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61. Heart Murmur(Ages 3 To 8) My doctor tells me my child has a normal heart murmur. What does this mean? Mostof the time, these are normal noises called innocent heart murmurs. http://www.parentcenter.com/refcap/health/ills&inj/atoz/2181.html | |
62. Heart Murmur(Age 2) My doctor tells me my toddler has a normal heart murmur. What does this mean? Mostof the time, these are normal noises called innocent heart murmurs. http://www.parentcenter.com/refcap/health/ills&inj/atoz/2176.html | |
63. Heart Murmurs, UPMC | University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, U A comprehensive resource describing the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatmentof heart murmurs from the health care experts at the University of http://heartdisease.upmc.com/HeartMurmurs/ | |
64. Heart Murmur Heart Murmur (Systolic Murmur). How long do heart murmurs last? Innocentmurmurs can lessen over time and in some cases disappear altogether. http://www.irishhealth.com/?level=4&con=44 |
65. Heart Murmur: Health Topics: UI Health Care heart. The sounds are heard with a stethoscope. heart murmurs are noisescreated by Many children have innocent heart murmurs. They http://www.uihealthcare.com/topics/symptoms/symp3213.html | |
66. Exercise And Heart Murmurs: Health Topics: UI Health Care Exercise And heart murmurs. A heart murmur is an abnormal sound heard while examiningthe heart with a stethoscope. There are many types of heart murmurs. http://www.uihealthcare.com/topics/sportsmedicine/spor3330.html | |
67. Heart Murmur Quiz Heart Murmur Quiz, How much do you know about heart murmurs? heart murmurs are quitecommon and often harmless. True False. Pregnancy can cause a heart murmur. http://my.webmd.com/content/pages/16/98510 | |
68. Heart Murmurs heart murmurs. broader Heart Valve Diseases; Signs and Symptoms. It includes manylive audio files of heart murmurs and breath sounds for educational use. http://omni.ac.uk/browse/mesh/C0018808L0018808.html | |
69. HEART MURMURS - Meaning And Definition Of The Word Search Dictionary heart murmurs Dictionary Entry and Meaning. Definition Heartmurmurs are heart sounds that are heard by auscultation of the chest. http://www.hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/heart murmurs | |
70. Suggested Management Of Incidental Heart Murmurs Information for Professionals. Suggested management of incidental heart murmurs.Protocol for patients found to have a murmur prior to elective surgery. http://www.ich.ucl.ac.uk/clinserv/anaesthetics/professionals/06incidental.html | |
71. Heart Disease & Heart Attack Forum - Heart Murmur Information Some common causes of heart murmurs include A heart valve abnormality Theheart has four valves the aortic, mitral, tricuspid and pulmonary valves. http://ehealthforum.com/health/subject35_266762_what.html | |
72. Cardiovascular Disorders - Heart Murmurs heart murmurs What is a heart murmur? What causes a heart murmur? heart murmursmay be caused by a number of factors or diseases, including the following http://www.chkd.org/Cardiology/murmur.asp | |
73. Your Health - Heart Murmur Some adults and many children have incidental heart murmurs that are harmless (benign).However, some heart murmurs can signal an underlying heart problem. http://www.aurorahealthcare.org/yourhealth/healthgate/getcontent.asp?URLhealthga |
74. Murmur heart murmurs can be caused by congenital abnormalities (that is, abnormalitiespresent at birth). What can be done to help prevent heart murmurs? http://www.temple.edu/heart/html/murmur.html | |
75. Continuity Clinic Notebook: Heart Murmurs: When To Refer 3. Cardiopulmonary. heart murmurs When to Refer. It is always difficult to decidewhether to tell parents about normal heart murmurs. Reasons to tell parents http://www.mcg.edu/pediatrics/CCNotebook/chapter2/heartmurmurs.htm | |
76. Heart Info-Hearing Heart Murmurs Now Playing Hearing heart murmurs. Date Posted 5/1/2002, Videos Blood Test ForHeart Exam. Hearing heart murmurs. Cooling Heart Patients. Hand Held Heart Exam. http://www.heartinfo.org/ms/video/1899/main.html | |
77. Murmur, Heart murmur, heart. However, it is actually rare that they have anything tofear, as the discussion of functional heart murmurs makes plain. http://www.drhull.com/EncyMaster/M/heart_murmur.html | |
78. Heart Murmurs Health Search Engine, heart murmurs, heart murmurs. Site Map Privacy Contact Advertise Health Directory Copyright 20002004. The New Health Directory. http://www.thenewhealthfind.com/health/heart murmurs | |
79. Causes Of Heart Murmurs Health Search Engine, Causes Of heart murmurs, Causes Of heart murmurs. SiteMap Privacy Contact Advertise Health Directory Copyright 20002004. http://www.thenewhealthfind.com/health/Causes Of Heart Murmurs | |
80. VetMedCenter - Consumer - Article Details heart murmurs. Understanding Your Pet s Medical Diagnosis What are heart murmurs?heart murmurs are vibrations caused by disturbed blood flow through the heart. http://consumer.vetmedcenter.com/consumer/display.asp?fn=P-MR-M-Ca_5-murmurheart |
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