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21. Heart Murmurs And Your Child An article addressing the diagnoses of this disorder, as well as congenital heart defects, common heart defects and their treatment. http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/medical/heart/murmurs.html | |
22. Listen To Heart Murmurs / Review Interactive Case Studies Murmurs / Review Interactive Case Studies. Cardiac Auscultation of Heartmurmurs / CD go to previous item go up a section go to next item. http://egeneralmedical.com/egeneralmedical/listohearmur.html | |
23. Discovery Health Heart Murmur heart murmurs often have no symptoms and usually are noticed only during a physicalexam. Normal or innocent heart murmurs are caused by normal blood flow. http://health.discovery.com/diseasesandcond/encyclopedia/3168.html |
24. The Auscultation Assistant Audio to differentiate the characteristics of heart murmurs and discussion of the different types of murmurs. http://www.med.ucla.edu/wilkes/inex.htm | |
25. Heart Murmur heart murmurs have different sounds. The sounds can help indicate whetherthe murmur is normal or abnormal. Bad News about heart murmurs. http://www.mamashealth.com/heart/hmurmur.asp | |
26. Synapse.uah.ualberta.ca/synapse/00b10000.htm INNOCENT heart murmursINNOCENT heart murmurs. heart murmurs is a common finding on routine examinationof infants and children. Decrease intensity of innocent heart murmurs. http://synapse.uah.ualberta.ca/synapse/00b10000.htm |
27. SchoolNurse.com An article examining how a young patient should be diagnosed and observed for detection heart murmurs. Whether to tell the parents or when to record it in the medical records is discussed. http://www.schoolnurse.com/med_info/murmurs.html | |
28. Heart Murmurs In Children What Parents Should Know heart murmurs in Children What Parents Should Know. heart murmursare common in children and are usually harmless. Return to top. http://familydoctor.org/x2058.xml | |
29. Cardiology Heart Sounds Wave Files Audio for numerous heart sounds and heart murmurs. http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/class2000/sims/HeartSounds.html |
30. Heart Murmur In Dogs Ultrasound exam is the best way to evaluate heart murmurs because it gives a goodidea of how much of the blood flow in the heart is being misdirected and also http://www.vetinfo.com/dmurmur.html | |
31. SETON.net HEALTH. CARE. MADE SIMPLER. An article discussing heart murmurs in children with two doctors. Topics covered were some causes and treatment. http://www.goodhealth.com/gh_mag/febmar98/murmurs.html | |
32. Heart Murmur In Cats ll be alright or what type of murmur it is, but what is the incidence of heart murmursin kittens, what is the percentage that it s benign as opposed to fatal http://www.vetinfo.com/cmurmur.html | |
33. Pediatric Cardiology Abnormal heart murmurs can be caused by congenital abnormalities (that is, abnormalitiespresent at birth). Innocent heart murmurs. What is a heart murmur? http://www.ucch.org/sections/cardio/new/heartmurmur.html | |
34. Heart Murmurs Heart Information. heart murmurs. What causes a heart murmur? heart murmurs maybe caused by a number of factors or events, including defective heart valves; http://www.umm.edu/cardiac/murmurs.htm | |
35. ► Heart Murmurs And Other Sounds Home Medical Reference Encyclopedia (English) Toggle English / Spanish Heartmurmurs and other sounds. Chest sounds murmurs; Heart sounds - abnormal. http://www.umm.edu/ency/article/003266.htm | |
36. Heart Murmur. Many children have innocent heart murmurs that don t require any treatmentor observation. Most heart murmurs are innocent and require no treatment. http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Heart_murmur?Open |
37. BabyCentre | Heart Murmurs heart murmurs. What is a heart murmur? However, some heart murmurs canbe a sign of a heart disorder. What do heart murmurs sound like? http://www.babycentre.co.uk/refcap/552685.html | |
38. UAB Health System | Heart Murmurs heart murmurs. What is a heart murmur? What causes a heart murmur? heart murmursmay be caused by a number of factors or diseases, including the following http://www.health.uab.edu/show.asp?durki=64299 |
39. UAB Health System | Heart Murmurs heart murmurs. What causes a heart murmur? heart murmurs may be causedby a number of factors or diseases, including defective http://www.health.uab.edu/show.asp?durki=23534 |
40. Heart Issues One big problem with heart murmurs is that they don t CONGENITAL DEFECTS. Heartmurmurs may be the result of a birth defect, or congenital malformation. http://www.backcsc.com/heart.html | |
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