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101. Fox's Medical Page A site describing a young woman's struggle with cardiomyopathy. She has a left ventricular assist device, and is waiting for a heart transplant. Site has links to educational sites on heart failure, assist devices, organ donation, and recipes. http://members.tripod.com/ferociousfox/id33.htm | |
102. Congestive Heart Failure Congestive heart failure. Also known as CHF. What is it? Congestive heart failure occurs Physicians Who Treat Congestive heart failure. http://www.hmc.psu.edu/healthinfo/c/chf.htm |
103. CNN.com - Health - Pacemakers Found To Help Heart Failure Patients - March 20, 2 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/03/20/pacemaker.heart/index.html | |
104. Patient And Public Information Center : Heart Rhythm Society heart failure Tests. The diagnosis of HF usually begins with a complete physical examination. Back to Top. heart failure Classifications. http://www.naspe-patients.org/patients/heart_disorders/heart_failure/tests.html | |
105. MayoClinic.com - Congestive Heart Failure heart failure means your heart can t efficiently pump blood throughout your body. Congestive heart failure By Mayo Clinic staff Overview http://www.mayoclinic.com/invoke.cfm?id=DS00061 |
106. CNN.com - Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Never Too Young To Prevent Heart Failure - Nov. 5, 2 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/conditions/11/05/otsc.heart.study/index.html | |
107. Congestive Heart Failure . What is heart failure? heart failure is a progressive condition......heart failure. heart failureAt a Glance. http://www.guidant.com/webapp/emarketing/compass/comp.jsp?lev1=hf&lev2=glance |
108. Congestive Heart Failure In The United States A New Epidemic Gives statistics, using graphs within the article to show the number of deaths, men to women ratio, and hospitalization data, to name a few. Research and prognosis is also discussed. http://www.citihealth.com/layout.cfm?HC=5&body=Articles/00004031 |
109. Ingenta: All Issues -- Heart Failure Reviews heart failure Reviews, ISSN 13824147 in our archives Volume 1 (1996) through Volume 9 (2004) Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers see publisher s website, http://www.ingenta.com/journals/browse/klu/hrev | |
110. Depression, Heart Failure Closely Linked Nearly half of all people being treated for heart failure on an outpatient basis may suffer from depression, research suggests. http://my.webmd.com/content/article/86/99074.htm?action=related_link |
111. Hospital Practice: Treatment Of Heart Failure Treatment of heart failure ARNOLD M. KATZ DAVID I. SILVERMAN University of Connecticut. Table 1. Initial and Secondary Responses to heart failure*. http://www.hosppract.com/issues/2000/12/eldkatz.htm | |
112. Bone Marrow Cells Help Heart Failure In Experiment CNN http://cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/conditions/04/21/heart.cells.reut/index.html |
113. New Treatments Offer Hope For Heart Failure Patients Dr. Stephen Gottlieb, the director of the heart failure Service at the University of Maryland Medical Center, discusses the basics of heart failure and http://www.umm.edu/features/heart_failure.html | |
114. Congestive Heart Failure In The Elderly Indepth look at this disorder. Some of the topics covered are diagnosing, education for patient and care giver, prevention, and treatment. http://www.hcoa.org/hcoacme/chf-cme/outline.htm | |
115. Virtual Hospital: Heart Failure Treatment Program heart failure Treatment Program. Ron Oren, MD Professor, Medical Director Department of Internal Medicine. UI Health Care heart failure Treatment Program. http://www.vh.org/adult/patient/internalmedicine/heartfailure/ | |
116. Diabetes Drugs May Cause Heart Failure Report CNN http://cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/09/09/health.diabetes.reut/index.html |
117. Virtual Hospital: University Of Iowa Family Practice Handbook, Fourth Edition: C Cardiology Congestive heart failure. James See related Provider Topics Heart and Circulation, heart failure or Seniors Health. See http://www.vh.org/adult/provider/familymedicine/FPHandbook/Chapter03/04-3.html | |
118. Spotlight Health Offers an overview, support groups, find a cardiologist, chat and further resources. http://www.spotlighthealth.com/heart_failure/hf/hf.htm | |
119. Heart Failure, UPMC | University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, U Comprehensive information on the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of congestive heart failure from the health care experts at the University of http://heartfailure.upmc.com/ | |
120. CNN.com - Study Suggests Novel Treatment For Heart Failure - Feb. 18, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/conditions/02/18/heart.statins.reut/index.html | |
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