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         Heart Diseases:     more books (102)
  1. Heart Fitness for Life: The Essential Guide for Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease by Mary P. McGowan, 1999-02-25
  2. How to Really Prevent and Cure Heart Disease by Dr. Gottfried A. Lange M.D., 2008-11-10
  3. The McDougall Program for a Healthy Heart: A Life-Saving Approach to Preventing and Treating Heart Disease by John A. McDougall, 1998-03-01
  4. Braunwald's Heart Disease e-dition: Text with Continually Updated Online Reference, Single Volume by Peter Libby MD, Robert O. Bonow MD, et all 2007-10-16
  5. Heal Your Heart with EECP: The Only Noninvasive Way to Overcome Heart Disease by Debra Braverman, 2005-11-01
  6. The Modern Nutritional Diseases: And How to Prevent Them : Heart Disease, Stroke, Type-2 Diabetes, Obesity, Cancer by Fred Ottoboni, M. Alice Ottoboni, 2002-07
  7. Nomenclature and Criteria for Diagnosis of Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels by Martin Dolgin, 1994-03
  8. Heart Disease in Pregnancy
  9. Heart Disease (Your Personal Health Series) by Rob, M.D. MD Myers, 2003-11
  10. 8 Steps to a Healthy Heart: The Complete Guide to Heart Disease Prevention and Recovery from Heart Attack and Bypass Surgery by Robert E. Kowalski, 1994-01
  11. WomenHeart's All Heart Family Cookbook by Kathy Kastan, Suzanne Banfield, et all 2007-12-26
  12. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure [PREVENT & REVERSE HEART DISEAS] by Caldwell B., Jr.(Author) ;Campbell, T. Colin(Foreword by) Esselstyn, 2007-02-28
  13. Diseases of the Hearts and Their Cures by Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah, 2000-09-30
  14. Living with Coronary Heart Disease: A Guide for Patients and Families (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) by Jerome E. Granato MD FACC, 2008-09-11

121. An Index Of Information Presented On The Heart Disease And Cardiology Home Page
More results from Congenital heart Information Network provides reliable information, support services and resources to families of children with congenital heart defects and acquired heart disease, adults with
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Heart Disease / Cardiology Home Essentials ... BEWARE: Medical Offers are Ads zau(256,152,180,'gob',''+gs,''); Dealing With Heart Disease Reducing Cardiac Risk Cholesterol, triglycerides Heart Healthy Diet ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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Subscribe to the About Heart Disease / Cardiology newsletter. zau(256,152,100,'hs','',''); Search Heart Disease / Cardiology Start Here - Cardiology 101
A one-stop resource for heart for basic information on disease and cardiology. Angioplasty (PTCA) and stents
Angioplasty (or PTCA) is a catheterization procedure in which blocked coronary arteries are unblocked using balloons, tiny drills, laser or other techniques. Stents are tiny metal scaffolds that are applied to the inside of a diseased artery, then expanded to hold the artery open. Aortic aneurysm and vascular disease
Aortic aneurysm, or dilation of the aorta, is responsible for thousands of deaths each year. Other forms of vascular heart disease also cause substantial mortality and loss of function. Arrhythmias and their treatment
Cardiac arrhythmias, or heart rhythm disturbances, can be entirely benign, or highly lethal. Telling the difference, and knowing how aggressively to treat, can present a true challenge.

122. HeartPoint: HeartPoint Gallery
12 Dangerous Myths. About heart Disease. Ventricular Arrhythmias Mitral Valve Prolapse. Endocarditis. Congenital heart Disease. heart Attack of the heart and heart disease, and not
H E A R T P O I N T G A L L E R Y Click on a frame and enjoy the animated graphics and extensive discussions of topics in
cardiology. Come back for new features which will be added on a regular basis.
HeartPoint: Exercise for Health
Ultrafast CT Smoking Advanced Lipids ... Valvular Heart Disease COPY 1997 HeartPoint Updated January 2000.
Food You Will Love HeartPoint Gallery In The News ... What's New COPY;1997 HeartPoint

123. CHIN: Links
concerns. Created and maintained by Mona Barmash and Uwe Baemayr for The Congenital heart Information Network. Exempt organization

Adults with CHD
For Nurses New categories and important resources have been added to the Links for Families page. Updated information about local Cardiology Services CHAT Become a Member Adults with CHD Advisory Panel ...
Mona Barmash

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provide public health leadership to improve cardiovascular health for all, reduce the burden, and eliminate disparities associated with heart disease and stroke
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125. Heart Disease: Information From WebMD
heart Disease Health Center. heart disease affects an estimated 62 million Americans, more than any other illness. Your Guide to heart Disease
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Heart Disease Health Center
Heart disease affects an estimated 62 million Americans, more than any other illness. Find in-depth information here about heart disease, its symptoms, treatments, and prevention. Plus, get nutritional tips and lifestyle support on our message boards. Test Your Health iQ Take a quick quiz to see what you know about heart health Heart Disease Cholesterol Hypertension Patient Education Acute MI / Heart Attack Heart Transplant Heart Failure Atrial Fibrillation ... Too Few Women Take Aspirin to Protect Heart Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of American women, but women are far less likely than men to take a daily aspirin to protect their hearts, a new study shows. Go To Article Focus on Cholesterol Do You Know Your Heart Numbers Cholesterol Should Be Lower Than Thought Cholesterol Control Alternatives Your Guide to Heart Disease Get the Facts Day-to-Day Heart Failure Tests You Take ... Drug Treatments We Knew You'd Want to Know Medicare eligible?

126. Do Antioxidants Contribute To Heart Disease?
Taking antioxidant vitamins may actually contribute to heart disease by boosting production of bad cholesterol. Do Antioxidants Contribute to heart Disease?

127. Heart Disease
New York State the empire state. heart Disease.
Healthy Heart Program, New York State
Cardiovascular Reports

128. Linus Pauling's Heart Disease Video: Theory And Therapy
Presents heart Disease A Unified Theory on Video! Over heart DISEASE THE UNIFIED THEORY AND LINUS PAULING INVENTION AND TREATMENT. The

[FAQ] [The Heart Disease CURE ... [Guestbook]
Linus Pauling
The World's Only 2-Time Unshared Nobel Prize Winner ...
Heart Disease: A Unified Theory
on Video!
Over ten years ago, the two-time Nobel prize Laureate, Dr Linus Pauling and his associate Dr Matthias Rath, advocated and published a definitive thesis on the root cause, treatment, and actual cure for all forms of cardiovascular disease (CVD), including congestive heart failure, heart disease, and stroke. Today, cardiovascular related health problems together comprise fully one half of all causes of death in the US. Pauling and Rath's brilliant analysis of CVD is absolutely compelling and amply supported by numerous epidemiological and clinical studies. His unified theory of CVD constitutes one of the greatest breakthroughs in modern science, and yet has been almost completely ignored by the mainstream medical establishment, and received almost no press. [Full Article on the Unified Theory]
Executive Summary and Introduction to Contents ...
  • Atherosclerotic plaques deposit in response to injury
  • Mechanical stress causes heart disease in vitamin-C-starved tissues
  • In 1989 it was discovered that Lp(a) binds to form plaque, not LDL
  • 129. International Task Force For Prevention Of Coronary Heart Disease
    Disclaimer Imprint. Are all statins the same? An Expert Panel report New Orleans March 6 2004 Pocket Guide to Prevention of Coronary heart Disease.


    Coronary Risk Assessment
    PROCAM Risk Calculator
    Framingham Risk Assessment
    Practical Aids to CHD Prevention
    Guide for Health Care Professionals and Patients

    Position Papers and Proceedings of the Task Force

    Slide Kits
    Current and Past Events ...
    Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

    130. Heart Disease
    However, it is more likely that you will develop some form of heart disease. Millions of Americans suffer from some form of heart disease.
    One Among Millions
    What happens if you ignore the recommended healthy heart habits? Perhaps nothing. Many people live long lives without paying much attention to their heart. However, it is more likely that you will develop some form of heart disease. Millions of Americans suffer from some form of heart disease. The statistics are staggering. Commonly, people suffer from high blood pressure . Some suffer heart disease as a result of diabetes . Others develop an arrhythmia, murmur, or irregular heartbeat. Increasingly, women are becoming the greater percentage of heart disease sufferers.
    Listen to a heart murmur. How do you know if you have heart disease? Consult your doctor. If you don't, eventually your heart will let you know. A heart attack is the heart's way of letting you know that something is seriously wrong. Occasionally, the heart disease is so severe that doctors decide that surgery is necessary. Hopefully, you'll decide to follow the recommended healthy heart habits. If you do, you won't have to worry much about heart disease. It's a decision worth making.
    Heart Disease Prevention Program
    Cardiac Rehab and Prevention

    Back to Healthy Heart

    131. NHLBI, Facts About Coronary Heart Disease
    Facts About Coronary heart Disease. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most common form of heart disease, the leading cause of death for Americans.
    Facts About Coronary Heart Disease
    Fortunately, CHD can be prevented or controlled. This fact sheet gives an overview of CHD and its prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. It describes the steps that Americans can take to protect their heart health. 8 pages. NIH Publication Number: 02-2265 You may obtain the document in the following ways:
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    Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

    132. NHLBI, Test Your Cholesterol And Heart Disease I.Q.
    Check Your. CHOLESTEROL AND heart DISEASE IQ. T, F. How cholesterol smart are you? Answers to the Cholesterol and heart Disease IQ Quiz. 1. True.
    Check Your
    Prepared by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Are you cholesterol smart? Test your knowledge about high blood cholesterol with the following statements. Circle each true or false. The answers are given on the back of this sheet. High blood cholesterol is one of the risk factors for heart disease that you can do something about. T F To lower your blood cholesterol level you must stop eating meat altogether. T F Any blood cholesterol level below 240 mg/dL is desirable for adults. T F Fish oil supplements are recommended to lower blood cholesterol. T F To lower your blood cholesterol level you should eat less saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol, and lose weight if you are overweight. T F Saturated fats raise your blood cholesterol level more than anything else in your diet. T F All vegetable oils help lower blood cholesterol levels.

    133. HeartCenterOnline - For Your Heart Health
    heartCenterOnline is the premier resource for heart disease patients and professionals. HCO For Patients features a cardiologist
    Helped Over 6 Million Live Heart Healthier! Featured Centers Blood Pressure Bypass Surgery Cholesterol Defibrillator (ICD) Heart Failure Heart Valve Stent
    Cardiovascular patient education that you can trust. Access our physician edited patient guides, animations, community and more. Enter Height ft. in.
    Enter Weight Current Goal Professionals The premier provider of Web sites and powerful marketing solutions for cardiovascular specialists.
    Premium Consumer Services
    Healthy Living Lose weight and
    stay fit the heart
    healthy way. Heart Manuals Comprehensive
    patient education
    manuals. Heart Record Your emergency
    online heart health
    record. About Us Affiliate Program Advertise With Us

    134. Valvular_Heart_Disease_Overview - HeartCenterOnline For Patients: Heart Health E
    American heart Association member edited Valvular heart Disease Overview is just one of several cardiologistedited articles on Valvular heart Disease that you

    135. Congenital Heart Disease On The Web
    Congenital heart Disease. A multimedia review of the radiologic characteristics for radiology residents.
    Congenital Heart Disease
    A multimedia review of the radiologic characteristics for radiology residents.
    Increased Pulmonary Vascularity Without Cyanosis
    Ventricular Septal Defect
    Patent Ductus Arteriosus
    Atrial Septal Defect
    Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return ...
    Left Ventricle to Right Atrium
    Increased Pulmonary Vascularity With Cyanosis
    D- T ransposition of the Great Vessels
    T ... ricuspid Atresia without Pulmonary Stenosis
    Normal Pulmonary Vascularity
    Coarctation of Aorta
    Aortic Stenosis
    Decreased Pulmonary Vascularity
    Tetralogy of Fallot
    Ebstein's Malformation of the Tricuspid Valve
    Tricuspid Atresia with Pulmonary Stenosis
    Pulmonary Stenosis or Atresia
    Increased Pulmonary Venous Vascularity
    Scimitar and Stenosis of Individual Pulmonary Veins
    Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (with Obstruction)
    Hypoplastic Left Heart
    Miscellaneous Lesions
    L-Transposition of the Great Vessels
    (From Cardiovascular Radiology , 1985, Gedgaudas, Moller, Casteneda-Zuniga, Amplatz)

    136. Medical College Of Wisconsin Healthlink Topics: Cardiac/Heart
    Many Women Ignore Greatest Health Risk heart Disease. heart disease kills Statins Revolutionize heart Disease Care. Numerous studies report
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    MCW Researchers Identify Steps to Improve CPR Survival
    "Despite widespread CPR training, survival rates after cardiac arrest remain dismal," says Tom P. Aufderheide, MD, Professor of Emergency Medicine. "Excessive ventilation may be contributing to poor outcome in these patients."
    Beating-Heart Surgery May Reduce Complications, Deaths
    In order to provide more definitive conclusions about beating-heart surgery, Dr. G. Hossein Almassi and colleagues are taking part in a nationwide study of coronary bypass patients.
    Managing High Blood Pressure in Active People
    While the prevalence of hypertension in athletes and regular exercisers is about 50% lower than in the general population, Dr. Mark Niedfeldt notes that physical activity alone doesn't guarantee normal blood pressure.
    Whole Body Scans: Not for Everyone
    Dr. Kristine Spinelli agrees that whole-body scans can detect abnormalities; but, she says, "it turns out that most of these abnormalities, when looked at closely, do not have an effect on the person's health and well-being."

    137. CRP Test For Heart Disease Risk: Valuable, But Not Definitive
    CRP Test for heart Disease Risk Valuable, But Not Definitive. Prevention Is Still Best Research into the link between inflammation and heart disease continues.
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    CRP Test for Heart Disease Risk: Valuable, But Not Definitive
    What’s creating all the buzz is a test for a substance called C-reactive protein, or CRP. It’s not a new test; C-reactive protein was first identified in the 1930s. Nor is it yet the definitive breakthrough in diagnosing risk for coronary artery disease in every patient, says cardiologist David S. Marks, MD The CRP test, which has been used to detect areas of acute inflammation from diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic fever, is increasingly being utilized in cardiac care. “Patients should know that the C-reactive protein test is not actually a diagnostic test for coronary artery disease but rather a non-specific marker for inflammation,” he says. Even if the test results are positive for inflammation, he notes, the inflammation could be triggered by other factors such as arthritis or an infection; or it could signal the potential for future heart disease. Some researchers think inflammation can trigger heart attacks by affecting the walls of diseased blood vessels. “There’s no question that C-reactive protein has moved beyond a test for the presence of rheumatic disease,” says Dr. Marks. “We keep learning more about the impact of inflammation and heart disease, but we still don’t know if the C-reactive protein mechanism has a causative effect.”

    heart Disease Stroke Home Conditions A to Z heart Disease Stroke. In the market for a home blood pressure monitor? heart Disease Stroke.

    Advanced Search Home Conditions A to Z Reducing Heart Disease Risk What is coronary heart disease? What causes CHD? What is cholesterol? What can I do to lower my risk of CHD? ... What if changing my diet doesn't help?
    Coronary Heart Disease: Reducing Your Risk
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    What is coronary heart disease?
    Coronary heart disease (CHD) is sometimes called coronary artery disease. A coronary artery is a blood vessel that carries blood to your heart. You arteries are like narrow tubes. A fatty substance called plaque can build up in your arteries, blocking or slowing the flow of blood and oxygen through them. This can happen in any artery, but when it happens in the coronary arteries, your heart doesn't get the blood and oxygen it needs to work properly. Coronary heart disease can lead to serious health problems, including angina (pain or pressure in the chest) and heart attack. Return to top
    What causes CHD?
    Both men and women can get CHD. It can be hereditary (run in your family). It might also develop as you get older and plaque builds up in your arteries over the years. You may get CHD if you are overweight or if you have high blood pressure or diabetes. High cholesterol may also lead to CHD (see below). CHD can stem from making unhealthy choices such as smoking, eating a high-fat diet and not exercising enough. Return to top
    What is cholesterol?

    139. Discovery Health Heart Disease And Diet
    Certain major risk factors have been shown to increase a person s chances of developing heart disease. heart disease and diet. By Kimberly Tessmer, RD, LD.

    140. Coronary Heart Disease
    Coronary heart Disease. Information CHD). National service framework (NSF) for coronary heart disease. March 2000 blueprint for tackling CHD.
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    Policy and guidance Publications and statistics ... Procurement and proposals
    Department of Health
    You are here: Homepage Policy and guidance Health and social care topics Coronary Heart Disease
    Coronary Heart Disease
    National service framework (NSF) for coronary heart disease
    March 2000 blueprint for tackling CHD. Sets out detailed directions and goals for improved CHD services all over England. National service framework (NSF) for coronary heart disease NSF related publications
    Newsbeat is the thrice yearly newsletter produced by the CHD Collaborative and the Department of Health. Newsbeat
    National Defibrillator Programme
    Project to install automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) in busy public centres like airports and shopping malls, and to train employees in life support techniques. 12000 people suffer a cardiac arrest in a public place each year, and the project aims to increase the proportion who survive to one in five.

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