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         Herpes:     more books (100)
  1. Illinois Estate Planning, Will Drafting, and Estate Administration Forms by Roy M. Adams, David A. Herpe, et all 1995-05
  2. L'Eveil by Kate Chopin, Jean Bardot, et all 1990-04-01
  3. Catherine Carmier by Ernest J. Gaines, Michelle Herpe-Volinsky, 1999-04-30
  4. Une longue journée de novembre by Ernest J. Gaines, Michelle Herpe-Volinsky, 1993-01-01
  5. Positif 50 Years: Selected writings from the French Film Journal by Vincent Amiel, Robert Benayoun, et all 2002-11-15
  6. Melissa Extract: The Natural Remedy for Herpes by Jan de Vries, 1998-01-11
  7. Herpes: A Nutritional Approach (Today's Health Series) by Louise Tenney MH, 1996-08-28
  8. Herpes Wise - Get rid of herpes in 4 days and stop it from coming back by Nathalie Foy, 2010
  9. Peak Immunity: How to Fight Epstein-Barr Virus, Candida, Herpes Simplex and other Immuno-Depressive Disorders and Win by M.D. Luc de Schepper, 1991-08
  10. If You Can Cook, You Can Make Powerful Topical Remedies For Hair Loss, Pain And Herpes Infections by Stephen Martin Ph.D, 2008-04-15
  11. HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS INFECTIONS New treatment approaches make early diagnosis even more important (Postgraduate Medicine) by MD Celina M. Nadelman, MD Victor D. Newcomer, 2010-06-09
  12. Peak Immunity: How to Fight Epstein-Barr Virus, Candida, Herpes Simplex Viruses and Other Immuno-Depressive Conditions and Win by Luc De Schepper, 1989-01
  13. No Cure For Herpes? The Big Lie by The Editors, 2007-01-01
  14. Treating Herpes Naturally With Larrea Tridentata: an Effective, Natural Remedy for Cold Sores, Genital Herpes, Shingles, Chickenpox, Epstein-Barr, and Other Herpes Outbreaks by W. Dennis Clark, 2003-01-01

121. Take Control Of Herpes And Your Health
Useful resource covering all apspects of the condition.
Herpeshealth Tips
About Herpes Newly Diagnosed ... Frequently Asked Questions We subscribe to the HONcode principles. Verify here
living_img = new Rollover("livingImg","/images/middlenav/are_you_living_on.gif","/images/middlenav/are_you_living_off.gif", "", ""); resources_img = new Rollover("resourcesImg","/images/middlenav/resources_on.gif","/images/middlenav/resources_off.gif", "", ""); ask_img = new Rollover("askImg","/images/middlenav/ask-expert_on.gif","/images/middlenav/ask-expert_off.gif", "", "");
Visiting this website is an important first step to help you take control of herpes and your health. This site was developed by Canadian doctors who are experts in managing and treating people with genital herpes. Visit the Editorial Board page to find out more about them. They review everything on to make sure it is the most recent and relevant information for you. was designed to help you become more actively involved in your personal health by helping you better manage your genital herpes. Here, you will find information about genital herpes that should help you feel more comfortable discussing herpes with your doctor, sexual partner, and others close to you. Available features include:

122. [Clinical Preventive Services] Screening For Genital Herpes Simplex
Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, Second Edition Infectious Diseases Screeningfor Genital herpes Simplex. Genital herpes simplex virus infections.
Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, Second Edition
Infectious Diseases

Screening for Genital Herpes Simplex RECOMMENDATION
Routine screening for genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection by viral culture or other tests is not recommended for asymptomatic persons, including asymptomatic pregnant women. There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against the examination of pregnant women in labor for signs of active genital HSV lesions, although recommendations to do so may be made on other grounds (see Clinical Intervention). See Chapter 62 for recommendations on counseling to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Burden of Suffering
Accuracy of Screening Tests

History and physical examination are not adequate screening tests for either active (i.e., transmissible) or latent genital HSV infection, because most infected persons are asymptomatic;4,5,15 their clinical manifestations may resemble a number of other causes of genital ulcerations;16 and viral shedding in association with recurrent disease may be asymptomatic.3,17 Antibody testing can accurately distinguish HSV-seropositive from HSV- seronegative persons and therefore may be useful to detect asymptomatic carriers at potential risk for transmitting disease, as well as persons susceptible to primary infection. Commercial assays are insensitive to recent infections, however, and they are unreliable for distinguishing HSV-2 from HSV-1 antibodies.35,36 Antibody test results do not indicate whether the virus is currently capable of being transmitted.

123. Vejledning For Diagnose Og Behandling Af Seksuelt Overførbare Sygdomme - Kapite
Diagnose og behandlingsanvisning for l¦ger.
[Forrige dokument] [Forsiden]
Kapitel 12. Genital herpes simplex virus (HSV)-infektion
herpes simplex virus (HSV). Symptomgivende genital HSV-infektion forekommer hos 2-5% af den voksne befolkning.
12.2 Symptomer
12.3 Behandling
  • Aciclovir 250 mg oralt 5 gange dagligt i 5 dage, eller Famciclovir 250 mg oralt 3 gange dagligt i 5 dage, eller Valaciclovir 500 mg oralt 2 gange dagligt i 5 dage.
12.3.2 Recidivudbrud
  • eller Famciclovir 250 mg oralt 2 gange dagligt, eller
12.3.3 Behandlingsstrategi
12.3.4 Behandling af gravide
Erfaring savnes. Sundhedsstyrelsen. Version 1.0. Juni 1999

[Forrige dokument]

124. Herpes Simplex
Translate this page herpes simplex. Durch das herpes-simplex-Virus verursachte Erkrankungen,gehören zu den häufigsten Infektionskrankheiten der Haut.
Haut und Haar Bücherliste: Dermatologie kostenlos Ratgeber zu Narben im MedizInfo®Shop anfordern. Akne


Herpes simplex Inhaltsübersicht:


Der Gesichts- und Genitalbereich ist besonders häufig betroffen. Durch das Herpes-simplex-Virus verursachte Erkrankungen, gehören zu den häufigsten Infektionskrankheiten der Haut. Die meisten Infektionen treten im Gesicht und im Genitalbereich auf. Vor dem Auftreten der Erkrankung verspüren die Betroffenen oft Hautirritationen durch Hautspannung und Überempfindlichkeit der betroffenen Stelle. Erstinfektion im Kindesalter verläuft ohne Symptome. Die meisten Menschen infizieren sich mit dem Herpes-Virus bereits in der Kindheit. Diese erste Infektion verläuft in 99 Prozent aller Fälle ohne Symptome. Die Betroffenen wissen gar nicht, daß sie sich damit einen lebenslangen Begleiter "eingefangen" haben, denn das Virus bleibt stumm im Körper. Bei Erwachsenen kommt die Infektion zum Ausbruch.

125. Welcome To HDate !
A UKbased service for people with herpes.
Welcome to HDate - a UK based dating service for those with herpes. You really need frames to use this site - please download a browser that supports frames and we'll see you back here shortly !

126. Herpes
herpes, Factsheet 25 Reviewed January 2004. An outbreak of herpes involvespainful sores or ulcers which affect the mouth or genitals.
Herpes Factsheet 25 - Reviewed January 2004 An outbreak of herpes involves painful sores or ulcers which affect the mouth or genitals. Herpes is caused by a common virus called herpes simplex virus (HSV). Once you are infected, the virus stays in skin and nerve cells for life. However, you may not know that you are infected with HSV. Most of the time it is dormant and causes no symptoms. From time to time flare-ups do occur, especially if you have a weakened immune system. Even among people without HIV, stress, a common cold or exposure to strong ultra-violet light can cause an outbreak of active herpes. Oral and genital herpes There are two main types of HSV which both cause oral and genital infection. HSV-1 usually causes oral herpes or cold sores – tingling or painful spots on the edge of the lip where it meets the skin of the face. These can occasionally develop on the nostrils, on the gums or on the roof of the mouth. HSV-2 is usually the cause of genital herpes - painful genital or anal ulcers, sometimes accompanied with fever, headache, muscle ache and malaise. Herpes lesions often start as numbness, tingling or itching. This feeling indicates that the virus is travelling up a nerve to the skin. There it causes small bumps that rapidly develop into small inflamed fluid-filled blisters. These burst and crust over, typically taking one of week to heal in people with normal immune systems. Transmission The virus can be passed from person-to-person by contact between these lesions and mucous membranes e.g. kissing, sexual contact.

127. ACYCLOVIR A Commonly Used Medication
Antiviral. Used to treat herpes genitalis, herpes simplex, herpes zoster.
A Commonly Used Medication
Drug: ACYCLOVIR (Zovirax) Classification: Antiviral Indication: Herpes genitalis, herpes simplex, herpes zoster Dose: Genital herpes (initial): 200mg po q 4 hours 5 times/day X 10 days
Genital herpes (recurrent or suppressive therapy): 400mg 2 times/day for up to 12 months, then re-evaluate.
Herpes zoster: 800mg 5 times/day X 7-10 days
Sever HZV or complications: 5-10mg/kg IV q 8 hours X 7-10 days. Administer at constant rate over 1 hour. Side Effects: Parenteral:
1. Renal toxicity; precipitation of acyclovir crystals can occur in renal tubules if the maximum solubility of free acyclovir (2.5mg/ml at 37° C in water) is exceeded or if the drug is given by bolus injection. Serum creatinine and BUN rise and creatinine clearance decreases.
2. Encephalopathic changes: Approximately 1% of patients receiving IV acyclovir manifested encephalopathic changes characterized by lethargy, obtundation, tremors, confusion, hallucinations, agitation, seizures or coma.
3. Other: transient elevation of serum creatinine; rash or hives; diaphoresis; hematuria; hypotension; headache and nausea; thrombocytosis.

128. Carnegie Mellon University Research Project
Carnegie Mellon University Research Team has developed a CD for those recently diagnosed with genital herpes. This project is funded by the National Institutes of Health.
Carnegie Mellon
Hold That Thought:

What does it really mean to have herpes? Welcome to Carnegie Mellon University’s study on genital herpes funded by the National Institutes of Health. To find out more information, please choose the appropriate link for you:
If you have any questions about this study, please email or call 1-877-5-HERPES. For additional information about this study, you can also view our recruitment flyer at

129. Herpes
Translate this page Fieberbläschen, herpes. herpesbläschen sind schmerzhafte Bläschenan Lippen, Zunge oder Mundschleimhaut (herpes labialis). Sie
  • Sonneneinwirkung, besonders im Hochgebirge.
  • Stress.
  • Menstruation.
  • Nahrungsmittelallergien.
  • z.B. bei schweren Erkrankungen oder nach Operationen.
  • Auftragen von Salben oder Gelen, die das Wachstum der Viren hemmen, z.B. mit dem Wirkstoff Aciclovir oder mit Melissenextrakt. (Sofort bei den ersten Anzeichen damit beginnen!)
  • Wenn sich die Beschwerden nach einigen Tagen nicht bessern.
Was Ihr Arzt tun kann Vorbeugung
  • Lippencremes oder -stifte mit hohem Lichtschutzfaktor auftragen.
Christiane von der Eltz, Apothekerin
Rezeptfreie Medikamente
  • Weitere Informationsquellen:
  • 130. - Viden Til Dig
    Symptomer, med billeder, af almindelig herpes.
    Infektion uden symptomer
    Tilbagevende udbrud
    Nedenfor er vist hvordan et ser ud hos en voksen person.
    Der er nogle enkelte som har tilbagevendende herpes andre steder end i ansigtet. Hos de fleste drejer det sig om udbrud på en fingerspids, som bliver rød og hævet og øm. Denne type herpes forveksles ofte med en "byld", men det er altså ikke en bakterie infektion og penicillin virker derfor ikke.

    131. Melbourne Herpes Self Help Group
    herpes Melbourne Social Group A Melbourne social group run by volunteers who haveOral and Genital herpes, they offer information, friendship, and support on
    The address for any written correspondence should be sent to:
    P.O Box 1044H
    Vic 3001 Australia About The Melbourne Herpes Self Help Group

    The Melbourne Herpes Self Help Group is a group of individuals who offer support, information and friendship to others just like themselves with genital herpes. It is a non profit organisation and meets the costs of publishing a quarterly newsletter, distributing articles and organising guest speakers through a small annual subscription and occasional small donation from interested parties. Monthly Meetings:
    The group meets at 7.30pm on the first Monday of each month [except public holidays and January] at Ross House, 247 - 252 Flinders Lane, Melbourne. There should be a sign on the single glass door [in front of the lift, not the wider glass doors that look onto the stairs] saying "HELM GROUP". Our meeting room is situated on the fourth floor, so you need to press the buzzer marked 4 FRONT. Confidentiality is respected on these nights - they are a great opportunity to meet people with similar experiences as yourself and an understanding of your condition. At these informal meetings ideas problems are discussed and information is shared amongst members of the group. Occasionally speakers come along to talk about various medical or psychological aspects of herpes. Attendance at these meetings is free, but the annual subscription to the group of $20 entitles you to the four quarterly newsletters [sent out in plain envelopes]. These provide information on herpes, advise of the topics or guest speakers at forthcoming meetings and contain extracts of any interesting articles from international newsletters on herpes to which the group subscribes.

    132. Dating Service -
    Personal ads for men and women living with herpes. is a one of a kind dating service. We are dedicated to making dating easier for the 1 out of every 4 of us living with Herpes. We know how difficult it can be trying to meet new people and establish relationships. Let us help, just place your free personal add with our dating service and browse or chat with thousands of singles just like you and me. Register now and begin meeting people for romance, friendship, or intimate relationships. Women seeking men Women seeking women Women seeking couples Men seeking women Men seeking men Men seeking couples Couples seeking couples Couples seeking women Couples seeking men - All Locations - - AMERICA - Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana N.Carolina N.Mexico Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island S.Carolina

    133. Health Guide A-Z
    Offers information about this antiviral medication used to treat cold sore infections caused by the herpes simplex virus.

    134. Facts About... Genital Herpes
    The Facts About Genital herpes infection. What is genital herpesinfection? Genital How is genital herpes infection caught? Genital
    The Facts About...
    Genital herpes infection
    What is genital herpes infection?
    Genital herpes appears as clusters of blisters which progress to small areas of ulceration anywhere on the genital area or on the buttocks or upper thighs. The skin eruptions are sometimes particularly painful and redness, numbness and tingling are a common experience a few hours before these blisters and ulcers develop. The skin eruptions may appear once only and never recur or they may recur with changing frequency at different sites, but in the same body area, causing repeated distress. Sometimes when a person first has an attack of genital herpes, they may have severe back, neck and head pain and be so sore that they are unable to pass urine. The head and neck pains are often like meningitis.
    How is genital herpes infection caught?
    Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus. This virus is well known to us as the same virus that causes cold sores. Approximately 90% of the adult population carry this virus and once infected the virus remains dormant within the individual for life. Only about 10-15% of these people ever have evidence of virus activity and this is seen as recurrent cold sores. The same herpes virus or one very similar may infect the genital area. The virus may be transferred from mouth to genital area by hand transfer or may be transferred during sexual activity. Often the person transferring the virus may not be aware that they are carrying it and transmission may take place from one person to another, even when there are no skin lesions.

    135. - Relationships - Sexually Transmitted Infections Genital Herpes
    What is genital herpes and how is it passed on? Genital herpes is caused bythe herpes simplex virus. What happens if genital herpes isn t treated?
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    Sexual Health - STIs (infections)
    Genital herpes by fpa What is genital herpes and how is it passed on? What happens if genital herpes isn't treated? Where to go for help and advice ... How to avoid STIs? What is genital herpes and how is it passed on? Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus. There are two types of the virus:
    • Type I usually causes cold sores around the mouth, but can affect the genital and anal areas.
    • Type II usually causes sores in the genital and anal areas, but sometimes affects the mouth.
    Warning - Close up image If you'd like to see what herpes actually looks like on the skin, click on any of the two links below. Be warned, however, that these pictures are graphic and you may find them disturbing. Close up picture of a penis affected by herpes simplex. Close up picture of herpes zoster blisters around woman's vulva Many people with genital herpes have no symptoms at all. Symptoms include blisters in the genital and anal region, which burst leaving painful sores. Some people have one outbreak of herpes, others have repeated outbreaks. There are no treatments to get rid of the virus, although some tablets and self-help measures are useful. Genital herpes doesn't generally cause serious health problems.

    136. Herpes Dating, HIV Dating, Aids Dating
    Personal ads for people with herpes, HIV, AIDS, HPV and other STDs. Includes chat, video chat.

    Click here to start searching for that special woman.
    read more
    Click here to start searching for that special guy.
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    Click here to start searching for a couple to be friends with.
    read more I am a Female Male seeking a Female Male between ages and Photos only Free Registration Free Photo Profile Free Search Free 2-Way Matching ... Free Photo Album Don't Let STDs Ruin Your Love Life!!
    We are a Matchmaking and Dating website specializing in Herpes Dating HIV Dating AIDS Dating HPV Dating and Dating with other STDs such as Hepatitis B , and Hepatitis C . Whether you are looking for a life partner, or just someone to hang out with, here you'll be able to find exactly who you are looking for, locally or around the world. It's fun, interactive, safe and anonymous - until you decide to take it further. It's FREE to join and post your profile. Join FREE and get full access to Photos, Video Greetings, Chartrooms and Web Cams and anonymously email or instant message as other singles like you! How to Start?

    137. Genital Herpes - Health Information
    Health information on herpes, an infection caused by either the Type 1 (HSV1) orType 2 (HSV-2) herpes simplex virus. Genital herpes. WHAT IS GENITAL herpes?
    Go to PDF Version Genital Herpes WHAT IS GENITAL HERPES?
    Herpes is an infection caused by either the Type 1 (HSV-1) or Type 2 (HSV-2) herpes simplex virus. Although the two viruses are closely related and either may be found at various body sites, each has a preferred location. Generally, HSV-1 causes infections on the lip, mouth or facial areas. HSV-2 is usually found in the genital area. HOW COMMON IS GENITAL HERPES?
    It is estimated that 50-80% of American adults have HSV-1 and 21% have HSV-2 herpes simplex virus. More than two-thirds of these people have positive blood tests for HSV with no history of symptoms or outbreaks. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN SOMEONE IS INFECTED WITH GENITAL HERPES?
    The herpes virus is transmitted when a person makes direct contact with a lesion or secretions of an infected person. The virus enters the body through the skin or mucous membranes of the genital area. Transmission occurs primarily through vaginal, anal and oral-genital sexual contact. The herpes virus is quite fragile and cannot survive long outside the body. Transmission through inanimate objects such as toilet seats is unlikely. Precautions include not sharing towels, underwear, or other objects that come into contact with genital lesions. Latex condoms or latex squares can reduce the risk of transmitting the virus, but lesions may be in areas not covered by the barriers. A person is considered infectious during the prodromal phase right before the outbreak of the lesions and throughout the time until the lesions are completely healed. The prodromal phase is often marked by itching, tingling or burning at the site of the upcoming outbreak. The infected person is generally contagious during the prodrome and when lesions are present. Patients with genital herpes often shed virus in outbreaks, particularly in the first year or two after acquiring HSV-2. During times of asymptomatic shedding of virus, an individual is capable of unknowingly passing the virus to others.

    138. ADAP Drugs: Famcyclovir
    Used to treat shingles (herpes zoster) as well as herpes simplex virus infections. (Famvir)
    famciclovir (Famvir) Drug description
    Famciclovir is used to treat shingles (herpes zoster) as well as herpes simplex virus infections which can cause painful blisters and lesions. Famciclovir reduces the severity of outbreaks and prevents the development of new blisters. Famciclovir has also been shown to be effective for preventing genital herpes outbreaks. Managing side effects
    Famciclovir has few side effects. The main side effects seen in studies were headache and nausea. Dosage
    For shingles the recommended dosage is 500 mg every 8 hours for 7 days. For genital herpes simplex infections, the recommended dose is 125 mg twice a day for 5 days. The dosage used to prevent genital herpes outbreaks is 500 mg twice a day. In people with reduced kidney function, the dosage should be reduced. The amount of dose reduction is dependent on how well the kidney is functioning. How long it may take to work
    Famciclovir is usually given for 7 days to treat shingles and 5 days to treat genital herpes simplex infections. Managing side effects and drug interactions
    Other drugs such as probenecid that are processed through the kidneys may increase the amount of famciclovir in the body. This might increase the chances of getting side effects from famciclovir.

    139. Herpes Simplex - 1
    Medicine. herpes Simplex Labialis Mouth, Lips and Nares. To read thePatient Information Pamphlet on herpes Simplex Virus, click HERE
    Dept. of Dermatology - University of Iowa College of Medicine
    Herpes Simplex Labialis - Mouth, Lips and Nares
    To read the Patient Information Pamphlet on Herpes Simplex Virus, click HERE Select histology images from the DermPathTutor - Image Index page. Return to Image Index page. Return to Image Index page.
    Return to Dermatology's Home page.
    September, 1995

    Source NY State Department of Health
    The Web site has moved to and offers several new, useful tools. Find the Web's best medical information on Shingles from hundreds of physician-reviewed sites! This page will automatically redirect you to our new site. Please change your bookmarks and share our site with your friends and family.

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