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         Halitosis:     more books (55)
  1. Bad Breath Secrets - What Your Doctor Didn't Tell You About Halitosis
  2. Halitosis A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References by Icon Health Publications, 1980
  3. Avoiding halitosis of the mind: Helping professional ethics-- history, concepts, common rules by Harvey Henderson Hillin, 2002
  4. The causes of halitosis or foul breath by William T Cathell, 1895
  5. Mechanical nut twisters:or, The hot air halitosis of change agents in the church of Christ as advocated by Lynn Anderson by Wayne Coats, 1996
  6. Human Body Odor: Etiology, Treatment, and Related Factors by Masumi Inaba, Yoshikata Inaba, 1992-10-27
  7. Estimation of association constants between oral malodor components and various native and derivatized cyclodextrins [An article from: Analytica Chimica Acta] by A.W. Lantz, M.A. Rodriguez, et all
  8. Bad Breath: Research Perspectives, 2nd edition
  9. 60 Cures for Bad Breath by Lynn Beck, 2010-09-10
  10. Getting Rid Of Bad Breath by Jack Earl, 2009-01-27
  11. Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue by Alexander Hume, 2009-07-31
  12. Breath Malodor: A Step-by-step Approach by Daniel Van Steenberghe, 2004-05
  13. How To Win Your War Against Bad Breath by wings of success, 2010-08-10
  14. Determining the Age of Cattle by the Teeth by GEORGE W. POPE, 2009-06-01

41. Halitosis Enfermedades Sistémicas
Translate this page halitosis. CONDICIONES SISTEMICAS Y halitosis. La putrefacción bacterianade las sustancias químicas es la que causa mayormente la halitosis.
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Anterior CONDICIONES SISTEMICAS Y HALITOSIS La halitosis es un trastorno secundario común entre los pacientes con xerostomía, o boca seca crónica, que a menudo es la consecuencia del avance de los años o de la irradiación de la cabeza y nuca, que se emplea para el tratamiento de muchos cánceres. Los medicamentos de uso más común, como los antihistamínicos, los antihipertensivos, y los que se utilizan para combatir la depresión en la enfermedad de Parkinson, pueden provocar xerostomía como efecto secundario. La función salival de los pacientes con xerostomía se debilita, lo que puede agravar o precipitar la periodontitis o simplemente aumentar la concentración salival de los csvs, aumentando por tanto su concentración en el aire espirado. Una disminución en el flujo salival asociado con los ciclos circadianos del sueño es lo que provoca el aliento matinal, que tantos conocen. Otras causas bucales de la halitosis pueden ser la ulceración a causa de diabetes, herpes o trauma, las complicaciones postoperatorias de una amidalectomía, o cirugía reconstructora oral, cánceres bucales, abscesos dentales, candidiasis, alimentos impactados, restauraciones inapropiadas de los dientes, uso de productos de tabaco y dentaduras sucias. Desde hace siglos se ha reconocido que los alimentos ricos en compuestos de sulfuro, como ajos, cebollas o curries (que contienen ambos), son otras de las causas de olor desagradable. Finalmente cualquier número de medicamentos (entre ellos, disulfiram, dinitrato de isosorbide, amonio triclorotelurado, incluso la tetraciclina), puede provocar halitosis como efecto secundario.

42. Halitosis
Translate this page Como su nombre lo indica, la halitosis, o mal aliento, es el olor desagradabledel aliento. Sus halitosis (mal aliento). InformaRN. Como
Bahasa Indonesia Nederlands English Español Português Halitosis (mal aliento) InformaRN Como su nombre lo indica, la halitosis, o mal aliento, es el olor desagradable del aliento. Sus causas más comunes son ciertos alimentos o sustancias que se han ingerido, una enfermedad dental o de las encías o la fermentación de partículas de alimento en la boca. La halitosis puede ser también un síntoma de ciertas enfermedades que afectan a todo el organismo, como una enfermedad del hígado, una diabetes mal controlada, insuficiencia renal o una enfermedad de los pulmones o de la boca. Pero la causa principal es, sin duda alguna, la combinación de residuos alimentarios entre los dientes y una mala o escasa higiene bucal, la cual crea un buen caldo de cultivo para las bacterias y, por tanto, para las infecciones. Este problema se soluciona cepillando los dientes adecuadamente y utilizando seda dental. El mal aliento rara vez es causado por problemas intestinales, ya que el esfínter, en la entrada del estómago, está cerrado permanentemente y sólo se abre durante la ingestión de alimentos; por lo tanto, no pueden subir los olores hasta la boca. Cierto es que, cuando en el esófago o en el estómago se presenta un tumor, se segrega un líquido de sabor nauseabundo o gas maloliente en la boca. Los olores de alimentos que contienen aceites volátiles, como la cebolla y el ajo, pasan del flujo sanguíneo a los pulmones y son espirados con la respiración. Estos olores no se pueden eliminar con la sola higiene bucal. Todo lo anteriormente dicho se refiere a la halitosis real, pero hay otro tipo llamado halitosis psicogénica o imaginaria. La persona en cuestión está convencida de que tiene mal aliento, cuando no es así. Este problema se presenta en personas que tienden a exagerar las sensaciones normales del cuerpo. A veces la causa es un trastorno mental como la esquizofrenia o la paranoia.

43. Halitosis
Translate this page halitosis (Mundgeruch) Dr. R. Seemann. Obwohl viele Menschen unter halitosisleiden, wird dieses Thema oft eher stiefmütterlich behandelt.
Halitosis (Mundgeruch)
Dr. R. Seemann
weitere Artikel zum Thema Halitosis
Alles über Halitosis (Ursachen)
ZM 90 (5) 1.3.2000 (S. 502)
Alles über Halitosis (Diagnostik und Therapie)
ZM (6) 16.3.2000 (S. 644)
Einleitung Ursachen Diagnostik Behandlung ... Sprechstunde
Geruch aus dem Mund wird in der Literatur durch verschiedene heute meist synonym gebrauchte Begriffe wie Halitosis, Foetor ex ore, bad breath oder oral malodour charakterisiert. Schon Hippokrates hat sich mit ihm und seiner Beseitigung auseinandergesetzt. Obwohl viele Menschen unter Halitosis leiden, wird dieses Thema oft eher stiefmütterlich behandelt. Kaum ein Arzt oder Zahnarzt weiß, wie man Mundgeruch wirksam bekämpft. Erst seit wenigen Jahren wird wieder intensiv auf diesem Gebiet geforscht, und es zeigte sich, daß die Zahnarztpraxis bei der Behandlung der meisten Fälle eine wichtige Schlüsselrolle einnimmt. zurück zum Imhaltsverzeichnis
zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis Tabelle 1: Ursachen von Halitosis
Mundbereich Zungenbelag, mangelnde Mundpflege, Parodontitis, Akut nekrotisierende ulzerierende Gingivitis (ANUG), trockene Alveole, Perikoronitis, "offene" Wurzelkanäle, Gingivostomatitis herpetica

44. Halitosis
halitosis is the technical term for bad breath, a condition estimated to affect50 to 65% of the population. Search halitosis. Also indexed as Bad Breath.

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45. Bad Breath
Bad Breath (halitosis). Bad breath (halitosis) can cause embarrassment, createsocial and psychological barriers , and even affect marriages. CAUSES
Bad Breath (Halitosis) Bad breath (halitosis) can cause embarrassment, create social and psychological barriers , and even affect marriages. CAUSES: The majority of bad breath problems begin in the mouth.
  • Bad breath that is of oral cavity origin can be traced to a sulfur compound produced by bacteria. Dead and dying bacterial cells release this sulfur compound which gives the breath an unpleasant odor. Bacterial plaque and food debris accumulate on the back of the tongue. The tongue's surface is extremely rough and bacteria can accumulate easily in the cracks and crevices. Large amounts of sulfur compounds can be produced in this area, making it a frequent site of origin for bad breath. The tooth attracts bacteria containing plaque and if not cleaned regularly and thoroughly, this can result in large accumulations of bacteria which result in bad breath. People who have periodontitis often experience bad breath because of bacteria accumulating in areas that are not cleaned easily, such as deep pockets around teeth. Fortunately, treatment is very effective for people who have bad breath of mouth origin.

46. Halitosis
Hi. I am doing a Science Fair Project about bad breath and halitosis.I afterwards. Bad breath (halitosis) can be caused by many things.
The College The Center Hi. I am doing a Science Fair Project about bad breath and Halitosis. I am trying to find out how efficient mouthwash is in killing Halitosis-causing bacteria and also which mouthwash is best. It would help me a lot if you could send me any pamphlets you have on mouthwash, bacteria that causes bad breath, bad breath, or Halitosis. Could you also please write back on any of the above topics? I would appreciate it if you could reply to the above email as I have to turn in a review of my research to my biology class, but any reply is appreciated as I will continue to research afterwards.
Bad breath (halitosis) can be caused by many things. It may be the result of odor-causing foods, tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease, continued mouth dryness, use of tobacco products, sinus or respiratory infections, some medical disorders, inadequate oral hygiene or some medications. Your dentist can help identify the cause and, if it is due to an oral condition, can develop a treatment plan to eliminate this common source of embarrassment. The American Dental Association website has an excellent discussion of halitosis.

47. Bad Breath
halitosis. Arizona Breath Clinic products and information about bad breath. Bad BreathInformation concerning treatment, prevention and diagnosis of halitosis.
Our Aims Services Stats ... Z Halitosis Arizona Breath Clinic products and information about bad breath. Bad Breath Information concerning treatment, prevention and diagnosis of halitosis. Bad Breath Research Fresh Breath Centers Illinois dentist treating halitosis. Fresh Breath Clinic Toronto, Ontario clinic dedicated to the treatment of halitosis, dry mouth, and other bad breath problems. Fresh Breath Resource Center - Answers to questions about halitosis. Norville Fresh Breath Center - Distributor of the Therabreath system. Webmaster . Site Design by Ability "see the ability, not the disability" Acknowledgments

48. Go Ask Alice!: More On Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Body maintenance. More on bad breath (halitosis). Originally Published May23, 1997 / Updated on May 21, 2004. Printer Friendly Version. Dear Alice,.
Mac users: please note that our site is optimized for the Safari browser Body maintenance More on bad breath (Halitosis) Originally Published: May 23, 1997 Dear Alice, Like many people, I often have an embarrassing bad breath. Listerine and other mouthwashes won't be of any help for this chronic problem. There are lots of products available to get rid of "volatile sulfur compounds (VSC)" - that supposedly cause this - and I just don't know which one I should try. Also, what's your opinion on tongue-brushing? Thanks! Evil Breath Dear Evil Breath, Alice is certain everyone has, at one time or another, cupped a hand over her/his mouth to check whether her/his breath is fair or foul. When it comes to social situations, it is not uncommon for many Americans to be consciously aware of the way their breath smells to others. It can be embarrassing to have bad breath, particularly when you are conversing with someone face-to-face. You don't want to turn them off, or be faced with watching them back away, making negative facial expressions, and/or turning up their noses, every time you open your mouth. Seriously, bad breath is a common enough concern that it has helped boost the businesses of manufacturers of over-the-counter breath freshening products. However, you are right to point out that bad breath does not disappear with the use of breath mints, gums, sprays, mouthwashes, and the like because they only temporarily mask bad breath odors. So, instead of popping a mint in your mouth every five minutes, what are the more long-lasting alternatives?

49. Halitosis
halitosis is the technical term for bad breath, a condition estimated to affect50 to 65% of the population. halitosis. Also indexed as Bad Breath.
Halitosis Also indexed as: Bad Breath Halitosis is the technical term for bad breath, a condition estimated to affect 50 to 65% of the population. Up to 90% of cases are thought to originate from sources in the mouth, including poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease , coating on the tongue, impacted food, faulty dental restorations, and throat infections. The remaining 10% are due to systemic disorders, such as peptic ulcer (when associated with infection), lung infections (bad breath can be the first sign in some cases), liver or kidney disease, diabetes mellitus cancer In most cases, bad breath in the mouth can be traced to sulfur gases produced by bacteria in the mouth. Factors that support the growth of these bacteria will predispose a person to halitosis. Examples include accumulation of food within pockets around the teeth, among the bumps at the back of the tongue, or in small pockets in the tonsils; sloughed cells from the mouth; and diminished saliva flow. Mucus in the throat or sinuses can also serve as a breeding ground for bacteria. Conditions are most favorable for odor production during the night and between meals. Although bad breath primarily represents a source of embarrassment or annoyance, research has shown that the sulfur gases most responsible for halitosis (hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan) are also potentially damaging to the tissues in the mouth, and can lead to

50. - Health - Men's Health - Halitosis
Men s Health Physical health. halitosis by Dr Rob Hicks What is it? What happens? Treatments.What is it? halitosis is the medical term for bad breath.
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Men's Health - Physical health
Halitosis by Dr Rob Hicks What is it? What happens? Why does it happen? ... Treatments What is it? Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath. It's very common and affects most people from time to time. Social anxiety, embarrassment, and isolation are its main effect on someone once they realise their breath smells. The effects range from simply not getting a snog to (in rare cases) suicide What happens? Friends and colleagues usually notice the malodour before the individual does. The majority of sufferers are oblivious to the fact that they have bad breath until a good friend points it out to them. Once aware that they have bad breath they'll often obsessively check their breath (remember the time when Mr Bean was waiting to meet royalty at a film premiere?) going to extremes to ensure that their breath doesn't smell, even after they've solved the problem. Why does it happen?

51. Health - Ask The Doctor - Halitosis
Ask the Doctor. Q halitosis I have a terrible problem with halitosis. Despitetaking a lot of care of my teeth and gums, it s still bad and ruining my life.
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Ask the Doctor
Q: Halitosis... I have a terrible problem with halitosis. Despite taking a lot of care of my teeth and gums, it's still bad and ruining my life. What can I do? Sukhchain Dr Trisha Macnair responds Halitosis is very common and most of the causes are fairly simple things which you can try to take some action on. Occasionally some illnesses cause bad breath, such as kidney failure or liver failure (in fact, doctors are taught to smell their patients breath in order to look out for these!) But if you are otherwise well, then these are unlikely to be causing your problem (check with your doctor if you're worried). People often laugh at bad breath - but it is a very serious problem and has lead to social isolation, divorce and even suicide. Causes of bad breath The bad smell usually comes from chemical molecules which contain sulphur. These are produced by the breakdown of proteins in the diet by bacteria which normally live in the mouth. But other factors are important too. These include:
  • Tooth decay and gum disease: This is the number one cause of bad breath so I'm glad to hear that you take good care of your teeth.

52. Pet Halitosis
halitosis. halitosis, also granuloma complex. Diagnostic Procedures Hydrogensulfide and mercaptans are the primary components of halitosis.
Halitosis Halitosis, also called bad breath, foul breath, malodor, foetor ex ore, and fetor oris is defined as an offensive odor emanating from the oral cavity. Bad breath is a common pet odor complaint. Causes may be oral (most common) or extraoral (rare). The sour milk odor accompanying periodontal disease may result from the bacterial population associated with plaque, calculus, unhealthy tissues, decomposing food particles retained within the oral cavity, or the rotten meat odor emanating from tissue necrosis. Contrary to common belief, neither normal lung air or stomach aroma contributes to halitosis. The most common cause of halitosis is periodontal disease caused by plaque (bacteria). Bacteria is attracted to the pellicle (an acellular film formed from the precipitation of salivary glycoproteins). In the freshly cleaned and polished tooth a glycoprotein layer forms over the tooth as soon as the patient starts to salivate. Bacteria attaches to the pellicle within 6-8 hours. Within days, the plaque becomes mineralized producing calculus. As plaque ages and gingivitis develops into periodontitis (bone loss), the bacterial flora changes from a predominantly non-motile gram-positive aerobic coccoid flora to a more motile, gram-negative anaerobic population including: Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, and Actinomyces species. Most patients suffering from halitosis have oral causes, the remaining are caused by, dermatologic, metabolic, respiratory, or gastrointestinal disease.

53. Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Persistent Bad Breath (halitosis) I have suffered from halitosis for overseven years now. Bad breath (halitosis) can have many possible causes.,,165942_168460,00.html
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54. Health Report - 8/4/1997: Halitosis Or Bad Breath
Bad breath or halitosis is a common condition There are medical reasons for badbreath such as diabetes or infection but someone whos studying the common or

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Halitosis or Bad Breath
Broadcast Monday 4 August 1997
with Summary:
Bad breath or halitosis is a common condition - There are medical reasons for bad breath, such as diabetes or infection, but someone who's studying the common or garden form, in otherwise healthy people, is Dr Beatrice Gandara of the University of Washington, Seattle. Transcript:
Well bad breath or halitosis is a common condition - and for some reason, I can't imagine why, mostly experienced by other people. There are medical reasons for bad breath, such as diabetes or infection, but someone who's studying the common or garden form, in otherwise healthy people, is Dr Beatrice Gandara of the University of Washington, Seattle. Dr Gandara: Bacteria breaking down protein in the mouth is what produces these compounds called volatile sulphur compounds that are sort of the essence of bad breath. Everybody can have bad breath at some point, and usually the most common time is like first thing when you wake up in the morning - morning breath. And that's very common and it doesn't indicate bad health, or anything like that. Norman Swan: And is that due to dental hygiene - it's just that there's been food trapped in your mouth and it's been rotting overnight?

55. Halitosis (Bad Breath)
halitosis is a common problem with many causes. Many foods and drinks can causemild to severe halitosis (garlic, onions, cheeses, alcohol, etc,).
VOLUNTEER DENTAL PROJECT (AND THESE KIDS!) NEED YOUR HELP! ...CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW Steven R. Pohlhaus, DDS, FAGD Home Laser Dentistry One Hour Whitening Esthetic Dentistry ... Bruxism(Teeth Grinding) [ Halitosis (Bad Breath) ] Dental Prevention Gingivitis Periodontal Disease Toothache ...
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Halitosis is a common problem with many causes. This vexing problem can be broken down into three main sources, the determination of which is needed in order to resolve.....external, intraoral, and extraoral. External Causes - This is the most widespread cause of transient bad breath. Many foods and drinks can cause mild to severe halitosis (garlic, onions, cheeses, alcohol, etc,). Most people are aware of these culprits and they cause little chronic problem. Smoking is a real breath killer, which can only be controlled by quitting. Intraoral Causes- The mouth itself is by far the most common source of halitosis. The culprits here are bacteria producing volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). These bacteria are found throughout the mouth but are most common on the surface of the tongue and in the tissue pocket below the gum line adjacent to each tooth. These bacteria thrive with poor oral hygiene and gum disease states (

56. From Subject Chronic Halitosis Posted
From Subject Chronic halitosis PostedBy xx119 (DoctorsOffice Moderator) Organization Organization For Community Networks Date
Subject: Chronic Halitosis
Posted-By: xx119 (Doctors Office Moderator)
Organization: Organization For Community Networks
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 12:59:29 GMT
Newsgroups: I would like to know what can be done about chronic halitosis. My dentist can find no reason for it,and advised me to see a doctor.My doctor found no cause,and referred me to an ear,nose and throat specialist. He found nothing definite,but did suggest surgery to open my breathing pasages,which was done. Other seemingly related symptoms are a coated tongue and sometimes an irritable-bowel syndrome.I have eliminated most caffeine to help that problem. This is my only serious health problem,and its an embarrassing an frustrating one. Is there some way to find the cause? Answer - Chronic halitosis (offensive or foul breath) has multiple causes. While the symptom may seem more of a nuisance and an embarrassment it can occasionally be a sign of serious, even systemic illness. Halitosis may be normal or physiologic. This would be typically seen in so called "morning breath" which results from enzymatic breakdown of cellular proteins and amino acids. Other physiologic origins of halitosis include hunger, dehydration, or it may be related to the ingestion of certain foods.

57. Halitosis - Bad Breath
halitosis (Bad breath). Check Out Related Multimedia.
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About SpeakThis
Though it may wound your pride, your darling grandchild may actually be doing you a favor by announcing so bluntly: 'Yuck you have bad breath.' Strangely enough, people who have halitosis are usually the last to know. The good news is, you don't have to put up with it any more. 'There's a way to control it,' says Dr. Barry Cash, a dentist who's operated the Fresh Breath Center in Toronto since 1995. 'It's certainly not a cure it's like having diabetes there's only control for the disorder, not a cure for it. But as long as you maintain whatever program you're on, you'll be able to keep it under control.'

58. Bad Breath Treatment, Halitosis, Gum Disease, Plaque, Gingivitis And Sensitive T
Discusses role of bacteria in bad breath (halitosis), painful gums, plaque, sensitiveteeth and experience with a herbal mouthwash in overcoming sensitive

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9. Bad breath (halitosis), gum disease, gum surgery, plaque and sensitive teeth
Bacteria play an important role in many dental problems such as bad breath (halitosis), gum disease, plaque and possibly sensitive teeth. Bad breath is generally known to be caused by volatile sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulfide. These compounds are produced by bacterial and cellular degradation. Plaque also starts out with a sticky film of live bacteria. If it is not removed at this stage, it starts growing on the sugar and minerals and hardens to become calculus which may lead to gum irritation, gingivitis and eventually to periodontal disease.

59. Preventing Bad Breath And Halitosis
bad breath myths. Bad Breath Relief Center Home. Everything You Wanted to KnowAbout Eliminating Bad Breath. Tips and Techniques for Eliminating Bad Breath.

Bad Breath Relief Center Home
Everything You Wanted to Know About Eliminating Bad Breath Tips and Techniques for Eliminating Bad Breath 5 Common Bad Breath Myths ... Frequently Asked Questions About Bad Breath
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to send a gentle, anonymous message to a friend with bad breath.
Bad Breath Cure Complete system provides absolutely everything you need for fresh breath.
Advanced formula toothpaste, mouthwash, and breath spray fight bad breath at the source, for incredibly clean, fresh breath. Guaranteed or your money back. CLICK HERE
Many believe they can smell their own breath odor by cupping their hands between their mouth and nose. Unfortunately, we can not tell if our breath smells because we become accustomed to our own odors. Additionally, in many cases, we do not produce bad breath until we talk. This is because bad breath often originates near the back of the mouth and is propelled forward and out of the mouth only when we speak. A more accurate assessment of bad breath can be performed by a dentist using a device called a halimeter. The patient blows into a straw like tube attached to the halimeter and the machine measures the amount of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) in the breath. These volatile sulfur compounds are what give breath its bad smell.
MYTH 2: Bad Breath Comes From the Stomach
A common misperception is that bad breath arises from the stomach. While an extremely small percentage of bad breath problems may be due to stomach and digestive problems, the overwhelming majority of bad breath arises from the back of the mouth. Here bacteria feed on mucus and food particles creating odorous sulfur compounds.

60. Preventing Bad Breath And Halitosis
BAD BREATH TIPS. Bad Breath Relief Center Home. Everything You Wanted to KnowAbout Eliminating Bad Breath. Tips and Techniques for Eliminating Bad Breath.

Bad Breath Relief Center Home
Everything You Wanted to Know About Eliminating Bad Breath Tips and Techniques for Eliminating Bad Breath 5 Common Bad Breath Myths ... Frequently Asked Questions About Bad Breath
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to send a gentle, anonymous message to a friend with bad breath.
I brush my teeth constantly but I still have bad breath. What can I do ? Bad Breath Cure Complete system provides absolutely everything you need for fresh breath.
Advanced formula toothpaste, mouthwash, and breath spray fight bad breath at the source, for incredibly clean, fresh breath. Guaranteed or your money back. CLICK HERE
Brushing and flossing your teeth are crucial first steps to eliminating bad breath. Brushing and flossing remove bacteria responsible for creating odorous sulfur compounds as well as remove the food particles that bacteria feed on. Bacteria, however, hide not only on the teeth but also on the tongue under a layer of mucous, food, and debris. Here they are free to once again create odorous sulfur compounds. A tongue cleaner is extremely effective at removing this protective mucous, food, and debris layer from the tongue exposing the offending bacteria.

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