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41. Dekker.com - Hypertension In Pregnancy Africa). hypertension in Pregnancy The Official Journal of the International Society for the Study of hypertension in Pregnancy. http://www.dekker.com/servlet/product/productid/PRG | |
42. Health Authority - Changing Behaviors To Improve Health Offers information on tobacco addiction, weight loss, cholesterol reduction and hypertension control. http://www.HealthAuthority.com | |
43. Dekker.com - Clinical And Experimental Hypertension Clinical and Experimental hypertension. The time for a journal specifically devoted to hypertension has arrived. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. http://www.dekker.com/servlet/product/productid/CEH | |
44. AHA: Xenical (Orlistat) Can Also Help Lower Blood Pressure In Obese Hypertensive Multicenter study shows Xenical significantly reduces blood pressure in hypertensive obese patients. http://www.docguide.com/dg.nsf/c199ac7acbf21b1b852565f30052a091/35e773822619f700 |
45. European Society Of Hypertension About ESH. Membership. European hypertension Specialist Programme. Previous Congress. THIRTEENTH EUROPEAN MEETING ON hypertension Milan (Italy) June 13-17, 2003. http://www.eshonline.org/index.asp | |
46. Serveur Pédagogique Cours destin© aux DCEM1, programme de s©m©iologie m©dicale, serveur p©dagogique Universit© de Marseille. http://medidacte.timone.univ-mrs.fr/learnet/webcours/hta/semeiologie/index.htm | |
47. Index.jpg BPA, The British hypertension Society website contains information for Health Professionals. If you are a member of the public please http://www.hyp.ac.uk/bhs/ |
48. Alcohol Linked To Decreased Hypertension Risk In Young Women Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital in the US find that moderate alcohol consumption in women was beneficial to blood pressure and at high levels it was harmful. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2002/03/020311075550.htm | |
49. Société Québécoise D'Hypertension Arterielle Informations g©n©rales, et acc¨s des pages r©serv©es, accessibles apr¨s inscription. http://www.hypertension.qc.ca/ | |
50. British Hypertension Society Home Page HT Referral Centres. UK hypertension REFERRAL CENTRES DATABASE A database of hypertension Specialists throughout the UK CLICK HERE! http://www.hyp.ac.uk/bhs/home.htm |
51. CNN.com - Ask The Mayo Dietitian - Hypertension And A 'dash' Of Salt - August 2, CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/mayo/08/02/askdiet.qa/index.html | |
52. Jhh Index Page nature.com, about npg, nature science update, naturejobs, natureevents, help, site index. Nature Publishing Group, Journal of Human hypertension. http://www.nature.com/jhh/ | |
53. Team IIH Om den neurologiska sjukdomen Idiopatisk Intrakraniell hypertension(IIH) ¤ven k¤nd som Pseudotumor Cerebri(PTC) och Benign Intrakraniell hypertension(BIH). Om symptom, diagnos och behandling. http://groups.msn.com/teamIIH | |
54. Journal Of Human Hypertension Issues nature.com, about npg, nature science update, naturejobs, natureevents, help, site index. Nature Publishing Group, Journal of Human hypertension. http://www.nature.com/jhh/journal/yearlist.html | |
55. Recordati Prize Prize for scientific research, established to promote research in a critical field for public health. It will be awarded every two years and the first edition will focus on hypertension. http://par.hypothesis.it |
56. Pulmonary Hypertension Society Of Ontario - Home Page Includes organization background, diagnosis and treatment information, activities, and discussion board. http://www.phs.on.ca/ | |
57. Dash.bwh.harvard.edu/ wwwmed.stanford.edu/MedSchool/DGIM/Teaching/Modules/HTN.html High Blood Pressure (hypertension)It might seem odd that kids can have high blood pressure, or hypertension, because we usually associate the condition with older people. What Is hypertension? http://dash.bwh.harvard.edu/ |
58. Merck Cookie Error Page Information about an antihypertension medication to treat hypertension or high blood pressure. http://www.hyzaar.com/ | |
59. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) pressure. Of those people with hypertension, about one third to one half don t even know they have it. hypertension? and What Causes hypertension? http://kidshealth.org/teen/diseases_conditions/heart/hypertension.html | |
60. Howstuffworks "How Heart Disease Works" Carl Bianco M.D. provides a 6part graphical in-depth look at heart disease, heart attacks and angina. Topics include atherosclerosis, hypertension, cholesterol, smoking, obesity, diabetes mellitus and stress. http://www.howstuffworks.com/heart-attack.htm | |
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