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61. Heart_Failure - HeartCenterOnline For Patients: Heart Health Encyclopedia American Heart Association member edited encyclopedia article on Congestive heart failure (CHF). Includes heart failure. (Congestive http://www.heartcenteronline.com/myheartdr/common/articles.cfm?ARTID=254 |
62. Heart Failure Center - HeartCenterOnline For Patients American Heart Association member edited encyclopedia on Congestive heart failure (CHF). The heart failure Center. Physician Prescribed Reading. http://www.heartcenteronline.com/myheartdr/home/splash1.cfm?sp_id=33&T_Id=89 |
63. Well Advice Information utilizing lifestyle and nutrition therapies and prescriptions as an alternative to conventional medicine. Some diseases covered are atherosclerosis, heart failure, cholesterol and high blood pressure. http://www.welladvice.bigstep.com/generic.html;$sessionid$4PZOTTIAAAEGBWGIHUVHBM |
64. ACC/AHA Guidelines For The Evaluation And Management Of Heart Failure - Table Of ACC/AHA Guidelines for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic heart failure in the Adult. Endorsed by the heart failure Society of America. http://www.acc.org/clinical/guidelines/failure/hf_index.htm | |
65. California Pacific Medical Center _ Heart Failure And Transplant Program Programs for endstage cardiac disease, artificial hearts and heart transplant. http://www.cpmc.org/heart | |
66. The Physician And Sportsmedicine: Congestive Heart Failure Resource for those who are active or wish to begin being active. Discusses causes of exercise intolerance, exercise benefits, an exercise prescription as well as what to look out for. http://www.physsportsmed.com/issues/1998/08aug/clark.htm | |
67. Discovery Health Congestive Heart Failure Congestive heart failure, also known as CHF, is a condition in which a weakened heart cannot pump enough blood to body organs. http://health.discovery.com/diseasesandcond/encyclopedia/20.html |
68. Cardiovascular Medicine, Cardiovascular Surgery, And Related Cardiology Care A list of treatment alternatives available to patients with cardiomyopathy/heart failure. A list of services, information for patients and second opinions are topics discussed. http://www.bwheart.org/services_cardiomyopathy.html | |
69. Heart Failure - Heart Disease Net Picks Information and Resources on Congestive Cardiac Failure or heart failure, from your About.com guide. Search. Heart Disease / Cardiology Congestive heart failure. http://heartdisease.about.com/msubccf.htm |
70. CANPAP (Canadian Positive Airway Pressure) The CANPAP trial is a multicentre Canadian randomized clinical trial for the treatment of patients with congestive heart failure and central sleep apnea. http://www.canpap.org/ | |
71. Obesity And Heart Failure Obesity and heart failure. I am your Guide, From Richard N. Fogoros, Your Guide to Heart Disease / Cardiology. Why does obesity lead to heart failure? http://heartdisease.about.com/cs/heartfailure/a/obesityhf.htm | |
72. Biogen Inc. Established manufacturer of drug for treatment of multiple sclerosis, with research focusing on respiratory diseases and congestive heart failure. Offices throughout Europe, Canada with headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts. http://www.biogen.com/ | |
73. New Help For Failing Hearts - Trustworthy, Physician-Reviewed Information From W Health Information on heart failure,cardiac failure,medicines,drugs,Treatment,medical treatment,help,assisted,need,to need,Tips,transjugular intrahepatic http://content.health.msn.com/content/pages/5/1675_51901.htm?z=3074_00000_2402_0 |
74. ThinkQuest : Library : Congestive Heart Failure Project The CHF team goes into detail about what this disorder is. Includes topics such as symptoms, medications, rest, activity, salt intake, diet, fluid management and weight gain. http://library.thinkquest.org/27533/main.html | |
75. CHFpatients.com - Coreg And Beta-blockers For Heart Failure Information for patients with congestive heart failure. http://www.chfpatients.com/coreg.htm | |
76. PRESS RELEASE: Heart Failure Is On The Rise, But Is Under Siege By Multiple Ther PRESS RELEASE (Delivered by PRWEB Free Press Release Service) Despite increases in the incidence and prevalence of heart failure, a wide range of therapeutic http://www.prweb.com/releases/2004/5/prwebxml123092.php | |
77. PRIMACOR - Helps The Heart Work Smarter, Not Harder A phosphodiesterase inhibitor (PDE III) that is indicated for the shortterm intravenous treatment of patients with acute decompensated heart failure. Site provides information for health care professionals and patients. http://www.primacor.com/ | |
78. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) - CardiologyChannel Congestive heart failure (CHF), or heart failure, describes any condition in which the heart is unable to adequately pump blood throughout the body and/or http://www.cardiologychannel.com/chf/ | |
79. Chronic Heart Failure And Exercise CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/mayo/06/22/chronic.heart/index.html |
80. Howstuffworks "How Congestive Heart Failure Works" Congestive heart failure (CHF) afflicts an amazing number of people. Learn Conditions How Congestive heart failure Works. by Carl Bianco, MD, http://health.howstuffworks.com/congestive-heart.htm | |
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