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41. Heartburn heartburn occurs when the acid contents of the stomach pass backwards up into the food pipe (called the gullet or oesophagus). heartburn. http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/health_advice/facts/heartburn.htm | |
42. Www.tn-laparoscopic-cntr.com Expertise in the area of laparoscopic gallbladder, hernia, colon, and heartburn therapy. http://www.tn-laparoscopic-cntr.com | |
43. Welcome To Digestive Health & Nutrition Magazine Offers practical, upto-date news, tips, and treatment information for sufferers of digestive disorders, including colon cancer, constipation, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, GERD, heartburn, hepatitis, and lactose intolerance. http://www.dhn-online.org/ | |
44. Encyclopaedia Topic : Heartburn, Section : Introduction NHS Direct Online Health Encyclopaedia. heartburn. Search. Introduction. heartburn is a form of indigestion. It is usually felt as a pain behind the breastbone. http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/en.asp?TopicID=235 |
45. Alka-Seltzer -- Alka Seltzer Plus Features information about this line of heartburn and cold relief products. Requires Flash http://www.alka-seltzer.com/ |
46. Heartburn Helpline - GERD Awareness Facts about GERD and why it could be the cause of frequent heartburn http://www.aboutgerd.org/week.html | |
47. AskMen.com - Heartburn Feel The Burn The Lowdown On heartburn By Joshua Levine Health Correspondent Every 2nd Saturday, », AskMen.com Specials. what is heartburn? http://www.askmen.com/sports/health_60/69_mens_health.html | |
48. Heartburn And Acid Indigestion Information From Tagamet HB200 Manufacturer's information on heartburn and acid indigestion. Learn how to prevent symptoms of heartburn with Tagamet. http://www.tagamethb.com/ | |
49. Habitual Heartburn Habitual heartburn While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us. Ben Franklin. May 2004. http://www.surreally.net/heartburn/ | |
50. Digestive Enzymes-Digestive Enzyme Supplements For Better Digestion From Enzyme Digestive enzymes to help nutritional and gastric disorders like heartburn, indigestion, and obesity. Includes product recommendations for individual health problems. http://www.enzymeessentials.com/ | |
51. Heartburn And Indigestion heartburn and Indigestion. In the United States, almost 50% of the population has heartburn at least once a month; 7% have it daily. heartburn. http://quickcare.org/gast/heartburn.html | |
52. Zantac75.com A dynamic gathering place where medical professionals can obtain information about heartburn and digestive health. http://www.zantac75.com/ |
53. Heartburn heartburn. heartburn. heartburn. One in a series heartburn / drug therapy. Practice guidance otc omeprazole. This practice guidance for http://omni.ac.uk/browse/mesh/detail/C0018834L0018834.html | |
54. Aciphex.com - Heartburn Hurts...Relief Is Possible Rabeprazole sodium. Provides information for a treatment for heartburn as a result of erosive GERD. http://www.aciphex.com/ | |
55. Indigestion, Heartburn, And Low Stomach Acidity heartburn refers to a burning feeling that can be caused by stomach acid regurgitating into the esophagus Indigestion, heartburn, and Low Stomach Acidity. http://www.mycustompak.com/healthNotes/Concern/Indigestion.htm | |
56. The SURGERY CENTER Expertise with laser and laparoscopic surgical treatments for treatment of hernias, gallbladders, heartburn, and veins. http://www.thesurgerycenter.net | |
57. Familydoctor.org/healthfacts/087/ heartburn Hints on Dealing With the Discomfort familydoctor. heartburn Hints on Dealing With the Discomfort. What is heartburn? Despite its name, heartburn doesn t affect the heart. Return to top. What causes heartburn? http://familydoctor.org/healthfacts/087/ | |
58. Propulsid Legal Help/ Information About Propulsid Lawsuits Referrals to attorneys handling heart injury cases related to this heartburn medication. http://www.propulsid-legalhelp.com/ | |
59. Heartburn And Hiatus Hernia heartburn and Hiatus Hernia, Donate, What is heartburn? heartburn is a pain behind the breast bone, often described as burning in quality. http://www.digestivedisorders.org.uk/leaflets/hrtburn.htm | |
60. Welcome To Dr. Luis Alvarez's Web Site Physician of Gastroenterology, treats hemorrhoids, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis, liver disease, constipation, heartburn, diarrhea, diverticulosis and gall bladder diseases. http://www.drlalvarez.com/ | |
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