, what it is, what to do; see photos of hypospadias and contact others with it. Discusses androgen insensitivity, testicular feminization syndrome, development, and even ISNA. http://www.the-penis.com/hypospadias.html | |
12. Hypospadias & Epispadias Association Welcome to the hypospadias and Epispadias Association (HEA) online community. Michael Walker, Ph.D. President hypospadias and Epispadias Association. http://www.hypospadias.net/members.htm | |
13. Hypospadias For men with this condition, who may be considering urological surgery or want more information. Contains personal accounts of living with hypospadias and links to support groups and other relevant sites. http://www.hypospadias.org/index.html | |
14. Hypospadias: Parent's Guide To Surgery | Intersex Society Of North America Good information for parents of intersexed children with hypospadias. http://www.isna.org/hypospadias.html | |
15. Common Birth Defect Not Commonly Discussed CNN http://cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/conditions/06/24/hypospadias.defect.ap/index.html |
16. Index Welcome to what I intend to become a useful information and advice site on the net for people with hypospadias and parents looking for advice and information. http://www.hypospadiashelp.fsnet.co.uk/ | |
17. Hypospadias: Parent's Guide To Surgery | Intersex Society Of North America more. Home. hypospadias Parent s Guide to Surgery. Posted Thu, Jan 01 2004 Library What is hypospadias? hypospadias refers http://isna.org/drupal/node/view/81 | |
18. University Of Virginia Health System Brief discussion of congenital anomalies of the penis,including hypospadias, epispadias, phimosis and paraphimosis. http://www.hsc.virginia.edu/med-ed/path/gu/penis2.html |
19. Abnormal Development Of The Penis/Male Urethra hypospadias occurs when the fusion of the urethral folds stops proximal to the tip of the glans penis. This is called coronal hypospadias. http://www.meddean.luc.edu/lumen/MedEd/urology/abnpendv.htm | |
20. 404 Not Found http://www.um-urology.com/clinic/pediatric/hypospadias.html | |
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