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Herniated Lumbar Disk: more detail |
21. Ruptured Disk and the options for treatment.Dr. Humberto Trejos, Costa Rica. Disc Disorders Of The Cervical...... herniated lumbar disk http://www.thenewhealthfind.com/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/MusculoskeletalDiso | |
22. Herniated Disc and the options for treatment....... Specialties Pain Management Chronic Pain Health Medicine Surgery Orthopedicsherniated lumbar disk http://www.thenewhealthfind.com/health/Herniated Disc | |
23. Back Pain: A Brief Overview For example, a history of back and leg pain worsening with coughing or sneezingand alleviated by rest or leg bending suggests a herniated lumbar disk. http://www.ortho.hyperguides.com/Tutorials/spine/backpain/tutorial.asp | |
24. Hermiated Disk - Signs, Symptoms, What It Is, Learn About It A herniated lumbar disk causes leg and back pain, in addition to weakness.Here you can get information, learn more about a disc http://www.jointhealing.com/pages/back/herniated_disk.html | |
25. Herniated Disk herniated lumbar disk herniated lumbar disk (Please click on pictures for a moredetailed view) 1 Artists rendering of herniated disk 2 CT scan showing http://www.health-nexus.com/herniated_disk.htm | |
26. Percutaneous Endoscopic (Arthroscopic) Cervical/Lumbar Discectomy Side view of herniated lumbar disk. For many, the only treatment issurgical removal of part of the herniated disk; a major traumatic http://www.spineuniverse.com/displayarticle.php/article595.html |
27. BioMed Central | Full Text | Surgery For The Herniated Lumbar Disk With Nerve Ro To obtain access to Current Pain and Headache Reports through yourinstitution use the options below. If you would like information http://www.biomedcentral.com/1531-3433/2/121 | |
28. BioMed Central | Abstract | Does A Herniated Lumbar Disk With Nerve Root Entrapm Report Does a herniated lumbar disk with Nerve Root Entrapment RequireSurgical Intervention Are Alternative Treatments as Effective? http://www.biomedcentral.com/1531-3433/2/115/abstract | |
29. Herniated Lumbar Disk - Herniated Lumbar Disc Herniated Lumbar Disc. What is it, how it...... Extra Link Information. Name herniated lumbar disk Herniated LumbarDisc http://www.bhanvad.com/directory/Health/Diseases_and_Conditions/Alphabetical_Lis | |
30. Herniated Lumbar Disk herniated lumbar disk. This article submitted by Deborah I. Maldonadoon 1/27/97. He recently found out about a herniated lumbar disk. http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/neurowebforum/SpinalDisordersArticles/1.27.978. | |
31. HerbChina2000.com - Herbal Remedies - Herniated Nucleus Pulposus radiculopathy, Herniated intervertebral disk, Prolapsed intervertebral disk, Slippeddisk, Ruptured disk, herniated lumbar disk, Herniated cervical disk. http://www.herbchina2000.com/therapies/MLH.shtml | |
32. Herniated Lumbar Disk - Herniated Lumbar Disc herniated lumbar disk. Excessive weight The first steps to deal with aherniated or prolapsed lumbar disk are conservative. These include http://www.diagnostico.com/trejos/herniate.stm | |
33. Transcutaneous Lumbar Diskectomy diameter. In 1985, Onik et al 10 introduced a more refined approachto removing the nucleus from herniated lumbar disks. With http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/410625 |
34. Herniated Nucleus Pulposus With Radiculopathy In An Adolescent successful surgical treatment is well documented in adolescents, it has been foundthat in the absence of neurologic deficit, a herniated lumbar disk can be http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/444338 |
35. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Musculoskeletal_Di and the options for treatment....... Books about Ruptured Disk More books about Ruptured Disk . Links about RupturedDisk herniated lumbar disk http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Musculoskel |
36. Herniated Lumbar Disk Is A... Hartford, Connecticut , Saint Francis Care - Hartf herniated lumbar disk is a Hartford, Connecticut , Saint Francis Care courtesyof Saint Francis Care of Hartford, Connecticut, contemporary medicine with http://www.saintfranciscare.com/17742.cfm | |
37. DISEASE: Herniated Lumbar Disk herniated lumbar disk Injury Law www.spinal-cord-injury-resources.com Researchyour legal rights and find an attorney for a herniated lumbar disk injury. http://disease.bigtome.com/big/page/Herniated_Lumbar_Disk | |
38. Cohort R20: Residuals Of Herniated Lumbar Discs of herniated lumbar discs Summary This cohort was compiled from 1,095 individualswith first admission to Army hospitals for herniated lumbar disk disease in http://www4.nas.edu/iom/mfuacat.nsf/0/3acfa9f824f616498525696f0067ab95?OpenDocum |
39. EHow.com: How To Recover From A Herniated Disk Recovering from a herniated lumbar disk takes a long time, but there aretreatment guidelines you can follow that will reduce your symptoms. http://www.ehow.com/how_6658_recover-herniated-disk.html | |
40. Index | The Medical Follow-up Agency: The First Fifty Years, 19461996 | Edward herniated lumbar disks, studying, 35, 40, 46, 48. Hodgkin s disease, studying,13, 18, 20, 26, 35, 40. Howson, Chris, 74. See herniated lumbar disks. M. http://books.nap.edu/html/mfua_first50/bk_index.html | |
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