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         Hepatitis:     more books (100)
  1. Triumph Over Hepatitis C : An Alternative Medicine Solution (Revised Edition) by Dr. John Finnegan, 2000-06
  2. Hepatitis C Virus Disease: Immunobiology and Clinical Applications
  3. Living With Hepatitis C: A Survivor's Guide by Gregory T. Everson, Hedy Weinberg, 1999-03
  4. Hepatitis C Protocols (Methods in Molecular Medicine)
  5. Coping Successfully with Hepatitis C (Self-help) by Richard English, Graham Foster, 1997-04-24
  6. Immunization Safety Review: Hepatitis B Vaccine and Demyelinating Neurological Disorders by Immunization Safety Review Committee, 2002-10-17
  7. Contemporary Diagnosis and Management of Hepatitis C by Zobair M. Younossi, Janus P. Ong, et all 2003-06-01
  8. A Book of Love for those with Hepatitis C 1a by Sheryl Ann Hedrick, 2006-07-06
  9. 48 Weeks: Living with and through the treatment of Hepatitis C by Lynn Seiser, 2010-07-10
  10. Hepatitis C Virus, An Issue of Clinics in Liver Disease (The Clinics: Internal Medicine) by K. Rajender Reddy MD, David Kaplan MD, 2008-08-11
  11. Understanding Hepatitis by M.D.James L. Achord, 2002-07-15
  12. The 2010-2015 Outlook for Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Therapeutics in Europe by Icon Group International, 2009-05-28
  13. Viral Hepatitis: Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prevention
  14. Hepatitis A Vaccine: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, And Annotated Research Guide To Internet References by Icon Health Publications, 2004-10-04

61. Hepatitis-clasificación
Descripci³n, informaci³n del agente, sintomatolog­a, tratamiento y complicaciones de las hepatitis A, B, C, D y E.
En la clasificación de hepatitis víricas se agrupan infecciones diversas que guardan semejanza en muchos aspectos, pero difieren en su etiología y en algunas características epidemiológicas, inmunológicas, clínicas y patológicas. Su prevención y control varían considerablemente. Por lo tanto cada una se presentará por separado.
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis D ... Vigilancia Epidemiológica
Descripción Distribución Agente Infeccioso Modos de transmisión ... Incidencia en Costa Rica
Descripción Distribución Agente Infeccioso Modos de transmisión ... Incidencia en Costa Rica
Descripción Distribución Agente Infeccioso Modos de transmisión ... Incidencia en Costa Rica
Descripción Distribución Agente Infeccioso Modos de transmisión ... Incidencia en Costa Rica
Descripción Distribución Agente Infeccioso Modos de transmisión ... Incidencia en Costa Rica

62. Jak Unikn±c Wirusowego Zapalenia W±troby
Podstawowe informacje i dane na temat hepatitis, profilaktyka, typy wzw

Czy wiesz co wiesz

Co to jest WZW Czy ¿ó³taczka jest czêst± chorob± Objawy wirusowego zapalenia w±troby Badania pomocne w rozpoznaniu WZW Czy wirusowe zapalenie w±troby mo¿e mieæ gro¼ne skutki ... Gdzie mo¿na zaszczepiæ siê przeciwko WZW
Opracowanie: dr med. Tomasz Smiatacz
Specjalista chorób zaka¼nych
Klinika Chorób Zaka¼nych AM w Gdañsku
Definicja wirusowego zapalenia w±troby (WZW)
jest przede wszystkim objawem chorobowym, oznaczaj±cym ¿ó³te zabarwienie skóry i bia³kówek oczu. Jest to objaw ³atwo rozpoznawalny i sugeruj±cy mo¿liwo¶æ uszkodzenia w±troby, ale tak¿e wystêpuje w przypadku masywnego rozpadu krwinek czerwonych lub przy mechanicznym zamkniêciu dróg ¿ó³ciowych.
Potocznie mianem " ¿ó³taczki zaka¼nej " okre¶la siê wirusowe zapalenie w±troby (WZW) - jednostkê chorobow±, w której dochodzi do uszkodzenia w±troby na skutek zaka¿enia jednym z wirusów tzw. hepatotropowych - czyli wirusów wyspecjalizowanych w zaka¿aniu i niszczeniu komórek w±trobowych (tzw. hepatocytów). Obecnie znanych jest 7 wirusów hepatotropowych wywo³uj±cych WZW. Okre¶la siê je kolejnymi literami alfabetu od A do G (bez F!) oraz wirus TTV. Skróty nazw tych wirusów (HAV, HBV, HCV) tworzone s± od ich nazw ³aciñskich (np. Hepatitis A Virus - HAV).
Czy wirusowe zapalenie w±troby jest czêst± chorob±?

63. Hepatitis B Virus Page
This is a growing web site dedicated to the hepatitis B virus.
This site makes extensive use of Macromedia Flash. If page is not fully visible,
- See What's New for Latest Updates -
Choose a Point of Interest What's New? History Pathogenesis Epidemiology Diagnosis Clinical Features Treatments Prevention Genome Life Cycle Particle Types Core Protein (HBc) Surface Proteins (HBs) Polymerase Protein (HBp) X Protein (HBx) Terminology Related Links About This Site
  • NOTE: These pages are to here to provide information to those wishing to learn more about this virus and related diseases. However, no part of these pages or information contained within should be used as personal medical advice. Health concerns should be discussed with a professional health care provider.

since May 23, 1999.

64. 'Hepatitis C': Veritat O Manipulació?.
Questionament de l'epid¨mia d''hepatitis C' anunciada a Val¨ncia. Cr­tica dels tests i questionament de l'exist¨ncia del virus de l''hepatitis C'.
actuar legalment contra el responsable i quins ho han tapat no crear alarma social tranquilitzar als ciutadans consumeix el fetge La Vanguardia La Vanguardia La Vanguardia Barcelona, 29 d'abril del 1998.

65. Hepatitis Central, Veterans Miscellaneous Links
Offers support for personnel who have tested positive, and those with liver diseases such as cirrhosis or liver cancer. Provides links to related resources.
Living With Hepatitis C?
Learn how to safely and
effectively protect your
liver using clinically-
proven natural remedies.
Get the facts here...
Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C ... Link to Hepatitis Central
The top hepatitis stories compiled from over 5,500 online sources, updated every 15 minutes
Ad - Jun 2 2004 9:13PM GMT TopAbstracts in Hepatitis C 06/01/2004
Doctors Guide Jun 2 2004 2:10PM GMT Treatment helps 26% of black Americans with chronic hepatitis C
Medical Science News Jun 1 2004 2:10PM GMT Study: Blacks respond less to hepatitis C treatment Indianapolis Star May 30 2004 9:31AM GMT Chronic Hepatitis C Infection Treatments Elicit Significantly Lower Response Rates in Black Patients Compared Doctors Guide May 28 2004 2:45AM GMT Response to Hepatitis C Treatment Worse for Blacks WebMD May 28 2004 2:24AM GMT New study challenges current thinking about varied response to hepatitis C treatment in different racial group Medical Science News May 27 2004 4:25PM GMT Including Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis D, Hepatitis E, Hepatitis G, Autoimmune Hepatitis, etc.

ASHA Facts Answers about STDs hepatitisBasic information about hepatitis, a viral infection that is sexually transmitted. Information to Live By hepatitis. What is hepatitis?

67. - Third Death Reported In Hepatitis Outbreak - Nov. 14, 2003
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Third death reported in hepatitis outbreak
Story Tools PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (AP) Another hepatitis patient died Friday, bringing to three the number of deaths from a hepatitis A outbreak linked to a Mexican restaurant in western Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, the restaurant chain said it was removing green onions from the menu in all of its outlets. HEALTH LIBRARY Health Library What is hepatitis A? Digestive system YOUR E-MAIL ALERTS Follow the news that matters to you. Create your own alert to be notified on topics you're interested in. Or, visit Popular Alerts for suggestions. Manage alerts What is this? The patient died around 4:15 a.m. Friday at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital, the hospital said in a statement. No other information about the latest victim was released. More than 400 people have fallen ill from the outbreak, linked to a Chi-Chi's restaurant in the Beaver Valley Mall, about 25 miles northwest of Pittsburgh. Jeff Cook, 38, died on November 7 of liver failure in a Pittsburgh hospital. Dineen Wieczorek, 52, died in a Cleveland hospital Wednesday night while awaiting a liver transplant, said her daughter, Darleen Trunzo. Both Cook and Wieczorek had eaten at the restaurant in October, according to their families.

68. Hepatits A
Translate this page hepatitis A Die Inkubationszeit beträgt ca. zwei Wochen bis zwei Monate, Todesfälle an hepatitis A allein sind extrem selten.
var imagepath ="/www/de/"; AA-Homepage Gesundheitsdienst Merkblätter Hepatits A
Hepatitis A
Bitte beachten Sie in jedem Fall den untenstehenden Haftungsausschluss. Die Infektion
Das Krankheitsbild
Die Diagnose
Die Therapie
Prophylaxe und Impfung
Umgang mit Hepatitis A-Kranken
Gelbsucht anderer Ursache Die Infektion:
Die Hepatitis A (infektiöse Gelbsucht mit dem Virustyp A) ist eine weltweit, besonders in den Tropen, verbreitete Virusinfektion der Leber. Die Gelbfärbung ("Gelbsucht") ist am Augapfel und oft auch an heller Haut beim Erkrankten gut sichtbar. Sie ist durch den Gallenfarbstoff bedingt, den die Leber nicht ordentlich verarbeiten kann. Die Viren werden über den Darm ausgeschieden und die Infektion wird dann vom Mensch zu Mensch durch engen sozialen Kontakt (Berührung), durch die Nahrung (z.B. Muscheln), durch infiziertes Wasser oder nichtgekochte Speisen direkt übertragen.
Das Krankheitsbild: Die Erkrankung verläuft besonders bei Kindern recht häufig unbemerkt oder sehr leicht. Erwachsenen macht die Erkrankung jedoch im akuten Stadium unangenehme Beschwerden einer Allgemeininfektion (z.B. andauernde Kreislaufprobleme, Schwäche, Übelkeit, Durchfall oder auch psychische Reaktionen). Sie ist zu Beginn immer ansteckend und bedingt oft längere Arbeitsunfähigkeit über Monate. Die Inkubationszeit beträgt ca. zwei Wochen bis zwei Monate, Todesfälle an Hepatitis A allein sind extrem selten. Eine hohe Zahl von Erkrankungen verläuft unbemerkt, zum großen Teil auch in der Kinder- oder Jugendzeit, und hinterläßt einen lebenslangen Schutz (keine Impfung notwendig!).

69. Bloodborne Pathogen Training Module
Online Training Module What are bloodborne pathogens? hepatitis and HIV, routes of exposure, engineering controls, HBV vaccinations. (Oklahoma State University)
Oklahoma State University
The Bloodborne Pathogens training module has moved to: Many apologies for the inconvenience. [Training Modules] [EHS Page]

70. Hepatitis B
Translate this page hepatitis B Einige Ähnlichkeiten zu hepatitis A bestehen, jedoch finden sich für den Patienten auch ganz wesentliche Unterschiede.
var imagepath ="/www/de/"; AA-Homepage Gesundheitsdienst Merkblätter Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B
Bitte beachten Sie in jedem Fall den untenstehenden Haftungsausschluss. Die Infektion
Das Krankheitsbild
Die Diagnose
Die Therapie
Prophylaxe / Impfung
Umgang mit Hepatitis B-Kranken
Für den Hepatitis B-Erkrankten gilt
Gelbsucht anderer Ursache
Die Infektion: Die Hepatitis B (infektiöse Gelbsucht vom Virustyp B) ist, wie die Hepatitis A , eine weltweit, besonders in den Tropen verbreitete Virusinfektion der Leber. Einige Ähnlichkeiten zu Hepatitis A bestehen, jedoch finden sich für den Patienten auch ganz wesentliche Unterschiede. Die Virusinfektion führt zu Funktionseinschränkungen der Leber, der Gallenfarbstoff kann nicht mehr normal ausgeschieden werden und wird bei einem Teil der Patienten als Gelbfärbung sichtbar ("Gelbsucht"). Die Infektion erfolgt i.d.R. durch Sexualkontakte, die Hepatitis B-Infektion gilt deshalb als Geschlechtskrankheit, auch wenn andere Übertragungswege gelegentlich vorkommen: durch Spritzen, Kanülen, Bluttransfusionen oder unter der Geburt. Auch intensiver sozialer Kontakt (über Jahre), wie z.B. Mutter/Kind-Beziehung soll eine Infektion möglich machen. Der genaue Weg dieser Ansteckung ist nicht klar. Das Krankheitsbild: Die Erkrankung verläuft relativ oft unbemerkt. Neben der Gelbfärbung der Haut und vielen Allgemeinsymptomen incl. Kreislaufproblemen, Übelkeit, Durchfall, allgemeine Schwäche oder auch psychische Reaktionen gibt es bei der Hepatitis B auch seltene, hochgefährlich verlaufende akute Erkrankungen:

71. Hepatitis In Der Schweiz / Hepatite En Suisse
Translate this page Hier erhalten Sie umfangreiche Informationen über hepatitis C, der stillen Epidemie in der Schweiz.

72. Index
hepatitis DOCTOR HOME. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own and are based on my experience in treating more than 2,000 patients with hepatitis C.
I have 150 emails to answer. I am way behind. Please be patient with me. Ben Cecil, MD Email Dr Cecil ... HEPATITIS DOCTOR HOME Welcome to patients with chronic viral hepatitis B or C and to their loved ones. We can cure about half of the patients with chronic hepatitis C, including some with advanced cirrhosis and liver failure. If you are cured, your viral level falls to undetectable on treatment and stays there the rest of your life, even after you stop the medications. If the virus shows up again in your blood you were not cured. If your viral HCV-RNA is undetectable 6 months after your last injection of interferon, you have a 97-99% chance of permanent cure. Click here for HCV info I add information to this web site as often as I can, and I want to make it the best possible resource for patients whom are often told that they cannot be helped. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own and are based on my experience in treating more than 2,000 patients with hepatitis C. I am especially interested in developing the best treatment for patients with advanced hepatitis C cirrhosis. We can prevent the need for transplantation for some of these patients. We can prevent recurrent HCV in some who must be transplanted if we cure the HCV.

73. Rapid Medical Systems, Inc.
Home test kits for breast cancer, HIV, stomach ulcers and hepatitis.

74. Hepatitis C Association, Hepatitis C Awareness, Donor Support, And Education
The focus of the hepatitis C Association is to educate the public, both medical professionals and private citizens, about hepatitis C virus.
UPDATED DEC 12, 2003!! - NEWS from AASLD 2003 click here to read
How Private is My Medical Information click to read
Notify the FDA of side effects associated with interferon and/or ribavirin click to read
What is Hepatitis?

Our Mission
Who's Involved ... Contact Information We are not health professionals and all information should
be checked with your healthcare provider.
Site last updated: May 31, 2004
Wolf Web Publications

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75. - Health - Paramedic With Hepatitis C Stages Sit-in At Philadelphia City
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New treatments hold out hope for breast cancer patients


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Davos protesters confront police MORE ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES:
Paramedic with hepatitis C stages sit-in at Philadelphia City Hall
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (AP) A paramedic who said she became infected with hepatitis C during an emergency call several years ago staged a sit-in at city hall, vowing not to leave until the mayor approves a contract that would increase health benefits. Lt. Mary Kohler, an 11-year veteran of the Philadelphia Fire Department, remained in a hallway outside Mayor John F. Street's office early Wednesday. She was joined by another firefighter with the disease.

76. Hepatitis Control Report

77. - Study Suggests Blacks With Hepatitis C Less Likely To Become Virus-fre
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New treatments hold out hope for breast cancer patients


Thousands dead in India; quake toll rapidly rising

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Davos protesters confront police MORE ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES:
Study suggests blacks with hepatitis C less likely to become virus-free
CHICAGO (AP) Studies have shown that many hepatitis C patients recover from the liver-threatening disease, but new research suggests black people are much less likely to become free of the virus than whites. A study by Johns Hopkins School of Medicine showed that white people are about five times more likely to become virus-free than blacks.

78. HLÖ Hepatitis Liga Österreich - Willkommen
Translate this page hepatitis Liga Östereich, A-1090 Wien, +43/0676/421 40 25

79. Welcome To Shantha Biotech
Offering rDNA derived streptokinase, human inteferon alpha of type 2b, and hepatitisB vaccine, with developments in endocrine, growth factors, immunotherapy, vaccine and diagnostics. Based in Hyderabad, India.
About Us Products Services Joint Ventures ... Contact Us Life is for Living.
Life is a celebration of what nature has empowered us with. Life is both a mechanical process involving cells and tissues and a dynamic, radical form of energy that is constantly improving, changing and reproducing itself. Awards User Login Username: Password: News Desk Shantha Biotech bags DSIR award for Shanferon (TIMES NEWS NETWORK, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2003) Shantha Biotechnics launches clot-buster drug (THE ECONOMIC TIMES, Hyd, OCTOBER 18, 2003) Shanvac-B Shanferon ... Future Products Search within the site

80. Die Kranke Leber - Ursache Und Diagnose Von Lebererkrankungen
Informationen zu sowie Service und Tipps bei Lebererkrankungen, wie Leberzirrhose, Hepatischer Enzephalopathie, hepatitis, Fettleber und Gelbsucht.
Herzlich willkommen bei!
Hier erhalten Sie wissenswerte Informationen
zum Thema Lebererkrankungen.
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