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         Herpes:     more books (100)
  1. Herpes Simplex Virus: Pathogenesis, Immunobiology and Control (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology)
  2. Herpes: Identification Treatment Prevention by Raymond Kennedy, 1988-06
  3. The Herpes Manual by Sue Blanks, Carole Woddis, 1983-04-21
  4. Clinician's Manual on Genital Herpes by A.L. Cunningham, 1997-03
  5. Routine herpes screening in pregnancy pays off.(GUEST EDITORIAL): An article from: OB GYN News by Jeffrey Gilbert, 2006-05-01
  6. Acyclovir Therapy for Herpes Virus Infections (Infectious Disease and Therapy)
  7. Herpes Simplex Varicella and Zoster: Clinical Manifestations and Treatment by Bent F.Juel- Jenson, F.D. Maccallum, 1972-05
  8. Optimizing the Management of Genital Herpes (Round Table Series) by R. J. Whitle, 2000-01
  9. Genital herpes: the epidemiology and control of a common sexually transmitted disease.(STDs and Sexual/Reproductive Health): An article from: The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality by Marc Steben, Stephen L. Sacks, 1997-06-22
  10. Human Herpes Virus Infections, Clinical Aspects (Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Agents) by Ronald Glaser, 1982-04
  11. Herpes - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References by Health Publica Icon Health Publications, 2003-11-24
  12. Chemotherapy of Herpes Simplex Virus Infections
  13. Herpes Zosters - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References by Health Publica Icon Health Publications, 2003-11-24
  14. Herpes: Coping With the New Epidemic by David Perlow, 1983-06

61. Herpes
Om udbredelse, smitteveje, symptomer og behandling.
Nederst på siden om herpes genitalis
Hvad er herpes
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) inddeles i to typer, type 1 (HSV-1) og type 2 (HSV-2). HSV-infektioner er meget udbredte, og antistoffer findes hos 50-80% af befolkningen. Smitten overføres ved tæt kontakt. De sværeste kliniske symptomer ses ved primær infektion (ved første udbrud efter smitte) og hos immunkompromitterede patienter (personer med svækket immunsystem). De hyppigste kliniske sygdomsbilleder er orofacial herpes (herpes ved munden), oftest med HSV-1, og genital herpes (på kønsomorganerne), oftest med HSV-2. Diagnosen hviler på klinik og laboratorieundersøgelser i tvivlstilfælde. Antivirale midler er i dag tilgængelige og har især betydning i det tidlige stadium af sværere tilfælde.
Hvor stor er udbredelsen og hvordan smitter det
Undersøgelser har dokumenteret den store udbredelse af HSV-infektion. I den danske befolkning er omkring 50% smittet i løbet af de første fem leveår. Herefter er frekvensen stigende og 80% af alle voksne har antistoffer mod HSV-1, (den type virus som forårsager herpes omkring munden). Forekomsten af HSV-2 antistoffer ses fra det aktive seksuallivs debut og kan påvises hos 30-40% af de 30-40-årige. Selvom det er typisk at herpes genitalis forårsages af HSV-2, spiller HSV-1 også en væsentlig rolle. Således har ca. 30% af virus-isolater fra genitale herpeslæsioner vist sig at være HSV-1. Det har vist sig, at genital infektion med HSV-2 rummer en større risiko for recidiverende (tilbagevendende) udbrud end infektion med HSV-1.

62. Glaxosmithkline Genital Herpes Herpes Information Herpes Simplex Virus Hsv1 Unde
Information om k¶nssjukdomar som genital och oral herpes simplex 1 och 2, dess symptom samt behandling av herpesvirus med Valtrex.
Glaxosmithkline genital herpes herpes information herpes simplex virus hsv1 underlivsbesvär
Här finner du herpes information, genital herpes, herpes simplex virus, hsv1, underlivsbesvär.

63. - Herpes Personal Ads, HSV, HPV, Online Dating, Valtrex, Acyclov
Personal ads for men and women with herpes.
Welcome to Dating With H
an International
Community Based
Relationship Network
built specifically for people who have contracted the
Herpes Simplex Virus HSV, or
Human Papilloma Virus HPV.
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  • H affects people all over the world... It is a Global condition.
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • 1 out of 5 Woman, and 1 out of 4 Men
  • already have some form of H. It is more common - and shared by more people - than you know. Click Here to learn more about Herpes. Your Privacy is very important to us. Unlike many other websites... we do not release your personal information to anyone Home Contact Us Affiliates What Is Herpes Links

    BreederVet Veterinary Topics of Interest to Dog Breeders and Exhibitors; herpesvirus, prebreeding exams for the dog and bitch, fresh-extended semen
    Mary C. Wakeman, D.V.M.
    Ashford Animal Clinic
    Canine Fertility Center
    Ashford, CT
    Our most frequent discussions about Herpes in dogs occur because of neonatal puppy death. Herpes causes puppies to die in the first two to three weeks of life, when puppies cannot regulate their body temperature. After three weeks of age the puppies acquire the ability to regulate their body temperature, and to mount a fever response. At that time, the disease no longer causes death, but can cause a respiratory disease. We rarely find much in references about this disease in the adult dog. Where it is mentioned, it is generally in regard to future breeding advisability for a bitch that has produced a litter of puppies that had herpes, or regarding the presence of vesicles (blister like lesions) on the vulva or prepuce. Recent papers published by Dr. James Everman of Washington State University, have demonstrated that the disease as we know it in dogs is very similar to the equivalent disease in horses (Rhino). This information fills in the remainder of the picture for dogs in a very dramatic fashion. The fact that Herpes virus infection in dogs has been given such little attention by veterinarians, when its effects might well have anticipated by reproductive experts, serves as an excellent demonstration of the historical lack of interest in canine reproduction by the Veterinary establishment in general.

    65. Herpes Outbreaks - Herbs To Help Stop Outbreaks
    Offers a blend of herbs intended to boost the immune system and suppress the herpes virus.
    Welcome to Home PRODUCT INFO Contact Us FACTS ... Testimonials YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Did you know that over 48 million people in the United States have herpes Nevertheless, once you are diagnosed with herpes, you tend to feel very alone. S top herpes outbreaks Cold sores This unique blend of herbs will boost your immune system and suppress the herpes virus and help keep it in remission - NATURALLY! Famvir, Valtrex, Zovirax, Acyclovir… T here are many medications out there that claim to help with herpes. Some of them have severe side effects - headaches, nausea, vomiting - who needs it! The Astragalus Herb Formula, has proven popular with many thousands of users who have found it very beneficial in treating cold sores, genital herpes and oral herpes. Orally , Huang Qi/ Astragalus is used for treating the common cold and upper respiratory infections; to strengthen and regulate the immune system; and to increase the production of blood cells particularly in individuals with chronic degenerative disease or in individuals with cancer undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It is also used orally for chronic nephritis and diabetes. Astragalus is also used orally as an antibacterial and antiviral; a tonic; liver

    66. Herpes Virus In Cats
    Mike Richards DVM 10/20/2001. herpes, arthritis and possibly other health problems. MikeRichards, DVM 8/20/2001. Long term effects of serious herpes infection.
    Please note: The information on our site is for everyone to read. Please use it as often as you like.
    However, Ask Dr Mike is available only to subscribers of our Vetinfo Digest. Please do not send questions if you are not a subscriber.
    Please use the search engine or one of the indexes to see if the information
    you need is already online. Please see Subscriber info for details. Subscriber Info
    The income from the subscriptions helps defray the cost of maintaining the site and allows us
    to keep the large amount of information on free to our readers.
    Infectious Disease - Herpes Virus or Rhinotracheitis
    Herpes, eye drops and other medication

    Herpes, arthritis and possibly other problems

    Long term effects of serious herpes infection

    Herpes, IBD and Giardia
    ... Herpes Virus also see Herpes in Catteries, shelters and multicat households also see Eye problems also see Infectious disease also see Respiratory problems also see Allergy
    Herpes and eye drops and medication Question: Dear Dr.Richards, One of my 3 cats have recently been diagnosed with feline herpes. She

    67. Statens Folkhälsoinstitut Informerar Om Könssjukdomar (STI)
    Om symptom, smitta och hur man f¶rh¥ller sig som smittad.

    68. Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Eye Infections
    herpes zoster is the medical name for shingles. herpes Zoster (Shingles) Eye Infections.What is herpes Zoster? herpes zoster is the medical name for shingles.
    Our Doctors Laser Vision Correction Cataract Surgery Conductive Keratoplasty ... Retinal Conditions (Including Macular Degeneration) Surgery Cornea Glaucoma General Eye Care Latest Information ... Financing Seminars SEARCH Home
    Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Eye Infections
    What is Herpes Zoster?
    Herpes zoster is the medical name for shingles. It is caused by reactivation in the adult years of the chicken pox virus that occurred during childhood (the varicalla-zoster virus). The virus can be reactivated when the body's immunity to the virus breaks down. This may happen due to normal aging, or the body's immune system may become weakened due to stress from illness, physical or emotional stress, fatigue, poor nutrition, certain medications, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or other factors.
    Once reactivated, the virus travels along nerve fibers, usually settling in fairly isolated areas of skin on one side of the body. The infected area of the body usually has severe pain, itching, redness, numbness, and the development of a rash. The rash on the skin develops into small, fluid-filled blisters called vesicles. Within a few days of their appearance on the skin, the vesicles break open and form scabs. In severe cases, the rash can leave permanent scars, long standing pain, numbness, and skin discoloration.
    How Does Herpes Zoster Affect The Eyes?

    69. Infectious Disease - Canine Herpes Virus
    Infectious Disease herpes Virus herpes herpes virus titer Neonatalherpes Virus Canine herpes Virus (CHV) herpes virus in dogs.
    Please note: The information on our site is for everyone to read. Please use it as often as you like.
    However, Ask Dr Mike is available only to subscribers of our Vetinfo Digest. Please do not send questions if you are not a subscriber.
    Please use the search engine or one of the indexes to see if the information
    you need is already online. Please see Subscriber info for details. Subscriber Info
    The income from the subscriptions helps defray the cost of maintaining the site and allows us to keep the large amount of information on www.vetinfo .com free to our readers.
    Infectious Disease - Herpes Virus

    Herpes virus titer

    Neonatal Herpes Virus

    Canine Herpes Virus (CHV)
    also see Infectious Disease
    also see Reproduction
    Herpes virus in dogs Question: Hi Dr. Mike, I would like to know about herpes virus in dogs, Is it true that the bitch has to be exposed to the virus for the first time in the last three weeks of gestation or first three weeks after whelping for the puppies to succumb to the disease? also should this bitch be bred again and will the stud dog be

    Preven§£o e detec§£o do cancer ginecologico. Papiloma v­rus e herpes v­rusorienta§µes sobre colposcopia, diagn³stico e tratamento.

    71. New York Daily News - Daily Dish & Gossip - Lloyd Grove's Lowdown: Simmons & Co.
    Brown Which was? . Bush herpes. . Brown then interrogates Bush s about hisvarious sex partners Did you pay them for that sex? . Bush No, I did not. .
    Current Archive Lloyd Grove is The Daily News' newest gossip columnist, joining us from The Washington Post, where he wrote the widely read 'Reliable Source' column. E-mail:

    Past Columns Now you can visit our complete archive of Lloyd Grove's columns. Click below for the complete lineup and a free sneak preview of each column, plus info on our affordable purchase options!

    Where's the place to be for aspiring socialites seeking to calm their raging status anxiety? Apparently, it's still the flashy island of St. Bart's. Lowdown's St. Bart's social correspondent, hip-hop and fashion mogul Russell Simmons , filed this report yesterday from the celeb-strewn Caribbean isle, where he and wife Kimora Lee have been renting the fabulous Rothschild estate: "We came down here on the 20th. We planned this party for the 29th. But I woke up in the morning and thought everybody's had so much fun. Not me, though - I've been staying home. But I was afraid to have that much fun at my house, you know? I was worried it would be too much work. But Kimora's younger than me, and she's got more energy. She put it together. She got everything organized. The staff, the music, everything. "I just didn't want the effort. I came back at about 9:30 p.m., and everything was all set up.

    72. Genital Herpes Acne Treatment Nail Fungus Stds
    Provides information on sexually transmitted disease, HIV, condyloma and genital herpes treatment.
    Condyloma and genital warts treatment information
    Click here to ENTER
    We provide condyloma and genital warts treatment information, and stds info. We are dedicated to searching out botanical treatments, based not on folklore, but scientific data. If we can't find clinical or other scientific studies to support efficacy, we won't sell the product! We are members of the American Botanical Council and the NNFA, which assures you that we are making the finest products available. If your browser does not support frames please click here
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    Genital Wart Treatment
    This site is a member of WebRing.
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    73. Herpes Zoster Shingles
    Shingles (herpes zoster) is a nerve infection caused by the chickenpoxvirus. Shingles herpes Zoster (Shingles). I. Definition Shingles
    Herpes Zoster (Shingles) I. Definition: Shingles (herpes zoster) is a nerve infection caused by the chicken-pox virus. Shingles results from reactivation of the chicken-pox virus that remained in your body since you had chicken poxperhaps many years ago. II. Causes:
    • Herpes zoster (shingles) is caused by the chicken-pox virus.
    III. Symptoms:
    • The rash of shingles begins as red patches that soon develop blisters, often on one side of the body. The blisters may remain small or can become large. They heal in two to four weeks. They may leave scars. Many patients mistakenly believe that "nervousness" causes shingles. this is wrong; shingles is a viral infection of a nerve and has nothing to do with being "nervous." Shingles is often painful, this is because the virus travels along the nerve to get to the skin resulting in inflammation and damage to the nerve.
    III. Treatment:
    • Acyclovir helps to control the skin eruption. It is not a cure, but helps to heal the rash, provided treatment is started early. Acyclovir is taken by mouth. Even taking acyclovir may not eliminate discomfort, burning sensations, or pain. If the discomfort is mild, take Tylenol or a similar mild painkiller.

    74. Herpes Dating Personals
    Homepage for a SWM in Midwest with herpes.
    Herpes Dating and Personals
    Press "Control"+"D" to Bookmark. Hi,
    Are you looking for someone who can understand and appreciate you? Someone who lifts you when you're down, and makes you smile? Someone you're attracted to, passionate about, and is passionate about you too?
    I could be that person.
    If you are looking for a quick guide regarding genital herpes, you may want to check out About Genital Herpes
    If you are looking for a herpes dating service, you may want to check out Herpes Dating
    I'm not dating anyone, and looking.
    I'm a SWM. I'm intelligent, fun, honest, emotionally secure, in good shape, and independent. I graduated college awhile back. I'm self employed, and geographically independent. (I can run my business from pretty much anywhere.) I'm 31, but don't look it. I'm tall (5'10), with dark hair and eyes. I fit in well (and appreciate the company of) both college students and older, established business people. I'm mostly easy going, but can be agressive or assertive when situations require it. I'm funny, and sincere. I'm active, like to work out, and like to be spontaneous, and have long term goals. I can trade pictures with you. I'm in Florida.
    Romantically, I'd like to meet a woman between (about) 22 and 35 who is intelligent and attractive. We don't even need to like the same things. I like new experiences. I like most experiences, really. If we don't like the same things, maybe you could teach me to appreciate some new things. :)

    75. Herpes Simplex Cold Sores
    herpes simplex is commonly referred to as cold sores or fever blisters.It is a herpes infections are very common. It is estimated
    Herpes Simplex I. Definition: Herpes simplex begins as a group of small red bumps that blister. Sometimes this is preceded by itching and burning of the area. The blisters begin to dry up after a few days and form a yellow crust. The crust then falls off and the redness slowly goes away. The whole process takes about 10-14 days. Scars rarely form. Some people experience just some itching or burning in the area while most people have no symptoms at all. II. Causes:
    • There are two kinds of herpes virus, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 virus causes 60% of the cold sores so common on the lips and face. The other 40% of cases are caused by type 2. On the genitalia these percentages are reversed, that is 40% of genital herpes cases are caused by type 1 and 60% of cases are caused by type 2. Herpes simplex is transmitted by sexual contact, kissing, or other close contact. Family members should not share towels or linen with someone who has an outbreak of herpes on the genitalia or cold sores. Herpes can spread from person to person even when an infected individual has no outbreak or symptoms. Once you have herpes simplex type 1, you cannot be reinfected with the type 1 virus. You can however be infected with the type 2 virus.

    76. Herpes Simplex
    herpes simplex infections commonly cause either cold sores around the mouthor blisters in the genital area (also known as genital herpes).

    Parents Infections Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Signs and Symptoms:
    Herpes simplex infections commonly cause either cold sores around the mouth or blisters in the genital area (also known as genital herpes). The two strains of HSV (named type 1 and type 2) each cause different signs and symptoms and differ as to where the herpes lesions occur. Cold sores around the mouth are most often caused by the herpes simplex virus - type 1 (HSV-1 or gingivostomatitis). HSV-1 is usually transmitted from person to person by saliva or direct contact. People may have several episodes of cold sores during a lifetime, and in young children the first (primary) episode can be more bothersome. In primary HSV-1, blisters form on the lips and on the inside of the mouth, and these blisters soon develop into painful ulcers. The gums become red and swollen, and the tongue may develop a white coating. Other symptoms may include fever , muscle aches, eating difficulties, a generally ill feeling, irritability, and swollen neck glands. These symptoms may last from 3 to 14 days. After this primary episode subsides, the HSV-1 virus usually lies dormant in nearby nerves.

    77. Health And Medical Information: Diseases And Conditions, Medical Dictionary, Pro's description of the condition including outlines of symptoms and the herpes virus theory.

    78. Genital Herpes (HSV-2)
    herpes (HSV2). What Is It? Genital herpes (pronounced her-peez)is caused by a virus called herpes simplex (HSV). There are two

    Teens Sexual Health
    What Is It?
    Genital herpes (pronounced: her -peez) is caused by a virus called herpes simplex (HSV). There are two different types of herpes virus, which are called HSV-1 and HSV-2. Most forms of genital herpes are HSV-2, however a person with HSV-1 can transmit the virus through oral sex to another person's genitals. HSV-1 causes the cold sores or fever blisters that appear on or around the mouth, lips, or nose of many people. Most people have a cold sore at one time or another. It can be transmitted (passed from person to person) by sharing eating utensils, towels, and razors - or from kissing someone with a cold sore. The other type of herpes, HSV-2, is a sexually transmitted disease . It causes herpes sores in the genital area, and it is transmitted through intimate sexual contact (vaginal, oral, or anal sex), especially from unprotected sex. Because the virus does not live outside the body for long, you cannot catch genital herpes from an object, such as a toilet seat. How Does a Girl Know She Has It?

    79. GlaxoSmithKline - Atopiskt Eksem, Barnastma, Bältros, Dermovat, Diabetes Sympto
    Framst¤ller l¤kemedel f¶r astma, migr¤n och herpes. Information om symptom vid diabetes, r¶kavv¤njning och h¶snuva.

    80. ’Pƒƒwƒ‹ƒyƒX‚ƏãŽè‚ɂ‚«‚ ‚¤‚½‚ß‚É
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