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1. ASBAH - Association For Spina Bifida And Hydrocephalus the ASBAH logo linking to the home page. Association for Spina Bifida and hydrocephalus. hydrocephalus Action Working in Partnership with Codman. Find out more. http://www.asbah.org/ | |
2. Hydrocephalus Association The hydrocephalus Association was founded in 1983, incorporated as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) in 1986, is governed by a Board of Directors, and employs an Executive http://www.hydroassoc.org/ | |
3. HyFI Home Home Page for the hydrocephalus Foundation Welcome The hydrocephalus Foundation, Inc. ( HyFI) is a registered, 501(c)(3 opportunities to patients and families affected by hydrocephalus. The Foundation also promotes http://www.hydrocephalus.org/ | |
4. Www.patientcenters.com -- Welcome To Patient-Centered Guides Hydrocephalus Cente Patient centered guide to hydrocephalus information, resources, and reading material. http://www.patientcenters.com/hydrocephalus/ | |
5. MedlinePlus: Hydrocephalus hydrocephalus National Institutes of Health. hydrocephalus ( National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Also available in Spanish. hydrocephalus ( National Institute of Neurological Disorders http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/hydrocephalus.html | |
6. Pediatric Neurosurgery - Hydrocephalus This site is dedicated to providing families with information regarding various aspects of the field of pediatric neurosurgery. For those that have tried to search for up to date information on http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/nsg/PNS/Hydrocephalus.html | |
7. Steve's Hydrocephalus Page Steve's hydrocephalus Page. This page has been subject to neglect for several years. That period is at an end. Please be patient while I drag out my rusty html coding skills to revise and expand this http://web.syr.edu/~sndrake/hyd1.htm |
8. NINDS Hydrocephalus Information Page hydrocephalus information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). What is hydrocephalus? Is there any treatment What is hydrocephalus? hydrocephalus is a condition in which the primary characteristic is excessive accumulation of http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/hydrocephalus.htm | |
9. Hydrocephalus Fact Sheet hydrocephalus fact sheet produced by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) The term hydrocephalus is derived from the Greek words "hydro" meaning water and "cephalus" meaning head of fluid in the brain. Although hydrocephalus was once known as "water on http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/pubs/hydrocephalus_fs.htm | |
10. International Federation For Hydrocephalus And Spina Bifida Its mission is to improve the quality of life of people with hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida throughout the world. To decrease the prevalence of hydrocephalus and/or Spina Bifida by primary prevention. http://www.ifglobal.org/ |
11. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Spina Bifida Und Hydrocephalus E.V. (ASbH) Verband der Behindertenselbsthilfe f¼r Betreuung, Beratung, Information, Erfahrungsaustausch, Kontakte, Tagungen, Seminare, Freizeitangebote f¼r Betroffene mit Spina bifida und/oder hydrocephalus und Angeh¶rige. http://www.asbh.de/ | |
12. Spina Bifida And Hydrocephalus Association Of Nova Scotia Offers information, lists of members only resources, special events, and links to related sites. http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Health/SBANS/ |
13. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Spina Bifida Und Hydrocephalus E.V. (ASbH) Informationen ¼ber den Verein und seine Aktivit¤ten. Neben der Beschreibung der Krankheitsbilder finden sich wissenschaftliche Beitr¤ge, Antworten auf Sozialrechtsfragen, Hinweise auf die regionalen Selbsthilfegruppen und die M¶glichkeit zum Austausch im Forum und im Chat. http://www.paritaet.org/asbh/ | |
14. HYDROCEPHALUS hydrocephalus. hydrocephalus is excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the cranium. If persistent and progressive ,it http://www.health.adelaide.edu.au/paed-neuro/hydro.html | |
15. SBHAO - The Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Association Of Ontario Spina Bifida hydrocephalus Association of Ontario. To improve the quality of life of all individuals with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus, through research http://www.sbhao.on.ca/ | |
16. Treatment Of Hydrocephalus: Shunts Brain tumor treatment information new treatments, virtual brain tumor trial, brain tumor links, important papers Treatment of hydrocephalus Shunts. http://virtualtrials.com/shunts.cfm | |
17. Hydrocephalus Association What Is hydrocephalus? hydrocephalus comes from the Greek hydro means water, cephalus means head. hydrocephalus is an abnormal http://www.hydroassoc.org/information/information.htm | |
18. H-Tx Rat - Hydrocephalus Research University of Florida Brain Institute official page informs about hydrocephalus research, particularly that occurring in the fetus and at birth. Hazel C. Jones, Ph.D. http://www.ufbi.ufl.edu/~joneslab/ |
19. Julia's Journey With Spina Bifida Support and information written by a parent of a child with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, for other families who have children with these birth defects. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/6980/ | |
20. Facts About Hydrocephalus What is hydrocephalus? hydrocephalus is the abnormal buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain. Types of hydrocephalus. http://www.hydrocephalus.org/facts/ | |
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