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21. ADA.org: Oral Health Topics: Bad Breath (Halitosis) Frequently Asked Questions Find answers to your questions with this helpful reference about Bad Breath(halitosis). Oral Health Topics AZ. Bad Breath (halitosis). http://www.ada.org/public/topics/bad_breath_faq.asp | |
22. The Metro - Dallas/FtWorth Lewisville, TX. Cosmetic dentistry. Information on halitosis (bad breath) and gum diseases. http://www.themetro.com/rcd/ | |
23. Bad Breath, Halitosis, & Bad Breath Cures From TheraBreath & California Breath C Cure bad breath, halitosis, dry mouth, and sour tastes with various oral treatmentsavailable from the leaders of bad breath cures Therabreath, a company of http://www.therabreath.com/ | |
24. Dental Tooth Whitening .com Professional dental care, tooth whitening systems for teeth bleaching and remedies for bad breath and halitosis. http://www.dental-tooth-whitening.com | |
25. Halitosis Horror Stories - You're Not Alone! 17. halitosis Horror Stories You re Not Alone. 18. True Stories from those whohave suffered with Bad Breath and halitosis - Is your story like this one? http://www.therabreath.com/art_halitosis.asp | |
26. Home Specializes in restorations, porcelain crowns, dental implants, porcelain veneers, halitosis treatment, and nonsurgical gum treatment. http://www.cdct-p.com/ | |
27. Halitosis Health Problems halitosis What is halitosis? Bronchiectasis, an infection and enlargementof the bronchial tubes, and lung abscess can also cause halitosis. http://www.internethealthlibrary.com/Health-problems/Halitosis.htm | |
28. Sheffield AL Alabama Dentist Dr Howard R Gamble TMJ TMD Cosmetic Dentistry Specializes in cosmetic dentistry and jaw joint problems. Includes professional biography and affiliations, dental technology, and articles on halitosis, snoring, and common procedures and conditions. http://www.alabamasmiles.com/ | |
29. Halitosis ... Treating Bad Breath halitosis Treating Bad Breath. First of all, thorough brushing toremove food particles is a daily necessity. Regular check-ups http://www.qualitydentistry.com/dental/halitosis/treatment.html | |
30. Scott E West D.D.S. General dentistry, cosmetics, implants, halitosis prevention, dentures, bridges, crowns. 24 hour emergency treatment available. http://www.perfect-teeth.com/ | |
31. Halitosis ... Risk Factors For Bad Breath halitosis Risk Factors for Bad Breath. A person with bad breath is rarely awareof his offense. The halitosis promptly went away after a safe arrival. http://www.qualitydentistry.com/dental/halitosis/rfactors.html | |
32. Filson Gentle Dentistry Cosmetic, restorative, family dentistry. Tips on dry mouth for seniors, poorly fitting dentures and halitosis (bad breath). Free monthly email newsletter. http://filsongentledentistry.com/ | |
33. Bad Breath (halitosis) Bad breath (halitosis). Reviewed by Ms Lisa Taylor, dentist. What causesbad breath? Most people suffer from bad breath occasionally. http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/badbreath.htm | |
34. Chicago Illinois Dentist: Chicago Cosmetic Dentistry, Oral Care North loop. General, restorative and cosmetic services, also halitosis, sleep apnea, TMJ treatment. Fact sheets, virtual tour, office hours, map. http://www.drfiss.com/ | |
35. Bad Breath (halitosis) Yet halitosis is a common and universal problem that can lead to a significantamount of social disharmony and embarrassment. Bad breath (halitosis). http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/hilaryjones/embarrassingprobs/badbreath.htm | |
36. Bad Breath Treatment, Assessment, Research -- Fresh Breath Clinic® A clinic dedicated to the treatment of halitosis, dry mouth, and other bad breath problems. http://freshbreath.ca/ | |
37. Halitosis halitosis (bad breath) may be caused by medications, diseases, food, gum disease,liver disease, gastric disorders. Search. Men s Health halitosis. http://menshealth.about.com/library/glossary/bldef-halitosis.htm | |
38. Bad Breath Treatment Center - Bad Breath, Halitosis, Sonicare Our bad breath treament can rid you of bad breath, halitosis for life. Wealso carry sonicare products. Common Questions. halitosis and Causes. http://www.breathcure.com/ | |
39. Halitosis halitosis. me about collection. This document focuses on bad breath(halitosis) and is in a Q A format. Issues covered include http://omni.ac.uk/browse/mesh/C0018520L0018520.html | |
40. Halitosis Translate this page halitosis. INTRODUCCION. halitosis, o mal aliento, es una afecciónde la que se da cuenta muy a menudo. Sea en forma http://geosalud.com/saluddental/halitosis.htm | |
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