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41. Halitosis Enfermedades Sistémicas Translate this page halitosis. CONDICIONES SISTEMICAS Y halitosis. La putrefacción bacterianade las sustancias químicas es la que causa mayormente la halitosis. http://geosalud.com/saluddental/halitosis5.htm | |
42. Halitosis Translate this page Como su nombre lo indica, la halitosis, o mal aliento, es el olor desagradabledel aliento. Sus halitosis (mal aliento). InformaRN. Como http://www.rnw.nl/informarn/html/cie010219_halitosis.html | |
43. Halitosis Translate this page halitosis (Mundgeruch) Dr. R. Seemann. Obwohl viele Menschen unter halitosisleiden, wird dieses Thema oft eher stiefmütterlich behandelt. http://www.charite.de/praevmed/patient/Halitosis/halitosis.html | |
44. Halitosis halitosis is the technical term for bad breath, a condition estimated to affect50 to 65% of the population. Search halitosis. Also indexed as Bad Breath. http://www.vitacost.com/science/hn/Concern/Halitosis.htm | |
45. Bad Breath Bad Breath (halitosis). Bad breath (halitosis) can cause embarrassment, createsocial and psychological barriers , and even affect marriages. CAUSES http://www.umanitoba.ca/outreach/wisdomtooth/badbreat.htm | |
46. Halitosis Hi. I am doing a Science Fair Project about bad breath and halitosis.I afterwards. Bad breath (halitosis) can be caused by many things. http://www.tambcd.edu/DentalCE/askdoc/html/halitosis.html | |
47. Bad Breath halitosis. Arizona Breath Clinic products and information about bad breath. Bad BreathInformation concerning treatment, prevention and diagnosis of halitosis. http://www.ability.org.uk/Halitosis.html | |
48. Go Ask Alice!: More On Bad Breath (Halitosis) Body maintenance. More on bad breath (halitosis). Originally Published May23, 1997 / Updated on May 21, 2004. Printer Friendly Version. Dear Alice,. http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/1189.html | |
49. Halitosis halitosis is the technical term for bad breath, a condition estimated to affect50 to 65% of the population. halitosis. Also indexed as Bad Breath. http://www.mycustompak.com/healthNotes/Concern/Halitosis.htm | |
50. Bbc.co.uk - Health - Men's Health - Halitosis Men s Health Physical health. halitosis by Dr Rob Hicks What is it? What happens? Treatments.What is it? halitosis is the medical term for bad breath. http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/mens/cond_halitosis.shtml | |
51. Bbc.co.uk Health - Ask The Doctor - Halitosis Ask the Doctor. Q halitosis I have a terrible problem with halitosis. Despitetaking a lot of care of my teeth and gums, it s still bad and ruining my life. http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/ask_doctor/halitosis.shtml | |
52. Pet Halitosis halitosis. halitosis, also granuloma complex. Diagnostic Procedures Hydrogensulfide and mercaptans are the primary components of halitosis. http://www.floss.com/pethalitosis.htm | |
53. Bad Breath (Halitosis) Persistent Bad Breath (halitosis) I have suffered from halitosis for overseven years now. Bad breath (halitosis) can have many possible causes. http://www.ivillagehealth.com/experts/ent/qas/0,,165942_168460,00.html | |
54. Health Report - 8/4/1997: Halitosis Or Bad Breath Bad breath or halitosis is a common condition There are medical reasons for badbreath such as diabetes or infection but someone whos studying the common or http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/helthrpt/stories/s222.htm | |
55. Halitosis (Bad Breath) halitosis is a common problem with many causes. Many foods and drinks can causemild to severe halitosis (garlic, onions, cheeses, alcohol, etc,). http://www.stevedds.com/halitosis_(bad_breath).htm | |
56. From Anonymous@usa.pipeline.com Subject Chronic Halitosis Posted From anonymous@usa.pipeline.com Subject Chronic halitosis PostedBy xx119 (DoctorsOffice Moderator) Organization Organization For Community Networks Date http://www.ofcn.org/cyber.serv/hwp/hwc/ent/news/ent017.html | |
57. Halitosis - Bad Breath halitosis (Bad breath). Check Out Related Multimedia. http://www.seniormag.com/caregiverresources/articles/halitosis.htm | |
58. Bad Breath Treatment, Halitosis, Gum Disease, Plaque, Gingivitis And Sensitive T Discusses role of bacteria in bad breath (halitosis), painful gums, plaque, sensitiveteeth and experience with a herbal mouthwash in overcoming sensitive http://www.sensiblehealth.com/halitosis.html | |
59. Preventing Bad Breath And Halitosis bad breath myths. Bad Breath Relief Center Home. Everything You Wanted to KnowAbout Eliminating Bad Breath. Tips and Techniques for Eliminating Bad Breath. http://www.saveyoursmile.com/fb/fbmyths.html | |
60. Preventing Bad Breath And Halitosis BAD BREATH TIPS. Bad Breath Relief Center Home. Everything You Wanted to KnowAbout Eliminating Bad Breath. Tips and Techniques for Eliminating Bad Breath. http://www.saveyoursmile.com/fb/fbfaq.html | |
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